Deploy Synthetic Worker on a Standalone Compute

To deploy a Synthetic Worker on any standalone Linux x64 compute, you need to download and deploy the Synthetic Worker docker image.

  • Ensure the Synthetic Worker was downloaded and saved in the destination host.
  • The supported Docker engine is installed.
To deploy the Synthetic Worker:
  1. Open the navigation menu, and click Observability & Management. Under Application Performance Monitoring, click Synthetic Monitoring.
    The Synthetic Monitoring is displayed.
  2. Under Resources, located in the left menu, click On-premise Vantage Points.
    The On-premise Vantage Points is displayed.
  3. Under Get started, click Worker usage instruction, select Docker and provide the following required information:
    1. Worker name: Enter the worker name.

      Provide a unique name. No spaces, only numbers, letters, hyphens or underscores.

    2. On-premise Vantage Point: Select the On-premise Vantage Point that the worker connects to.
    3. APM domain private data key: Select the APM domain private data key used to upload data to APM.

      If the Authorization type value is selected as a private data key, this value is also used to create a worker.

    4. APM synthetic api server: Enter the URL of the Synthetic API server where the on-premise vantage point will be created.
    5. Installation directory: Enter the path where the worker is going to get installed.
    6. Capability: Select the worker capability for the image name.
      • Non-browser: Supported for REST, SCRIPTED_REST, NETWORK and DNS monitor types.
      • Browser: Supported for BROWSER and SCRIPTED_BROWSER monitor types.
    7. Worker tar file path: Enter the path of the downloaded worker tar file.
    8. Authorization type: Select the authorization type used for the worker creation.
      • Private data key: This is used as the installation authorization key to create a worker. This is the preferred authorization type when installing a worker in an on-premise host.
    9. (Optional) Show proxy options: Set the proxy server configuration to access the target URL.

      The supported proxy options are: NONE and BASIC.

      BASIC: If it's selected, the following parameters need to be provided:
      • Proxy Host: The designated proxy server that is configured to route internet.
      • Proxy Port: The port number on which the proxy server is listening for the requests/responses.
      • (Optional) Proxy User: The username of the proxy server.
      • (Optional) Proxy Password: The username password of the proxy server.
      • (Optional) Proxy BypassList: The list of hostnames where the proxy is not required to connect to.

    The information provided on the Worker usage information generates the Docker commands.

  4. Copy and run the generated commands to create the worker.
  5. Ensure all commands run successfully.
The synthetic worker is deployed. After it's completed, go to Synthetic Monitoring and click On-premise Vantage Points from the left pane. The worker is listed on the On-premise Vantage Points page.

To verify if the on-premise vantage point is ready to be used, go to the Monitors page, click Create Monitor, and on the Run Settings page in the Create Monitor wizard, confirm that the newly created On-premise Vantage Point is listed in the Vantage Points drop-down list. For information on creating a monitor, see Create a Monitor.