Viewing the CDN Configuration Details

View the details of the CDN configuration in Media Streams.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Analytics & AI. Under Media Services, click Media Streams.
    2. On the Distribution Channels list page, select the compartment that contains the distribution channel for which you want to view the CDN configuration.
    3. Click the name of the channel where you want to view the configuration.
    4. On the Distribution Channel details page, in the CDN Configuration field of the Details tab, click the current CDN configuration.
      On the CDN configuration details page, you can view the details.
  • Use the get command and required parameters to view the CDN configuration:

    oci media-services stream-cdn-config get [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the GetStreamCdnConfig operation to view the configuration of a CDN.