Troubleshooting Resource Definition

Users may encounter various errors during the resource definition process. Causes and recommended actions for such errors are listed below.

Caused by: Unable to open acml file from [<some_path>\1.2-SNAPSHOT\ResourceCollection.acml]

Cause: When the above exception is thrown, it means there was error parsing the provided ResourceCollection.acml file. Formatting the file is the most important since ACML format is a subset of YAML.


The actual cause is included in the exception stacktrace.

The most common causes are:
  1. Tab (\t).
  2. Misalignment of nodes of the same level
  3. Indentation is less than 2 spaces.

OS does not allow creating environment variable with dots

Cause: OS doesn't allow creating an environment variable using dots.

Action: In those cases, if you want to create an environment variable of the resource property, you need to replace the dot (.) by an underscore (_). For example, can be replaced by com_oracle_apm_agent_hostname.