Azure User Groups for OracleDB for Azure Networking, Cost Management, and Support Requests

The Azure user groups discussed in this topic allow you to control user access to Oracle Support Requests (SRs), cost management reports, and OracleDB for Azure networking resources. The "Operations Covered" information in each table details the level of access the Azure user group has for the specified resources. A user group with only "list " and "get" operations has read-only access to resources available to the group. A user group with "create", "update", and "delete" operations can create, manage, and delete the resources available to the user group.

Network and Multicloud Link Resources

The network administrator group allows assigned users to control who can manage Oracle Database Service for Azure networking resources. Networking resources are required when creating dedicated Exadata infrastructure and when creating virtual machine DB systems.

The Multicloudlink Administrator group allows assigned users to manage all aspects of the OracleDB for Azure multicloud link resource. This resource manages links between your azure account your OCI account. It also manages the linking of your Azure subscriptions to OracleDB for Azure, and other cross-cloud configuration.

OracleDB for Azure Network Groups
Group Description Azure User Group Name Resource Operations Covered
OracleDB for Azure Network Administrator odsa-network-administrators All OracleDB for Azure networking resources create, list, get, update
Multicloud Link Administrator odsa-multicloud-administrators OracleDB for Azure multicloud link resource in Azure.

Cost Management

The cost management groups allow you to control who can create and view Oracle Database Service for Azure usage reports.

OracleDB for Azure Cost Management Groups
Group Description Azure User Group Name Resource Operations Covered
Cost management administrator odsa-costmgmt-administrators Usage reports create, list, get, update
Cost management reader odsa-costmgmt-readers Usage reports list, get

Oracle Service Requests

The Oracle Support groups allow you to control who can create and view support requests (SRs).

OracleDB for Azure Service Requests Groups
Group Description Azure User Group Name Service Requests (SRs) Operations Covered
Support requests administrator odsa-support-administrators
  • Technical
  • Limit Increase
  • Billing
create, list, get, update
Support requests reader odsa-support-readers
  • Technical
  • Limit Increase
  • Billing
list, get

OracleDB for Azure Auditing

Auditors have read-only access to all OracleDB for Azure resources, but they cannot update or manage resources. Read-only access allows auditors to perform list and get operations in the control plane to view metadata about OracleDB for Azure resources.

OracleDB for Azure Reader Group
Group Description Azure User Group Name Resource Operations Covered
OracleDB for Azure reader odsa-readers All OracleDB for Azure resources list, get