Configuring Run Options for Tasks

If a task run fails during a pipeline execution, subsequent tasks in the sequence do not run. By default, there are no attempts to rerun tasks that fail.

You can specify the expected time it takes for a task run to be completed.

You can choose to rerun a task by specifying the number of times to retry, and the length of time to wait between retry attempts.

  1. On the canvas of your pipeline, select the task for which you want to specify run options.
  2. Under the Configuration tab of the Properties panel for the task, click Show advanced options.
  3. (Optional) For Expected time to complete, enter a value and select a unit for the estimated time it takes for this task to complete the run.
    You can specify a value in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.
  4. For Retry count, enter a value from 0 to 10 to specify the number of times to try to rerun the task if a run fails.
    0 (zero) means no retries. 10 is the maximum number of retries allowed.
  5. For Retry delay, enter a value and select a unit to specify the time interval between retries.
    You can specify a value in seconds, minutes, or hours. The value must be greater than 5 seconds.