
Microservices is a software architecture pattern that structures an application as a collection of small, independent, and loosely-coupled services. Each microservice is designed to perform a single, specific function and communicates with other microservices through APIs to complete a larger task.

Advantages of using microservices include:

  • Scalability: Microservices can be scaled independently, letting you handle increased traffic or demand for specific services without affecting the overall system.
  • Flexibility: Microservices can be developed and deployed using different technologies, making it easier for you to adopt new technologies as they become available.
  • Resilience: If one microservice fails, the impact on the overall system is limited, as other microservices can continue to function.
  • Improved development speed: Microservices can be developed and deployed independently, allowing for faster development and deployment of new features.
  • Better maintainability: Microservices are smaller and simpler, making it easier to maintain and update individual services without disrupting the entire system.

Microservices Versus Monolithic

Microservices architecture is often considered a better approach than monolithic architecture for reasons such as:

  • Scalability: Microservices can be scaled independently, letting you scale specific parts of your application as needed, rather than scaling the entire application.
  • Resilience: Because microservices are independently deployable, they can continue to function even if one or more services fail, making the overall application more resilient.
  • Flexibility: Microservices can be developed and deployed using different technologies, letting you choose the best tools for each service.
  • Faster time-to-market: Microservices enable smaller, faster development cycles, letting you bring new features and functionality to market more quickly.
  • Improved maintainability: Microservices are smaller and have a single, well-defined responsibility, making them easier to maintain and less prone to breaking when changes are made.
  • Improved testability: Microservices can be tested independently, making it easier to catch and fix bugs before they affect the entire application.

It's important to note that microservices architecture isn't an immediate solution to a problem, and can introduce new challenges, such as increased complexity, network latency, and the need for inter-service communication. Conduct a thorough evaluation before adopting a microservices architecture.

Microservices on Containers

Containers support microservices architecture by providing a lightweight and portable way to package and run applications and their dependencies in isolated environments. The key benefits of using containers for microservices are:

  • Isolation: Each microservice can run in its own container, providing isolated environments for each service. This makes it easier to deploy, manage, and scale individual services independently.
  • Portability: Containers can run consistently across different environments, such as development, testing, and production, making it easier to deploy and manage microservices.
  • Resource efficiency: Containers are lightweight and consume fewer resources than traditional virtualization technologies, making it possible to run more services on a single host system.
  • Scalability: Container orchestration platforms, such as Kubernetes, enable the deployment and scaling of containers, making it easy to add or remove instances of a service as needed.
  • Flexibility: Containers allow microservices to be developed and deployed in different languages, making it possible to use the best tool for each service.
  • Continuous deployment: Containers make it easier to automate the deployment and management of microservices, enabling faster and more frequent releases.

Containers provide a way to package and run microservices in isolated environments, making it easier to deploy, manage, and scale microservices in a flexible and efficient manner.


Microservices architecture is a software design pattern that structures an application as a collection of small, independent services that communicate with each other over a network. Each microservice has a specific, well-defined responsibility and can be developed, deployed, and maintained independently of other microservices. This allows organizations to build and update applications faster, with more flexibility and lower risk.

In a microservices architecture, services communicate through APIs and are typically packaged in containers for deployment. This allows for greater scalability and resilience, as services can be deployed and scaled independently. The overall application can be built from small, reusable components that can be combined to form a larger, more complex application.

Microservices architecture is often used in cloud computing environments and is well-suited for applications that require high levels of scalability, agility, and resilience.

Best practices

By following best practices when designing microservices, you can ensure that your application is easy to scale, deploy, and maintain. Note that all of the best practices discussed might not be relevant to your application.

Each microservice must implement a single piece of the application’s functionality. Development teams must define the limits and responsibilities of each microservice. One approach is to define a microservice for each frequently requested task in the application. An alternative approach is to divide the functionality by business tasks and then define a microservice for each area.

Consider the following requirements in your design:

  • Responsive microservices: The microservices must return a response to the requesting clients, even when the service fails.
  • Backward compatibility: As you add or update the functionality of a microservice, the changes in the API methods and parameters must not affect the clients. The REST API must remain backward-compatible.
  • Flexible communication: Each microservice can specify the protocol that must be used for communication between the clients and the API gateway and for communication between the microservices.
  • Idempotence: If a client calls a microservice multiple times, then it should produce the same outcome.
  • Efficient operation: The design must facilitate easy monitoring and troubleshooting. A log system is commonly used to implement this requirement.


Packaging microservices before deployment typically involves creating a container image that includes the application code, libraries, and dependencies. The following steps describe how to package a microservice in a container image.

  1. Define the application. Start by defining the application code, libraries, and dependencies required by the microservice. This information will be used to create the container image.
  2. Write a Dockerfile. A Dockerfile is a script that contains instructions for building the container image. It specifies the base image to use, the application code and dependencies to include, and any configuration or runtime requirements.
  3. Build the image: Use the Docker CLI or a CI/CD tool to build the image based on the Dockerfile. This creates a container image that can be used to run the microservice.
  4. Store the image. Store the image in a container registry, such as Docker Hub, where it can be easily accessed and reused by others.
  5. Test the image. Test the image to ensure it runs correctly and meets the requirements of the microservice. This can include running the image in a test environment, testing the functionality of the microservice, and verifying the performance and scalability of the image.

Packaging microservices in container images, you can ensure that the microservice is ready for deployment and that it can be run consistently across different environments. Using containers makes it easier to deploy, manage, and scale microservices, and to automate the deployment process using CI/CD tools.


Microservices can be deployed several ways, including:

  • Manual Deployment: This involves manually deploying each microservice on a single or multiple servers. This method is simple but lacks automation and can be time-consuming, especially for large-scale microservices deployments.
  • Virtual Machines (VMs): VMs provide a virtualized environment to run microservices. This method provides a high degree of isolation and can be useful for testing microservices in different environments.
  • Containers: Containers provide a lightweight and portable way to package and run microservices in isolated environments. They are a popular choice for microservices deployments because of their portability, scalability, and resource efficiency.
  • Serverless Architecture: Serverless architecture lets you run microservices in a fully managed environment, where the cloud provider handles the infrastructure and scaling. This method is cost-effective and provides automatic scaling, but may not be suitable for all use cases.
  • Cluster Management: Cluster management platforms, such as Kubernetes, provide a way to manage and automate the deployment, scaling, and orchestration of microservices. This method provides a high degree of automation and is suitable for large-scale microservices deployments.

The choice of deployment method depends on the specific requirements of each microservice and the overall architecture of the system. Some microservices might benefit from manual deployment, while others might require the automation and scalability provided by a cluster management platform.

Deploy in OCI

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) provides various options to deploy and manage microservices:

  • Oracle Kubernetes Engine (OKE): OKE is a fully managed Kubernetes service that simplifies the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. You can use OKE to deploy microservices as containers on a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Oracle Functions: Oracle Functions is a serverless computing service that lets you run code in response to events without having to manage infrastructure. You can deploy microservices as functions on Oracle Functions.
  • Oracle Container Instance: Oracle Container instance is a serverless compute service that lets you instantly run container without managing any servers. It lets you easily run application on serverless compute optimized for containers.
  • Oracle Container Registry: Oracle Container Registry is a private container registry that lets you store and manage container images. You can use Oracle Container Registry to host container images for your microservices.

Use the options available to deploy microservices in OCI, depending on the requirements of your microservices and your organization.


The following information lists a few of the common pitfalls associated with microservices architecture to consider when making decisions about your application and organization needs:

  • Complexity: Managing a large number of microservices can be complex, requiring a robust infrastructure and monitoring system.
  • Inter-service communication: Microservices need to communicate with each other, which can result in network latency and added complexity.
  • Testing and deployment: Testing and deploying microservices can be challenging, especially in cases where services have dependencies on each other.
  • Distributed systems: Microservices architecture introduces new challenges associated with building and managing distributed systems.
  • Data management: Microservices might need to share data, which can be difficult to manage in a distributed system.
  • Security: Securing a large number of microservices can be challenging, and requires a comprehensive security strategy.
  • Debugging: Debugging microservices can be more challenging than debugging a monolithic application, as issues might span multiple services and dependencies.
  • Resource overhead: Microservices architecture can result in increased resource overhead, as each service might require its own infrastructure and resources.

These are just a few of the challenges associated with microservices architecture. Carefully evaluate your needs and requirements before adopting a microservices approach.