Listing Data Masking Rules and Getting Their Details

View the list of existing data masking rules in Cloud Guard, and access details for individual rules.


You must create one or more data masking rules:

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Cloud Guard, click Configuration.
    2. On the Configuration page, click Data masking.

      The column headers on the Data masking page provide summary information for the data masking rules:

      • Masking rule: The name of the masking rule.
      • Group membership: The name of the group to which the rule applies.
      • Redacted categories: The categories that are redacted for the specified group.
      • Target: The target to which the rule applies.
      • Status: The rule's current status, Enabled or Disabled.
      • Created: The date and time when the rule was created.
    3. To ensure that the page displays all available rules, under Scope, set the value of Compartment to the tenancy's root compartment.
      Change these setting to filter by a different compartment, if needed.
    4. To filter the list, you can:
      • Enter a text string in the Filter by ... box.

        As you type, the list is filtered to display only rule names that contain the text you type.

      • Under Scope:
        • Select a different Compartment.
      • To filter the list by tags, follow these steps:
        1. To the right of Tag filters in the lower-left side of the page, click the add link.
        2. In the Apply tag filter dialog box, select a Tag namespace. If you want to manually enter a tag, select None (free-form tag).
        3. Select or enter a Tag key.
        4. For Tag value, select one of the following options:
          • Select Match any value if you want any tag value to count as a match.
          • Select Specify matching values and manually enter values, separated by commas, if you want only the values that you enter to count as a match.
          • To add more values for this tag, click the plus sign (+).
        5. Click Apply filter.
    5. To view the details for a particular data masking rule, open its Actions menu Image of Action menu, and select Edit.
  • For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

    Use the oci cloud-guard data-mask-rule get command and required parameters to get a specific data mask rule:

    oci cloud-guard data-mask-rule get --data-mask-rule-id <data_mask_rule_ocid> [OPTIONS]

    Use the oci cloud-guard data-mask-rule list command and required parameters to list all data mask rules in a compartment:

    oci cloud-guard data-mask-rule list --compartment-id, -c <compartment_ocid> [OPTIONS]
  • Run the GetDataMaskRule operation to get a data mask rule.

    Run the ListDataMaskRules operation to list data mask rules.