3 Encryption in TimesTen

This chapter discusses the use of encryption in TimesTen.

Some features in TimesTen, such as Client/Server and replication, support use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) for communication between TimesTen instances.

These topics are discussed here:


  • In TimesTen Release 18.1, TLS is not supported in TimesTen Scaleout.

  • TimesTen uses TLS version 1.2.

  • TLS configuration in TimesTen does not apply to communication between TimesTen and Oracle Database, such as when TimesTen Cache is used. For encrypted TimesTen-Oracle communication, configure TLS through settings in the sqlnet.ora file used for connections to Oracle Database. Refer to "Configuring Secure Sockets Layer Authentication" in Oracle Database Security Guide.

Certificates for Transport Layer Security

This section describes the use of certificates for TLS for TimesTen, covering these topics:

About using certificates with TimesTen

TimesTen Client/Server and replication support use of Transport Layer Security for communication between TimesTen instances. TimesTen provides the ttCreateCerts utility to generate certificates for TLS for TimesTen.

The procedure shown in "Using ttCreateCerts" results in the TimesTen server having its own self-signed root certificate; however, this does not preclude using a certificate signed by a third party commercial certificate authority. TimesTen supports both self-signed and CA-signed certificates. Certificates produced by ttCreateCerts are self-signed. The wallets are platform-independent.

The wallet of each TimesTen server must have its own public/private key identity signed by the root certificate. Each client that connects to a TimesTen server must have a wallet containing the root certificate of that server. (A client may optionally have multiple wallets for connections to multiple database services.) By default, TimesTen uses TLS server authentication, so that the client can verify that the server it is connecting to is valid.

The server uses the existing TimesTen user ID and password mechanism to authenticate a user, but TimesTen also supports a form of client authentication where the server validates an identity in the client wallet. This is a way for the server to verify that the connecting client is a legitimate TimesTen client, but the user still must provide user ID and password credentials.

The wallet is an auto-login or single-sign-on (SSO) wallet, without a password. Access to the wallet is controlled by file system permissions.

TimesTen supports NSA Suite B cipher suites SSL_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 and SSL_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384. See "Configuring Secure Sockets Layer Authentication" in Oracle Database Security Guide for information about these cipher suites.

Generation of certificates for TimesTen

The following sections describe the TimesTen ttCreateCerts utility and show how to use it to create certificates. The certificates can be used with TLS for either TimesTen Client/Server or TimesTen replication.

Features of the ttCreateCerts utility

The ttCreateCerts utility is located in the bin directory of a TimesTen instance. You must set TIMESTEN_HOME before you run ttCreateCerts, which you can accomplish by sourcing the ttenv.sh or ttenv.csh script from the bin directory.

The utility creates three Oracle Wallets: rootWallet, clientWallet, and serverWallet.


You must have Java on your system to use ttCreateCerts. The utility searches for it according to the JRE_HOME, JAVA_HOME, and PATH settings.

This is the syntax for ttCreateCerts:

% ttCreateCerts -h
usage: ttCreateCerts [-dir WALLETDIR] [options...]
       ttCreateCerts [-h | -help]
       ttCreateCerts [-V | -version]
  -f | -force
  -validity DAYS | -valid_from mm/dd/yyyy -valid_until mm/dd/yyyy
  -sign_alg ALGORITHM (ecdsasha256 ecdsasha384 ecdsasha512)
  -eccurve TYPE  (p256 p384 p521)

Input and option descriptions:

  • -dir: Specifies a directory where the wallets are placed, as an absolute path. The specified directory must already exist and cannot already contain wallets produced by ttCreateCerts, unless you use the -force option. The default is timesten_home/conf.

  • -h or -help: Shows help (showing the above syntax).

  • -V or -version: Displays the TimesTen release number.

  • -f or -force: Overwrites any previous wallets in the specified directory.

  • -verbose: Shows additional output from execution of the utility.

  • -validity: One of two ways to specify the lifetime of the wallets that are created, expressed as a number of days from creation. The default is 3650 days, which can be overridden by setting either -validity or -valid_from and -valid_until.

  • -valid_from and -valid_until: The other way to specify the lifetime of the wallets that are created, expressed as a start and an end date in mm/dd/yyyy format.

  • -dryrun: Echoes all the commands to be executed by ttCreateCerts to create the certificates as you specified, but without executing them. For options you do not set, you can use this to confirm what the default values are.

  • -sign_alg: Specifies the elliptical curve signing algorithm. Supported algorithms are ecdsasha256, ecdsasha384 (default), and ecdsasha512.

  • -eccurve: Specifies the size of the elliptical curve. Supported values are p256, p384 (default), and p521.

Using ttCreateCerts

This section provides ttCreateCerts examples that place the wallets in a wallets subdirectory under timesten_home/conf, where timesten_home is the full path to the TimesTen instance home directory.

The following example includes verbose output. (Without the -verbose option, only the last line is shown.)

% ttCreateCerts -verbose -dir timesten_home/conf/wallets
Requested Certificates:
User Certificates:
Subject:        CN=server1,C=US
Trusted Certificates:
Subject:        CN=ecRoot,C=US
Requested Certificates:
User Certificates:
Subject:        CN=client1,C=US
Trusted Certificates:
Subject:        CN=ecRoot,C=US
ttCreateCerts : certificates created in timesten_home/conf/wallets

Here are the results:

% ls timesten_home/conf/wallets
client1.cert  clientWallet  root.cert  rootWallet  server1.cert  serverWallet
% ls timesten_home/conf/wallets/clientWallet
% ls timesten_home/conf/wallets/rootWallet
% ls timesten_home/conf/wallets/serverWallet


Any .lck files can be ignored.

See "Certificates for TimesTen Client/Server" and "Certificates for TimesTen replication" for where to copy certificates for TimesTen Client/Server and replication.

The next example is a dry run. No certificates are created (despite the last line). This shows only a snippet of the output:

% ttCreateCerts -dir timesten_home/conf/wallets -dryrun
+ /bin/java -Djava.security.egd=file:///dev/./urandom -Xms64m -Xmx512m -cp 
oracle.security.pki.textui.OraclePKITextUI wallet add -wallet rootWallet -dn 
CN=ecRoot,C=US -sign_alg ecdsasha384 -self_signed -asym_alg ECC -eccurve p384 
-jsafe -validity 3650 -auto_login_only -nologo
ttCreateCerts : certificates created in timesten_home/conf/wallets

From this, you can see that the default settings are -sign_alg ecdsasha384, -eccurve p384, and -validity 3650 (days).

Here is another example that sets signing algorithm and size of the elliptical curve:

% ttCreateCerts -dir timesten_home/conf/wallets -sign_alg ecdsasha256 
-eccurve p256
ttCreateCerts : certificates created in timesten_home/conf/wallets

This example specifies that the certificates will expire one year from when they were created:

% ttCreateCerts -dir timesten_home/conf/wallets -validity 365
ttCreateCerts : certificates created in timesten_home/conf/wallets

Or, equivalently:

% ttCreateCerts -dir timesten_home/conf/wallets -valid_from 10/28/2020 
-valid_until 10/28/2021
ttCreateCerts : certificates created in timesten_home/conf/wallets

The next example tries to create wallets in a location where wallets already exist:

% ttCreateCerts -dir timesten_home/conf/wallets
ttCreateCerts: rootWallet is not empty, use -force to overwrite

This example tries again, using the -force option:

% ttCreateCerts -dir timesten_home/conf/wallets -f
ttCreateCerts : certificates created in timesten_home/conf/wallets

Transport Layer Security for TimesTen Client/Server

When you use TimesTen Client/Server, you can optionally configure and use TLS for encrypted communication between the TimesTen client (or clients) and TimesTen server. This feature is supported with TimesTen release and higher.

This section discusses TimesTen support for TLS for Client/Server, covering these topics:


Using a server or client prior to TimesTen release results in the connection being unencrypted, unless encryption is specified as required at the other end, in which case the connection will fail.

Introduction to TLS for Client/Server

This feature enables secure TCP/IP network connections, using TLS, between TimesTen clients and servers. The certificates for a TLS session are contained in an Oracle Wallet. Without enabling this feature, and in earlier TimesTen releases, network communication is unencrypted.

These are the high-level steps to use TLS for Client/Server:

  1. Create certificates on the TimesTen server, placing them in a desired wallet directory.

  2. Copy the wallet directory to the TimesTen clients.

  3. Configure TLS on the server and on the clients, as appropriate, including specifying the wallet directory and cipher suite.

  4. Confirm operation of TLS communication. (TLS is used as soon as the configuration is complete.)

Certificates for TimesTen Client/Server

This section discusses where to copy the certificates you generated for TimesTen Client/Server. Recall the resulting wallets from the example in "Using ttCreateCerts":

% ls timesten_home/conf/wallets
client1.cert  clientWallet  root.cert  rootWallet  server1.cert  serverWallet
% ls timesten_home/conf/wallets/clientWallet
% ls timesten_home/conf/wallets/rootWallet
% ls timesten_home/conf/wallets/serverWallet

For use of TLS for Client/Server, ignore client1.cert, root.cert, rootWallet, server1.cert, and serverWallet. Copy the clientWallet directory, which includes the root certificate, to the desired location. This is preferably the same location on each TimesTen client instance.

On each client:

% mkdir timesten_home/conf/wallets
[...Copy clientWallet from the server...]
% cd timesten_home/conf/wallets
% ls
% ls clientWallet


Be careful to preserve the file and directory permissions of the wallet.

Configuration for TLS for Client/Server

There is both server-side and the client-side configuration for TLS for Client/Server.

Configuration on the server

These server-side attributes for TLS for Client/Server can be set in the server DSN definition in timesten_home/conf/sys.odbc.ini, where timesten_home is the TimesTen instance directory.

  • Wallet: Specify the wallet location, as an absolute path, where you placed the certificates that you generated (preferably the same directory path as on the client). There is no default location. If you used ttCreateCerts, this is the full path of the serverWallet directory.

  • Encryption: Use one of these settings. These descriptions assume matching cipher suite settings between the server and client, where applicable.

    • accepted: Enable an encrypted session if required or requested by the client; use an unencrypted session otherwise. This is the default.

    • rejected: Demand an unencrypted session. (If the server does not support encryption, TimesTen behaves as if this is the setting on the server.) The connection is rejected if the client requires encryption.

    • requested: Request an encrypted session if the client allows it (if the client has any setting other than rejected); use an unencrypted session otherwise.

    • required: Demand an encrypted session. Reject the connection if the client rejects encryption.

    See Table 3-1 for a summary of the results of each possible combination of settings of this attribute between the server and client, with consideration of the cipher suite settings.

  • CipherSuites: This lists the cipher suite or suites that can be used, depending also on the client setting. Specify SSL_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, SSL_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, or both, comma-separated and in order of preference. There is no default setting. For TLS to be used, the server and client settings must include at least one common suite.

  • SSLClientAuthentication: Specifies whether TLS client authentication is required (setting of 1) or not (setting of 0, the default). With client authentication, the server validates an identity presented by the client, and requires an identity (public/private key) in the client wallet. Note that regardless of the client authentication setting, server authentication is performed, where the client validates the server.

    The server and client must have the same SSLClientAuthentication setting.


As an alternative to the preceding attributes in sys.odbc.ini, you can set these equivalent attributes in the TimesTen configuration file, timesten_home/conf/timesten.conf:
  • server_wallet

  • server_encryption

  • server_cipher_suites

  • ssl_client_authentication

If you have more than one database in a TimesTen instance, these settings apply to all, but can be overridden for each database through the server DSN definition.

TimesTen also supports TLS session renegotiation, where new session keys are generated during an active TLS session for more robust security. Session renegotiations are performed according to either how much data has been transferred or how much time has passed. If you want to enable this feature, use one these attributes in the server DSN definition:

  • SSLRenegotiationSize: Specifies a number of megabytes of data transfer in either direction between the client and server, after which session renegotiation is performed. The default setting is 0, meaning do not renegotiate based on megabytes transferred.

  • SSLRenegotiationPeriod: Specifies a period of time, in minutes, after which session renegotiation is performed. The default setting is 0, meaning do not renegotiate based on a time period.

If both attributes are set to nonzero values, whichever situation occurs first will result in renegotiation.

Table 3-1 shows the results of all possible combinations of encryption settings between client and server, with consideration of the cipher suite settings.

Table 3-1 Results of combinations of server and client encryption settings

Server encryption setting Client encryption setting Result



Connection accepted, encryption off.



Connection accepted, encryption off.



Connection accepted. Encryption on if there is overlap between the cipher suite settings, off if there is not.



Connection accepted with encryption on if there is overlap between cipher suite settings. Connection rejected if there is not.



Connection accepted, encryption off.



Connection accepted, encryption off.



Connection accepted, encryption off.



Connection rejected.



Connection accepted. Encryption on if there is overlap between the cipher suite settings, off if there is not.



Connection accepted, encryption off.



Connection accepted. Encryption on if there is overlap between the cipher suite settings, off if there is not.



Connection accepted with encryption on if there is overlap between cipher suite settings. Connection rejected if there is not.



Connection accepted with encryption on if there is overlap between cipher suite settings. Connection rejected if there is not.



Connection rejected.



Connection accepted with encryption on if there is overlap between cipher suite settings. Connection rejected if there is not.



Connection accepted with encryption on if there is overlap between cipher suite settings. Connection rejected if there is not.


If automatic client failover is enabled and a failover occurs, encryption attribute settings from the original connection will continue to be used. The failover server must have the same encryption settings as the original server.

Configuration on the client

These client-side attributes for TLS for Client/Server can be set in the client DSN definition in timesten_home/conf/sys.odbc.ini or a client odbc.ini file, or in a connect string.


If an attribute is set in both the client DSN definition and the connect string, the connect string setting takes precedence.
  • Wallet: Specify the wallet directory, as an absolute path, where you placed the certificates that you generated (preferably the same directory path as on the server). There is no default location. If you used ttCreateCerts, this is the full path of the clientWallet directory.

  • Encryption: Use one of these settings. These descriptions assume matching cipher suite settings between the server and client, where applicable.

    • accepted: Enable an encrypted session if required or requested by the server; use an unencrypted session otherwise. This is the default.

    • rejected: Demand an unencrypted session. (If the client does not support encryption, TimesTen behaves as if this is the setting on the client.) The connection is rejected if the server requires encryption.

    • requested: Request an encrypted session if the server allows it (if the server has any setting other than rejected); use an unencrypted session otherwise.

    • required: Demand an encrypted session. The connection is rejected if the server rejects encryption.

    See Table 3-1 for a summary of the results of each possible combination of settings of this attribute between the server and client, with consideration of the cipher suite settings.

  • CipherSuites: This lists the cipher suite or suites that can be used, depending also on the server setting. Specify SSL_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, SSL_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, or both, comma-separated and in order of preference. There is no default setting. For TLS to be used, the server and client settings must include at least one common suite.

  • SSLClientAuthentication: Specifies whether TLS client authentication is required (setting of 1) or not (setting of 0, the default). With client authentication, the server validates an identity presented by the client, and requires an identity (public/private key) in the client wallet. Note that regardless of the client authentication setting, server authentication is performed, where the client validates the server.

    The server and client must have the same SSLClientAuthentication setting.


As an alternative to some of the preceding attributes in sys.odbc.ini or client odbc.ini, you can set these equivalent attributes in the TimesTen configuration file, timesten_home/conf/timesten.conf:
  • client_wallet

  • client_cipher_suites

If you have more than one client DSN in a TimesTen instance, these settings apply to all, but can be overridden for each client through the client DSN definition.

Operation of TLS for Client/Server

If TLS is configured on both the server and the client with sufficiently matching settings of Encryption and CipherSuite, as described in Table 3-1, TLS is used as soon as the connection is established. You can confirm this by calling sqlgetconnectattr tt_tls_session from ttIsqlCS on the client. A return value of 1 indicates TLS is being used.

Example 3-1 shows the results of several combinations of encryption settings on the server and client.

Example 3-1 Connecting with TLS

Scenario 1: Encryption is requested on the server and on the client with the same cipher suite settings. The connection is successful and TLS is used.

Server DSN definition:


Client DSN definition:


Connect, executing ttIsqlCS from the timesten_home/bin directory (output formatted for readability):

% ttIsqlCS sampledbCS
Copyright (c) 1996, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Type ? or "help" for help, type "exit" to quit ttIsql.
connect "DSN=sampledbCS";
Connection successful: DSN=sampledbCS;TTC_SERVER=myserverhost.example.com;
(Default setting AutoCommit=1)

Confirm TLS is enabled:

Command> sqlgetconnectattr tt_tls_session;

Scenario 2: Encryption is requested on the server and on the client but with mismatched cipher suite settings. The connection is successful but a warning message indicates that TLS is not used. (Except for what is shown here, settings are the same as in Scenario 1.)

From the server DSN definition:


From the client DSN definition:



% ttIsqlCS sampledbCS
Copyright (c) 1996, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Type ? or "help" for help, type "exit" to quit ttIsql.
connect "DSN=sampledbCS";
Warning 01000: Unable to create requested TLS session; unencrypted session 
created. Check Wallet and CipherSuites on client and server. SSL error: SSL 
Fatal Alert
Connection successful: 

Scenario 3: Encryption is accepted on the server and on the client. This is not sufficient to result in TLS usage, as noted in Table 3-1. The connection is successful but TLS is not used. (Except for what is shown here, settings are the same as in Scenario 1.)

From the server DSN definition:


From the client DSN definition:



% ttIsqlCS sampledbCS
Copyright (c) 1996, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Type ? or "help" for help, type "exit" to quit ttIsql.
connect "DSN=sampledbCS";
Connection successful: 
Command> sqlgetconnectattr tt_tls_session;

Scenario 4: Encryption is required on the client but rejected on the server. The connection attempt is unsuccessful. (Except for what is shown here, settings are the same as in Scenario 1.)

From the server DSN definition:


From the client DSN definition:


Attempt to connect:

% ttIsqlCS sampledbCS
Copyright (c) 1996, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Type ? or "help" for help, type "exit" to quit ttIsql.
connect "DSN=sampledbCS";
HY000: Connection rejected: inconsistent encryption attributes
The command failed.

Transport Layer Security for TimesTen replication

When you use TimesTen replication, you can optionally configure and use Transport Layer Security (TLS) for secure network communication to and from TimesTen replication agents.

This section discusses TimesTen support for TLS for replication, covering these topics:

Introduction to TLS for replication

This feature enables secure TCP/IP network connections, using TLS, for TimesTen replication agents. Mutual authentication is used for all connections. This applies to communications between TimesTen instances, either between replication agents or between TimesTen utilities (such as ttRepAdmin) and replication agents. Without enabling this feature, and in earlier TimesTen releases, such communications are unencrypted.

These are the high-level steps to use TLS for replication:

  1. Create certificates on one of the TimesTen instances, placing them in a desired wallet directory.

  2. Copy the contents of the wallet directory to the other TimesTen instances.

  3. Configure TLS in TimesTen, specifying the wallet directory and cipher suite.

  4. Enable TLS communications (restart the replication agents to begin using TLS).

Certificates for TimesTen replication

This section discusses where to copy the certificates you generated for TimesTen replication. Recall the resulting wallets from the example in "Generation of certificates for TimesTen":

% ls timesten_home/conf/wallets
client1.cert  clientWallet  root.cert  rootWallet  server1.cert  serverWallet
% ls timesten_home/conf/wallets/clientWallet
% ls timesten_home/conf/wallets/rootWallet
% ls timesten_home/conf/wallets/serverWallet

For use of TLS for replication, ignore client1.cert, clientWallet, root.cert, rootWallet, and server1.cert. Copy the serverWallet directory, which includes the root certificate, to the desired location. This is preferably the same location on each TimesTen instance.

On each instance:

% mkdir timesten_home/conf/wallets
[...Copy serverWallet from the instance where it was created...]
% cd timesten_home/conf/wallets
% ls
% ls serverWallet

Configuration for TLS for replication

To use TLS for replication, set these attributes in the timesten.conf file on each TimesTen instance. The settings are read on each instance by the replication agent and by utilities that may communicate with the agent:


Generate and place certificates first. If you configure TLS for replication before you generate and place the certificates, and replication agents restart in between, there will be an error condition when replication agents try to access non-existent certificates.
  • replication_cipher_suite: The cipher suite to be used in encrypting communications to and from the replication agent. This setting is required. There is no default.

    TimesTen supports NSA Suite B cipher suites SSL_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 and SSL_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384. These suites require elliptical signing.

  • replication_wallet: Specify the path to the wallet directory—the directory where you placed the certificates that you generated. This setting is required. There is no default location. It is suggested, but not required, to use the same location and directory name on each TimesTen instance.

  • replication_ssl_mandatory: Specifies whether it is mandatory to have consistent TLS configuration between TimesTen instances—specifically, whether TLS is configured through replication_cipher_suite and replication_wallet settings, and what cipher suite is specified. If there is a mismatch between the current instance and the replication peer, then TimesTen behavior is determined as follows:

    • On an instance with a setting of replication_ssl_mandatory=0 (not mandatory, the default), replication proceeds between this instance and the replication peer, but TLS is not used for communications between the replication agents. Use this setting to ease the transition to TLS, if secure communication is not critical (at least initially).

    • On an instance with a setting of replication_ssl_mandatory=1 (mandatory), replication cannot proceed between this instance and the replication peer until the settings are made consistent.


  • For these configuration changes to take effect on any given instance, you must restart the replication agent. (It is not necessary to restart the TimesTen daemon.)

  • If the replication_cipher_suite value is invalid or the suite is not supported by TimesTen, an error is reported and replication cannot function until the problem is resolved.

  • If replication_cipher_suite is set but replication_wallet is not, or no certificates are found in the specified location, an error is reported and replication cannot function until the problem is resolved.

Activation of TLS for replication

Once TLS is configured on all TimesTen instances, with certificates located in the specified replication_wallet directories and the desired cipher suite specified in the replication_cipher_suite settings, restarting the replication agents will result in TLS being used for communication to and from the replication agents.

There are two ways to accomplish this:

  • Enable TLS for replication online. Restart the replication agents one at a time as replication continues to function.


  • Enable TLS for replication simultaneously on all instances, stopping replication until you restart all the replication agents at once.


This assumes consistent settings between instances or is subject to replication_ssl_mandatory settings, as discussed in "Configuration for TLS for replication".

This section covers these topics:

Switching online to TLS for replication

If you have an existing replication scheme that is not using TLS, use these steps for an online switchover to TLS as replication continues to function:

  1. Generate certificates as discussed in "Generation of certificates for TimesTen", then copy them to the desired location on each TimesTen instance as discussed in "Certificates for TimesTen replication".

  2. On each instance, set replication_wallet to indicate where the certificates are located.

  3. On each instance, set replication_cipher_suite to indicate the cipher suite you are using.

  4. On each instance, set replication_ssl_mandatory=0.

    This allows you to update the TimesTen instances to start using TLS one at a time.

  5. On each instance (one at a time, in succession), stop and restart the replication agent:

    % ttAdmin -repStop DSN
    % ttAdmin -repStart DSN

For example assume there is an active standby pair with databases rep1 on host1 and rep2 on host2, with subscriber rep3 on host3. Complete these steps, as replication continues to function, to use TLS for communications to and from each of the replication agents:

  1. Create the certificates on rep1 and place them in the desired wallet directory: /swdir/mywalletloc for example.

  2. Copy the wallet directory to the appropriate location (preferably the same location) on rep2 and rep3.

  3. Configure TLS on all three instances. For example, in each timesten.conf file:

  4. Restart the replication agent on each instance, one at a time.

    On host1:

    % ttAdmin -repStop rep1
    % ttAdmin -repStart repl

    On host2:

    % ttAdmin -repStop rep2
    % ttAdmin -repStart rep2

    On host3:

    % ttAdmin -repStop rep3
    % ttAdmin -repStart rep3

Switching all instances simultaneously to TLS for replication (offline)

If you want TLS to start and be enforced on all instances immediately and simultaneously, you must shut down all replication agents, stopping replication, before setting replication_ssl_mandatory=1 on each instance.

  1. Generate certificates as discussed in "Generation of certificates for TimesTen", then copy them to the desired location on each TimesTen instance as discussed in "Certificates for TimesTen replication".

  2. On all instances, stop the replication agent:

    % ttAdmin -repStop DSN


    If you are using Oracle Clusterware, you can accomplish this for all instances with a single command using the ttCWAdmin utility from any instance in the cluster:
    % ttCWAdmin -stop -dsn DSN
  3. On all instances, set replication_wallet to indicate where the certificates are located.

  4. On all instances, set replication_cipher_suite to indicate the cipher suite you are using.

  5. On all instances, set replication_ssl_mandatory=1.

    This requires all replication agents to be shut down at once, and all timesten.conf files to be updated while all the replication agents are down.

  6. On all instances, restart the replication agent:

    % ttAdmin -repStart DSN


    If you are using Oracle Clusterware, you can accomplish this for all instances with a single command using the ttCWAdmin utility from any instance in the cluster:
    %  ttCWAdmin -start -dsn DSN

Operation of TLS for replication

The ttRepAdmin utility -showstatus -detail option indicates whether the replication agent transmitters and receivers are using TLS (indicated as "SSL"). For example:

TRANSMITTER thread(s) (TRANSMITTER(M):140427924887296):
For                     : REP1 (track 0) (SSL)
   Start/Restart count   : 1
   Current state         : STATE_META_PEER_INFO

RECEIVER thread(s) (RECEIVER:140427327059712):
For                     : REP1 (track 0) (SSL)
   Start/Restart count   : 1
   Current state         : STATE_RCVR_READ_NETWORK_LOOP
   Current DB context    : 0x7fb7bc4a41e0

See "ttRepAdmin" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference for information about this utility.


In order for you to see this output, the replication agents on the master and subscribing systems must be running and connected to each other.