Deleting a Pipeline

Delete a deployment pipeline permanently.

Before deleting a deployment pipeline, all the stages associated with the pipeline must be deleted. See Deleting a Pipeline Stage.

For accessing DevOps using the Oracle Cloud Console, REST API, and CLI, see Accessing DevOps.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Developer Services. Under DevOps, click Projects.
    2. On the DevOps Projects page, click the project for which you want to delete the pipeline.
    3. On the project details page, from the Latest deployment pipelines section, click the View all deployment pipelines link.
    4. On the Deployment pipelines page, click the Actions menu (Actions Menu) to the right of the pipeline that you want to delete and select Delete.
    5. In the Delete pipeline dialog box, click Delete.
  • To delete a deployment pipeline, run the delete command:

    oci devops deploy-pipeline delete --pipeline-id

    To get all the commands for deploy-pipeline:

    oci devops deploy-pipeline -h
  • To delete a deployment pipeline, use the DeleteDeployPipeline operation.