Add a Widget Group

You can add a widget group container to group widgets in a dashboard.

The widget group can be used to group related widgets in a new or existing dashboard. For example, you can add a widget group that contains all the database performance-related widgets in the dashboard.

To add a widget group to a dashboard:

  1. Go to the Dashboards page.
  2. Click Create dashboard to create a new dashboard or open an existing dashboard in edit mode.
  3. On the Widgets tab, click the Add widget group and widgets icon (Add widget group and widgets) and click Add widget group.
    A blank widget group container is added to the dashboard.
  4. Optionally, add tabs to the widget group container. For information, see Add Tabs to a Widget Group.
  5. Drag and drop the widgets you want to group together into the widget group container.
  6. Click Edit widgets on the Widgets tab to view and specify a name for the widget group, and review and configure inputs for the widgets in the group, if required.
    Optionally, click the Actions icon (Actions) on the widget group to perform tasks such as altering its size or placement, deleting or duplicating it, and ungrouping all the widgets in the group. You can also click the Actions icon (Actions) on a single widget in the widget group and click Ungroup to remove that widget from the group.
  7. Click Save changes to save the dashboard.