Delete Managed Instance

Removing a managed instance will unregister the associated Oracle Management Agent or Oracle Cloud Agent from the fleet, thereby removing the instance from the fleet.

When a managed instance is removed from a fleet, the historical data of the managed instance remains in the fleet's reports. For example, if a managed instance was removed from Fleet A on January 1, 2021, Fleet A's reports for dates including and prior to January 1, 2021 will still contain data from that managed instance.

You can remove one or more managed instances from the fleet by following these steps:

  1. In the Fleet dashboard, select the fleet containing the managed instances you want to remove.
  2. In the Resources section, click the Managed instances view for that fleet.
  3. In the Managed instances table, select one or more managed instances.
  4. Click Delete managed instance(s). The Delete managed instance(s) dialog opens.
  5. Click Confirm to complete the managed instance(s) removal. Work requests already created for this managed instance(s) might be affected by this operation and can be managed in the Work request module.

Work requests already created for the removed managed instance(s) might be affected by this operation and can be managed in the Work Request module.