Analyze Available CPU Resources

For a complete view of CPU usage across all Ops Insights enabled databases, click CPU under Resources in the left navigation menu. This page has a master-detail design with three primary components:

  • Insights: Table of databases flagged for CPU utilization insights
  • Aggregate: Treemap of CPU utilization over all databases in the compartment
  • Trend & Forecast: Time series charts of CPU usage trends and forecasts for individual or groups of databases

By default, you view comprehensive CPU usage for each database. Viewing the resource utilization for each database, lets you compare resource utilization between databases and identify servers with underused or overused resources.


To view or use this CPU usage information outside of this service, Ops Insights allows you to download a CSV version.

For specific details about the selected database, click the external link icon next to the database name in the Trend & Forecast chart. You'll be taken to the details page for that database.