10.1 Constants and Attributes used for Result Types

The following constants are used for the API parameter p_display_location and the attribute display_location in the t_error and t_error_result types.

c_inline_with_field            constant varchar2(40):='INLINE_WITH_FIELD';
c_inline_with_field_and_notif  constant varchar2(40):='INLINE_WITH_FIELD_AND_NOTIFICATION';
c_inline_in_notification       constant varchar2(40):='INLINE_IN_NOTIFICATION';
c_on_error_page                constant varchar2(40):='ON_ERROR_PAGE';

The following constants are used for the API parameter associated_type in the t_error type.

c_ass_type_page_item           constant varchar2(30):='PAGE_ITEM';
c_ass_type_region              constant varchar2(30):='REGION';
c_ass_type_region_column       constant varchar2(30):='REGION_COLUMN';

The following record structure is passed into an error handling callout function and contains all the relevant information about the error.

type t_error is record (
    message  varchar2(32767),             /* Error message which will be displayed */
    additional_info varchar2(32767),      /* Only used for display_location ON_ERROR_PAGE to display additional error information */
    display_location  varchar2(40),       /* Use constants "used for display_location" below */
    association_type  varchar2(40),       /* Use constants "used for asociation_type" below */
    page_item_name    varchar2(255),      /* Associated page item name */
    region_id         number,             /* Associated tabular form region id of the primary application */
    column_alias      varchar2(255),      /* Associated tabular form column alias */
    row_num           pls_integer,        /* Associated tabular form row */
    is_internal_error boolean,            /* Set to TRUE if it's a critical error raised by the APEX engine, like an invalid SQL/PLSQL statements, ... Internal Errors are always displayed on the Error Page */
    apex_error_code   varchar2(255),      /* Contains the system message code if it's an error raised by APEX */
    ora_sqlcode       number,             /* SQLCODE on exception stack which triggered the error, NULL if the error was not raised by an ORA error */
    ora_sqlerrm      varchar2(32767),     /* SQLERRM which triggered the error, NULL if the error was not raised by an ORA error */
   error_backtrace   varchar2(32767),     /* Output of sys.dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace or sys.dbms_utility.format_call_stack */
   error_statement   varchar2(32767),     /* Statement that was parsed when the error occurred - only suitable when parsing caused the error */
   component         apex.t_component /* Component which has been processed when the error occurred */

The following record structure must be returned by an error handling callout function.

type t_error_result is record (
   message          varchar2(32767), /* Error message which will be displayed */
   additional_info  varchar2(32767), /* Only used for display_location ON_ERROR_PAGE to display additional error information */
   display_location varchar2(40),    /* Use constants "used for display_location" below */
   page_item_name   varchar2(255),   /* Associated page item name */
   column_alias     varchar2(255)    /* Associated tabular form column alias */