Upgrading the CLI

If you installed the CLI manually, use one of the following commands to upgrade the CLI.

  • To upgrade a standard installation, run the following command.

    pip install oci-cli --upgrade
  • To upgrade a standard virtualenv installation, run the following command.

    cli-testing/bin/pip install oci-cli --upgrade

If you installed the CLI using the install script, use the following process to upgrade the CLI:

  • Run the install script and specify the same install directory.
  • When prompted, reply Y to remove the existing directory.

Upgrading the CLI on Windows

To upgrade your CLI on Windows, simply reinstall the CLI. For more information, see Installing the CLI on Windows.

Upgrading the CLI on Mac OS X with Homebrew

Homebrew offers a convenient way to manage your CLI install on Mac OS.

To upgrade your CLI install using Homebrew:

brew update && brew upgrade oci-cli