B SQL*Plus Scripts for TimesTen Cache

This appendix lists the SQL*Plus scripts that are installed with TimesTen Cache used to perform various configuration, administrative and monitoring tasks, and provides links to more information including examples. All scripts are installed in the timesten_home/install/oraclescripts directory.

Installed SQL*Plus scripts

  • cacheCleanUp.sql: Drops Oracle Database objects such as change log tables and triggers used to implement autorefresh operations. Script is used when a TimesTen database containing autorefresh cache groups is unavailable because the TimesTen Classic system is offline, or the database was destroyed without dropping its autorefresh cache groups. Run this script as the cache administration user. See "Dropping Oracle Database objects used by autorefresh cache groups" for more information.

  • cacheInfo.sql: Returns change log table information for all Oracle Database tables cached in an autorefresh cache group, and information about Oracle Database objects used to track DDL statements issued on cached Oracle Database tables. Script is used to monitor autorefresh operations on cache groups and DDL statements issued on cached Oracle Database tables. Run this script as the cache administration user. See "Monitoring autorefresh operations on cache groups" and "Tracking DDL statements issued on cached Oracle Database tables" for more information.

  • grantCacheAdminPrivileges.sql: Grants privileges to the cache administration user that are required to automatically create Oracle Database objects used to manage the caching of Oracle Database data when particular cache group operations are performed. This includes the TT_CACHE_ADMIN_ROLE role that defines privileges on Oracle Database tables. Run this script as the sys user. See "Automatically create Oracle Database objects used to manage data caching" for more information.

  • initCacheAdminSchema.sql: Grants a minimal set of privileges to the cache administration user and manually creates Oracle Database objects used to manage the caching of Oracle Database data. This includes the TT_CACHE_ADMIN_ROLE role that defines privileges on Oracle Database tables. Run this script as the sys user. See "Manually create Oracle Database objects used to manage data caching" for more information.