Provisioning a Base Database

Oracle Database Service for Azure portal allows you to provision an Oracle Base Database (also known as an Oracle Virtual Machine Database (VMDB)).

Before you begin, if you want to know more about an Oracle Base Database, reference the About Oracle Base Database Service documentation.

In order to successfully provision an Oracle Base Database, you cannot have a policy that prevents the creation or updates of resource groups or dashboards. See Oracle Base Database Observability Provisioning Failure for more information.
  1. Select the Create link for Base Database from the OracleDB for Azure Portal or the Create a resource blade.
  2. This is the Basics tab for your Base Database.

    Figure 1-73 Create Base Database - Basics Tab

    Description of Figure 1-73 follows

  3. The Subscription field allows you to select any subscription that has been assigned to your account. If you only have a single subscription, you cannot change the value in this field. If you have multiple subscriptions assigned to your account, you can change the default value for this field following the tasks in Setting Account UI Settings.

    Figure 1-74 Subscription Selection

    Description of Figure 1-74 follows

  4. Select the Resource groups you want to use for your database. Follow this link for more information on Microsoft Azure Resource GroupsMicrosoft Azure Resource Groups.

    Figure 1-75 Resource Group Selection

    Description of Figure 1-75 follows

  5. The Instance Name must be unique for your subcription.
  6. In the Region field select the region where you want this to be provisioned. If you only have a single region, you cannot change the value in this field. If you have multiple regions assigned, you can change the default value for this field following the tasks in Setting Account UI Settings.

    Figure 1-76 Region Selection

    Description of Figure 1-76 follows

  7. Select the Next: Configuration > button.

    Figure 1-77 Create Base Database - Configuration Tab

    Description of Figure 1-77 follows

  8. You must set the Shape Selection for your Base Database. Select the Configure DB system shape link to open the Select VM shape selection panel. Depending upon your subscription and other settings, the list of VM shapes may vary. For more information on VM shapes, see the Compute Shapes documentation. Once you have selected the desired shape, select the OK button to save those settings, and to return to the Configuration tab. Note: There are two (2) types of shapes, Standard and Flex shapes. Depending upon your selection, the options available for your Base Database will change.

    Figure 1-78 Select VM shape selection panel.

    Description of Figure 1-78 follows

    Figure 1-79 Set the VM Shape

    Description of Figure 1-79 follows

  9. If you select either a Standard or Flex shape, you will have the option for selecting your Storage management software to either Oracle Grid Infrastructure or Logical Volume Manager. See Introducing Oracle Storage Management for more information. Oracle Grid Infrastructure uses Oracle Automatic Storage Management (recommended for production workloads) for its storage management software.

    Figure 1-80 Set the Storage management software

    Description of exadbconfig-00003.png follows

  10. If you select a Flex shape, you have the additional option of selecting the Storage performance option. You can select either Balanced or High performance. NOTE: If you use a Standard shape, you can only use the Balanced storage performance option.

    Figure 1-81 Select a Flex shape

    Description of Figure 1-81 follows

    Figure 1-82 Set the Storage performance

    Description of Figure 1-82 follows

  11. The Available data storage (GB) field allows you to select a range of storage options for your Base Database. The range is from 256GB to 40960GB with most of the selections incrementing by 2048GB.

    Figure 1-83 Available data storage (GB) Selection

    Description of Figure 1-83 follows

  12. The Software edition field requires you to select the Base Database edition that will be used. The options vary based on your subscription. For more information on Software editions, see the About Oracle Base Database documentation.

    Figure 1-84 Software edition Selection

    Description of Figure 1-84 follows

  13. The License type radio button, allows you to select between License included and Bring your own license (BYOL). Select the option that works best for your requirements.

    Figure 1-85 Additional fields on Configuration Tab

    Description of Figure 1-85 follows

  14. The Database version will vary based on your subscription. Select the choice that works for best for your requirements.
  15. The Database name field must be between 1 and 8 characters in length, and must be unique to your subscription. If what you enter does not meet the naming requirements, you will see the following validation message.

    Figure 1-86 Database name Requirements Message

    Description of Figure 1-86 follows

  16. The Pluggable database name field must be between 1 and 30 characters in length, and must be unique to your subscription. If you do not meet the naming requirements, you will see the following validation message.

    Figure 1-87 Pluggable database name Requirements Message

    Description of Figure 1-87 follows

  17. The default Character set for the database is AL32UTF8.
  18. The default National character set for the database is AL16UTF16.
  19. Select the Next: Networking > button.

    Figure 1-88 Create Base Database - Networking Tab

    Description of Figure 1-88 follows

  20. The Hostname prefix must be a unique resolvable hostname for the database and will be used to connect externally to the system. The hostname must begin with an alphabetic character, can contain only alphanumeric characters and hyphens, and not exceed 12 characters in length.
  21. The Virtual networks selection allows you to select existing virtual networks. If you do not have a selection available here, you will need to define one for your subscription. The virtual network allows you to isolate and secure your database traffic.

    Figure 1-89 Virtual networks Selection

    Description of Figure 1-89 follows

  22. The Network virtual appliance field enables you to enter the IP address of the your transparent firewall to allow return traffic to work properly which helps optimize your network and security through firewalls and encryption. While Azure supports a broad list of third-party network virtual appliances including web application firewalls (WAF), firewalls, gateways/routers, application delivery controllers (ADC), and WAN optimizers, this specific IP is for your transparent firewall.
  23. The OCI CIDRs field requires a CIDR block notation designation of IP address ranges to be assigned to your database. For more information on setting an appropriate range of IP address, see Network CIDR Sizing.

    Figure 1-90 OCI CIDRs

    Description of Figure 1-90 follows

  24. Select the Next: Security > button.

    Figure 1-91 Security Tab

    Description of Figure 1-91 follows

  25. You must either generate a new public key - private key pair or upload an existing public key for the SSH key pair field. To upload an existing public key, select the Upload existing public key link. To generate a new pair, select the Generate pair and save private key link.

    Figure 1-92 Upload existing public key

    Description of Figure 1-92 follows

    Figure 1-93 Generate paid and save private key

    Description of Figure 1-93 follows

  26. The Base Database administrator Username is set to SYS, and cannot be changed.
  27. The Base Database administrator Password must be set. It must contain two (2) uppercase characters, two (2) lowercase characters, two (2) numeric characters, two (2) special characters within _, #, and -, and must be between 14 and 255 characters long. If the password you enter does not meet these requirements, you will see a confirmation message similar to the following.

    Figure 1-94 Password failure Message

    Description of Figure 1-94 follows

  28. The Base Database administrator Confirm Password must be match the value you entered for your Password. If the Confirm Password does not match, you will see a confirmation message similar to the following.

    Figure 1-95 Password match Message

    Description of Figure 1-95 follows

  29. You have the option to use a different password for the TDE wallet than you use for the SYS password. If you wish to do this, select the Use another password for the TDE wallet checkbox. When you do this, the UI will change. You can then enter the TDE wallet password and a TDE wallet password confirm you want to use. The TDE wallet password and TDE wallet password confirm must conform to the same requirements as the SYS password. If they don't conform to the requirements, you will see an appropriate message as shown below.

    Figure 1-96 Use another password for the TDE wallet

    Description of Figure 1-96 follows

  30. Select the Next: Management > button.

    Figure 1-97 Create Base Database - Management Tab

    Description of Figure 1-97 follows

  31. By default, Enable automatic backup is selected. If you want to disable automatic backups, unselect the Enable automatic backup checkbox.

    Figure 1-98 Uncheck Enable automatic backups Checkbox

    Description of Figure 1-98 follows

  32. The Backup retention period selection is set to 30 days, by default. You can select another option from the list of available options which are 7 days, 15 days, 30 days, 45 days, and 60 days.

    Figure 1-99 Backup retention period Selection

    Description of Figure 1-99 follows

  33. The Backup scheduling (UTC) selection is a two-hour window during which the backup will be performed. There are 12 selectable time windows.

    Figure 1-100 Backup schedule (UTC) Selection

    Description of Figure 1-100 follows

  34. Select the Next: Tags > button. Here is where you can set tags, which are Name-Value pairs that can be set to improve management. Select the Learn more about tags link if you want more information. Tags created here are applied to OCI provisioned resources.

    Figure 1-101 Create Base Database - Tags Tab

    Description of Figure 1-101 follows

  35. Select the Next: Review + create > button.

    Figure 1-102 Create Base Database - Review + create Tab

    Description of Figure 1-102 follows

  36. If the validation fails, you will see a screen similar to the following. You must resolve all of the validation issues before you can submit the creation process to the queue.

    Figure 1-103 Create Base Database - Review + create Tab - Failed Validation

    Description of Figure 1-103 follows

  37. To create the Oracle Base Database, select the Create button.
  38. To review or change any settings, select the < Previous button.
  39. To cancel creation of the Oracle Base Database, select either the Home breadcrumb or the X (close) icon at the top-right of the page.
  40. If you select the Create button, the provisioning process for the Oracle Base Database will be queued. The flow for this process is shown below.

    Figure 1-104 Create Base Database Submission

    Description of Figure 1-104 follows

    Figure 1-105 Create Base Database Queued

    Description of Figure 1-105 follows

    Figure 1-106 Create Base Database In-progress

    Description of Figure 1-106 follows

    Figure 1-107 Create Base Database Failed

    Description of Figure 1-107 follows

  41. To check on all Base Database deployments, successful, failed, or in-progress, check the Deployments portal.

    Figure 1-108 Deployments Portal

    Description of Figure 1-108 follows

  42. This completes the steps for provisioning an Oracle Base Database.