Creating Schedules

This section explains how to enter basic schedule information with the Console, CLI, and API.

  • This topic describes how to use the Console to enter basic schedule information.


    The following policies are required to create a schedule:

    • A policy giving you permission to create a schedule
    • A policy giving a schedule permission to act on a resource

    See Creating Schedules for information about policies.


    1. Open the navigation menu and click Governance & Administration.
    2. Under Resource Scheduler, click Schedules.
    3. Under Create a Schedule, click Schedules. The Create a schedule Basic information dialog box opens.
    4. Enter a Schedule name.
    5. Optional: Enter a Schedule description
    6. Use the Action to run menu to select either Start or Stop.
    7. Optional: Click Show advanced options to display the advanced options section. In this section, you can add tags to organize the schedules. Tags provide easy access to selected resources and you to group them for quick scheduling.
    8. Use the Tag menus to add Tag namespaces, Tag keys, and a Tag values.
    9. Click Next to go to the Resources screen, or click Cancel to close the schedule window without saving the schedule.
    10. Note

      You can apply tags to your resources to help you organize them according to your business needs. You can apply tags at the time you create a resource, or you can update the resource later with tags. For general information about applying tags, see Resource Tags.

    Adding Tags

    You can add tags to schedules so that you can list and manage them as a group.

    To add a tag to a schedule:

    1. In the left pane of the Schedules window, in Tag filters, click Add. The Apply tag filter dialog box opens.
    2. In the Tag namespace file, click the menu and select a name. The system choices are:
      • None (free-form tag)
      • Oracle-Tags
      • OracleInternalReserved

        If you have created any tags their names will also be in the list.
    3. In the Tag key field, click the menu and select a key. The choices are:
      • CreatedBy
      • CreatedOn
    4. Under Tag Value, click Match any value or Specify matching values.
    5. Click Apply filter. The dialog box closes and returns to the Schedules window.
    6. In the left pane, under Tag filters a message box shows the tag settings you have just selected.

      These tag filter selections have not been applied yet. Before continuing, check to make sure they are correct.

    7. To apply the tag values, in the upper section of the Schedules window, click Apply filter. The schedules table displays the schedules that match the tags you selected.
  • Use the Resource Scheduler Create Schedule CLI command and required parameters to create a schedule.

    oci resource-scheduler schedule create --action, --compartment-id | -c, --recurrence-details,
          --defined-tags, --description, --display-name, --freeform-tags, -? | -h | --help,
          --resource-filters, --resources, --time-starts

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Use the Resource Scheduler CreateSchedule API to create a schedule.

    For a complete list of Resource Scheduler APIs, see Resource Scheduler APIs.