What's New

This section summarizes the new features and functionality of TimesTen Release 18.1 that are documented in this guide, providing links into the guide for more information.

New features in Release

There are new system views for password management support.

  • SYS.DBA_PROFILES describes the profiles in the database and the limits on the password parameters of a profile.

  • SYS.USER_PASSWORD_LIMITS describes the limits of the password parameters that are assigned to the user who is currently connected to the database.

  • There are changes to the values of the ACCOUNT_STATUS, the LOCK_DATE, the EXPIRY_DATE, and the PROFILE columns in the SYS.DBA_USERS and the SYS.USER_USERS system views. See "SYS.DBA_USERS" and "SYS.USER_USERS" for information.

New features in Release

The V$SESSION system view returns information for each current connection in TimesTen. See "SYS.V$SESSION" for more information.

New features in Release

The system tables and views added in the release are now available in TimesTen Classic. These include:

  • V$ and GV$ views

  • V$ and GV$ ttStats views

In addition to the alphabetical listing, the system tables and views are categorized by function or type. For example, there is a table for the static data dictionary views and a second table for the general V$ and GV$ views. See "Overview of the system tables and views" for more information.

New features in

Several system tables and views have been added. These include:

  • V$ and GV$ views

  • V$ and GV$ ttStats views

In addition to the alphabetical listing, the system tables and views are categorized by function or type. For example, there is a table for the static data dictionary views and a second table for the general V$ and GV$ views. See "Overview of the system tables and views" for more information.