Exporting a User-Defined Functions Library or User-Defined Function

Export a functions library or a user-defined function in a library from a Data Integration workspace to an Object Storage bucket.

To export a function or functions library, specify the details for the export object such as the zip file name and the location of the bucket. Before you export, ensure that you have an Object Storage bucket and the relevant permissions and IAM policies as described in Required Setup and Policies.

    1. Navigate to the workspace in which you want to export a functions library or a user-defined function.

      For the steps to access a workspace, see Accessing a Workspace.

    2. On the workspace home page, click User-defined functions.
    3. In the list of libraries, perform one of the following actions:
      • Click the Actions menu (Actions menu) of the functions library that you want to export and select Export.
      • Click the name of the functions library that contains the user-defined function that you want to export. Then on the library details page, click the Actions menu (Actions menu) of the function and select Export.
    4. In the export panel that appears, enter the following details:
      • Tenancy OCID: Enter the Oracle Cloud ID of the tenancy in which you want to save the exported zip file.

        The namespace is a system-generated value based on the tenancy OCID that you enter.

      • OCI region: Select the region in the tenancy.
      • Compartment: Select the compartment that contains the Object Storage bucket that you want to use.
      • Bucket: Select the bucket.
      • File name: Enter the file name for the export library or export function zip file.

        .udflib.zip is appended to the file name when the library zip file is created.

        .udf.zip is appended to the file name when the user-defined function zip file is created.

      • Overwrite the existing exported zip file: Select the checkbox if you want to overwrite the zip file when the file name that you provide already exists.
    5. Click Export.

      A notification message appears with a View export requests link. Click the link to monitor the request status on the Export/Import requests page. See Monitoring Export and Import Requests.

  • Use the oci data-integration export-request create command and required parameters to export the functions library or user-defined function:

    oci data-integration export-request create [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the CreateExportRequest operation with the appropriate request details to export the functions library or user-defined function.