Create Your First Resources

Explore the features of your Oracle Cloud Free Trial resources with these tutorials and guided workflows.

After you create your Free Trial account, use these tutorials to get started.

icon representing autonomous database

Autonomous Database Quickstart

Create an instance in just a few clicks. Then load data into your database from Object Storage and query it.

icon representing autonomous database

Analyze data with Autonomous Database

Use Oracle Analytics Desktop (OAD) to visualize data in Autonomous Database. Use Oracle Machine Learning (OML) to try your hand at predictive analytics.

icon representing a VM

Launch a Linux or Windows VM.

Create your first virtual cloud network and launch an instance. Optionally, attach block storage to your instance

icon representing a VM

Launch a VM with the CLI

Use the command line interface to launch a Linux instance or a Windows instance. This tutorial includes working with a compartment, creating a virtual cloud network.

icon representing Object Storage

Get started with Object Storage

Create your first bucket and upload some objects.

icon representing a Load Balancing

Launch and test a load balancer

Create a VCN and load balancer, then test it out.