Deleting a Disk Import Transfer Job's Tags

Delete a tag from a disk import transfer job.

Using the Data Transfer Utility

The Data Transfer Utility replaces any existing tags with the new key/value pairs you specify. If you want to delete some of the tags, you would specify new tag string that does not contain the key/value pair you want to delete.

Partial tag deletion is handled in the same way as you edit tags:

  • To edit free-form tags, provide the replacement key/value pairs:
dts job update --job-id job_id --freeform-tags '{ "tag_key":"value" }'
  • To edit defined tags, provide the replacement key value pairs:
dts job update --job-id job_id --defined-tags '{ "tag_namespace": { "tag_key":"value" }}'

To delete all free-form tags:

dts job update --job-id job_id --freeform-tags '{}'

To delete all defined tags:

dts job update --job-id job_id --defined-tags '{}'