
Package cims

import "github.com/oracle/oci-go-sdk/cims"

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func GetActivityItemActivityAuthorEnumStringValues() []string
func GetActivityItemActivityTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetActivityItemItemStatusEnumStringValues() []string
func GetActivityItemItemTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetClassifierScopeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetClassifierUnitEnumStringValues() []string
func GetContactContactTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetCreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnumStringValues() []string
func GetCreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnumStringValues() []string
func GetErrorCodeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetLifecycleDetailsEnumStringValues() []string
func GetLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetLimitItemLimitStatusEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListIncidentsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListIncidentsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetProblemTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetScopeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetTicketSeverityEnumStringValues() []string
func GetTimeZoneEnumStringValues() []string
func GetUnitEnumStringValues() []string
func GetUpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetValidateUserProblemTypeEnumStringValues() []string
type AccountItem
    func (m AccountItem) GetCategory() *Category
    func (m AccountItem) GetIssueType() *IssueType
    func (m AccountItem) GetItemKey() *string
    func (m AccountItem) GetName() *string
    func (m AccountItem) GetSubCategory() *SubCategory
    func (m AccountItem) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m AccountItem) String() string
    func (m AccountItem) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ActivityItem
    func (m ActivityItem) GetCategory() *Category
    func (m ActivityItem) GetIssueType() *IssueType
    func (m ActivityItem) GetItemKey() *string
    func (m ActivityItem) GetName() *string
    func (m ActivityItem) GetSubCategory() *SubCategory
    func (m ActivityItem) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m ActivityItem) String() string
    func (m ActivityItem) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ActivityItemActivityAuthorEnum
    func GetActivityItemActivityAuthorEnumValues() []ActivityItemActivityAuthorEnum
    func GetMappingActivityItemActivityAuthorEnum(val string) (ActivityItemActivityAuthorEnum, bool)
type ActivityItemActivityTypeEnum
    func GetActivityItemActivityTypeEnumValues() []ActivityItemActivityTypeEnum
    func GetMappingActivityItemActivityTypeEnum(val string) (ActivityItemActivityTypeEnum, bool)
type ActivityItemItemStatusEnum
    func GetActivityItemItemStatusEnumValues() []ActivityItemItemStatusEnum
    func GetMappingActivityItemItemStatusEnum(val string) (ActivityItemItemStatusEnum, bool)
type ActivityItemItemTypeEnum
    func GetActivityItemItemTypeEnumValues() []ActivityItemItemTypeEnum
    func GetMappingActivityItemItemTypeEnum(val string) (ActivityItemItemTypeEnum, bool)
type Category
    func (m Category) String() string
    func (m Category) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Classifier
    func (m Classifier) String() string
    func (m Classifier) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ClassifierScopeEnum
    func GetClassifierScopeEnumValues() []ClassifierScopeEnum
    func GetMappingClassifierScopeEnum(val string) (ClassifierScopeEnum, bool)
type ClassifierUnitEnum
    func GetClassifierUnitEnumValues() []ClassifierUnitEnum
    func GetMappingClassifierUnitEnum(val string) (ClassifierUnitEnum, bool)
type Contact
    func (m Contact) String() string
    func (m Contact) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ContactContactTypeEnum
    func GetContactContactTypeEnumValues() []ContactContactTypeEnum
    func GetMappingContactContactTypeEnum(val string) (ContactContactTypeEnum, bool)
type ContactList
    func (m ContactList) String() string
    func (m ContactList) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ContextualData
    func (m ContextualData) String() string
    func (m ContextualData) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateAccountItemDetails
    func (m CreateAccountItemDetails) GetCategory() *CreateCategoryDetails
    func (m CreateAccountItemDetails) GetIssueType() *CreateIssueTypeDetails
    func (m CreateAccountItemDetails) GetName() *string
    func (m CreateAccountItemDetails) GetSubCategory() *CreateSubCategoryDetails
    func (m CreateAccountItemDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m CreateAccountItemDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateAccountItemDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateCategoryDetails
    func (m CreateCategoryDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateCategoryDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateIncident
    func (m CreateIncident) String() string
    func (m CreateIncident) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateIncidentRequest
    func (request CreateIncidentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CreateIncidentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CreateIncidentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CreateIncidentRequest) String() string
    func (request CreateIncidentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateIncidentResponse
    func (response CreateIncidentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CreateIncidentResponse) String() string
type CreateIssueTypeDetails
    func (m CreateIssueTypeDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateIssueTypeDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateItemDetails
type CreateLimitItemDetails
    func (m CreateLimitItemDetails) GetCategory() *CreateCategoryDetails
    func (m CreateLimitItemDetails) GetIssueType() *CreateIssueTypeDetails
    func (m CreateLimitItemDetails) GetName() *string
    func (m CreateLimitItemDetails) GetSubCategory() *CreateSubCategoryDetails
    func (m CreateLimitItemDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m CreateLimitItemDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateLimitItemDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnum
    func GetCreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnumValues() []CreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnum
    func GetMappingCreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnum(val string) (CreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnum, bool)
type CreateResourceDetails
    func (m CreateResourceDetails) String() string
    func (m *CreateResourceDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m CreateResourceDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateSubCategoryDetails
    func (m CreateSubCategoryDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateSubCategoryDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateTechSupportItemDetails
    func (m CreateTechSupportItemDetails) GetCategory() *CreateCategoryDetails
    func (m CreateTechSupportItemDetails) GetIssueType() *CreateIssueTypeDetails
    func (m CreateTechSupportItemDetails) GetName() *string
    func (m CreateTechSupportItemDetails) GetSubCategory() *CreateSubCategoryDetails
    func (m CreateTechSupportItemDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m CreateTechSupportItemDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateTechSupportItemDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateTicketDetails
    func (m CreateTicketDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateTicketDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum
    func GetCreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnumValues() []CreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum
    func GetMappingCreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum(val string) (CreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum, bool)
type CreateUserDetails
    func (m CreateUserDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateUserDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ErrorCodeEnum
    func GetErrorCodeEnumValues() []ErrorCodeEnum
    func GetMappingErrorCodeEnum(val string) (ErrorCodeEnum, bool)
type GetCsiNumberRequest
    func (request GetCsiNumberRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetCsiNumberRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetCsiNumberRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetCsiNumberRequest) String() string
    func (request GetCsiNumberRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetCsiNumberResponse
    func (response GetCsiNumberResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetCsiNumberResponse) String() string
type GetIncidentRequest
    func (request GetIncidentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetIncidentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetIncidentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetIncidentRequest) String() string
    func (request GetIncidentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetIncidentResponse
    func (response GetIncidentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetIncidentResponse) String() string
type GetStatusRequest
    func (request GetStatusRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetStatusRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetStatusRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetStatusRequest) String() string
    func (request GetStatusRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetStatusResponse
    func (response GetStatusResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetStatusResponse) String() string
type Incident
    func (m Incident) String() string
    func (m Incident) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type IncidentClient
    func NewIncidentClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client IncidentClient, err error)
    func NewIncidentClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client IncidentClient, err error)
    func (client *IncidentClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider
    func (client IncidentClient) CreateIncident(ctx context.Context, request CreateIncidentRequest) (response CreateIncidentResponse, err error)
    func (client IncidentClient) GetCsiNumber(ctx context.Context, request GetCsiNumberRequest) (response GetCsiNumberResponse, err error)
    func (client IncidentClient) GetIncident(ctx context.Context, request GetIncidentRequest) (response GetIncidentResponse, err error)
    func (client IncidentClient) GetStatus(ctx context.Context, request GetStatusRequest) (response GetStatusResponse, err error)
    func (client IncidentClient) ListIncidentResourceTypes(ctx context.Context, request ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest) (response ListIncidentResourceTypesResponse, err error)
    func (client IncidentClient) ListIncidents(ctx context.Context, request ListIncidentsRequest) (response ListIncidentsResponse, err error)
    func (client *IncidentClient) SetRegion(region string)
    func (client IncidentClient) UpdateIncident(ctx context.Context, request UpdateIncidentRequest) (response UpdateIncidentResponse, err error)
    func (client IncidentClient) ValidateUser(ctx context.Context, request ValidateUserRequest) (response ValidateUserResponse, err error)
type IncidentResourceType
    func (m IncidentResourceType) String() string
    func (m IncidentResourceType) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type IncidentSummary
    func (m IncidentSummary) String() string
    func (m IncidentSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type IncidentType
    func (m IncidentType) String() string
    func (m IncidentType) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type IssueType
    func (m IssueType) String() string
    func (m IssueType) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Item
type LifecycleDetailsEnum
    func GetLifecycleDetailsEnumValues() []LifecycleDetailsEnum
    func GetMappingLifecycleDetailsEnum(val string) (LifecycleDetailsEnum, bool)
type LifecycleStateEnum
    func GetLifecycleStateEnumValues() []LifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (LifecycleStateEnum, bool)
type LimitItem
    func (m LimitItem) GetCategory() *Category
    func (m LimitItem) GetIssueType() *IssueType
    func (m LimitItem) GetItemKey() *string
    func (m LimitItem) GetName() *string
    func (m LimitItem) GetSubCategory() *SubCategory
    func (m LimitItem) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m LimitItem) String() string
    func (m LimitItem) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type LimitItemLimitStatusEnum
    func GetLimitItemLimitStatusEnumValues() []LimitItemLimitStatusEnum
    func GetMappingLimitItemLimitStatusEnum(val string) (LimitItemLimitStatusEnum, bool)
type ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest
    func (request ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest) String() string
    func (request ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListIncidentResourceTypesResponse
    func (response ListIncidentResourceTypesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListIncidentResourceTypesResponse) String() string
type ListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnum
    func GetListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnumValues() []ListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnum(val string) (ListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnum, bool)
type ListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnum
    func GetListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnumValues() []ListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnumValues() []ListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (ListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
type ListIncidentsRequest
    func (request ListIncidentsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListIncidentsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListIncidentsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListIncidentsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListIncidentsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListIncidentsResponse
    func (response ListIncidentsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListIncidentsResponse) String() string
type ListIncidentsSortByEnum
    func GetListIncidentsSortByEnumValues() []ListIncidentsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListIncidentsSortByEnum(val string) (ListIncidentsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListIncidentsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListIncidentsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListIncidentsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListIncidentsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListIncidentsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ProblemTypeEnum
    func GetMappingProblemTypeEnum(val string) (ProblemTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetProblemTypeEnumValues() []ProblemTypeEnum
type Resource
    func (m Resource) String() string
    func (m *Resource) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m Resource) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ScopeEnum
    func GetMappingScopeEnum(val string) (ScopeEnum, bool)
    func GetScopeEnumValues() []ScopeEnum
type ServiceCategories
    func (m ServiceCategories) String() string
    func (m ServiceCategories) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ServiceCategory
    func (m ServiceCategory) String() string
    func (m ServiceCategory) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SortByEnum
    func GetMappingSortByEnum(val string) (SortByEnum, bool)
    func GetSortByEnumValues() []SortByEnum
type SortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingSortOrderEnum(val string) (SortOrderEnum, bool)
    func GetSortOrderEnumValues() []SortOrderEnum
type Status
    func (m Status) String() string
    func (m Status) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SubCategory
    func (m SubCategory) String() string
    func (m SubCategory) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type TechSupportItem
    func (m TechSupportItem) GetCategory() *Category
    func (m TechSupportItem) GetIssueType() *IssueType
    func (m TechSupportItem) GetItemKey() *string
    func (m TechSupportItem) GetName() *string
    func (m TechSupportItem) GetSubCategory() *SubCategory
    func (m TechSupportItem) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m TechSupportItem) String() string
    func (m TechSupportItem) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type TenancyInformation
    func (m TenancyInformation) String() string
    func (m TenancyInformation) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Ticket
    func (m Ticket) String() string
    func (m Ticket) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type TicketSeverityEnum
    func GetMappingTicketSeverityEnum(val string) (TicketSeverityEnum, bool)
    func GetTicketSeverityEnumValues() []TicketSeverityEnum
type TimeZoneEnum
    func GetMappingTimeZoneEnum(val string) (TimeZoneEnum, bool)
    func GetTimeZoneEnumValues() []TimeZoneEnum
type UnitEnum
    func GetMappingUnitEnum(val string) (UnitEnum, bool)
    func GetUnitEnumValues() []UnitEnum
type UpdateActivityItemDetails
    func (m UpdateActivityItemDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m UpdateActivityItemDetails) String() string
    func (m UpdateActivityItemDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum
    func GetMappingUpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum(val string) (UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetUpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnumValues() []UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum
type UpdateIncident
    func (m UpdateIncident) String() string
    func (m UpdateIncident) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateIncidentRequest
    func (request UpdateIncidentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request UpdateIncidentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request UpdateIncidentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request UpdateIncidentRequest) String() string
    func (request UpdateIncidentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateIncidentResponse
    func (response UpdateIncidentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response UpdateIncidentResponse) String() string
type UpdateItemDetails
type UpdateResourceDetails
    func (m UpdateResourceDetails) String() string
    func (m *UpdateResourceDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m UpdateResourceDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateTicketDetails
    func (m UpdateTicketDetails) String() string
    func (m UpdateTicketDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type User
    func (m User) String() string
    func (m User) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ValidateUserProblemTypeEnum
    func GetMappingValidateUserProblemTypeEnum(val string) (ValidateUserProblemTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetValidateUserProblemTypeEnumValues() []ValidateUserProblemTypeEnum
type ValidateUserRequest
    func (request ValidateUserRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ValidateUserRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ValidateUserRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ValidateUserRequest) String() string
    func (request ValidateUserRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ValidateUserResponse
    func (response ValidateUserResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ValidateUserResponse) String() string
type ValidationResponse
    func (m ValidationResponse) String() string
    func (m ValidationResponse) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

Package files

account_item.go activity_item.go category.go cims_incident_client.go classifier.go contact.go contact_list.go contextual_data.go create_account_item_details.go create_category_details.go create_incident.go create_incident_request_response.go create_issue_type_details.go create_item_details.go create_limit_item_details.go create_resource_details.go create_sub_category_details.go create_tech_support_item_details.go create_ticket_details.go create_user_details.go error_code.go get_csi_number_request_response.go get_incident_request_response.go get_status_request_response.go incident.go incident_resource_type.go incident_summary.go incident_type.go issue_type.go item.go lifecycle_details.go lifecycle_state.go limit_item.go list_incident_resource_types_request_response.go list_incidents_request_response.go problem_type.go resource.go scope.go service_categories.go service_category.go sort_by.go sort_order.go status.go sub_category.go tech_support_item.go tenancy_information.go ticket.go time_zone.go unit.go update_activity_item_details.go update_incident.go update_incident_request_response.go update_item_details.go update_resource_details.go update_ticket_details.go user.go validate_user_request_response.go validation_response.go

func GetActivityItemActivityAuthorEnumStringValues

func GetActivityItemActivityAuthorEnumStringValues() []string

GetActivityItemActivityAuthorEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ActivityItemActivityAuthorEnum

func GetActivityItemActivityTypeEnumStringValues

func GetActivityItemActivityTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetActivityItemActivityTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ActivityItemActivityTypeEnum

func GetActivityItemItemStatusEnumStringValues

func GetActivityItemItemStatusEnumStringValues() []string

GetActivityItemItemStatusEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ActivityItemItemStatusEnum

func GetActivityItemItemTypeEnumStringValues

func GetActivityItemItemTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetActivityItemItemTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ActivityItemItemTypeEnum

func GetClassifierScopeEnumStringValues

func GetClassifierScopeEnumStringValues() []string

GetClassifierScopeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ClassifierScopeEnum

func GetClassifierUnitEnumStringValues

func GetClassifierUnitEnumStringValues() []string

GetClassifierUnitEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ClassifierUnitEnum

func GetContactContactTypeEnumStringValues

func GetContactContactTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetContactContactTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ContactContactTypeEnum

func GetCreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnumStringValues

func GetCreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnumStringValues() []string

GetCreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for CreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnum

func GetCreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnumStringValues

func GetCreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnumStringValues() []string

GetCreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for CreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum

func GetErrorCodeEnumStringValues

func GetErrorCodeEnumStringValues() []string

GetErrorCodeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ErrorCodeEnum

func GetLifecycleDetailsEnumStringValues

func GetLifecycleDetailsEnumStringValues() []string

GetLifecycleDetailsEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for LifecycleDetailsEnum

func GetLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for LifecycleStateEnum

func GetLimitItemLimitStatusEnumStringValues

func GetLimitItemLimitStatusEnumStringValues() []string

GetLimitItemLimitStatusEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for LimitItemLimitStatusEnum

func GetListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnum

func GetListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnum

func GetListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnum

func GetListIncidentsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListIncidentsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListIncidentsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListIncidentsSortByEnum

func GetListIncidentsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListIncidentsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListIncidentsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListIncidentsSortOrderEnum

func GetProblemTypeEnumStringValues

func GetProblemTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetProblemTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ProblemTypeEnum

func GetScopeEnumStringValues

func GetScopeEnumStringValues() []string

GetScopeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ScopeEnum

func GetSortByEnumStringValues

func GetSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for SortByEnum

func GetSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for SortOrderEnum

func GetTicketSeverityEnumStringValues

func GetTicketSeverityEnumStringValues() []string

GetTicketSeverityEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for TicketSeverityEnum

func GetTimeZoneEnumStringValues

func GetTimeZoneEnumStringValues() []string

GetTimeZoneEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for TimeZoneEnum

func GetUnitEnumStringValues

func GetUnitEnumStringValues() []string

GetUnitEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for UnitEnum

func GetUpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnumStringValues

func GetUpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetUpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum

func GetValidateUserProblemTypeEnumStringValues

func GetValidateUserProblemTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetValidateUserProblemTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ValidateUserProblemTypeEnum

type AccountItem

AccountItem Details about the AccountItem object.

type AccountItem struct {

    // Unique identifier for the item.
    ItemKey *string `mandatory:"true" json:"itemKey"`

    // The display name of the item. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

    Category *Category `mandatory:"false" json:"category"`

    SubCategory *SubCategory `mandatory:"false" json:"subCategory"`

    IssueType *IssueType `mandatory:"false" json:"issueType"`

func (AccountItem) GetCategory

func (m AccountItem) GetCategory() *Category

GetCategory returns Category

func (AccountItem) GetIssueType

func (m AccountItem) GetIssueType() *IssueType

GetIssueType returns IssueType

func (AccountItem) GetItemKey

func (m AccountItem) GetItemKey() *string

GetItemKey returns ItemKey

func (AccountItem) GetName

func (m AccountItem) GetName() *string

GetName returns Name

func (AccountItem) GetSubCategory

func (m AccountItem) GetSubCategory() *SubCategory

GetSubCategory returns SubCategory

func (AccountItem) MarshalJSON

func (m AccountItem) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (AccountItem) String

func (m AccountItem) String() string

func (AccountItem) ValidateEnumValue

func (m AccountItem) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ActivityItem

ActivityItem Details about the ActivityItem object.

type ActivityItem struct {

    // Unique identifier for the item.
    ItemKey *string `mandatory:"true" json:"itemKey"`

    // Comments added with the activity on the support ticket.
    Comments *string `mandatory:"true" json:"comments"`

    // The time when the activity was created, in milliseconds since epoch time.
    TimeCreated *int `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The time when the activity was updated, in milliseconds since epoch time.
    TimeUpdated *int `mandatory:"true" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // The display name of the item. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

    Category *Category `mandatory:"false" json:"category"`

    SubCategory *SubCategory `mandatory:"false" json:"subCategory"`

    IssueType *IssueType `mandatory:"false" json:"issueType"`

    // The type of activity occuring on the support ticket.
    ActivityType ActivityItemActivityTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"activityType"`

    ActivityAuthor ActivityItemActivityAuthorEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"activityAuthor"`

    ItemType ActivityItemItemTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"itemType,omitempty"`

    // Who updates the activity on the support ticket.
    ItemStatus ActivityItemItemStatusEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"itemStatus,omitempty"`

func (ActivityItem) GetCategory

func (m ActivityItem) GetCategory() *Category

GetCategory returns Category

func (ActivityItem) GetIssueType

func (m ActivityItem) GetIssueType() *IssueType

GetIssueType returns IssueType

func (ActivityItem) GetItemKey

func (m ActivityItem) GetItemKey() *string

GetItemKey returns ItemKey

func (ActivityItem) GetName

func (m ActivityItem) GetName() *string

GetName returns Name

func (ActivityItem) GetSubCategory

func (m ActivityItem) GetSubCategory() *SubCategory

GetSubCategory returns SubCategory

func (ActivityItem) MarshalJSON

func (m ActivityItem) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (ActivityItem) String

func (m ActivityItem) String() string

func (ActivityItem) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ActivityItem) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ActivityItemActivityAuthorEnum

ActivityItemActivityAuthorEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ActivityItemActivityAuthorEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ActivityItemActivityAuthorEnum

const (
    ActivityItemActivityAuthorCustomer ActivityItemActivityAuthorEnum = "CUSTOMER"
    ActivityItemActivityAuthorOracle   ActivityItemActivityAuthorEnum = "ORACLE"

func GetActivityItemActivityAuthorEnumValues

func GetActivityItemActivityAuthorEnumValues() []ActivityItemActivityAuthorEnum

GetActivityItemActivityAuthorEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ActivityItemActivityAuthorEnum

func GetMappingActivityItemActivityAuthorEnum

func GetMappingActivityItemActivityAuthorEnum(val string) (ActivityItemActivityAuthorEnum, bool)

GetMappingActivityItemActivityAuthorEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ActivityItemActivityTypeEnum

ActivityItemActivityTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ActivityItemActivityTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ActivityItemActivityTypeEnum

const (
    ActivityItemActivityTypeNotes              ActivityItemActivityTypeEnum = "NOTES"
    ActivityItemActivityTypeProblemDescription ActivityItemActivityTypeEnum = "PROBLEM_DESCRIPTION"
    ActivityItemActivityTypeUpdate             ActivityItemActivityTypeEnum = "UPDATE"
    ActivityItemActivityTypeClose              ActivityItemActivityTypeEnum = "CLOSE"
    ActivityItemActivityTypeReopen             ActivityItemActivityTypeEnum = "REOPEN"

func GetActivityItemActivityTypeEnumValues

func GetActivityItemActivityTypeEnumValues() []ActivityItemActivityTypeEnum

GetActivityItemActivityTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ActivityItemActivityTypeEnum

func GetMappingActivityItemActivityTypeEnum

func GetMappingActivityItemActivityTypeEnum(val string) (ActivityItemActivityTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingActivityItemActivityTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ActivityItemItemStatusEnum

ActivityItemItemStatusEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ActivityItemItemStatusEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ActivityItemItemStatusEnum

const (
    ActivityItemItemStatusProcessing ActivityItemItemStatusEnum = "PROCESSING"
    ActivityItemItemStatusAttached   ActivityItemItemStatusEnum = "ATTACHED"
    ActivityItemItemStatusRemoved    ActivityItemItemStatusEnum = "REMOVED"
    ActivityItemItemStatusFailed     ActivityItemItemStatusEnum = "FAILED"

func GetActivityItemItemStatusEnumValues

func GetActivityItemItemStatusEnumValues() []ActivityItemItemStatusEnum

GetActivityItemItemStatusEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ActivityItemItemStatusEnum

func GetMappingActivityItemItemStatusEnum

func GetMappingActivityItemItemStatusEnum(val string) (ActivityItemItemStatusEnum, bool)

GetMappingActivityItemItemStatusEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ActivityItemItemTypeEnum

ActivityItemItemTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ActivityItemItemTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ActivityItemItemTypeEnum

const (
    ActivityItemItemTypeAttachments ActivityItemItemTypeEnum = "ATTACHMENTS"
    ActivityItemItemTypeComments    ActivityItemItemTypeEnum = "COMMENTS"

func GetActivityItemItemTypeEnumValues

func GetActivityItemItemTypeEnumValues() []ActivityItemItemTypeEnum

GetActivityItemItemTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ActivityItemItemTypeEnum

func GetMappingActivityItemItemTypeEnum

func GetMappingActivityItemItemTypeEnum(val string) (ActivityItemItemTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingActivityItemItemTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type Category

Category Details about the service category associated with the support ticket.

type Category struct {

    // Unique identifier for the service category.
    CategoryKey *string `mandatory:"false" json:"categoryKey"`

    // The name of the service category. For example, `Compute` or `Identity`.
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

func (Category) String

func (m Category) String() string

func (Category) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Category) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Classifier

Classifier Details about the incident classifier object.

type Classifier struct {

    // Unique identifier of the classifier.
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" json:"id"`

    // The display name of the classifier.
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

    // The label associated with the classifier.
    Label *string `mandatory:"false" json:"label"`

    // The description of the classifier.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The list of issues.
    IssueTypeList []IssueType `mandatory:"false" json:"issueTypeList"`

    // The scope of the service category or resource.
    Scope ClassifierScopeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"scope,omitempty"`

    // The unit to use to measure the service category or resource.
    Unit ClassifierUnitEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"unit,omitempty"`

func (Classifier) String

func (m Classifier) String() string

func (Classifier) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Classifier) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ClassifierScopeEnum

ClassifierScopeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ClassifierScopeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ClassifierScopeEnum

const (
    ClassifierScopeAd      ClassifierScopeEnum = "AD"
    ClassifierScopeRegion  ClassifierScopeEnum = "REGION"
    ClassifierScopeTenancy ClassifierScopeEnum = "TENANCY"
    ClassifierScopeNone    ClassifierScopeEnum = "NONE"

func GetClassifierScopeEnumValues

func GetClassifierScopeEnumValues() []ClassifierScopeEnum

GetClassifierScopeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ClassifierScopeEnum

func GetMappingClassifierScopeEnum

func GetMappingClassifierScopeEnum(val string) (ClassifierScopeEnum, bool)

GetMappingClassifierScopeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ClassifierUnitEnum

ClassifierUnitEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ClassifierUnitEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ClassifierUnitEnum

const (
    ClassifierUnitCount ClassifierUnitEnum = "COUNT"
    ClassifierUnitGb    ClassifierUnitEnum = "GB"
    ClassifierUnitNone  ClassifierUnitEnum = "NONE"

func GetClassifierUnitEnumValues

func GetClassifierUnitEnumValues() []ClassifierUnitEnum

GetClassifierUnitEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ClassifierUnitEnum

func GetMappingClassifierUnitEnum

func GetMappingClassifierUnitEnum(val string) (ClassifierUnitEnum, bool)

GetMappingClassifierUnitEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type Contact

Contact Contact details for the customer. Avoid entering confidential information.

type Contact struct {

    // The name of the contact person.
    ContactName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"contactName"`

    // The email of the contact person.
    ContactEmail *string `mandatory:"false" json:"contactEmail"`

    // The email of the contact person.
    Email *string `mandatory:"false" json:"email"`

    // The phone number of the contact person.
    ContactPhone *string `mandatory:"false" json:"contactPhone"`

    // The type of contact, such as primary or alternate.
    ContactType ContactContactTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"contactType,omitempty"`

func (Contact) String

func (m Contact) String() string

func (Contact) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Contact) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ContactContactTypeEnum

ContactContactTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ContactContactTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ContactContactTypeEnum

const (
    ContactContactTypePrimary   ContactContactTypeEnum = "PRIMARY"
    ContactContactTypeAlternate ContactContactTypeEnum = "ALTERNATE"
    ContactContactTypeSecondary ContactContactTypeEnum = "SECONDARY"
    ContactContactTypeAdmin     ContactContactTypeEnum = "ADMIN"
    ContactContactTypeManager   ContactContactTypeEnum = "MANAGER"

func GetContactContactTypeEnumValues

func GetContactContactTypeEnumValues() []ContactContactTypeEnum

GetContactContactTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ContactContactTypeEnum

func GetMappingContactContactTypeEnum

func GetMappingContactContactTypeEnum(val string) (ContactContactTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingContactContactTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ContactList

ContactList The list of contacts for the ticket.

type ContactList struct {

    // The list of contacts.
    ContactList []Contact `mandatory:"true" json:"contactList"`

func (ContactList) String

func (m ContactList) String() string

func (ContactList) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ContactList) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ContextualData

ContextualData Information collected from user context during ticket creation.

type ContextualData struct {

    // The unique identifier for the client.
    ClientId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"clientId"`

    // The name assigned to the schema.
    SchemaName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"schemaName"`

    // The version of the schema.
    SchemaVersion *string `mandatory:"true" json:"schemaVersion"`

    // The payload for the contextual data.
    Payload *string `mandatory:"true" json:"payload"`

func (ContextualData) String

func (m ContextualData) String() string

func (ContextualData) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ContextualData) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateAccountItemDetails

CreateAccountItemDetails Details about the issue that the account support ticket relates to. Avoid entering confidential information.

type CreateAccountItemDetails struct {
    Category *CreateCategoryDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"category"`

    SubCategory *CreateSubCategoryDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"subCategory"`

    IssueType *CreateIssueTypeDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"issueType"`

    // The display name of the ticket. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

func (CreateAccountItemDetails) GetCategory

func (m CreateAccountItemDetails) GetCategory() *CreateCategoryDetails

GetCategory returns Category

func (CreateAccountItemDetails) GetIssueType

func (m CreateAccountItemDetails) GetIssueType() *CreateIssueTypeDetails

GetIssueType returns IssueType

func (CreateAccountItemDetails) GetName

func (m CreateAccountItemDetails) GetName() *string

GetName returns Name

func (CreateAccountItemDetails) GetSubCategory

func (m CreateAccountItemDetails) GetSubCategory() *CreateSubCategoryDetails

GetSubCategory returns SubCategory

func (CreateAccountItemDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m CreateAccountItemDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (CreateAccountItemDetails) String

func (m CreateAccountItemDetails) String() string

func (CreateAccountItemDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateAccountItemDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateCategoryDetails

CreateCategoryDetails Details for creating the category of the support ticket.

type CreateCategoryDetails struct {

    // Unique identifier for the service category.
    CategoryKey *string `mandatory:"false" json:"categoryKey"`

func (CreateCategoryDetails) String

func (m CreateCategoryDetails) String() string

func (CreateCategoryDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateCategoryDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateIncident

CreateIncident Details gathered during the creation of the support ticket.

type CreateIncident struct {

    // The OCID of the tenancy.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    Ticket *CreateTicketDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"ticket"`

    // The kind of support ticket, such as a technical support request or a limit increase request.
    ProblemType ProblemTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"problemType"`

    // The Customer Support Identifier (CSI) number associated with the support account.
    // The CSI is required for technical support tickets and optional for limits and billing tickets.
    Csi *string `mandatory:"false" json:"csi"`

    // The list of contacts.
    Contacts []Contact `mandatory:"false" json:"contacts"`

    // The incident referrer. This value is often the URL that the customer used when creating the support ticket.
    Referrer *string `mandatory:"false" json:"referrer"`

func (CreateIncident) String

func (m CreateIncident) String() string

func (CreateIncident) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateIncident) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateIncidentRequest

CreateIncidentRequest wrapper for the CreateIncident operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/cims/CreateIncident.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateIncidentRequest.

type CreateIncidentRequest struct {

    // Incident information
    CreateIncidentDetails CreateIncident `contributesTo:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // User OCID for Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) users who also have a federated Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account.
    Ocid *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"ocid"`

    // The region of the tenancy.
    Homeregion *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"homeregion"`

    // Token type that determine which cloud provider the request come from.
    Bearertokentype *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"bearertokentype"`

    // Token that provided by multi cloud provider, which help to validate the email.
    Bearertoken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"bearertoken"`

    // IdToken that provided by multi cloud provider, which help to validate the email.
    Idtoken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"idtoken"`

    // The OCID of identity domain.
    Domainid *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"domainid"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CreateIncidentRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CreateIncidentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateIncidentRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CreateIncidentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateIncidentRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CreateIncidentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CreateIncidentRequest) String

func (request CreateIncidentRequest) String() string

func (CreateIncidentRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CreateIncidentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateIncidentResponse

CreateIncidentResponse wrapper for the CreateIncident operation

type CreateIncidentResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Incident instance
    Incident `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request identifier.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (CreateIncidentResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CreateIncidentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CreateIncidentResponse) String

func (response CreateIncidentResponse) String() string

type CreateIssueTypeDetails

CreateIssueTypeDetails Details for creating the issue type of the support ticket.

type CreateIssueTypeDetails struct {

    // Unique identifier for the issue type.
    IssueTypeKey *string `mandatory:"false" json:"issueTypeKey"`

func (CreateIssueTypeDetails) String

func (m CreateIssueTypeDetails) String() string

func (CreateIssueTypeDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateIssueTypeDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateItemDetails

CreateItemDetails Details gathered during ticket creation.

type CreateItemDetails interface {
    GetCategory() *CreateCategoryDetails

    GetSubCategory() *CreateSubCategoryDetails

    GetIssueType() *CreateIssueTypeDetails

    // The display name of the ticket. Avoid entering confidential information.
    GetName() *string

type CreateLimitItemDetails

CreateLimitItemDetails Details about the service limit increase request. Avoid entering confidential information.

type CreateLimitItemDetails struct {
    Category *CreateCategoryDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"category"`

    SubCategory *CreateSubCategoryDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"subCategory"`

    IssueType *CreateIssueTypeDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"issueType"`

    // The display name of the ticket. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

    // The limit of the resource currently available.
    CurrentLimit *int `mandatory:"false" json:"currentLimit"`

    // The current usage of the resource.
    CurrentUsage *int `mandatory:"false" json:"currentUsage"`

    // The new service limit being requested.
    RequestedLimit *int `mandatory:"false" json:"requestedLimit"`

    // The current status of the request.
    LimitStatus CreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"limitStatus,omitempty"`

func (CreateLimitItemDetails) GetCategory

func (m CreateLimitItemDetails) GetCategory() *CreateCategoryDetails

GetCategory returns Category

func (CreateLimitItemDetails) GetIssueType

func (m CreateLimitItemDetails) GetIssueType() *CreateIssueTypeDetails

GetIssueType returns IssueType

func (CreateLimitItemDetails) GetName

func (m CreateLimitItemDetails) GetName() *string

GetName returns Name

func (CreateLimitItemDetails) GetSubCategory

func (m CreateLimitItemDetails) GetSubCategory() *CreateSubCategoryDetails

GetSubCategory returns SubCategory

func (CreateLimitItemDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m CreateLimitItemDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (CreateLimitItemDetails) String

func (m CreateLimitItemDetails) String() string

func (CreateLimitItemDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateLimitItemDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnum

CreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type CreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for CreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnum

const (
    CreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusApproved          CreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnum = "APPROVED"
    CreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusPartiallyApproved CreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnum = "PARTIALLY_APPROVED"
    CreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusNotApproved       CreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnum = "NOT_APPROVED"

func GetCreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnumValues

func GetCreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnumValues() []CreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnum

GetCreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for CreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnum

func GetMappingCreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnum

func GetMappingCreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnum(val string) (CreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnum, bool)

GetMappingCreateLimitItemDetailsLimitStatusEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type CreateResourceDetails

CreateResourceDetails Details about the resource that the support ticket relates to.

type CreateResourceDetails struct {
    Item CreateItemDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"item"`

    // The list of available Oracle Cloud Infrastructure regions.
    Region *string `mandatory:"false" json:"region"`

func (CreateResourceDetails) String

func (m CreateResourceDetails) String() string

func (*CreateResourceDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *CreateResourceDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (CreateResourceDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateResourceDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateSubCategoryDetails

CreateSubCategoryDetails Details for creating the service subcategory of the support ticket.

type CreateSubCategoryDetails struct {

    // Unique identifier for the service subcategory.
    SubCategoryKey *string `mandatory:"false" json:"subCategoryKey"`

func (CreateSubCategoryDetails) String

func (m CreateSubCategoryDetails) String() string

func (CreateSubCategoryDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateSubCategoryDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateTechSupportItemDetails

CreateTechSupportItemDetails Details about the issue that the technical support ticket relates to. Avoid entering confidential information.

type CreateTechSupportItemDetails struct {
    Category *CreateCategoryDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"category"`

    SubCategory *CreateSubCategoryDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"subCategory"`

    IssueType *CreateIssueTypeDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"issueType"`

    // The display name of the ticket. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

func (CreateTechSupportItemDetails) GetCategory

func (m CreateTechSupportItemDetails) GetCategory() *CreateCategoryDetails

GetCategory returns Category

func (CreateTechSupportItemDetails) GetIssueType

func (m CreateTechSupportItemDetails) GetIssueType() *CreateIssueTypeDetails

GetIssueType returns IssueType

func (CreateTechSupportItemDetails) GetName

func (m CreateTechSupportItemDetails) GetName() *string

GetName returns Name

func (CreateTechSupportItemDetails) GetSubCategory

func (m CreateTechSupportItemDetails) GetSubCategory() *CreateSubCategoryDetails

GetSubCategory returns SubCategory

func (CreateTechSupportItemDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m CreateTechSupportItemDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (CreateTechSupportItemDetails) String

func (m CreateTechSupportItemDetails) String() string

func (CreateTechSupportItemDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateTechSupportItemDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateTicketDetails

CreateTicketDetails Details relevant to the support ticket.

type CreateTicketDetails struct {

    // The severity of the support ticket.
    Severity CreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"severity"`

    // The title of the support ticket. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Title *string `mandatory:"true" json:"title"`

    // The description of the support ticket. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"true" json:"description"`

    // The list of resources.
    ResourceList []CreateResourceDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceList"`

    ContextualData *ContextualData `mandatory:"false" json:"contextualData"`

func (CreateTicketDetails) String

func (m CreateTicketDetails) String() string

func (CreateTicketDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateTicketDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum

CreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type CreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for CreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum

const (
    CreateTicketDetailsSeverityHighest CreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum = "HIGHEST"
    CreateTicketDetailsSeverityHigh    CreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum = "HIGH"
    CreateTicketDetailsSeverityMedium  CreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum = "MEDIUM"
    CreateTicketDetailsSeverityLow     CreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum = "LOW"

func GetCreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnumValues

func GetCreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnumValues() []CreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum

GetCreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for CreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum

func GetMappingCreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum

func GetMappingCreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum(val string) (CreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum, bool)

GetMappingCreateTicketDetailsSeverityEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type CreateUserDetails

CreateUserDetails Details for creating a new user.

type CreateUserDetails struct {

    // The OCID of the tenancy.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // First name of the user.
    FirstName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"firstName"`

    // Last name of the user.
    LastName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"lastName"`

    // CSI associated with the user.
    Csi *string `mandatory:"true" json:"csi"`

    // Contact number of the user.
    Phone *string `mandatory:"true" json:"phone"`

    // Timezone of the user.
    Timezone *string `mandatory:"true" json:"timezone"`

    // Organization of the user.
    OrganizationName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"organizationName"`

    // The kind of support ticket, such as a technical support request or a limit increase request.
    ProblemType ProblemTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"problemType"`

func (CreateUserDetails) String

func (m CreateUserDetails) String() string

func (CreateUserDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateUserDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ErrorCodeEnum

ErrorCodeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ErrorCodeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ErrorCodeEnum

const (
    ErrorCodeContentEmpty                         ErrorCodeEnum = "CONTENT_EMPTY"
    ErrorCodeClientException                      ErrorCodeEnum = "CLIENT_EXCEPTION"
    ErrorCodeInvalidFormat                        ErrorCodeEnum = "INVALID_FORMAT"
    ErrorCodeInvalidJsonInput                     ErrorCodeEnum = "INVALID_JSON_INPUT"
    ErrorCodeSslAuthorization                     ErrorCodeEnum = "SSL_AUTHORIZATION"
    ErrorCodeAuthFailed                           ErrorCodeEnum = "AUTH_FAILED"
    ErrorCodeAuthzFailed                          ErrorCodeEnum = "AUTHZ_FAILED"
    ErrorCodeCsiNotAuthorized                     ErrorCodeEnum = "CSI_NOT_AUTHORIZED"
    ErrorCodeUserPolicyNotAuthorized              ErrorCodeEnum = "USER_POLICY_NOT_AUTHORIZED"
    ErrorCodeEmailNotVerified                     ErrorCodeEnum = "EMAIL_NOT_VERIFIED"
    ErrorCodeEmailNotFound                        ErrorCodeEnum = "EMAIL_NOT_FOUND"
    ErrorCodeOciEmailNotFound                     ErrorCodeEnum = "OCI_EMAIL_NOT_FOUND"
    ErrorCodeMosEmailNotFound                     ErrorCodeEnum = "MOS_EMAIL_NOT_FOUND"
    ErrorCodeIdcsEmailNotValid                    ErrorCodeEnum = "IDCS_EMAIL_NOT_VALID"
    ErrorCodeInvalidPath                          ErrorCodeEnum = "INVALID_PATH"
    ErrorCodeMethodNotAllowed                     ErrorCodeEnum = "METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED"
    ErrorCodeJsonProcessing                       ErrorCodeEnum = "JSON_PROCESSING"
    ErrorCodeGenericException                     ErrorCodeEnum = "GENERIC_EXCEPTION"
    ErrorCodeExternalServiceProviderUnavailable   ErrorCodeEnum = "EXTERNAL_SERVICE_PROVIDER_UNAVAILABLE"
    ErrorCodeExternalServiceProviderTimeout       ErrorCodeEnum = "EXTERNAL_SERVICE_PROVIDER_TIMEOUT"
    ErrorCodeTooManyRequests                      ErrorCodeEnum = "TOO_MANY_REQUESTS"
    ErrorCodeIdpScimNotSetup                      ErrorCodeEnum = "IDP_SCIM_NOT_SETUP"
    ErrorCodeIncidentNotFound                     ErrorCodeEnum = "INCIDENT_NOT_FOUND"
    ErrorCodeInvalidUserCsi                       ErrorCodeEnum = "INVALID_USER_CSI"
    ErrorCodeDataAlreadyExists                    ErrorCodeEnum = "DATA_ALREADY_EXISTS"
    ErrorCodeAuthUserNotMatching                  ErrorCodeEnum = "AUTH_USER_NOT_MATCHING"
    ErrorCodeContactNotApproved                   ErrorCodeEnum = "CONTACT_NOT_APPROVED"
    ErrorCodeCreateProfileMosFailure              ErrorCodeEnum = "CREATE_PROFILE_MOS_FAILURE"
    ErrorCodeCreateProfileCreateOssoFailure       ErrorCodeEnum = "CREATE_PROFILE_CREATE_OSSO_FAILURE"
    ErrorCodeCreateProfileIdentityFailure         ErrorCodeEnum = "CREATE_PROFILE_IDENTITY_FAILURE"
    ErrorCodeCreateProfileVerifyOssoFailure       ErrorCodeEnum = "CREATE_PROFILE_VERIFY_OSSO_FAILURE"
    ErrorCodeProfileAccountNotVerified            ErrorCodeEnum = "PROFILE_ACCOUNT_NOT_VERIFIED"
    ErrorCodeSupportAccountNotFound               ErrorCodeEnum = "SUPPORT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND"
    ErrorCodeSupportAccountPendingCsiApproval     ErrorCodeEnum = "SUPPORT_ACCOUNT_PENDING_CSI_APPROVAL"
    ErrorCodeFreeTierCustomerSliUnsupported       ErrorCodeEnum = "FREE_TIER_CUSTOMER_SLI_UNSUPPORTED"
    ErrorCodeProfileAccountVerified               ErrorCodeEnum = "PROFILE_ACCOUNT_VERIFIED"
    ErrorCodeProfileVerifiedCsiRequestPending     ErrorCodeEnum = "PROFILE_VERIFIED_CSI_REQUEST_PENDING"
    ErrorCodeProfileVerifiedCsiRequestNotFound    ErrorCodeEnum = "PROFILE_VERIFIED_CSI_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND"
    ErrorCodeCreateProfileOrganizationNameInvalid ErrorCodeEnum = "CREATE_PROFILE_ORGANIZATION_NAME_INVALID"
    ErrorCodeCreateProfileEmailInvalid            ErrorCodeEnum = "CREATE_PROFILE_EMAIL_INVALID"

func GetErrorCodeEnumValues

func GetErrorCodeEnumValues() []ErrorCodeEnum

GetErrorCodeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ErrorCodeEnum

func GetMappingErrorCodeEnum

func GetMappingErrorCodeEnum(val string) (ErrorCodeEnum, bool)

GetMappingErrorCodeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type GetCsiNumberRequest

GetCsiNumberRequest wrapper for the GetCsiNumber operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/cims/GetCsiNumber.go.html to see an example of how to use GetCsiNumberRequest.

type GetCsiNumberRequest struct {

    // Tenancy Ocid in oracle cloud Infrastructure
    TenantId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"tenantId"`

    // Home region of the customer which is part of oracle cloud infrastructure regions
    Region *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"region"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // User OCID for Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) users who also have a federated Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account.
    Ocid *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"ocid"`

    // The region of the tenancy.
    Homeregion *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"homeregion"`

    // Token type that determine which cloud provider the request come from.
    Bearertokentype *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"bearertokentype"`

    // Token that provided by multi cloud provider, which help to validate the email.
    Bearertoken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"bearertoken"`

    // IdToken that provided by multi cloud provider, which help to validate the email.
    Idtoken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"idtoken"`

    // The OCID of identity domain.
    Domainid *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"domainid"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetCsiNumberRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetCsiNumberRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetCsiNumberRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetCsiNumberRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetCsiNumberRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetCsiNumberRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetCsiNumberRequest) String

func (request GetCsiNumberRequest) String() string

func (GetCsiNumberRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetCsiNumberRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetCsiNumberResponse

GetCsiNumberResponse wrapper for the GetCsiNumber operation

type GetCsiNumberResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The string instance
    Value *string `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetCsiNumberResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetCsiNumberResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetCsiNumberResponse) String

func (response GetCsiNumberResponse) String() string

type GetIncidentRequest

GetIncidentRequest wrapper for the GetIncident operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/cims/GetIncident.go.html to see an example of how to use GetIncidentRequest.

type GetIncidentRequest struct {

    // Unique identifier for the support ticket.
    IncidentKey *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"incidentKey"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // The Customer Support Identifier (CSI) associated with the support account.
    Csi *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"csi"`

    // User OCID for Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) users who also have a federated Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account.
    Ocid *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"ocid"`

    // The region of the tenancy.
    Homeregion *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"homeregion"`

    // The OCID of the tenancy.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // The kind of support request.
    Problemtype *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"problemtype"`

    // Token type that determine which cloud provider the request come from.
    Bearertokentype *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"bearertokentype"`

    // Token that provided by multi cloud provider, which help to validate the email.
    Bearertoken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"bearertoken"`

    // IdToken that provided by multi cloud provider, which help to validate the email.
    Idtoken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"idtoken"`

    // The OCID of identity domain.
    Domainid *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"domainid"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetIncidentRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetIncidentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetIncidentRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetIncidentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetIncidentRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetIncidentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetIncidentRequest) String

func (request GetIncidentRequest) String() string

func (GetIncidentRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetIncidentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetIncidentResponse

GetIncidentResponse wrapper for the GetIncident operation

type GetIncidentResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Incident instance
    Incident `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetIncidentResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetIncidentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetIncidentResponse) String

func (response GetIncidentResponse) String() string

type GetStatusRequest

GetStatusRequest wrapper for the GetStatus operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/cims/GetStatus.go.html to see an example of how to use GetStatusRequest.

type GetStatusRequest struct {

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // User OCID for Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) users who also have a federated Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account.
    Ocid *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"ocid"`

    // The region of the tenancy.
    Homeregion *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"homeregion"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetStatusRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetStatusRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetStatusRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetStatusRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetStatusRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetStatusRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetStatusRequest) String

func (request GetStatusRequest) String() string

func (GetStatusRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetStatusRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetStatusResponse

GetStatusResponse wrapper for the GetStatus operation

type GetStatusResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Status instance
    Status `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetStatusResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetStatusResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetStatusResponse) String

func (response GetStatusResponse) String() string

type Incident

Incident Details about the support ticket.

type Incident struct {

    // Unique identifier for the support ticket.
    Key *string `mandatory:"true" json:"key"`

    // The OCID of the tenancy.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

    ContactList *ContactList `mandatory:"false" json:"contactList"`

    TenancyInformation *TenancyInformation `mandatory:"false" json:"tenancyInformation"`

    Ticket *Ticket `mandatory:"false" json:"ticket"`

    IncidentType *IncidentType `mandatory:"false" json:"incidentType"`

    // The kind of support ticket, such as a technical support request or a limit increase request.
    ProblemType ProblemTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"problemType,omitempty"`

    // The incident referrer. This value is often the URL that the customer used when creating the support ticket.
    Referrer *string `mandatory:"false" json:"referrer"`

func (Incident) String

func (m Incident) String() string

func (Incident) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Incident) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type IncidentClient

IncidentClient a client for Incident

type IncidentClient struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewIncidentClientWithConfigurationProvider

func NewIncidentClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client IncidentClient, err error)

NewIncidentClientWithConfigurationProvider Creates a new default Incident client with the given configuration provider. the configuration provider will be used for the default signer as well as reading the region

func NewIncidentClientWithOboToken

func NewIncidentClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client IncidentClient, err error)

NewIncidentClientWithOboToken Creates a new default Incident client with the given configuration provider. The obotoken will be added to default headers and signed; the configuration provider will be used for the signer

as well as reading the region

func (*IncidentClient) ConfigurationProvider

func (client *IncidentClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider

ConfigurationProvider the ConfigurationProvider used in this client, or null if none set

func (IncidentClient) CreateIncident

func (client IncidentClient) CreateIncident(ctx context.Context, request CreateIncidentRequest) (response CreateIncidentResponse, err error)

CreateIncident Operation to create a support ticket.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/cims/CreateIncident.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateIncident API.

func (IncidentClient) GetCsiNumber

func (client IncidentClient) GetCsiNumber(ctx context.Context, request GetCsiNumberRequest) (response GetCsiNumberResponse, err error)

GetCsiNumber Fetches csi number of the user.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/cims/GetCsiNumber.go.html to see an example of how to use GetCsiNumber API.

func (IncidentClient) GetIncident

func (client IncidentClient) GetIncident(ctx context.Context, request GetIncidentRequest) (response GetIncidentResponse, err error)

GetIncident Gets details about the specified support ticket.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/cims/GetIncident.go.html to see an example of how to use GetIncident API.

func (IncidentClient) GetStatus

func (client IncidentClient) GetStatus(ctx context.Context, request GetStatusRequest) (response GetStatusResponse, err error)

GetStatus Gets the status of the service.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/cims/GetStatus.go.html to see an example of how to use GetStatus API.

func (IncidentClient) ListIncidentResourceTypes

func (client IncidentClient) ListIncidentResourceTypes(ctx context.Context, request ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest) (response ListIncidentResourceTypesResponse, err error)

ListIncidentResourceTypes During support ticket creation, returns the list of all possible products that Oracle Cloud Infrastructure supports.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/cims/ListIncidentResourceTypes.go.html to see an example of how to use ListIncidentResourceTypes API.

func (IncidentClient) ListIncidents

func (client IncidentClient) ListIncidents(ctx context.Context, request ListIncidentsRequest) (response ListIncidentsResponse, err error)

ListIncidents Returns the list of support tickets raised by the tenancy.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/cims/ListIncidents.go.html to see an example of how to use ListIncidents API.

func (*IncidentClient) SetRegion

func (client *IncidentClient) SetRegion(region string)

SetRegion overrides the region of this client.

func (IncidentClient) UpdateIncident

func (client IncidentClient) UpdateIncident(ctx context.Context, request UpdateIncidentRequest) (response UpdateIncidentResponse, err error)

UpdateIncident Updates the specified support ticket's information.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/cims/UpdateIncident.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateIncident API.

func (IncidentClient) ValidateUser

func (client IncidentClient) ValidateUser(ctx context.Context, request ValidateUserRequest) (response ValidateUserResponse, err error)

ValidateUser Checks whether the requested user is valid.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/cims/ValidateUser.go.html to see an example of how to use ValidateUser API.

type IncidentResourceType

IncidentResourceType Details about the resource associated with the support request.

type IncidentResourceType struct {

    // The label associated with the resource.
    Label *string `mandatory:"true" json:"label"`

    // A unique identifier for the resource.
    ResourceTypeKey *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceTypeKey"`

    // The display name of the resource.
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

    // The description of the resource.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The service category list.
    ServiceCategoryList []ServiceCategory `mandatory:"false" json:"serviceCategoryList"`

    // The map of services for MOS Taxonomy.
    Service map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"service"`

    // The service categories list for MOS Taxonomy.
    ServiceCategories []ServiceCategories `mandatory:"false" json:"serviceCategories"`

func (IncidentResourceType) String

func (m IncidentResourceType) String() string

func (IncidentResourceType) ValidateEnumValue

func (m IncidentResourceType) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type IncidentSummary

IncidentSummary Details about the support ticket.

type IncidentSummary struct {

    // Unique identifier of the incident.
    Key *string `mandatory:"true" json:"key"`

    // The kind of support ticket, such as a technical support request or a limit increase request.
    ProblemType ProblemTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"problemType"`

    // The OCID of the tenancy.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

    ContactList *ContactList `mandatory:"false" json:"contactList"`

    TenancyInformation *TenancyInformation `mandatory:"false" json:"tenancyInformation"`

    Ticket *Ticket `mandatory:"false" json:"ticket"`

    IncidentType *IncidentResourceType `mandatory:"false" json:"incidentType"`

func (IncidentSummary) String

func (m IncidentSummary) String() string

func (IncidentSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m IncidentSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type IncidentType

IncidentType Details about the incident type associated with the support ticket.

type IncidentType struct {

    // Unique identifier for the incident type.
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" json:"id"`

    // The name of the incident type.
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

    // The label associated with the incident type.
    Label *string `mandatory:"false" json:"label"`

    // The description of the incident type.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The list of classifiers.
    ClassifierList []Classifier `mandatory:"false" json:"classifierList"`

func (IncidentType) String

func (m IncidentType) String() string

func (IncidentType) ValidateEnumValue

func (m IncidentType) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type IssueType

IssueType Details about the issue type associated with the support ticket.

type IssueType struct {

    // Unique identifier for the issue type.
    IssueTypeKey *string `mandatory:"false" json:"issueTypeKey"`

    // The label for the issue type. For example, `Instance Performance`.
    Label *string `mandatory:"false" json:"label"`

    // The URL for the contextual documentation.
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

func (IssueType) String

func (m IssueType) String() string

func (IssueType) ValidateEnumValue

func (m IssueType) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Item

Item Details about the item object.

type Item interface {

    // Unique identifier for the item.
    GetItemKey() *string

    // The display name of the item. Avoid entering confidential information.
    GetName() *string

    GetCategory() *Category

    GetSubCategory() *SubCategory

    GetIssueType() *IssueType

type LifecycleDetailsEnum

LifecycleDetailsEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type LifecycleDetailsEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for LifecycleDetailsEnum

const (
    LifecycleDetailsPendingWithOracle   LifecycleDetailsEnum = "PENDING_WITH_ORACLE"
    LifecycleDetailsPendingWithCustomer LifecycleDetailsEnum = "PENDING_WITH_CUSTOMER"
    LifecycleDetailsCloseRequested      LifecycleDetailsEnum = "CLOSE_REQUESTED"
    LifecycleDetailsClosed              LifecycleDetailsEnum = "CLOSED"

func GetLifecycleDetailsEnumValues

func GetLifecycleDetailsEnumValues() []LifecycleDetailsEnum

GetLifecycleDetailsEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for LifecycleDetailsEnum

func GetMappingLifecycleDetailsEnum

func GetMappingLifecycleDetailsEnum(val string) (LifecycleDetailsEnum, bool)

GetMappingLifecycleDetailsEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type LifecycleStateEnum

LifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type LifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for LifecycleStateEnum

const (
    LifecycleStateActive LifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    LifecycleStateClosed LifecycleStateEnum = "CLOSED"

func GetLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetLifecycleStateEnumValues() []LifecycleStateEnum

GetLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for LifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (LifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type LimitItem

LimitItem Details about the LimitItem object.

type LimitItem struct {

    // Unique identifier for the item.
    ItemKey *string `mandatory:"true" json:"itemKey"`

    // The display name of the item. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

    Category *Category `mandatory:"false" json:"category"`

    SubCategory *SubCategory `mandatory:"false" json:"subCategory"`

    IssueType *IssueType `mandatory:"false" json:"issueType"`

    // The current service limit for the resource.
    CurrentLimit *int `mandatory:"false" json:"currentLimit"`

    // The current resource usage.
    CurrentUsage *int `mandatory:"false" json:"currentUsage"`

    // The new service limit being requested for the resource.
    RequestedLimit *int `mandatory:"false" json:"requestedLimit"`

    // The status of the request.
    LimitStatus LimitItemLimitStatusEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"limitStatus,omitempty"`

func (LimitItem) GetCategory

func (m LimitItem) GetCategory() *Category

GetCategory returns Category

func (LimitItem) GetIssueType

func (m LimitItem) GetIssueType() *IssueType

GetIssueType returns IssueType

func (LimitItem) GetItemKey

func (m LimitItem) GetItemKey() *string

GetItemKey returns ItemKey

func (LimitItem) GetName

func (m LimitItem) GetName() *string

GetName returns Name

func (LimitItem) GetSubCategory

func (m LimitItem) GetSubCategory() *SubCategory

GetSubCategory returns SubCategory

func (LimitItem) MarshalJSON

func (m LimitItem) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (LimitItem) String

func (m LimitItem) String() string

func (LimitItem) ValidateEnumValue

func (m LimitItem) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type LimitItemLimitStatusEnum

LimitItemLimitStatusEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type LimitItemLimitStatusEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for LimitItemLimitStatusEnum

const (
    LimitItemLimitStatusApproved          LimitItemLimitStatusEnum = "APPROVED"
    LimitItemLimitStatusPartiallyApproved LimitItemLimitStatusEnum = "PARTIALLY_APPROVED"
    LimitItemLimitStatusNotApproved       LimitItemLimitStatusEnum = "NOT_APPROVED"

func GetLimitItemLimitStatusEnumValues

func GetLimitItemLimitStatusEnumValues() []LimitItemLimitStatusEnum

GetLimitItemLimitStatusEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for LimitItemLimitStatusEnum

func GetMappingLimitItemLimitStatusEnum

func GetMappingLimitItemLimitStatusEnum(val string) (LimitItemLimitStatusEnum, bool)

GetMappingLimitItemLimitStatusEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest

ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest wrapper for the ListIncidentResourceTypes operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/cims/ListIncidentResourceTypes.go.html to see an example of how to use ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest.

type ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest struct {

    // The kind of support request.
    ProblemType *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"problemType"`

    // The OCID of the tenancy.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated "List" call. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // For list pagination. The value of the `opc-next-page` response header from the previous "List" call. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The key to use to sort the returned items.
    SortBy ListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The order to sort the results in.
    SortOrder ListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The user-friendly name of the support ticket type.
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"name"`

    // The Customer Support Identifier (CSI) associated with the support account.
    Csi *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"csi"`

    // User OCID for Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) users who also have a federated Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account.
    Ocid *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"ocid"`

    // The region of the tenancy.
    Homeregion *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"homeregion"`

    // The OCID of identity domain.
    Domainid *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"domainid"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest) String

func (request ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest) String() string

func (ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListIncidentResourceTypesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListIncidentResourceTypesResponse

ListIncidentResourceTypesResponse wrapper for the ListIncidentResourceTypes operation

type ListIncidentResourceTypesResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of []IncidentResourceType instances
    Items []IncidentResourceType `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For list pagination. When this header appears in the response, additional pages of results remain. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListIncidentResourceTypesResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListIncidentResourceTypesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListIncidentResourceTypesResponse) String

func (response ListIncidentResourceTypesResponse) String() string

type ListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnum

ListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnum

const (
    ListIncidentResourceTypesSortByDateupdated ListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnum = "dateUpdated"
    ListIncidentResourceTypesSortBySeverity    ListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnum = "severity"

func GetListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnumValues

func GetListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnumValues() []ListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnum

GetListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnum

func GetMappingListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnum

func GetMappingListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnum(val string) (ListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListIncidentResourceTypesSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnum

ListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderAsc  ListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderDesc ListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnumValues() []ListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnum

GetListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListIncidentResourceTypesSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnum

ListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    ListIncidentsLifecycleStateActive ListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    ListIncidentsLifecycleStateClosed ListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnum = "CLOSED"

func GetListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnumValues() []ListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnum

GetListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (ListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListIncidentsRequest

ListIncidentsRequest wrapper for the ListIncidents operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/cims/ListIncidents.go.html to see an example of how to use ListIncidentsRequest.

type ListIncidentsRequest struct {

    // The OCID of the tenancy.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // The Customer Support Identifier (CSI) associated with the support account.
    Csi *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"csi"`

    // For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated "List" call. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // The key to use to sort the returned items.
    SortBy ListIncidentsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The order to sort the results in.
    SortOrder ListIncidentsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The current state of the ticket.
    LifecycleState ListIncidentsLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // For list pagination. The value of the `opc-next-page` response header from the previous "List" call. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // User OCID for Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) users who also have a federated Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account.
    Ocid *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"ocid"`

    // The region of the tenancy.
    Homeregion *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"homeregion"`

    // The kind of support request.
    ProblemType *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"problemType"`

    // Token type that determine which cloud provider the request come from.
    Bearertokentype *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"bearertokentype"`

    // Token that provided by multi cloud provider, which help to validate the email.
    Bearertoken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"bearertoken"`

    // IdToken that provided by multi cloud provider, which help to validate the email.
    Idtoken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"idtoken"`

    // The OCID of identity domain.
    Domainid *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"domainid"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListIncidentsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListIncidentsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListIncidentsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListIncidentsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListIncidentsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListIncidentsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListIncidentsRequest) String

func (request ListIncidentsRequest) String() string

func (ListIncidentsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListIncidentsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListIncidentsResponse

ListIncidentsResponse wrapper for the ListIncidents operation

type ListIncidentsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of []IncidentSummary instances
    Items []IncidentSummary `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For list pagination. When this header appears in the response, additional pages of results remain. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

    // For list pagination. When this header appears in the response, previous pages of results can be queried. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    OpcPrevPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-prev-page"`

    // Returns the age of the incidents in the response in epoch milliseconds. This is used because the incidents might be cached.
    AsOfTime *string `presentIn:"header" name:"as-of-time"`

func (ListIncidentsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListIncidentsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListIncidentsResponse) String

func (response ListIncidentsResponse) String() string

type ListIncidentsSortByEnum

ListIncidentsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListIncidentsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListIncidentsSortByEnum

const (
    ListIncidentsSortByDateupdated ListIncidentsSortByEnum = "dateUpdated"
    ListIncidentsSortBySeverity    ListIncidentsSortByEnum = "severity"

func GetListIncidentsSortByEnumValues

func GetListIncidentsSortByEnumValues() []ListIncidentsSortByEnum

GetListIncidentsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListIncidentsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListIncidentsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListIncidentsSortByEnum(val string) (ListIncidentsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListIncidentsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListIncidentsSortOrderEnum

ListIncidentsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListIncidentsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListIncidentsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListIncidentsSortOrderAsc  ListIncidentsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListIncidentsSortOrderDesc ListIncidentsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListIncidentsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListIncidentsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListIncidentsSortOrderEnum

GetListIncidentsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListIncidentsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListIncidentsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListIncidentsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListIncidentsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListIncidentsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ProblemTypeEnum

ProblemTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ProblemTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ProblemTypeEnum

const (
    ProblemTypeLimit       ProblemTypeEnum = "LIMIT"
    ProblemTypeLegacyLimit ProblemTypeEnum = "LEGACY_LIMIT"
    ProblemTypeTech        ProblemTypeEnum = "TECH"
    ProblemTypeAccount     ProblemTypeEnum = "ACCOUNT"
    ProblemTypeTaxonomy    ProblemTypeEnum = "TAXONOMY"

func GetMappingProblemTypeEnum

func GetMappingProblemTypeEnum(val string) (ProblemTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingProblemTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetProblemTypeEnumValues

func GetProblemTypeEnumValues() []ProblemTypeEnum

GetProblemTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ProblemTypeEnum

type Resource

Resource Details about the ticket item object.

type Resource struct {
    Item Item `mandatory:"false" json:"item"`

    // The list of available Oracle Cloud Infrastructure regions.
    Region *string `mandatory:"false" json:"region"`

func (Resource) String

func (m Resource) String() string

func (*Resource) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *Resource) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (Resource) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Resource) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ScopeEnum

ScopeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ScopeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ScopeEnum

const (
    ScopeAd      ScopeEnum = "AD"
    ScopeRegion  ScopeEnum = "REGION"
    ScopeTenancy ScopeEnum = "TENANCY"
    ScopeNone    ScopeEnum = "NONE"

func GetMappingScopeEnum

func GetMappingScopeEnum(val string) (ScopeEnum, bool)

GetMappingScopeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetScopeEnumValues

func GetScopeEnumValues() []ScopeEnum

GetScopeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ScopeEnum

type ServiceCategories

ServiceCategories List of Service Categories of a Service for MOS Taxonomy.

type ServiceCategories struct {

    // Service Category list.
    ServiceCategory map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"serviceCategory"`

    // Schema of a Service Category.
    Schema *string `mandatory:"false" json:"schema"`

    // Issue type list.
    IssueType map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"issueType"`

func (ServiceCategories) String

func (m ServiceCategories) String() string

func (ServiceCategories) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ServiceCategories) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ServiceCategory

ServiceCategory Information about the support ticket classifier.

type ServiceCategory struct {

    // The unique ID that identifies a classifier.
    Key *string `mandatory:"false" json:"key"`

    // The name of the classifier.
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

    // The label for the classifier.
    Label *string `mandatory:"false" json:"label"`

    // The text describing the classifier.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The list of issues.
    IssueTypeList []IssueType `mandatory:"false" json:"issueTypeList"`

    // The scope of the incident.
    Scope ScopeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"scope,omitempty"`

    // The unit to use to measure the service category or resource.
    Unit UnitEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"unit,omitempty"`

    // The unique ID for the limit.
    LimitId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"limitId"`

func (ServiceCategory) String

func (m ServiceCategory) String() string

func (ServiceCategory) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ServiceCategory) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SortByEnum

SortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type SortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for SortByEnum

const (
    SortByDateUpdated SortByEnum = "dateUpdated"
    SortBySeverity    SortByEnum = "severity"

func GetMappingSortByEnum

func GetMappingSortByEnum(val string) (SortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetSortByEnumValues

func GetSortByEnumValues() []SortByEnum

GetSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for SortByEnum

type SortOrderEnum

SortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type SortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for SortOrderEnum

const (
    SortOrderAsc  SortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    SortOrderDesc SortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetMappingSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingSortOrderEnum(val string) (SortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetSortOrderEnumValues

func GetSortOrderEnumValues() []SortOrderEnum

GetSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for SortOrderEnum

type Status

Status Details about the status of the support ticket.

type Status struct {

    // The code unique to this ticket status.
    Code *string `mandatory:"true" json:"code"`

    // The status message for this ticket.
    Message *string `mandatory:"true" json:"message"`

func (Status) String

func (m Status) String() string

func (Status) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Status) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SubCategory

SubCategory Details about the service subcategory associated with the support ticket.

type SubCategory struct {

    // Unique identifier for the service subcategory.
    SubCategoryKey *string `mandatory:"false" json:"subCategoryKey"`

    // The name of the service subcategory. For example, `Backup Count` or `Custom Image Count`.
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

func (SubCategory) String

func (m SubCategory) String() string

func (SubCategory) ValidateEnumValue

func (m SubCategory) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type TechSupportItem

TechSupportItem Details about the TechSupportItem object.

type TechSupportItem struct {

    // Unique identifier for the item.
    ItemKey *string `mandatory:"true" json:"itemKey"`

    // The display name of the item. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

    Category *Category `mandatory:"false" json:"category"`

    SubCategory *SubCategory `mandatory:"false" json:"subCategory"`

    IssueType *IssueType `mandatory:"false" json:"issueType"`

func (TechSupportItem) GetCategory

func (m TechSupportItem) GetCategory() *Category

GetCategory returns Category

func (TechSupportItem) GetIssueType

func (m TechSupportItem) GetIssueType() *IssueType

GetIssueType returns IssueType

func (TechSupportItem) GetItemKey

func (m TechSupportItem) GetItemKey() *string

GetItemKey returns ItemKey

func (TechSupportItem) GetName

func (m TechSupportItem) GetName() *string

GetName returns Name

func (TechSupportItem) GetSubCategory

func (m TechSupportItem) GetSubCategory() *SubCategory

GetSubCategory returns SubCategory

func (TechSupportItem) MarshalJSON

func (m TechSupportItem) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (TechSupportItem) String

func (m TechSupportItem) String() string

func (TechSupportItem) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TechSupportItem) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type TenancyInformation

TenancyInformation Details about the tenancy.

type TenancyInformation struct {

    // The Customer Support Identifier (CSI) number associated with the tenancy.
    CustomerSupportKey *string `mandatory:"true" json:"customerSupportKey"`

    // The OCID of the tenancy.
    TenancyId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"tenancyId"`

func (TenancyInformation) String

func (m TenancyInformation) String() string

func (TenancyInformation) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TenancyInformation) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Ticket

Ticket Details about the ticket created.

type Ticket struct {

    // The severity assigned to the ticket.
    Severity TicketSeverityEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"severity"`

    // The title of the ticket.
    Title *string `mandatory:"true" json:"title"`

    // The description of the issue addressed in the ticket.
    Description *string `mandatory:"true" json:"description"`

    // Unique identifier for the ticket.
    TicketNumber *string `mandatory:"false" json:"ticketNumber"`

    // The list of resources associated with the ticket.
    ResourceList []Resource `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceList"`

    // The time when the ticket was created, in milliseconds since epoch time.
    TimeCreated *int `mandatory:"false" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The time when the ticket was updated, in milliseconds since epoch time.
    TimeUpdated *int `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // The current state of the ticket.
    LifecycleState LifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleState,omitempty"`

    // Additional information about the current `lifecycleState`.
    LifecycleDetails LifecycleDetailsEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails,omitempty"`

func (Ticket) String

func (m Ticket) String() string

func (Ticket) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Ticket) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type TicketSeverityEnum

TicketSeverityEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type TicketSeverityEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for TicketSeverityEnum

const (
    TicketSeverityHighest TicketSeverityEnum = "HIGHEST"
    TicketSeverityHigh    TicketSeverityEnum = "HIGH"
    TicketSeverityMedium  TicketSeverityEnum = "MEDIUM"
    TicketSeverityLow     TicketSeverityEnum = "LOW"

func GetMappingTicketSeverityEnum

func GetMappingTicketSeverityEnum(val string) (TicketSeverityEnum, bool)

GetMappingTicketSeverityEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetTicketSeverityEnumValues

func GetTicketSeverityEnumValues() []TicketSeverityEnum

GetTicketSeverityEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for TicketSeverityEnum

type TimeZoneEnum

TimeZoneEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type TimeZoneEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for TimeZoneEnum

const (
    TimeZoneGreenwichMeanTime                TimeZoneEnum = "GREENWICH_MEAN_TIME"
    TimeZoneEuropeanCentralTime              TimeZoneEnum = "EUROPEAN_CENTRAL_TIME"
    TimeZoneEasternEuropeanTime              TimeZoneEnum = "EASTERN_EUROPEAN_TIME"
    TimeZoneEasternAfricanTime               TimeZoneEnum = "EASTERN_AFRICAN_TIME"
    TimeZoneMiddleEastTime                   TimeZoneEnum = "MIDDLE_EAST_TIME"
    TimeZoneNearEastTime                     TimeZoneEnum = "NEAR_EAST_TIME"
    TimeZonePakistanLahoreTime               TimeZoneEnum = "PAKISTAN_LAHORE_TIME"
    TimeZoneIndiaStandardTime                TimeZoneEnum = "INDIA_STANDARD_TIME"
    TimeZoneBangladeshStandardTime           TimeZoneEnum = "BANGLADESH_STANDARD_TIME"
    TimeZoneVietnamStandardTime              TimeZoneEnum = "VIETNAM_STANDARD_TIME"
    TimeZoneChinaTaiwanTime                  TimeZoneEnum = "CHINA_TAIWAN_TIME"
    TimeZoneJapanStandardTime                TimeZoneEnum = "JAPAN_STANDARD_TIME"
    TimeZoneAustraliaCentralTime             TimeZoneEnum = "AUSTRALIA_CENTRAL_TIME"
    TimeZoneAustraliaEasternTime             TimeZoneEnum = "AUSTRALIA_EASTERN_TIME"
    TimeZoneSolomonStandardTime              TimeZoneEnum = "SOLOMON_STANDARD_TIME"
    TimeZoneNewZealandStandardTime           TimeZoneEnum = "NEW_ZEALAND_STANDARD_TIME"
    TimeZoneMidwayIslandsTime                TimeZoneEnum = "MIDWAY_ISLANDS_TIME"
    TimeZoneHawaiiStandardTime               TimeZoneEnum = "HAWAII_STANDARD_TIME"
    TimeZoneAlaskaStandardTime               TimeZoneEnum = "ALASKA_STANDARD_TIME"
    TimeZonePacificStandardTime              TimeZoneEnum = "PACIFIC_STANDARD_TIME"
    TimeZoneMountainStandardTime             TimeZoneEnum = "MOUNTAIN_STANDARD_TIME"
    TimeZoneCentralStandardTime              TimeZoneEnum = "CENTRAL_STANDARD_TIME"
    TimeZoneEasternStandardTime              TimeZoneEnum = "EASTERN_STANDARD_TIME"
    TimeZonePuertoRicoAndUsVirginIslandsTime TimeZoneEnum = "PUERTO_RICO_AND_US_VIRGIN_ISLANDS_TIME"
    TimeZoneCanadaNewfoundlandTime           TimeZoneEnum = "CANADA_NEWFOUNDLAND_TIME"
    TimeZoneArgentinaStandardTime            TimeZoneEnum = "ARGENTINA_STANDARD_TIME"
    TimeZoneMidAtlanticTime                  TimeZoneEnum = "MID_ATLANTIC_TIME"
    TimeZoneCentralAfricanTime               TimeZoneEnum = "CENTRAL_AFRICAN_TIME"

func GetMappingTimeZoneEnum

func GetMappingTimeZoneEnum(val string) (TimeZoneEnum, bool)

GetMappingTimeZoneEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetTimeZoneEnumValues

func GetTimeZoneEnumValues() []TimeZoneEnum

GetTimeZoneEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for TimeZoneEnum

type UnitEnum

UnitEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type UnitEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for UnitEnum

const (
    UnitCount UnitEnum = "COUNT"
    UnitGb    UnitEnum = "GB"
    UnitNone  UnitEnum = "NONE"

func GetMappingUnitEnum

func GetMappingUnitEnum(val string) (UnitEnum, bool)

GetMappingUnitEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetUnitEnumValues

func GetUnitEnumValues() []UnitEnum

GetUnitEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for UnitEnum

type UpdateActivityItemDetails

UpdateActivityItemDetails Details for updating the support ticket activity.

type UpdateActivityItemDetails struct {

    // Comments updated at the time that the activity occurs.
    Comments *string `mandatory:"false" json:"comments"`

    // The type of activity occurring.
    ActivityType UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"activityType,omitempty"`

func (UpdateActivityItemDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m UpdateActivityItemDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (UpdateActivityItemDetails) String

func (m UpdateActivityItemDetails) String() string

func (UpdateActivityItemDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateActivityItemDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum

UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum

const (
    UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeNotes              UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum = "NOTES"
    UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeProblemDescription UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum = "PROBLEM_DESCRIPTION"
    UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeUpdate             UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum = "UPDATE"
    UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeClose              UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum = "CLOSE"
    UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeReopen             UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum = "REOPEN"

func GetMappingUpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum

func GetMappingUpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum(val string) (UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingUpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetUpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnumValues

func GetUpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnumValues() []UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum

GetUpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for UpdateActivityItemDetailsActivityTypeEnum

type UpdateIncident

UpdateIncident Details about the support ticket being updated.

type UpdateIncident struct {
    Ticket *UpdateTicketDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"ticket"`

    // The kind of support ticket, such as a technical support request or a limit increase request.
    ProblemType ProblemTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"problemType,omitempty"`

func (UpdateIncident) String

func (m UpdateIncident) String() string

func (UpdateIncident) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateIncident) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateIncidentRequest

UpdateIncidentRequest wrapper for the UpdateIncident operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/cims/UpdateIncident.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateIncidentRequest.

type UpdateIncidentRequest struct {

    // Unique identifier for the support ticket.
    IncidentKey *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"incidentKey"`

    // Details about the support ticket being updated.
    UpdateIncidentDetails UpdateIncident `contributesTo:"body"`

    // The Customer Support Identifier (CSI) associated with the support account.
    Csi *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"csi"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // The OCID of the tenancy.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // User OCID for Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) users who also have a federated Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account.
    Ocid *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"ocid"`

    // The region of the tenancy.
    Homeregion *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"homeregion"`

    // Token type that determine which cloud provider the request come from.
    Bearertokentype *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"bearertokentype"`

    // Token that provided by multi cloud provider, which help to validate the email.
    Bearertoken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"bearertoken"`

    // IdToken that provided by multi cloud provider, which help to validate the email.
    Idtoken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"idtoken"`

    // The OCID of identity domain.
    Domainid *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"domainid"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (UpdateIncidentRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request UpdateIncidentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateIncidentRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request UpdateIncidentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateIncidentRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request UpdateIncidentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (UpdateIncidentRequest) String

func (request UpdateIncidentRequest) String() string

func (UpdateIncidentRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request UpdateIncidentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateIncidentResponse

UpdateIncidentResponse wrapper for the UpdateIncident operation

type UpdateIncidentResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Incident instance
    Incident `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (UpdateIncidentResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response UpdateIncidentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (UpdateIncidentResponse) String

func (response UpdateIncidentResponse) String() string

type UpdateItemDetails

UpdateItemDetails Details for updating an item.

type UpdateItemDetails interface {

type UpdateResourceDetails

UpdateResourceDetails Details about updates to the resource.

type UpdateResourceDetails struct {
    Item UpdateItemDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"item"`

func (UpdateResourceDetails) String

func (m UpdateResourceDetails) String() string

func (*UpdateResourceDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *UpdateResourceDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (UpdateResourceDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateResourceDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateTicketDetails

UpdateTicketDetails Details about the ticket updated.

type UpdateTicketDetails struct {

    // The list of resources.
    Resource *interface{} `mandatory:"true" json:"resource"`

func (UpdateTicketDetails) String

func (m UpdateTicketDetails) String() string

func (UpdateTicketDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateTicketDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type User

User Details about the user.

type User struct {

    // A unique identifier for the user.
    Key *string `mandatory:"true" json:"key"`

    // The user's first name.
    FirstName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"firstName"`

    // The user's last name.
    LastName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lastName"`

    // The country of the user.
    Country *string `mandatory:"false" json:"country"`

    // The CSI associated with the user.
    Csi *string `mandatory:"false" json:"csi"`

    // The user's contact phone number.
    Phone *string `mandatory:"false" json:"phone"`

    // The timezone of the user.
    Timezone *string `mandatory:"false" json:"timezone"`

    // The company that the user belongs to.
    OrganizationName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"organizationName"`

    // The OCID of the tenancy.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The email of the contact person.
    ContactEmail *string `mandatory:"false" json:"contactEmail"`

    // The kind of support ticket, such as a technical support request or a limit increase request.
    ProblemType ProblemTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"problemType,omitempty"`

func (User) String

func (m User) String() string

func (User) ValidateEnumValue

func (m User) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ValidateUserProblemTypeEnum

ValidateUserProblemTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ValidateUserProblemTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ValidateUserProblemTypeEnum

const (
    ValidateUserProblemTypeLimit       ValidateUserProblemTypeEnum = "LIMIT"
    ValidateUserProblemTypeLegacyLimit ValidateUserProblemTypeEnum = "LEGACY_LIMIT"
    ValidateUserProblemTypeTech        ValidateUserProblemTypeEnum = "TECH"
    ValidateUserProblemTypeAccount     ValidateUserProblemTypeEnum = "ACCOUNT"
    ValidateUserProblemTypeTaxonomy    ValidateUserProblemTypeEnum = "TAXONOMY"

func GetMappingValidateUserProblemTypeEnum

func GetMappingValidateUserProblemTypeEnum(val string) (ValidateUserProblemTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingValidateUserProblemTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetValidateUserProblemTypeEnumValues

func GetValidateUserProblemTypeEnumValues() []ValidateUserProblemTypeEnum

GetValidateUserProblemTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ValidateUserProblemTypeEnum

type ValidateUserRequest

ValidateUserRequest wrapper for the ValidateUser operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/cims/ValidateUser.go.html to see an example of how to use ValidateUserRequest.

type ValidateUserRequest struct {

    // The Customer Support Identifier (CSI) associated with the support account.
    Csi *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"csi"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // The kind of support request.
    ProblemType ValidateUserProblemTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"problemType" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // User OCID for Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) users who also have a federated Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account.
    Ocid *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"ocid"`

    // The region of the tenancy.
    Homeregion *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"homeregion"`

    // Token type that determine which cloud provider the request come from.
    Bearertokentype *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"bearertokentype"`

    // Token that provided by multi cloud provider, which help to validate the email.
    Bearertoken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"bearertoken"`

    // IdToken that provided by multi cloud provider, which help to validate the email.
    Idtoken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"idtoken"`

    // The OCID of identity domain.
    Domainid *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"domainid"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ValidateUserRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ValidateUserRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ValidateUserRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ValidateUserRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ValidateUserRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ValidateUserRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ValidateUserRequest) String

func (request ValidateUserRequest) String() string

func (ValidateUserRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ValidateUserRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ValidateUserResponse

ValidateUserResponse wrapper for the ValidateUser operation

type ValidateUserResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The ValidationResponse instance
    ValidationResponse `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (ValidateUserResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ValidateUserResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ValidateUserResponse) String

func (response ValidateUserResponse) String() string

type ValidationResponse

ValidationResponse The validation response returned when checking whether the requested user is valid.

type ValidationResponse struct {

    // Boolean value that indicates whether the requested user is valid.
    IsValidUser *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isValidUser"`

func (ValidationResponse) String

func (m ValidationResponse) String() string

func (ValidationResponse) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ValidationResponse) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly