Update Autonomous Container Database Maintenance Preferences

You update the maintenance preferences of an Autonomous Container Database from its Details page.

Required IAM Policies

use autonomous-container-databases


  1. Go to the Details page of the Autonomous Container Database whose maintenance schedule you want to change.

    For instructions, see View Details of an Autonomous Container Database.

  2. Click the Edit Maintenance Preferences button. For Exadata Cloud@Customer deployments, you not locate this button, find it under More actions.

  3. You can update the following maintenance preferences from the Edit Automatic Maintenance card:
    • Configure maintenance method: Choose between Rolling or Non-rolling maintenance methods.
      • The Rolling method updates the ACD, one node at a time, with no downtime for Autonomous Databases.
      • The Non-rolling method shuts down and updates the ACD in parallel across all nodes. This method minimizes maintenance time but it requires full system downtime for the ACD and all associated Autonomous Databases.

        In an Autonomous Data Guard configuration, the non-rolling maintenance method results in downtime for the primary and standby ACDs during their respective maintenance window until the patching completes.
      • Optionally, you can also select Enable time-zone update. Time-zone files can only be updated using the non-rolling configuration method.

      All the RUs that include time-zone updates will be patched using the non-rolling maintenance method (with full system downtime) only. So, if you configure your maintenance to the rolling method and enable time-zone update, all the RUs that include a time-zone update are applied in the non-rolling method only. Only those RUs without a time-zone update are applied in the rolling method.
    • Configure container database maintenance version: Choose Next release update (RU) or Latest Release update (RU) to configure the next maintenance version of the ACD. Accordingly, the ACD will be updated to the next immediate release or the latest release in the upcoming maintenance window.
    • Configure automatic maintenance schedule: You can change the maintenance schedule settings, as desired:
      • Select No preference to permit Oracle to schedule maintenance as needed based on the maintenance schedule of the Exadata Infrastructure resource hosting the Autonomous Container Database.

      • Select Custom schedule to restrict when Oracle can schedule maintenance. You can choose your preferred month, week, weekday, start time, and buffer period between primary and standby maintenance execution for the Autonomous Container Database maintenance. You must select at least one month per quarter, and you can also choose to skip patching for a quarter. Patching cannot be skipped for two consecutive quarters.


        When you choose to skip, you need to select at least one month from that quarter. This acts as a fallback in case maintenance did not occur in the previous un-skipped quarter. In this scenario, Oracle will automatically perform the maintenance in the selected month, even if skipping is chosen for that quarter.


        For guidance on choosing a custom schedule, see Settings in Maintenance Schedule that are Customizable.
  4. When finished, click Save changes.