Work Requests

Generate information on each marketplace operation's work requests.

To provide visibility for in-progress work flows, marketplace creates a work request object. Because some operations depend on the completion of other operations, you must monitor each operation's work request and confirm it has succeeded before proceeding to the next operation. For example, if you want to export marketplace container image or helm chart to your own registry, perform the export action. Once you request an export action, a work request will be shared with you for tracking the progress of the export.

Work Request States

The work request states are:

The request is in the work request queue to be processed.
A work request record exists for the specified request, but no associated WORK_COMPLETED record is present.
A work request record exists for this request and an associated WORK_COMPLETED record has the state SUCCEEDED.
A work request record exists for this request and an associated WORK_COMPLETED record has the state FAILED.