Disabling Cloud Guard

If necessary, you can disable Cloud Guard.


Disabling Cloud Guard deletes all the existing targets, user-managed detector and responder recipes, and other customizations. If you later decide to re-enable Cloud Guard, these customizations can't be recovered, but must be re-created.

You can disable Cloud Guard only from the reporting region. If the Disable Cloud Guard button is not available, you must switch to the reporting region to make it available.

The region in which you're currently working is displayed in the top-right area of the browser window. If the region name displayed is not the reporting region, click the name and then select the reporting region.

The Cloud Guard reporting region is notthe same thing as the OCI home region.
    1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Cloud Guard, click Configuration.
    2. On the Configuration page, click Settings.
    3. On the Settings page, click Disable Cloud Guard.
    4. Click Yes to confirm.
  • For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

    Use the oci cloud-guard configuration update command and required parameters to update the details of the configuration for a Cloud Guard tenancy, to disable Cloud Guard:

    oci cloud-guard configuration update --compartment-id, -c <compartment_ocid> --reporting-region reporting_region_value --status tenancy_enablement_status [OPTIONS]
  • Run the UpdateConfiguration operation to update the details of the configuration for a Cloud Guard tenancy, to disable Cloud Guard.