Getting Confirmation Results for a Subscription

Get confirmation results for a subscription in Notifications. The status of a new subscription that requires confirmation is Pending (PENDING). When the topic is confirmed, the subscription status changes to Active (ACTIVE).

  • These steps show how to get confirmation results for a subscription in a compartment. You can also list subscriptions in a topic. And you can get a subscription's details: A Pending banner indicates lack of confirmation (for a subscription type that requires confirmation) while no such banner indicates that the subscription is active.
    1. Open the navigation menu and click Developer Services. Under Application Integration, click Notifications.
    2. Click Subscriptions.
    3. Select the compartment that contains the subscriptions that you want to work with.
    The page lists subscriptions in the selected compartment. The value in the State column indicates the confirmation status: Pending indicates lack of confirmation while Active indicates received confirmation.
  • Use the oci ons subscription confirm command and required parameters to get confirmation results for a subscription:

    oci ons subscription confirm --id <subscription_OCID> --protocol <subscription_type> --token <subscription_confirmation_token>

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference for Notifications.

  • Run the GetConfirmSubscription operation to get confirmation results for a subscription.