Setting Up Notifications

Get notified when something happens with a capacity request.

Use notifications in the Console to create event rules and alarms for a capacity request. Effortlessly create a notification using the Quick start templates.

Using the Console

  1. Open the navigation menu, click Governance and Administration, and then click Control Center.
  2. Click Capacity Requests.
  3. Click the Notifications tab.
  4. Select a compartment from the Compartment list.
  5. When no notifications exist for capacity requests, the Notifications tab lists quick start templates. Click the quick start template that you want.
  6. In the Create Notification panel,
    • If you select a quick start template, the Template selection and Event rule fields are automatically populated.
    • If you choose to create notification through Advanced event notification, under Event rule, provide the Rule name and select an Event type.
  7. Under Topics and Subscriptions, a new topic is automatically set up for you to add contact information when you use a quick start template.
    When you use Advanced event notification, you can choose create a new topic or select an existing topic.
  8. Select a compartment and provide a topic name.
  9. Under Subscription, choose a Subscription protocol such as Email, phone number, or Slack channel.
    Provide respective Email address, phone number, or Slack endpoint based on the chosen subscription protocol.
  10. Click Create notification.

Messages are sent to the contact information entries whenever the condition of the notification is satisfied.