Cluster Placement Group Creation Fails

Troubleshoot problems with creating a cluster placement group.

Various problems might occur when you try to create a placement group.

Missing or incorrect policy statements

You might not have the required permissions.

If you get an error about being unauthorized, verify that policy statements exist to grant at least the minimum permissions described in Cluster Placement Groups IAM Policies. You might need policy statements for users, groups, or dynamic groups, depending on the resources you're working with. You need the appropriate level of access whether you're using the Console or the REST API with an SDK, CLI, or other tool. If you're a user who gets an error message that you're unauthorized, verify with an administrator what type of access you have and which compartment to work in.

Service limits reached

The 400 Limit Exceeded error occurs when the number of cluster placement groups is already at the tenancy's service limit or a tenancy or compartment's quota limit.

Either request a quota increase from an administrator or, if you're an administrator, request an increase to the service limit. To request a service limit increase, see Requesting a Service Limit Increase.

Requested capabilities not available

You get the error, "Requested capabilities not available in the given AD." You might get this error because the selected availability domain doesn't have the capacity to support the capabilities specified in the creation request.

In regions with three availability domains, try creating the cluster placement group in a different availability domain. If all availability domains return the same error, then the region lacks the capacity to support new cluster placement groups.

Another cluster placement group with the same name already exists

You get an error that the name you requested for the cluster placement group already exists in the tenancy. Names for cluster placement groups must be unique within a tenancy.

Create a cluster placement group with a different, unique name.

Invalid parameters provided

You get an error that capabilities and placement instructions can't be provided simultaneously.

You can create a cluster placement group either by specifying the capabilities you want it to support or by specifying a unique code that you obtained from the tenancy's OCI account representative. You can't create a cluster placement group by providing both sets of information at the same time.

Placement instructions were expected but not provided

You get an error that a placement instruction value is required. This happens if you use the REST API to specify the placement instruction token in the creation request, but don't specify its value.

If you include the placement instruction token in a creation request, provide the unique code you obtained from the tenancy's OCI account representative as the value of the token.

Invalid capabilities provided

You get a 400 Invalid Capabilities error when you use the REST API to create a cluster placement group and specify values that aren't supported as capabilities in the details of the creation request.

Create a cluster placement group with only supported values as capabilities. For more information, see CreateClusterPlacementGroupDetails in the Cluster Placement Groups API reference.