10 Working with the Database Control Menu

This chapter describes the TimesTen database control menu. The database control menu displays options to control various aspects of your TimesTen database targets.

Topics include:

Viewing the database control menu

To view the database control menu, ensure that you are on the TimesTen database target page. For information on navigating to the TimesTen database target page, see "Navigating to the TimesTen target page".

From the TimesTen Database Home menu, select Control.

The TimesTen database control menu displays. Click a specific option to view TimesTen database controls. A description of each option follows:

Start/stop agents

Figure 10-1 Start/Stop Agents page

Description of Figure 10-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 10-1 Start/Stop Agents page''

The start/stop agents page enables you to start and stop the TimesTen replication and TimesTen cache agents. You can select a row and then click Start or Stop to control the TimesTen agents.

The start/stop agents page calls these built-in procedures to control the TimesTen agents:

  • ttCacheStart - This built-in procedure starts the TimesTen cache agent. For more information, see "ttCacheStart" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

  • ttCacheStop - This built-in procedure stops the TimesTen cache agent. For more information, see "ttCacheStop" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

  • ttRepStart - This built-in procedure starts the TimesTen replication agent. For more information, see "ttRepStart" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

  • ttRepStop - This built-in procedure stops the TimesTen replication agent. For more information, see "ttRepStop" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

Ram load/unload and policy settings

The Ram load/unload and policy settings page enables you to load and unload the TimesTen database from memory and change the RAM policy of the TimesTen database. This page contains two regions:

Load/unload RAM

Figure 10-2 Load/Unload RAM region

Description of Figure 10-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 10-2 Load/Unload RAM region''

The load/unload RAM region enables you to load and unload the TimesTen database from memory. You can also review the load status of the TimesTen database and current connections to your TimesTen database. The load and unload options are only available if your database RAM residence policy is set to Manual. You can click the Load button to load the database into memory. You can click the Unload button to unload the database from memory. Before unloading the TimesTen database from memory, ensure that all applications are disconnected from your TimesTen database. Also, ensure that you stop the cache and replication agents. For more information on stopping the cache and replication agents, see "Start/stop agents".

The load/unload RAM region runs the ttAdmin utility to load and unload the database from memory. For more information, see "ttAdmin" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

RAM policy configuration

The RAM policy configuration region enables you to view your current RAM residence policy and change the RAM policy of your TimesTen database. The RAM policy configuration contains two sub-regions:

Current configuration

Figure 10-3 Current Configuration sub-region

Description of Figure 10-3 follows
Description of ''Figure 10-3 Current Configuration sub-region''

The current configuration sub-region displays the current RAM residence policy and the RAM residence grace period.

The current configuration sub-region runs the ttAdmin utility to display the current RAM configuration of your database. For more information, see "ttAdmin" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

Change RAM policy

Figure 10-4 Change RAM policy sub-region

Description of Figure 10-4 follows
Description of ''Figure 10-4 Change RAM policy sub-region''

The change RAM policy sub-region enables you to modify the RAM policy of your TimesTen database. If you set the RAM policy as In Use, you can also set a RAM residence grace period.

The change RAM policy sub-region runs the ttAdmin utility to change the RAM policy and set RAM residence grace period. For more information on the ttAdmin utility and the RAM policy settings, see "ttAdmin" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

Create blackout

Create a blackout to suspend all data collection activity on a target that is monitored by Enterprise Manager. Consider creating a blackout to perform maintenance on a TimesTen instance target. For more information on creating a blackout, see "Creating a Blackout" in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

Create brownout

Create a brownout to suppress the notifications on a target that is monitored by Enterprise Manager. The Agent continues to monitor the target under brownout and the OMS will show the actual target status along with an indication that the target is currently under brownout. Events will be generated as usual during a brownout. Only the event notifications are suppressed.

End blackout/brownout

Blackouts and brownouts end automatically after the set duration expires. In some cases you may want to end a blackout or brownout before the blackout duration expires. To end a blackout or brownout, ensure that you are on the TimesTen database target page and that a blackout is active for your TimesTen database target. For information on navigating to the TimesTen database target page, see "Navigating to the TimesTen target page".

  1. From the TimesTen Database Home menu, select Control, then select End Blackout or End Brownout.

    Figure 10-5 Select End Blackout

    Description of Figure 10-5 follows
    Description of ''Figure 10-5 Select End Blackout''

    The Blackouts confirmation page displays. Locate the Yes button.

  2. Click Yes.

    The information dialog displays with text saying that the blackout or brownout successfully ended.

You have successfully ended the blackout or brownout of your TimesTen database target. Enterprise Manager can take several minutes to resume data collection activities on your TimesTen database target.