13.11 GET Functions

These functions retrieve column values. There is one function for each supported data type.


function get_varchar2 (
    p_context     in t_context,
    p_column_idx  in pls_integer ) return varchar2;
function get_number (
    p_context    in t_context,
    p_column_idx in pls_integer ) return number;

function get_date (
    p_context    in t_context,
    p_column_idx in pls_integer ) return date;

function get_timestamp (
    p_context    in t_context,
    p_column_idx in pls_integer ) return timestamp;

function get_timestamp_tz (
    p_context    in t_context,
    p_column_idx in pls_integer ) return timestamp with time zone;

function get_timestamp_ltz (
    p_context    in t_context,
    p_column_idx in pls_integer ) return timestamp with local time zone;

function get_clob (
    p_context    in t_context,
    p_column_idx in pls_integer ) return clob;

function get_intervald2s (
    p_context    in t_context,
    p_column_idx in pls_integer ) return interval day to second;

function get_intervaly2m (
    p_context    in t_context,
    p_column_idx in pls_integer ) return interval year to month;


Table 13-9 GET Function Parameters

Parameter Description


Context object obtained with one of the OPEN_ functions.


Column index.


Column value as specific data type.