Add Tags to a Capacity Request

Tag a capacity request in Control Center.

    1. Open the navigation menu, click Governance and Administration, and then click Control Center.
    2. Click Capacity Requests.
    3. On the Capacity requests page, click the name of the capacity request you want to tag.
    4. On the Request details page, click Add tags.
    5. In the Add tags dialog box, provide the following details:
      • Tag namespace: To add a defined tag, select an existing namespace. To add a free-from tag, leave the value blank.
      • Tag key: To add a defined tag, select an existing tag key. To add a free-form tag, type the key name that you want.
      • Tag value: Type the tag value that you want.

      To add more tags, click Add tag. To remove a tag, click X.

    6. Click Add tags.
  • Use the update command and required parameters to tag a capacity request:

    oci capacity-management occ-capacity-request update [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the UpdateOccCapacityRequest operation to tag a capacity request.