
Package fleetappsmanagement

import "github.com/oracle/oci-go-sdk/fleetappsmanagement"

Overview ▾

Index ▾

func GetActionTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetAnnouncementSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetAnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetAssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetComplianceStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnumStringValues() []string
func GetContentDetailsSourceTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetCredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetCredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnumStringValues() []string
func GetFleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetFleetFleetTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetFleetGroupTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetFleetLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetFleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetFleetResourceLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetFleetResourceSelectionTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetFleetTargetLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetGroupTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetInputArgumentTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetJobStatusEnumStringValues() []string
func GetLifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListAnnouncementsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListExecutionsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListExecutionsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListFleetCredentialsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListFleetProductsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListFleetProductsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListFleetPropertiesSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListFleetResourcesSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListFleetTargetsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListFleetsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListFleetsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListInventoryResourcesSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListOnboardingsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListOnboardingsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListPropertiesScopeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListPropertiesSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListPropertiesSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListRunbooksSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListRunbooksSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListScheduledFleetsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListSchedulerJobsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListTargetsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListTargetsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListTaskRecordsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListWorkRequestsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListWorkRequestsStatusEnumStringValues() []string
func GetMaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetMaintenanceWindowTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetOnboardingLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetOperationStatusEnumStringValues() []string
func GetOperationTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetOsTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetPropertyLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetPropertyTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetRunbookLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetRunbookRunbookRelevanceEnumStringValues() []string
func GetRunbookTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetScheduleTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetSchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetSchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetScopeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetSelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnumStringValues() []string
func GetSelectionEnumStringValues() []string
func GetSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetTaskAssociationTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetTaskExecutionTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetTaskRecordLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetTaskRecordTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetTaskScopeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetValueTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetWorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnumStringValues() []string
func GetWorkflowComponentTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetWorkflowGroupTypeEnumStringValues() []string
type ActionGroup
    func (m ActionGroup) String() string
    func (m ActionGroup) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ActionGroupDetails
    func (m ActionGroupDetails) String() string
    func (m ActionGroupDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ActionTypeEnum
    func GetActionTypeEnumValues() []ActionTypeEnum
    func GetMappingActionTypeEnum(val string) (ActionTypeEnum, bool)
type ActivityResourceTarget
    func (m ActivityResourceTarget) String() string
    func (m ActivityResourceTarget) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type AnnouncementCollection
    func (m AnnouncementCollection) String() string
    func (m AnnouncementCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type AnnouncementSortByEnum
    func GetAnnouncementSortByEnumValues() []AnnouncementSortByEnum
    func GetMappingAnnouncementSortByEnum(val string) (AnnouncementSortByEnum, bool)
type AnnouncementSummary
    func (m AnnouncementSummary) String() string
    func (m AnnouncementSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetAnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnumValues() []AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingAnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
type ApiBasedExecutionDetails
    func (m ApiBasedExecutionDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m ApiBasedExecutionDetails) String() string
    func (m ApiBasedExecutionDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type AssociatedFleetCredentialDetails
    func (m AssociatedFleetCredentialDetails) String() string
    func (m *AssociatedFleetCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m AssociatedFleetCredentialDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type AssociatedFleetPropertyDetails
    func (m AssociatedFleetPropertyDetails) String() string
    func (m AssociatedFleetPropertyDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type AssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnum
    func GetAssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnumValues() []AssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnum
    func GetMappingAssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnum(val string) (AssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnum, bool)
type AssociatedFleetResourceDetails
    func (m AssociatedFleetResourceDetails) String() string
    func (m AssociatedFleetResourceDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type AssociatedLocalTaskDetails
    func (m AssociatedLocalTaskDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m AssociatedLocalTaskDetails) String() string
    func (m *AssociatedLocalTaskDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m AssociatedLocalTaskDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type AssociatedSchedulerDefinition
    func (m AssociatedSchedulerDefinition) String() string
    func (m AssociatedSchedulerDefinition) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type AssociatedSharedTaskDetails
    func (m AssociatedSharedTaskDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m AssociatedSharedTaskDetails) String() string
    func (m AssociatedSharedTaskDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type AssociatedTaskDetails
type Associations
    func (m Associations) String() string
    func (m Associations) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CheckResourceTaggingDetails
    func (m CheckResourceTaggingDetails) String() string
    func (m CheckResourceTaggingDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CheckResourceTaggingRequest
    func (request CheckResourceTaggingRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CheckResourceTaggingRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CheckResourceTaggingRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CheckResourceTaggingRequest) String() string
    func (request CheckResourceTaggingRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CheckResourceTaggingResponse
    func (response CheckResourceTaggingResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CheckResourceTaggingResponse) String() string
type ComplianceReport
    func (m ComplianceReport) String() string
    func (m ComplianceReport) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ComplianceReportPatchDetail
    func (m ComplianceReportPatchDetail) String() string
    func (m ComplianceReportPatchDetail) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ComplianceReportProduct
    func (m ComplianceReportProduct) String() string
    func (m ComplianceReportProduct) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ComplianceReportResource
    func (m ComplianceReportResource) String() string
    func (m ComplianceReportResource) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ComplianceReportTarget
    func (m ComplianceReportTarget) String() string
    func (m ComplianceReportTarget) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ComplianceStateEnum
    func GetComplianceStateEnumValues() []ComplianceStateEnum
    func GetMappingComplianceStateEnum(val string) (ComplianceStateEnum, bool)
type ComponentProperties
    func (m ComponentProperties) String() string
    func (m ComponentProperties) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnum
    func GetComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnumValues() []ComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnum
    func GetMappingComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnum(val string) (ComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnum, bool)
type Condition
    func (m Condition) String() string
    func (m Condition) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ConfirmTargetsDetails
    func (m ConfirmTargetsDetails) String() string
    func (m ConfirmTargetsDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ConfirmTargetsRequest
    func (request ConfirmTargetsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ConfirmTargetsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ConfirmTargetsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ConfirmTargetsRequest) String() string
    func (request ConfirmTargetsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ConfirmTargetsResponse
    func (response ConfirmTargetsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ConfirmTargetsResponse) String() string
type ContentDetails
type ContentDetailsSourceTypeEnum
    func GetContentDetailsSourceTypeEnumValues() []ContentDetailsSourceTypeEnum
    func GetMappingContentDetailsSourceTypeEnum(val string) (ContentDetailsSourceTypeEnum, bool)
type CreateFleetCredentialDetails
    func (m CreateFleetCredentialDetails) String() string
    func (m *CreateFleetCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m CreateFleetCredentialDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateFleetCredentialRequest
    func (request CreateFleetCredentialRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CreateFleetCredentialRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CreateFleetCredentialRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CreateFleetCredentialRequest) String() string
    func (request CreateFleetCredentialRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateFleetCredentialResponse
    func (response CreateFleetCredentialResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CreateFleetCredentialResponse) String() string
type CreateFleetDetails
    func (m CreateFleetDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateFleetDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateFleetPropertyDetails
    func (m CreateFleetPropertyDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateFleetPropertyDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateFleetPropertyRequest
    func (request CreateFleetPropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CreateFleetPropertyRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CreateFleetPropertyRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CreateFleetPropertyRequest) String() string
    func (request CreateFleetPropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateFleetPropertyResponse
    func (response CreateFleetPropertyResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CreateFleetPropertyResponse) String() string
type CreateFleetRequest
    func (request CreateFleetRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CreateFleetRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CreateFleetRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CreateFleetRequest) String() string
    func (request CreateFleetRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateFleetResourceDetails
    func (m CreateFleetResourceDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateFleetResourceDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateFleetResourceRequest
    func (request CreateFleetResourceRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CreateFleetResourceRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CreateFleetResourceRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CreateFleetResourceRequest) String() string
    func (request CreateFleetResourceRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateFleetResourceResponse
    func (response CreateFleetResourceResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CreateFleetResourceResponse) String() string
type CreateFleetResponse
    func (response CreateFleetResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CreateFleetResponse) String() string
type CreateMaintenanceWindowDetails
    func (m CreateMaintenanceWindowDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateMaintenanceWindowDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest
    func (request CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest) String() string
    func (request CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateMaintenanceWindowResponse
    func (response CreateMaintenanceWindowResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CreateMaintenanceWindowResponse) String() string
type CreateOnboardingDetails
    func (m CreateOnboardingDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateOnboardingDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateOnboardingRequest
    func (request CreateOnboardingRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CreateOnboardingRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CreateOnboardingRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CreateOnboardingRequest) String() string
    func (request CreateOnboardingRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateOnboardingResponse
    func (response CreateOnboardingResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CreateOnboardingResponse) String() string
type CreatePropertyDetails
    func (m CreatePropertyDetails) String() string
    func (m CreatePropertyDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreatePropertyRequest
    func (request CreatePropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CreatePropertyRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CreatePropertyRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CreatePropertyRequest) String() string
    func (request CreatePropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreatePropertyResponse
    func (response CreatePropertyResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CreatePropertyResponse) String() string
type CreateSchedulerDefinitionDetails
    func (m CreateSchedulerDefinitionDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateSchedulerDefinitionDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest
    func (request CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) String() string
    func (request CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateSchedulerDefinitionResponse
    func (response CreateSchedulerDefinitionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CreateSchedulerDefinitionResponse) String() string
type CredentialDetails
type CredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnum
    func GetCredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnumValues() []CredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnum
    func GetMappingCredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnum(val string) (CredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnum, bool)
type CredentialEntitySpecificDetails
type CredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnum
    func GetCredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnumValues() []CredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnum
    func GetMappingCredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnum(val string) (CredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnum, bool)
type DeleteFleetCredentialRequest
    func (request DeleteFleetCredentialRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DeleteFleetCredentialRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DeleteFleetCredentialRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DeleteFleetCredentialRequest) String() string
    func (request DeleteFleetCredentialRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DeleteFleetCredentialResponse
    func (response DeleteFleetCredentialResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DeleteFleetCredentialResponse) String() string
type DeleteFleetPropertyRequest
    func (request DeleteFleetPropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DeleteFleetPropertyRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DeleteFleetPropertyRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DeleteFleetPropertyRequest) String() string
    func (request DeleteFleetPropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DeleteFleetPropertyResponse
    func (response DeleteFleetPropertyResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DeleteFleetPropertyResponse) String() string
type DeleteFleetRequest
    func (request DeleteFleetRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DeleteFleetRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DeleteFleetRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DeleteFleetRequest) String() string
    func (request DeleteFleetRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DeleteFleetResourceRequest
    func (request DeleteFleetResourceRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DeleteFleetResourceRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DeleteFleetResourceRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DeleteFleetResourceRequest) String() string
    func (request DeleteFleetResourceRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DeleteFleetResourceResponse
    func (response DeleteFleetResourceResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DeleteFleetResourceResponse) String() string
type DeleteFleetResponse
    func (response DeleteFleetResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DeleteFleetResponse) String() string
type DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest
    func (request DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest) String() string
    func (request DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DeleteMaintenanceWindowResponse
    func (response DeleteMaintenanceWindowResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DeleteMaintenanceWindowResponse) String() string
type DeletePropertyRequest
    func (request DeletePropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DeletePropertyRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DeletePropertyRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DeletePropertyRequest) String() string
    func (request DeletePropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DeletePropertyResponse
    func (response DeletePropertyResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DeletePropertyResponse) String() string
type DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest
    func (request DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest) String() string
    func (request DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DeleteSchedulerDefinitionResponse
    func (response DeleteSchedulerDefinitionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DeleteSchedulerDefinitionResponse) String() string
type DeleteSchedulerJobRequest
    func (request DeleteSchedulerJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DeleteSchedulerJobRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DeleteSchedulerJobRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DeleteSchedulerJobRequest) String() string
    func (request DeleteSchedulerJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DeleteSchedulerJobResponse
    func (response DeleteSchedulerJobResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DeleteSchedulerJobResponse) String() string
type Details
    func (m Details) String() string
    func (m *Details) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m Details) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DiscoveredTarget
    func (m DiscoveredTarget) String() string
    func (m DiscoveredTarget) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type EntityExecutionDetails
    func (m EntityExecutionDetails) String() string
    func (m EntityExecutionDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Execution
    func (m Execution) String() string
    func (m Execution) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ExecutionCollection
    func (m ExecutionCollection) String() string
    func (m ExecutionCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ExecutionDetails
type ExecutionSummary
    func (m ExecutionSummary) String() string
    func (m ExecutionSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ExecutionWorkflowDetails
    func (m ExecutionWorkflowDetails) String() string
    func (m ExecutionWorkflowDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Fleet
    func (m Fleet) String() string
    func (m Fleet) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type FleetAppsManagementAdminClient
    func NewFleetAppsManagementAdminClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient, err error)
    func NewFleetAppsManagementAdminClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient, err error)
    func (client *FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider
    func (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) CreateOnboarding(ctx context.Context, request CreateOnboardingRequest) (response CreateOnboardingResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) CreateProperty(ctx context.Context, request CreatePropertyRequest) (response CreatePropertyResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) DeleteProperty(ctx context.Context, request DeletePropertyRequest) (response DeletePropertyResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) GetProperty(ctx context.Context, request GetPropertyRequest) (response GetPropertyResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) ListOnboardingPolicies(ctx context.Context, request ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest) (response ListOnboardingPoliciesResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) ListOnboardings(ctx context.Context, request ListOnboardingsRequest) (response ListOnboardingsResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) ListProperties(ctx context.Context, request ListPropertiesRequest) (response ListPropertiesResponse, err error)
    func (client *FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) SetRegion(region string)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) UpdateProperty(ctx context.Context, request UpdatePropertyRequest) (response UpdatePropertyResponse, err error)
type FleetAppsManagementClient
    func NewFleetAppsManagementClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client FleetAppsManagementClient, err error)
    func NewFleetAppsManagementClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client FleetAppsManagementClient, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) CheckResourceTagging(ctx context.Context, request CheckResourceTaggingRequest) (response CheckResourceTaggingResponse, err error)
    func (client *FleetAppsManagementClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ConfirmTargets(ctx context.Context, request ConfirmTargetsRequest) (response ConfirmTargetsResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) CreateFleet(ctx context.Context, request CreateFleetRequest) (response CreateFleetResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) CreateFleetCredential(ctx context.Context, request CreateFleetCredentialRequest) (response CreateFleetCredentialResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) CreateFleetProperty(ctx context.Context, request CreateFleetPropertyRequest) (response CreateFleetPropertyResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) CreateFleetResource(ctx context.Context, request CreateFleetResourceRequest) (response CreateFleetResourceResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) DeleteFleet(ctx context.Context, request DeleteFleetRequest) (response DeleteFleetResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) DeleteFleetCredential(ctx context.Context, request DeleteFleetCredentialRequest) (response DeleteFleetCredentialResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) DeleteFleetProperty(ctx context.Context, request DeleteFleetPropertyRequest) (response DeleteFleetPropertyResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) DeleteFleetResource(ctx context.Context, request DeleteFleetResourceRequest) (response DeleteFleetResourceResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) GenerateComplianceReport(ctx context.Context, request GenerateComplianceReportRequest) (response GenerateComplianceReportResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) GetComplianceReport(ctx context.Context, request GetComplianceReportRequest) (response GetComplianceReportResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) GetFleet(ctx context.Context, request GetFleetRequest) (response GetFleetResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) GetFleetCredential(ctx context.Context, request GetFleetCredentialRequest) (response GetFleetCredentialResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) GetFleetProperty(ctx context.Context, request GetFleetPropertyRequest) (response GetFleetPropertyResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) GetFleetResource(ctx context.Context, request GetFleetResourceRequest) (response GetFleetResourceResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) GetWorkRequest(ctx context.Context, request GetWorkRequestRequest) (response GetWorkRequestResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListAnnouncements(ctx context.Context, request ListAnnouncementsRequest) (response ListAnnouncementsResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListFleetCredentials(ctx context.Context, request ListFleetCredentialsRequest) (response ListFleetCredentialsResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListFleetProducts(ctx context.Context, request ListFleetProductsRequest) (response ListFleetProductsResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListFleetProperties(ctx context.Context, request ListFleetPropertiesRequest) (response ListFleetPropertiesResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListFleetResources(ctx context.Context, request ListFleetResourcesRequest) (response ListFleetResourcesResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListFleetTargets(ctx context.Context, request ListFleetTargetsRequest) (response ListFleetTargetsResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListFleets(ctx context.Context, request ListFleetsRequest) (response ListFleetsResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListInventoryResources(ctx context.Context, request ListInventoryResourcesRequest) (response ListInventoryResourcesResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListTargets(ctx context.Context, request ListTargetsRequest) (response ListTargetsResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListWorkRequestErrors(ctx context.Context, request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) (response ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListWorkRequestLogs(ctx context.Context, request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) (response ListWorkRequestLogsResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListWorkRequests(ctx context.Context, request ListWorkRequestsRequest) (response ListWorkRequestsResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) RequestResourceValidation(ctx context.Context, request RequestResourceValidationRequest) (response RequestResourceValidationResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) RequestTargetDiscovery(ctx context.Context, request RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest) (response RequestTargetDiscoveryResponse, err error)
    func (client *FleetAppsManagementClient) SetRegion(region string)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) UpdateFleet(ctx context.Context, request UpdateFleetRequest) (response UpdateFleetResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) UpdateFleetCredential(ctx context.Context, request UpdateFleetCredentialRequest) (response UpdateFleetCredentialResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) UpdateFleetProperty(ctx context.Context, request UpdateFleetPropertyRequest) (response UpdateFleetPropertyResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) UpdateFleetResource(ctx context.Context, request UpdateFleetResourceRequest) (response UpdateFleetResourceResponse, err error)
type FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient
    func NewFleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient, err error)
    func NewFleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient, err error)
    func (client *FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider
    func (client FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) CreateMaintenanceWindow(ctx context.Context, request CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest) (response CreateMaintenanceWindowResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) DeleteMaintenanceWindow(ctx context.Context, request DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest) (response DeleteMaintenanceWindowResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) GetMaintenanceWindow(ctx context.Context, request GetMaintenanceWindowRequest) (response GetMaintenanceWindowResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) ListMaintenanceWindows(ctx context.Context, request ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest) (response ListMaintenanceWindowsResponse, err error)
    func (client *FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) SetRegion(region string)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) UpdateMaintenanceWindow(ctx context.Context, request UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest) (response UpdateMaintenanceWindowResponse, err error)
type FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient
    func NewFleetAppsManagementOperationsClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient, err error)
    func NewFleetAppsManagementOperationsClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient, err error)
    func (client *FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider
    func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) CreateSchedulerDefinition(ctx context.Context, request CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) (response CreateSchedulerDefinitionResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) DeleteSchedulerDefinition(ctx context.Context, request DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest) (response DeleteSchedulerDefinitionResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) DeleteSchedulerJob(ctx context.Context, request DeleteSchedulerJobRequest) (response DeleteSchedulerJobResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) GetExecution(ctx context.Context, request GetExecutionRequest) (response GetExecutionResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) GetJobActivity(ctx context.Context, request GetJobActivityRequest) (response GetJobActivityResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) GetSchedulerDefinition(ctx context.Context, request GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest) (response GetSchedulerDefinitionResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) GetSchedulerJob(ctx context.Context, request GetSchedulerJobRequest) (response GetSchedulerJobResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) ListExecutions(ctx context.Context, request ListExecutionsRequest) (response ListExecutionsResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) ListScheduledFleets(ctx context.Context, request ListScheduledFleetsRequest) (response ListScheduledFleetsResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) ListSchedulerDefinitions(ctx context.Context, request ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest) (response ListSchedulerDefinitionsResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) ListSchedulerJobs(ctx context.Context, request ListSchedulerJobsRequest) (response ListSchedulerJobsResponse, err error)
    func (client *FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) SetRegion(region string)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) UpdateSchedulerDefinition(ctx context.Context, request UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) (response UpdateSchedulerDefinitionResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) UpdateSchedulerJob(ctx context.Context, request UpdateSchedulerJobRequest) (response UpdateSchedulerJobResponse, err error)
type FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient
    func NewFleetAppsManagementRunbooksClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient, err error)
    func NewFleetAppsManagementRunbooksClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient, err error)
    func (client *FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider
    func (client FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient) GetRunbook(ctx context.Context, request GetRunbookRequest) (response GetRunbookResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient) GetTaskRecord(ctx context.Context, request GetTaskRecordRequest) (response GetTaskRecordResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient) ListRunbooks(ctx context.Context, request ListRunbooksRequest) (response ListRunbooksResponse, err error)
    func (client FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient) ListTaskRecords(ctx context.Context, request ListTaskRecordsRequest) (response ListTaskRecordsResponse, err error)
    func (client *FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient) SetRegion(region string)
type FleetCollection
    func (m FleetCollection) String() string
    func (m FleetCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type FleetCredential
    func (m FleetCredential) String() string
    func (m *FleetCredential) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m FleetCredential) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type FleetCredentialCollection
    func (m FleetCredentialCollection) String() string
    func (m FleetCredentialCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type FleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetFleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnumValues() []FleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingFleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (FleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
type FleetCredentialSummary
    func (m FleetCredentialSummary) String() string
    func (m *FleetCredentialSummary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m FleetCredentialSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type FleetFleetTypeEnum
    func GetFleetFleetTypeEnumValues() []FleetFleetTypeEnum
    func GetMappingFleetFleetTypeEnum(val string) (FleetFleetTypeEnum, bool)
type FleetGroupTypeEnum
    func GetFleetGroupTypeEnumValues() []FleetGroupTypeEnum
    func GetMappingFleetGroupTypeEnum(val string) (FleetGroupTypeEnum, bool)
type FleetLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetFleetLifecycleStateEnumValues() []FleetLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingFleetLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (FleetLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
type FleetProductCollection
    func (m FleetProductCollection) String() string
    func (m FleetProductCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type FleetProductSummary
    func (m FleetProductSummary) String() string
    func (m FleetProductSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type FleetProperty
    func (m FleetProperty) String() string
    func (m FleetProperty) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type FleetPropertyCollection
    func (m FleetPropertyCollection) String() string
    func (m FleetPropertyCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type FleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetFleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnumValues() []FleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingFleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (FleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
type FleetPropertySummary
    func (m FleetPropertySummary) String() string
    func (m FleetPropertySummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type FleetResource
    func (m FleetResource) String() string
    func (m FleetResource) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type FleetResourceCollection
    func (m FleetResourceCollection) String() string
    func (m FleetResourceCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type FleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetFleetResourceLifecycleStateEnumValues() []FleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingFleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (FleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
type FleetResourceSelectionTypeEnum
    func GetFleetResourceSelectionTypeEnumValues() []FleetResourceSelectionTypeEnum
    func GetMappingFleetResourceSelectionTypeEnum(val string) (FleetResourceSelectionTypeEnum, bool)
type FleetResourceSummary
    func (m FleetResourceSummary) String() string
    func (m FleetResourceSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type FleetSummary
    func (m FleetSummary) String() string
    func (m FleetSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type FleetTarget
    func (m FleetTarget) String() string
    func (m FleetTarget) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type FleetTargetCollection
    func (m FleetTargetCollection) String() string
    func (m FleetTargetCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type FleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetFleetTargetLifecycleStateEnumValues() []FleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingFleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (FleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
type FleetTargetSummary
    func (m FleetTargetSummary) String() string
    func (m FleetTargetSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GenerateComplianceReportDetails
    func (m GenerateComplianceReportDetails) String() string
    func (m GenerateComplianceReportDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GenerateComplianceReportRequest
    func (request GenerateComplianceReportRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GenerateComplianceReportRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GenerateComplianceReportRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GenerateComplianceReportRequest) String() string
    func (request GenerateComplianceReportRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GenerateComplianceReportResponse
    func (response GenerateComplianceReportResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GenerateComplianceReportResponse) String() string
type GetComplianceReportRequest
    func (request GetComplianceReportRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetComplianceReportRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetComplianceReportRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetComplianceReportRequest) String() string
    func (request GetComplianceReportRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetComplianceReportResponse
    func (response GetComplianceReportResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetComplianceReportResponse) String() string
type GetExecutionRequest
    func (request GetExecutionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetExecutionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetExecutionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetExecutionRequest) String() string
    func (request GetExecutionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetExecutionResponse
    func (response GetExecutionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetExecutionResponse) String() string
type GetFleetCredentialRequest
    func (request GetFleetCredentialRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetFleetCredentialRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetFleetCredentialRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetFleetCredentialRequest) String() string
    func (request GetFleetCredentialRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetFleetCredentialResponse
    func (response GetFleetCredentialResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetFleetCredentialResponse) String() string
type GetFleetPropertyRequest
    func (request GetFleetPropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetFleetPropertyRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetFleetPropertyRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetFleetPropertyRequest) String() string
    func (request GetFleetPropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetFleetPropertyResponse
    func (response GetFleetPropertyResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetFleetPropertyResponse) String() string
type GetFleetRequest
    func (request GetFleetRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetFleetRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetFleetRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetFleetRequest) String() string
    func (request GetFleetRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetFleetResourceRequest
    func (request GetFleetResourceRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetFleetResourceRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetFleetResourceRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetFleetResourceRequest) String() string
    func (request GetFleetResourceRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetFleetResourceResponse
    func (response GetFleetResourceResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetFleetResourceResponse) String() string
type GetFleetResponse
    func (response GetFleetResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetFleetResponse) String() string
type GetJobActivityRequest
    func (request GetJobActivityRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetJobActivityRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetJobActivityRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetJobActivityRequest) String() string
    func (request GetJobActivityRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetJobActivityResponse
    func (response GetJobActivityResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetJobActivityResponse) String() string
type GetMaintenanceWindowRequest
    func (request GetMaintenanceWindowRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetMaintenanceWindowRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetMaintenanceWindowRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetMaintenanceWindowRequest) String() string
    func (request GetMaintenanceWindowRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetMaintenanceWindowResponse
    func (response GetMaintenanceWindowResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetMaintenanceWindowResponse) String() string
type GetPropertyRequest
    func (request GetPropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetPropertyRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetPropertyRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetPropertyRequest) String() string
    func (request GetPropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetPropertyResponse
    func (response GetPropertyResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetPropertyResponse) String() string
type GetRunbookRequest
    func (request GetRunbookRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetRunbookRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetRunbookRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetRunbookRequest) String() string
    func (request GetRunbookRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetRunbookResponse
    func (response GetRunbookResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetRunbookResponse) String() string
type GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest
    func (request GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest) String() string
    func (request GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetSchedulerDefinitionResponse
    func (response GetSchedulerDefinitionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetSchedulerDefinitionResponse) String() string
type GetSchedulerJobRequest
    func (request GetSchedulerJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetSchedulerJobRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetSchedulerJobRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetSchedulerJobRequest) String() string
    func (request GetSchedulerJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetSchedulerJobResponse
    func (response GetSchedulerJobResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetSchedulerJobResponse) String() string
type GetTaskRecordRequest
    func (request GetTaskRecordRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetTaskRecordRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetTaskRecordRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetTaskRecordRequest) String() string
    func (request GetTaskRecordRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetTaskRecordResponse
    func (response GetTaskRecordResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetTaskRecordResponse) String() string
type GetWorkRequestRequest
    func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) String() string
    func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetWorkRequestResponse
    func (response GetWorkRequestResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetWorkRequestResponse) String() string
type Group
    func (m Group) String() string
    func (m Group) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GroupTypeEnum
    func GetGroupTypeEnumValues() []GroupTypeEnum
    func GetMappingGroupTypeEnum(val string) (GroupTypeEnum, bool)
type InputArgument
type InputArgumentTypeEnum
    func GetInputArgumentTypeEnumValues() []InputArgumentTypeEnum
    func GetMappingInputArgumentTypeEnum(val string) (InputArgumentTypeEnum, bool)
type InputParameter
    func (m InputParameter) String() string
    func (m InputParameter) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type InventoryResourceCollection
    func (m InventoryResourceCollection) String() string
    func (m InventoryResourceCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type InventoryResourceSummary
    func (m InventoryResourceSummary) String() string
    func (m InventoryResourceSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type JobActivity
    func (m JobActivity) String() string
    func (m JobActivity) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type JobStatusEnum
    func GetJobStatusEnumValues() []JobStatusEnum
    func GetMappingJobStatusEnum(val string) (JobStatusEnum, bool)
type KeyEncryptionCredentialDetails
    func (m KeyEncryptionCredentialDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m KeyEncryptionCredentialDetails) String() string
    func (m KeyEncryptionCredentialDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum
    func GetLifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnumValues() []LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum
    func GetMappingLifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum(val string) (LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum, bool)
type ListAnnouncementsRequest
    func (request ListAnnouncementsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListAnnouncementsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListAnnouncementsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListAnnouncementsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListAnnouncementsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListAnnouncementsResponse
    func (response ListAnnouncementsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListAnnouncementsResponse) String() string
type ListAnnouncementsSortByEnum
    func GetListAnnouncementsSortByEnumValues() []ListAnnouncementsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListAnnouncementsSortByEnum(val string) (ListAnnouncementsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListExecutionsRequest
    func (request ListExecutionsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListExecutionsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListExecutionsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListExecutionsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListExecutionsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListExecutionsResponse
    func (response ListExecutionsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListExecutionsResponse) String() string
type ListExecutionsSortByEnum
    func GetListExecutionsSortByEnumValues() []ListExecutionsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListExecutionsSortByEnum(val string) (ListExecutionsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListExecutionsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListExecutionsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListExecutionsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListExecutionsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListExecutionsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListFleetCredentialsRequest
    func (request ListFleetCredentialsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListFleetCredentialsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListFleetCredentialsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListFleetCredentialsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListFleetCredentialsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListFleetCredentialsResponse
    func (response ListFleetCredentialsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListFleetCredentialsResponse) String() string
type ListFleetCredentialsSortByEnum
    func GetListFleetCredentialsSortByEnumValues() []ListFleetCredentialsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListFleetCredentialsSortByEnum(val string) (ListFleetCredentialsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListFleetProductsRequest
    func (request ListFleetProductsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListFleetProductsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListFleetProductsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListFleetProductsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListFleetProductsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListFleetProductsResponse
    func (response ListFleetProductsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListFleetProductsResponse) String() string
type ListFleetProductsSortByEnum
    func GetListFleetProductsSortByEnumValues() []ListFleetProductsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListFleetProductsSortByEnum(val string) (ListFleetProductsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListFleetProductsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListFleetProductsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListFleetProductsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListFleetProductsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListFleetProductsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListFleetPropertiesRequest
    func (request ListFleetPropertiesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListFleetPropertiesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListFleetPropertiesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListFleetPropertiesRequest) String() string
    func (request ListFleetPropertiesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListFleetPropertiesResponse
    func (response ListFleetPropertiesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListFleetPropertiesResponse) String() string
type ListFleetPropertiesSortByEnum
    func GetListFleetPropertiesSortByEnumValues() []ListFleetPropertiesSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListFleetPropertiesSortByEnum(val string) (ListFleetPropertiesSortByEnum, bool)
type ListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnum
    func GetListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnumValues() []ListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListFleetResourcesRequest
    func (request ListFleetResourcesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListFleetResourcesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListFleetResourcesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListFleetResourcesRequest) String() string
    func (request ListFleetResourcesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListFleetResourcesResponse
    func (response ListFleetResourcesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListFleetResourcesResponse) String() string
type ListFleetResourcesSortByEnum
    func GetListFleetResourcesSortByEnumValues() []ListFleetResourcesSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListFleetResourcesSortByEnum(val string) (ListFleetResourcesSortByEnum, bool)
type ListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnum
    func GetListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnumValues() []ListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListFleetTargetsRequest
    func (request ListFleetTargetsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListFleetTargetsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListFleetTargetsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListFleetTargetsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListFleetTargetsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListFleetTargetsResponse
    func (response ListFleetTargetsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListFleetTargetsResponse) String() string
type ListFleetTargetsSortByEnum
    func GetListFleetTargetsSortByEnumValues() []ListFleetTargetsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListFleetTargetsSortByEnum(val string) (ListFleetTargetsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListFleetsRequest
    func (request ListFleetsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListFleetsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListFleetsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListFleetsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListFleetsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListFleetsResponse
    func (response ListFleetsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListFleetsResponse) String() string
type ListFleetsSortByEnum
    func GetListFleetsSortByEnumValues() []ListFleetsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListFleetsSortByEnum(val string) (ListFleetsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListFleetsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListFleetsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListFleetsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListFleetsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListFleetsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListInventoryResourcesRequest
    func (request ListInventoryResourcesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListInventoryResourcesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListInventoryResourcesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListInventoryResourcesRequest) String() string
    func (request ListInventoryResourcesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListInventoryResourcesResponse
    func (response ListInventoryResourcesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListInventoryResourcesResponse) String() string
type ListInventoryResourcesSortByEnum
    func GetListInventoryResourcesSortByEnumValues() []ListInventoryResourcesSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListInventoryResourcesSortByEnum(val string) (ListInventoryResourcesSortByEnum, bool)
type ListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnum
    func GetListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnumValues() []ListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest
    func (request ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListMaintenanceWindowsResponse
    func (response ListMaintenanceWindowsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListMaintenanceWindowsResponse) String() string
type ListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnum
    func GetListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnumValues() []ListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnum(val string) (ListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest
    func (request ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest) String() string
    func (request ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListOnboardingPoliciesResponse
    func (response ListOnboardingPoliciesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListOnboardingPoliciesResponse) String() string
type ListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnum
    func GetListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnumValues() []ListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnum(val string) (ListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnum, bool)
type ListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnum
    func GetListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnumValues() []ListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListOnboardingsRequest
    func (request ListOnboardingsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListOnboardingsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListOnboardingsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListOnboardingsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListOnboardingsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListOnboardingsResponse
    func (response ListOnboardingsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListOnboardingsResponse) String() string
type ListOnboardingsSortByEnum
    func GetListOnboardingsSortByEnumValues() []ListOnboardingsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListOnboardingsSortByEnum(val string) (ListOnboardingsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListOnboardingsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListOnboardingsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListOnboardingsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListOnboardingsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListOnboardingsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListPropertiesRequest
    func (request ListPropertiesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListPropertiesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListPropertiesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListPropertiesRequest) String() string
    func (request ListPropertiesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListPropertiesResponse
    func (response ListPropertiesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListPropertiesResponse) String() string
type ListPropertiesScopeEnum
    func GetListPropertiesScopeEnumValues() []ListPropertiesScopeEnum
    func GetMappingListPropertiesScopeEnum(val string) (ListPropertiesScopeEnum, bool)
type ListPropertiesSortByEnum
    func GetListPropertiesSortByEnumValues() []ListPropertiesSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListPropertiesSortByEnum(val string) (ListPropertiesSortByEnum, bool)
type ListPropertiesSortOrderEnum
    func GetListPropertiesSortOrderEnumValues() []ListPropertiesSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListPropertiesSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListPropertiesSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListRunbooksRequest
    func (request ListRunbooksRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListRunbooksRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListRunbooksRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListRunbooksRequest) String() string
    func (request ListRunbooksRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListRunbooksResponse
    func (response ListRunbooksResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListRunbooksResponse) String() string
type ListRunbooksSortByEnum
    func GetListRunbooksSortByEnumValues() []ListRunbooksSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListRunbooksSortByEnum(val string) (ListRunbooksSortByEnum, bool)
type ListRunbooksSortOrderEnum
    func GetListRunbooksSortOrderEnumValues() []ListRunbooksSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListRunbooksSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListRunbooksSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListScheduledFleetsRequest
    func (request ListScheduledFleetsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListScheduledFleetsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListScheduledFleetsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListScheduledFleetsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListScheduledFleetsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListScheduledFleetsResponse
    func (response ListScheduledFleetsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListScheduledFleetsResponse) String() string
type ListScheduledFleetsSortByEnum
    func GetListScheduledFleetsSortByEnumValues() []ListScheduledFleetsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListScheduledFleetsSortByEnum(val string) (ListScheduledFleetsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest
    func (request ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListSchedulerDefinitionsResponse
    func (response ListSchedulerDefinitionsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListSchedulerDefinitionsResponse) String() string
type ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnum
    func GetListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnumValues() []ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnum(val string) (ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListSchedulerJobsRequest
    func (request ListSchedulerJobsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListSchedulerJobsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListSchedulerJobsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListSchedulerJobsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListSchedulerJobsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListSchedulerJobsResponse
    func (response ListSchedulerJobsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListSchedulerJobsResponse) String() string
type ListSchedulerJobsSortByEnum
    func GetListSchedulerJobsSortByEnumValues() []ListSchedulerJobsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListSchedulerJobsSortByEnum(val string) (ListSchedulerJobsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListTargetsRequest
    func (request ListTargetsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListTargetsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListTargetsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListTargetsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListTargetsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListTargetsResponse
    func (response ListTargetsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListTargetsResponse) String() string
type ListTargetsSortByEnum
    func GetListTargetsSortByEnumValues() []ListTargetsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListTargetsSortByEnum(val string) (ListTargetsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListTargetsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListTargetsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListTargetsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListTargetsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListTargetsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListTaskRecordsRequest
    func (request ListTaskRecordsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListTaskRecordsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListTaskRecordsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListTaskRecordsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListTaskRecordsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListTaskRecordsResponse
    func (response ListTaskRecordsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListTaskRecordsResponse) String() string
type ListTaskRecordsSortByEnum
    func GetListTaskRecordsSortByEnumValues() []ListTaskRecordsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListTaskRecordsSortByEnum(val string) (ListTaskRecordsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest
    func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse
    func (response ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse) String() string
type ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum
    func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListWorkRequestLogsRequest
    func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListWorkRequestLogsResponse
    func (response ListWorkRequestLogsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListWorkRequestLogsResponse) String() string
type ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum
    func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListWorkRequestsRequest
    func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListWorkRequestsResponse
    func (response ListWorkRequestsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListWorkRequestsResponse) String() string
type ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum
    func GetListWorkRequestsSortByEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListWorkRequestsSortByEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum
    func GetListWorkRequestsStatusEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum
    func GetMappingListWorkRequestsStatusEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum, bool)
type MaintenanceWindow
    func (m MaintenanceWindow) String() string
    func (m MaintenanceWindow) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type MaintenanceWindowCollection
    func (m MaintenanceWindowCollection) String() string
    func (m MaintenanceWindowCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnumValues() []MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingMaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
type MaintenanceWindowSummary
    func (m MaintenanceWindowSummary) String() string
    func (m MaintenanceWindowSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type MaintenanceWindowTypeEnum
    func GetMaintenanceWindowTypeEnumValues() []MaintenanceWindowTypeEnum
    func GetMappingMaintenanceWindowTypeEnum(val string) (MaintenanceWindowTypeEnum, bool)
type NotificationPreferences
    func (m NotificationPreferences) String() string
    func (m NotificationPreferences) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ObjectStorageBucketContentDetails
    func (m ObjectStorageBucketContentDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m ObjectStorageBucketContentDetails) String() string
    func (m ObjectStorageBucketContentDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Onboarding
    func (m Onboarding) String() string
    func (m Onboarding) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type OnboardingCollection
    func (m OnboardingCollection) String() string
    func (m OnboardingCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingOnboardingLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
    func GetOnboardingLifecycleStateEnumValues() []OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum
type OnboardingPolicyCollection
    func (m OnboardingPolicyCollection) String() string
    func (m OnboardingPolicyCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type OnboardingPolicySummary
    func (m OnboardingPolicySummary) String() string
    func (m OnboardingPolicySummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type OnboardingSummary
    func (m OnboardingSummary) String() string
    func (m OnboardingSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type OperationRunbook
    func (m OperationRunbook) String() string
    func (m OperationRunbook) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type OperationStatusEnum
    func GetMappingOperationStatusEnum(val string) (OperationStatusEnum, bool)
    func GetOperationStatusEnumValues() []OperationStatusEnum
type OperationTypeEnum
    func GetMappingOperationTypeEnum(val string) (OperationTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetOperationTypeEnumValues() []OperationTypeEnum
type OsTypeEnum
    func GetMappingOsTypeEnum(val string) (OsTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetOsTypeEnumValues() []OsTypeEnum
type Outcome
    func (m Outcome) String() string
    func (m Outcome) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type OutputVariableDetails
    func (m OutputVariableDetails) String() string
    func (m OutputVariableDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type OutputVariableInputArgument
    func (m OutputVariableInputArgument) GetDescription() *string
    func (m OutputVariableInputArgument) GetName() *string
    func (m OutputVariableInputArgument) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m OutputVariableInputArgument) String() string
    func (m OutputVariableInputArgument) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type OutputVariableMapping
    func (m OutputVariableMapping) String() string
    func (m OutputVariableMapping) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PlainTextCredentialDetails
    func (m PlainTextCredentialDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m PlainTextCredentialDetails) String() string
    func (m PlainTextCredentialDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Preferences
    func (m Preferences) String() string
    func (m Preferences) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Properties
    func (m Properties) String() string
    func (m Properties) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Property
    func (m Property) String() string
    func (m Property) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PropertyCollection
    func (m PropertyCollection) String() string
    func (m PropertyCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PropertyLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingPropertyLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (PropertyLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
    func GetPropertyLifecycleStateEnumValues() []PropertyLifecycleStateEnum
type PropertySummary
    func (m PropertySummary) String() string
    func (m PropertySummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PropertyTypeEnum
    func GetMappingPropertyTypeEnum(val string) (PropertyTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetPropertyTypeEnumValues() []PropertyTypeEnum
type RequestResourceValidationDetails
    func (m RequestResourceValidationDetails) String() string
    func (m RequestResourceValidationDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type RequestResourceValidationRequest
    func (request RequestResourceValidationRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request RequestResourceValidationRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request RequestResourceValidationRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request RequestResourceValidationRequest) String() string
    func (request RequestResourceValidationRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type RequestResourceValidationResponse
    func (response RequestResourceValidationResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response RequestResourceValidationResponse) String() string
type RequestTargetDiscoveryDetails
    func (m RequestTargetDiscoveryDetails) String() string
    func (m RequestTargetDiscoveryDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest
    func (request RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest) String() string
    func (request RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type RequestTargetDiscoveryResponse
    func (response RequestTargetDiscoveryResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response RequestTargetDiscoveryResponse) String() string
type ResourceTagCheckDetails
    func (m ResourceTagCheckDetails) String() string
    func (m ResourceTagCheckDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ResourceTagEnablementInfo
    func (m ResourceTagEnablementInfo) String() string
    func (m ResourceTagEnablementInfo) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Rule
    func (m Rule) String() string
    func (m Rule) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Runbook
    func (m Runbook) String() string
    func (m Runbook) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type RunbookCollection
    func (m RunbookCollection) String() string
    func (m RunbookCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type RunbookLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingRunbookLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (RunbookLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
    func GetRunbookLifecycleStateEnumValues() []RunbookLifecycleStateEnum
type RunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum
    func GetMappingRunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum(val string) (RunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum, bool)
    func GetRunbookRunbookRelevanceEnumValues() []RunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum
type RunbookSummary
    func (m RunbookSummary) String() string
    func (m RunbookSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type RunbookTypeEnum
    func GetMappingRunbookTypeEnum(val string) (RunbookTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetRunbookTypeEnumValues() []RunbookTypeEnum
type Schedule
    func (m Schedule) String() string
    func (m Schedule) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ScheduleTypeEnum
    func GetMappingScheduleTypeEnum(val string) (ScheduleTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetScheduleTypeEnumValues() []ScheduleTypeEnum
type ScheduledFleetCollection
    func (m ScheduledFleetCollection) String() string
    func (m ScheduledFleetCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ScheduledFleetSummary
    func (m ScheduledFleetSummary) String() string
    func (m ScheduledFleetSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SchedulerDefinition
    func (m SchedulerDefinition) String() string
    func (m SchedulerDefinition) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SchedulerDefinitionCollection
    func (m SchedulerDefinitionCollection) String() string
    func (m SchedulerDefinitionCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingSchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
    func GetSchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnumValues() []SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum
type SchedulerDefinitionSummary
    func (m SchedulerDefinitionSummary) String() string
    func (m SchedulerDefinitionSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SchedulerJob
    func (m SchedulerJob) String() string
    func (m SchedulerJob) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SchedulerJobCollection
    func (m SchedulerJobCollection) String() string
    func (m SchedulerJobCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingSchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (SchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
    func GetSchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnumValues() []SchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum
type SchedulerJobSummary
    func (m SchedulerJobSummary) String() string
    func (m SchedulerJobSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ScopeEnum
    func GetMappingScopeEnum(val string) (ScopeEnum, bool)
    func GetScopeEnumValues() []ScopeEnum
type ScriptBasedExecutionDetails
    func (m ScriptBasedExecutionDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m ScriptBasedExecutionDetails) String() string
    func (m *ScriptBasedExecutionDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m ScriptBasedExecutionDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SelectionCriteria
    func (m SelectionCriteria) String() string
    func (m SelectionCriteria) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnum
    func GetMappingSelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnum(val string) (SelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnum, bool)
    func GetSelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnumValues() []SelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnum
type SelectionEnum
    func GetMappingSelectionEnum(val string) (SelectionEnum, bool)
    func GetSelectionEnumValues() []SelectionEnum
type SortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingSortOrderEnum(val string) (SortOrderEnum, bool)
    func GetSortOrderEnumValues() []SortOrderEnum
type StringInputArgument
    func (m StringInputArgument) GetDescription() *string
    func (m StringInputArgument) GetName() *string
    func (m StringInputArgument) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m StringInputArgument) String() string
    func (m StringInputArgument) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type TargetCredentialEntitySpecificDetails
    func (m TargetCredentialEntitySpecificDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m TargetCredentialEntitySpecificDetails) String() string
    func (m TargetCredentialEntitySpecificDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type TargetResource
    func (m TargetResource) String() string
    func (m TargetResource) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Task
    func (m Task) String() string
    func (m *Task) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m Task) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type TaskArgument
    func (m TaskArgument) String() string
    func (m TaskArgument) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type TaskAssociationTypeEnum
    func GetMappingTaskAssociationTypeEnum(val string) (TaskAssociationTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetTaskAssociationTypeEnumValues() []TaskAssociationTypeEnum
type TaskExecutionTypeEnum
    func GetMappingTaskExecutionTypeEnum(val string) (TaskExecutionTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetTaskExecutionTypeEnumValues() []TaskExecutionTypeEnum
type TaskRecord
    func (m TaskRecord) String() string
    func (m TaskRecord) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type TaskRecordCollection
    func (m TaskRecordCollection) String() string
    func (m TaskRecordCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingTaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
    func GetTaskRecordLifecycleStateEnumValues() []TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum
type TaskRecordSummary
    func (m TaskRecordSummary) String() string
    func (m TaskRecordSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type TaskRecordTypeEnum
    func GetMappingTaskRecordTypeEnum(val string) (TaskRecordTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetTaskRecordTypeEnumValues() []TaskRecordTypeEnum
type TaskScopeEnum
    func GetMappingTaskScopeEnum(val string) (TaskScopeEnum, bool)
    func GetTaskScopeEnumValues() []TaskScopeEnum
type TaskVariable
    func (m TaskVariable) String() string
    func (m *TaskVariable) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m TaskVariable) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateFleetCredentialDetails
    func (m UpdateFleetCredentialDetails) String() string
    func (m *UpdateFleetCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m UpdateFleetCredentialDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateFleetCredentialRequest
    func (request UpdateFleetCredentialRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request UpdateFleetCredentialRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request UpdateFleetCredentialRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request UpdateFleetCredentialRequest) String() string
    func (request UpdateFleetCredentialRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateFleetCredentialResponse
    func (response UpdateFleetCredentialResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response UpdateFleetCredentialResponse) String() string
type UpdateFleetDetails
    func (m UpdateFleetDetails) String() string
    func (m UpdateFleetDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateFleetPropertyDetails
    func (m UpdateFleetPropertyDetails) String() string
    func (m UpdateFleetPropertyDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateFleetPropertyRequest
    func (request UpdateFleetPropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request UpdateFleetPropertyRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request UpdateFleetPropertyRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request UpdateFleetPropertyRequest) String() string
    func (request UpdateFleetPropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateFleetPropertyResponse
    func (response UpdateFleetPropertyResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response UpdateFleetPropertyResponse) String() string
type UpdateFleetRequest
    func (request UpdateFleetRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request UpdateFleetRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request UpdateFleetRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request UpdateFleetRequest) String() string
    func (request UpdateFleetRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateFleetResourceDetails
    func (m UpdateFleetResourceDetails) String() string
    func (m UpdateFleetResourceDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateFleetResourceRequest
    func (request UpdateFleetResourceRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request UpdateFleetResourceRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request UpdateFleetResourceRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request UpdateFleetResourceRequest) String() string
    func (request UpdateFleetResourceRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateFleetResourceResponse
    func (response UpdateFleetResourceResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response UpdateFleetResourceResponse) String() string
type UpdateFleetResponse
    func (response UpdateFleetResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response UpdateFleetResponse) String() string
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowDetails
    func (m UpdateMaintenanceWindowDetails) String() string
    func (m UpdateMaintenanceWindowDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest
    func (request UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest) String() string
    func (request UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateMaintenanceWindowResponse
    func (response UpdateMaintenanceWindowResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response UpdateMaintenanceWindowResponse) String() string
type UpdatePropertyDetails
    func (m UpdatePropertyDetails) String() string
    func (m UpdatePropertyDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdatePropertyRequest
    func (request UpdatePropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request UpdatePropertyRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request UpdatePropertyRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request UpdatePropertyRequest) String() string
    func (request UpdatePropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdatePropertyResponse
    func (response UpdatePropertyResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response UpdatePropertyResponse) String() string
type UpdateSchedulerDefinitionDetails
    func (m UpdateSchedulerDefinitionDetails) String() string
    func (m UpdateSchedulerDefinitionDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest
    func (request UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) String() string
    func (request UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateSchedulerDefinitionResponse
    func (response UpdateSchedulerDefinitionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response UpdateSchedulerDefinitionResponse) String() string
type UpdateSchedulerJobDetails
    func (m UpdateSchedulerJobDetails) String() string
    func (m UpdateSchedulerJobDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateSchedulerJobRequest
    func (request UpdateSchedulerJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request UpdateSchedulerJobRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request UpdateSchedulerJobRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request UpdateSchedulerJobRequest) String() string
    func (request UpdateSchedulerJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateSchedulerJobResponse
    func (response UpdateSchedulerJobResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response UpdateSchedulerJobResponse) String() string
type ValueTypeEnum
    func GetMappingValueTypeEnum(val string) (ValueTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetValueTypeEnumValues() []ValueTypeEnum
type VaultSecretCredentialDetails
    func (m VaultSecretCredentialDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m VaultSecretCredentialDetails) String() string
    func (m VaultSecretCredentialDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequest
    func (m WorkRequest) String() string
    func (m WorkRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestError
    func (m WorkRequestError) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestError) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestErrorCollection
    func (m WorkRequestErrorCollection) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestErrorCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestLogEntry
    func (m WorkRequestLogEntry) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestLogEntry) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestLogEntryCollection
    func (m WorkRequestLogEntryCollection) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestLogEntryCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestResource
    func (m WorkRequestResource) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestResource) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnum
    func GetMappingWorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnum(val string) (WorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnum, bool)
    func GetWorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnumValues() []WorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnum
type WorkRequestSummary
    func (m WorkRequestSummary) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestSummaryCollection
    func (m WorkRequestSummaryCollection) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestSummaryCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkflowComponent
type WorkflowComponentTypeEnum
    func GetMappingWorkflowComponentTypeEnum(val string) (WorkflowComponentTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetWorkflowComponentTypeEnumValues() []WorkflowComponentTypeEnum
type WorkflowGroup
    func (m WorkflowGroup) String() string
    func (m *WorkflowGroup) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m WorkflowGroup) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkflowGroupComponent
    func (m WorkflowGroupComponent) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m WorkflowGroupComponent) String() string
    func (m WorkflowGroupComponent) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkflowGroupTypeEnum
    func GetMappingWorkflowGroupTypeEnum(val string) (WorkflowGroupTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetWorkflowGroupTypeEnumValues() []WorkflowGroupTypeEnum
type WorkflowTaskComponent
    func (m WorkflowTaskComponent) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m WorkflowTaskComponent) String() string
    func (m WorkflowTaskComponent) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

Package files

action_group.go action_group_details.go action_type.go activity_resource_target.go announcement_collection.go announcement_sort_by.go announcement_summary.go api_based_execution_details.go associated_fleet_credential_details.go associated_fleet_property_details.go associated_fleet_resource_details.go associated_local_task_details.go associated_scheduler_definition.go associated_shared_task_details.go associated_task_details.go associations.go check_resource_tagging_details.go check_resource_tagging_request_response.go compliance_report.go compliance_report_patch_detail.go compliance_report_product.go compliance_report_resource.go compliance_report_target.go compliance_state.go component_properties.go condition.go confirm_targets_details.go confirm_targets_request_response.go content_details.go create_fleet_credential_details.go create_fleet_credential_request_response.go create_fleet_details.go create_fleet_property_details.go create_fleet_property_request_response.go create_fleet_request_response.go create_fleet_resource_details.go create_fleet_resource_request_response.go create_maintenance_window_details.go create_maintenance_window_request_response.go create_onboarding_details.go create_onboarding_request_response.go create_property_details.go create_property_request_response.go create_scheduler_definition_details.go create_scheduler_definition_request_response.go credential_details.go credential_entity_specific_details.go delete_fleet_credential_request_response.go delete_fleet_property_request_response.go delete_fleet_request_response.go delete_fleet_resource_request_response.go delete_maintenance_window_request_response.go delete_property_request_response.go delete_scheduler_definition_request_response.go delete_scheduler_job_request_response.go details.go discovered_target.go entity_execution_details.go execution.go execution_collection.go execution_details.go execution_summary.go execution_workflow_details.go fleet.go fleet_collection.go fleet_credential.go fleet_credential_collection.go fleet_credential_summary.go fleet_product_collection.go fleet_product_summary.go fleet_property.go fleet_property_collection.go fleet_property_summary.go fleet_resource.go fleet_resource_collection.go fleet_resource_summary.go fleet_summary.go fleet_target.go fleet_target_collection.go fleet_target_summary.go fleetappsmanagement_client.go fleetappsmanagement_fleetappsmanagementadmin_client.go fleetappsmanagement_fleetappsmanagementmaintenancewindow_client.go fleetappsmanagement_fleetappsmanagementoperations_client.go fleetappsmanagement_fleetappsmanagementrunbooks_client.go generate_compliance_report_details.go generate_compliance_report_request_response.go get_compliance_report_request_response.go get_execution_request_response.go get_fleet_credential_request_response.go get_fleet_property_request_response.go get_fleet_request_response.go get_fleet_resource_request_response.go get_job_activity_request_response.go get_maintenance_window_request_response.go get_property_request_response.go get_runbook_request_response.go get_scheduler_definition_request_response.go get_scheduler_job_request_response.go get_task_record_request_response.go get_work_request_request_response.go group.go input_argument.go input_parameter.go inventory_resource_collection.go inventory_resource_summary.go job_activity.go job_status.go key_encryption_credential_details.go life_cycle_action_group_type.go list_announcements_request_response.go list_executions_request_response.go list_fleet_credentials_request_response.go list_fleet_products_request_response.go list_fleet_properties_request_response.go list_fleet_resources_request_response.go list_fleet_targets_request_response.go list_fleets_request_response.go list_inventory_resources_request_response.go list_maintenance_windows_request_response.go list_onboarding_policies_request_response.go list_onboardings_request_response.go list_properties_request_response.go list_runbooks_request_response.go list_scheduled_fleets_request_response.go list_scheduler_definitions_request_response.go list_scheduler_jobs_request_response.go list_targets_request_response.go list_task_records_request_response.go list_work_request_errors_request_response.go list_work_request_logs_request_response.go list_work_requests_request_response.go maintenance_window.go maintenance_window_collection.go maintenance_window_summary.go maintenance_window_type.go notification_preferences.go object_storage_bucket_content_details.go onboarding.go onboarding_collection.go onboarding_policy_collection.go onboarding_policy_summary.go onboarding_summary.go operation_runbook.go operation_status.go operation_type.go os_type.go outcome.go output_variable_details.go output_variable_input_argument.go output_variable_mapping.go plain_text_credential_details.go preferences.go properties.go property.go property_collection.go property_summary.go request_resource_validation_details.go request_resource_validation_request_response.go request_target_discovery_details.go request_target_discovery_request_response.go resource_tag_check_details.go resource_tag_enablement_info.go rule.go runbook.go runbook_collection.go runbook_summary.go schedule.go scheduled_fleet_collection.go scheduled_fleet_summary.go scheduler_definition.go scheduler_definition_collection.go scheduler_definition_summary.go scheduler_job.go scheduler_job_collection.go scheduler_job_summary.go scope.go script_based_execution_details.go selection.go selection_criteria.go sort_order.go string_input_argument.go target_credential_entity_specific_details.go target_resource.go task.go task_argument.go task_execution_type.go task_record.go task_record_collection.go task_record_summary.go task_scope.go task_variable.go update_fleet_credential_details.go update_fleet_credential_request_response.go update_fleet_details.go update_fleet_property_details.go update_fleet_property_request_response.go update_fleet_request_response.go update_fleet_resource_details.go update_fleet_resource_request_response.go update_maintenance_window_details.go update_maintenance_window_request_response.go update_property_details.go update_property_request_response.go update_scheduler_definition_details.go update_scheduler_definition_request_response.go update_scheduler_job_details.go update_scheduler_job_request_response.go value_type.go vault_secret_credential_details.go work_request.go work_request_error.go work_request_error_collection.go work_request_log_entry.go work_request_log_entry_collection.go work_request_resource.go work_request_resource_metadata_key.go work_request_summary.go work_request_summary_collection.go workflow_component.go workflow_group.go workflow_group_component.go workflow_task_component.go

func GetActionTypeEnumStringValues

func GetActionTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetActionTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ActionTypeEnum

func GetAnnouncementSortByEnumStringValues

func GetAnnouncementSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetAnnouncementSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for AnnouncementSortByEnum

func GetAnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetAnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetAnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum

func GetAssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnumStringValues

func GetAssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetAssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for AssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnum

func GetComplianceStateEnumStringValues

func GetComplianceStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetComplianceStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ComplianceStateEnum

func GetComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnumStringValues

func GetComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnumStringValues() []string

GetComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnum

func GetContentDetailsSourceTypeEnumStringValues

func GetContentDetailsSourceTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetContentDetailsSourceTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ContentDetailsSourceTypeEnum

func GetCredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnumStringValues

func GetCredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetCredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for CredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnum

func GetCredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnumStringValues

func GetCredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnumStringValues() []string

GetCredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for CredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnum

func GetFleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetFleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetFleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for FleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum

func GetFleetFleetTypeEnumStringValues

func GetFleetFleetTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetFleetFleetTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for FleetFleetTypeEnum

func GetFleetGroupTypeEnumStringValues

func GetFleetGroupTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetFleetGroupTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for FleetGroupTypeEnum

func GetFleetLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetFleetLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetFleetLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for FleetLifecycleStateEnum

func GetFleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetFleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetFleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for FleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum

func GetFleetResourceLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetFleetResourceLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetFleetResourceLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for FleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum

func GetFleetResourceSelectionTypeEnumStringValues

func GetFleetResourceSelectionTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetFleetResourceSelectionTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for FleetResourceSelectionTypeEnum

func GetFleetTargetLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetFleetTargetLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetFleetTargetLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for FleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum

func GetGroupTypeEnumStringValues

func GetGroupTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetGroupTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for GroupTypeEnum

func GetInputArgumentTypeEnumStringValues

func GetInputArgumentTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetInputArgumentTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for InputArgumentTypeEnum

func GetJobStatusEnumStringValues

func GetJobStatusEnumStringValues() []string

GetJobStatusEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for JobStatusEnum

func GetLifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnumStringValues

func GetLifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetLifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum

func GetListAnnouncementsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListAnnouncementsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListAnnouncementsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListAnnouncementsSortByEnum

func GetListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnum

func GetListExecutionsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListExecutionsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListExecutionsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListExecutionsSortByEnum

func GetListExecutionsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListExecutionsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListExecutionsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListExecutionsSortOrderEnum

func GetListFleetCredentialsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListFleetCredentialsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListFleetCredentialsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListFleetCredentialsSortByEnum

func GetListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnum

func GetListFleetProductsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListFleetProductsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListFleetProductsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListFleetProductsSortByEnum

func GetListFleetProductsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListFleetProductsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListFleetProductsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListFleetProductsSortOrderEnum

func GetListFleetPropertiesSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListFleetPropertiesSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListFleetPropertiesSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListFleetPropertiesSortByEnum

func GetListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnum

func GetListFleetResourcesSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListFleetResourcesSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListFleetResourcesSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListFleetResourcesSortByEnum

func GetListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnum

func GetListFleetTargetsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListFleetTargetsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListFleetTargetsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListFleetTargetsSortByEnum

func GetListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnum

func GetListFleetsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListFleetsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListFleetsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListFleetsSortByEnum

func GetListFleetsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListFleetsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListFleetsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListFleetsSortOrderEnum

func GetListInventoryResourcesSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListInventoryResourcesSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListInventoryResourcesSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListInventoryResourcesSortByEnum

func GetListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnum

func GetListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnum

func GetListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnum

func GetListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnum

func GetListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnum

func GetListOnboardingsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListOnboardingsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListOnboardingsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListOnboardingsSortByEnum

func GetListOnboardingsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListOnboardingsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListOnboardingsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListOnboardingsSortOrderEnum

func GetListPropertiesScopeEnumStringValues

func GetListPropertiesScopeEnumStringValues() []string

GetListPropertiesScopeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListPropertiesScopeEnum

func GetListPropertiesSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListPropertiesSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListPropertiesSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListPropertiesSortByEnum

func GetListPropertiesSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListPropertiesSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListPropertiesSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListPropertiesSortOrderEnum

func GetListRunbooksSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListRunbooksSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListRunbooksSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListRunbooksSortByEnum

func GetListRunbooksSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListRunbooksSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListRunbooksSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListRunbooksSortOrderEnum

func GetListScheduledFleetsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListScheduledFleetsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListScheduledFleetsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListScheduledFleetsSortByEnum

func GetListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnum

func GetListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnum

func GetListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnum

func GetListSchedulerJobsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListSchedulerJobsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListSchedulerJobsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListSchedulerJobsSortByEnum

func GetListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnum

func GetListTargetsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListTargetsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListTargetsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListTargetsSortByEnum

func GetListTargetsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListTargetsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListTargetsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListTargetsSortOrderEnum

func GetListTaskRecordsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListTaskRecordsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListTaskRecordsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListTaskRecordsSortByEnum

func GetListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnum

func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum

func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum

func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum

func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum

func GetListWorkRequestsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListWorkRequestsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListWorkRequestsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum

func GetListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum

func GetListWorkRequestsStatusEnumStringValues

func GetListWorkRequestsStatusEnumStringValues() []string

GetListWorkRequestsStatusEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum

func GetMaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetMaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetMaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMaintenanceWindowTypeEnumStringValues

func GetMaintenanceWindowTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetMaintenanceWindowTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for MaintenanceWindowTypeEnum

func GetOnboardingLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetOnboardingLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetOnboardingLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum

func GetOperationStatusEnumStringValues

func GetOperationStatusEnumStringValues() []string

GetOperationStatusEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for OperationStatusEnum

func GetOperationTypeEnumStringValues

func GetOperationTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetOperationTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for OperationTypeEnum

func GetOsTypeEnumStringValues

func GetOsTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetOsTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for OsTypeEnum

func GetPropertyLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetPropertyLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetPropertyLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for PropertyLifecycleStateEnum

func GetPropertyTypeEnumStringValues

func GetPropertyTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetPropertyTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for PropertyTypeEnum

func GetRunbookLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetRunbookLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetRunbookLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for RunbookLifecycleStateEnum

func GetRunbookRunbookRelevanceEnumStringValues

func GetRunbookRunbookRelevanceEnumStringValues() []string

GetRunbookRunbookRelevanceEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for RunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum

func GetRunbookTypeEnumStringValues

func GetRunbookTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetRunbookTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for RunbookTypeEnum

func GetScheduleTypeEnumStringValues

func GetScheduleTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetScheduleTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ScheduleTypeEnum

func GetSchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetSchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetSchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum

func GetSchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetSchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetSchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for SchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum

func GetScopeEnumStringValues

func GetScopeEnumStringValues() []string

GetScopeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ScopeEnum

func GetSelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnumStringValues

func GetSelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnumStringValues() []string

GetSelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for SelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnum

func GetSelectionEnumStringValues

func GetSelectionEnumStringValues() []string

GetSelectionEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for SelectionEnum

func GetSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for SortOrderEnum

func GetTaskAssociationTypeEnumStringValues

func GetTaskAssociationTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetTaskAssociationTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for TaskAssociationTypeEnum

func GetTaskExecutionTypeEnumStringValues

func GetTaskExecutionTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetTaskExecutionTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for TaskExecutionTypeEnum

func GetTaskRecordLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetTaskRecordLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetTaskRecordLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum

func GetTaskRecordTypeEnumStringValues

func GetTaskRecordTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetTaskRecordTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for TaskRecordTypeEnum

func GetTaskScopeEnumStringValues

func GetTaskScopeEnumStringValues() []string

GetTaskScopeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for TaskScopeEnum

func GetValueTypeEnumStringValues

func GetValueTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetValueTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ValueTypeEnum

func GetWorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnumStringValues

func GetWorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnumStringValues() []string

GetWorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for WorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnum

func GetWorkflowComponentTypeEnumStringValues

func GetWorkflowComponentTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetWorkflowComponentTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for WorkflowComponentTypeEnum

func GetWorkflowGroupTypeEnumStringValues

func GetWorkflowGroupTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetWorkflowGroupTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for WorkflowGroupTypeEnum

type ActionGroup

ActionGroup Action Group.

type ActionGroup struct {

    // Provide the ID of the resource; Ex- fleetId.
    ResourceId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"resourceId"`

    // ID of the runbook
    RunbookId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"runbookId"`

    // ActionGroup Type associated.
    Type LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"type,omitempty"`

    // Application Type associated.
    // Only applicable if type is ENVIRONMENT.
    ApplicationType *string `mandatory:"false" json:"applicationType"`

    // Product associated.
    // Only applicable if type is PRODUCT.
    Product *string `mandatory:"false" json:"product"`

    // LifeCycle Operation
    LifecycleOperation *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleOperation"`

    // Provide the target if schedule is created against the target
    TargetId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"targetId"`

    // Provide subjects that need to be considered for the schedule.
    Subjects []string `mandatory:"false" json:"subjects"`

func (ActionGroup) String

func (m ActionGroup) String() string

func (ActionGroup) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ActionGroup) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ActionGroupDetails

ActionGroupDetails Action Group.

type ActionGroupDetails struct {

    // The ID of the ActionGroup resource .
    // Ex:fleetId.
    ResourceId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"resourceId"`

    // ID of the runbook
    RunbookId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"runbookId"`

    // Name of the ActionGroup.
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

    // Type of the ActionGroup
    Type LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"type,omitempty"`

    // Application Type associated.
    // Only applicable if actionGroup type is ENVIRONMENT.
    ApplicationType *string `mandatory:"false" json:"applicationType"`

    // Product associated.
    // Only applicable if actionGroup type is PRODUCT.
    Product *string `mandatory:"false" json:"product"`

    // LifeCycle Operation
    LifecycleOperation *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleOperation"`

    // Unique producer Id at Action Group Level
    ActivityId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"activityId"`

    // Status of the Job at Action Group Level
    Status JobStatusEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"status,omitempty"`

    // The time the the Scheduler Job started. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string
    TimeStarted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeStarted"`

    // The time the Scheduler Job ended. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string
    TimeEnded *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeEnded"`

func (ActionGroupDetails) String

func (m ActionGroupDetails) String() string

func (ActionGroupDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ActionGroupDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ActionTypeEnum

ActionTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ActionTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ActionTypeEnum

const (
    ActionTypeCreated    ActionTypeEnum = "CREATED"
    ActionTypeUpdated    ActionTypeEnum = "UPDATED"
    ActionTypeDeleted    ActionTypeEnum = "DELETED"
    ActionTypeInProgress ActionTypeEnum = "IN_PROGRESS"
    ActionTypeRelated    ActionTypeEnum = "RELATED"
    ActionTypeFailed     ActionTypeEnum = "FAILED"

func GetActionTypeEnumValues

func GetActionTypeEnumValues() []ActionTypeEnum

GetActionTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ActionTypeEnum

func GetMappingActionTypeEnum

func GetMappingActionTypeEnum(val string) (ActionTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingActionTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ActivityResourceTarget

ActivityResourceTarget Activity Resource Target.

type ActivityResourceTarget struct {

    // Target Name.
    TargetName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"targetName"`

    // Status of the Job at Resource Target Level.
    Status JobStatusEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"status,omitempty"`

func (ActivityResourceTarget) String

func (m ActivityResourceTarget) String() string

func (ActivityResourceTarget) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ActivityResourceTarget) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type AnnouncementCollection

AnnouncementCollection Results of list announcements . Contains AnnouncementSummary items

type AnnouncementCollection struct {

    // List of AnnouncementSummary items
    Items []AnnouncementSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (AnnouncementCollection) String

func (m AnnouncementCollection) String() string

func (AnnouncementCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m AnnouncementCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type AnnouncementSortByEnum

AnnouncementSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type AnnouncementSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for AnnouncementSortByEnum

const (
    AnnouncementSortByTimeReleased AnnouncementSortByEnum = "timeReleased"
    AnnouncementSortBySummary      AnnouncementSortByEnum = "summary"

func GetAnnouncementSortByEnumValues

func GetAnnouncementSortByEnumValues() []AnnouncementSortByEnum

GetAnnouncementSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for AnnouncementSortByEnum

func GetMappingAnnouncementSortByEnum

func GetMappingAnnouncementSortByEnum(val string) (AnnouncementSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingAnnouncementSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type AnnouncementSummary

AnnouncementSummary An summary of announcements for Fleet Application Management Service

type AnnouncementSummary struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Type of announcement
    Type *string `mandatory:"true" json:"type"`

    // Summary of the announcement
    Summary *string `mandatory:"true" json:"summary"`

    // Date to start displaying announcement to user
    AnnouncementStart *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"announcementStart"`

    // Date to end displaying annonucement to user
    AnnouncementEnd *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"announcementEnd"`

    // Associated region
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    // A user-friendly description. To provide some insight about the resource.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // Details of the announcement
    Details *string `mandatory:"false" json:"details"`

    // URL to the announcement
    Url *string `mandatory:"false" json:"url"`

    // The lifecycle state of the announcement.
    LifecycleState AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleState,omitempty"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (AnnouncementSummary) String

func (m AnnouncementSummary) String() string

func (AnnouncementSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m AnnouncementSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum

AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateActive   AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateInactive AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum = "INACTIVE"
    AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateDeleted  AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"
    AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateFailed   AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"

func GetAnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetAnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnumValues() []AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum

GetAnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingAnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingAnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (AnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingAnnouncementSummaryLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ApiBasedExecutionDetails

ApiBasedExecutionDetails Details for API based execution

type ApiBasedExecutionDetails struct {

    // Endpoint to be invoked.
    Endpoint *string `mandatory:"true" json:"endpoint"`

func (ApiBasedExecutionDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m ApiBasedExecutionDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (ApiBasedExecutionDetails) String

func (m ApiBasedExecutionDetails) String() string

func (ApiBasedExecutionDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ApiBasedExecutionDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type AssociatedFleetCredentialDetails

AssociatedFleetCredentialDetails The information about new FleetCredential.

type AssociatedFleetCredentialDetails struct {

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    EntitySpecifics CredentialEntitySpecificDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"entitySpecifics"`

    User CredentialDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"user"`

    Password CredentialDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"password"`

func (AssociatedFleetCredentialDetails) String

func (m AssociatedFleetCredentialDetails) String() string

func (*AssociatedFleetCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *AssociatedFleetCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (AssociatedFleetCredentialDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m AssociatedFleetCredentialDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type AssociatedFleetPropertyDetails

AssociatedFleetPropertyDetails The information about new FleetProperty.

type AssociatedFleetPropertyDetails struct {

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Type of the FleetProperty.
    FleetPropertyType AssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"fleetPropertyType"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    // Value of the Property
    Value *string `mandatory:"false" json:"value"`

    // Property is required or not
    IsRequired *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isRequired"`

func (AssociatedFleetPropertyDetails) String

func (m AssociatedFleetPropertyDetails) String() string

func (AssociatedFleetPropertyDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m AssociatedFleetPropertyDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type AssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnum

AssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type AssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for AssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnum

const (
    AssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeString AssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnum = "STRING"
    AssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeNumber AssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnum = "NUMBER"

func GetAssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnumValues

func GetAssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnumValues() []AssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnum

GetAssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for AssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnum

func GetMappingAssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnum

func GetMappingAssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnum(val string) (AssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingAssociatedFleetPropertyDetailsFleetPropertyTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type AssociatedFleetResourceDetails

AssociatedFleetResourceDetails The information about associated FleetResource.

type AssociatedFleetResourceDetails struct {

    // OCID of the reosurce.
    ResourceId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"resourceId"`

    // Compartment Identifier.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Tenancy Identifier.
    TenancyId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"tenancyId"`

    // Type of the FleetResource.
    FleetResourceType *string `mandatory:"false" json:"fleetResourceType"`

func (AssociatedFleetResourceDetails) String

func (m AssociatedFleetResourceDetails) String() string

func (AssociatedFleetResourceDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m AssociatedFleetResourceDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type AssociatedLocalTaskDetails

AssociatedLocalTaskDetails The details of the task.

type AssociatedLocalTaskDetails struct {
    ExecutionDetails ExecutionDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"executionDetails"`

    // The description of the task.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The platform of the runbook.
    Platform *string `mandatory:"false" json:"platform"`

    // Make a copy of this task in Library
    IsCopyToLibraryEnabled *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isCopyToLibraryEnabled"`

    Properties *Properties `mandatory:"false" json:"properties"`

    // The name of the task
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

    // The OS for the task.
    OsType OsTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"osType"`

func (AssociatedLocalTaskDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m AssociatedLocalTaskDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (AssociatedLocalTaskDetails) String

func (m AssociatedLocalTaskDetails) String() string

func (*AssociatedLocalTaskDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *AssociatedLocalTaskDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (AssociatedLocalTaskDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m AssociatedLocalTaskDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type AssociatedSchedulerDefinition

AssociatedSchedulerDefinition Associated SchedulerDefinition with the job.

type AssociatedSchedulerDefinition struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // OCID of the tenancy to which the resource belongs to.
    TenancyId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"tenancyId"`

    // Is this recurring schedule?
    IsRecurring *bool `mandatory:"true" json:"isRecurring"`

func (AssociatedSchedulerDefinition) String

func (m AssociatedSchedulerDefinition) String() string

func (AssociatedSchedulerDefinition) ValidateEnumValue

func (m AssociatedSchedulerDefinition) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type AssociatedSharedTaskDetails

AssociatedSharedTaskDetails The details of the task.

type AssociatedSharedTaskDetails struct {

    // The ID of taskRecord.
    TaskRecordId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"taskRecordId"`

func (AssociatedSharedTaskDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m AssociatedSharedTaskDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (AssociatedSharedTaskDetails) String

func (m AssociatedSharedTaskDetails) String() string

func (AssociatedSharedTaskDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m AssociatedSharedTaskDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type AssociatedTaskDetails

AssociatedTaskDetails The details of the task.

type AssociatedTaskDetails interface {

type Associations

Associations JSON content with required associations

type Associations struct {

    // A set of tasks to execute in the runbook
    Tasks []Task `mandatory:"true" json:"tasks"`

    // The groups of the runbook
    Groups []Group `mandatory:"true" json:"groups"`

    ExecutionWorkflowDetails *ExecutionWorkflowDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"executionWorkflowDetails"`

    // The version of the runbook.
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

func (Associations) String

func (m Associations) String() string

func (Associations) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Associations) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CheckResourceTaggingDetails

CheckResourceTaggingDetails Request to check resource tagging

type CheckResourceTaggingDetails struct {

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Resource OCIDS that need to be verified if tag can be enabled
    ResourceIds []string `mandatory:"true" json:"resourceIds"`

    // Fleet Name
    FleetDisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"fleetDisplayName"`

func (CheckResourceTaggingDetails) String

func (m CheckResourceTaggingDetails) String() string

func (CheckResourceTaggingDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CheckResourceTaggingDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CheckResourceTaggingRequest

CheckResourceTaggingRequest wrapper for the CheckResourceTagging operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/CheckResourceTagging.go.html to see an example of how to use CheckResourceTaggingRequest.

type CheckResourceTaggingRequest struct {

    // Details for Checking if FAMS tags can be added for the resources
    CheckResourceTaggingDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CheckResourceTaggingRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CheckResourceTaggingRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CheckResourceTaggingRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CheckResourceTaggingRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CheckResourceTaggingRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CheckResourceTaggingRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CheckResourceTaggingRequest) String

func (request CheckResourceTaggingRequest) String() string

func (CheckResourceTaggingRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CheckResourceTaggingRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CheckResourceTaggingResponse

CheckResourceTaggingResponse wrapper for the CheckResourceTagging operation

type CheckResourceTaggingResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The ResourceTagCheckDetails instance
    ResourceTagCheckDetails `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (CheckResourceTaggingResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CheckResourceTaggingResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CheckResourceTaggingResponse) String

func (response CheckResourceTaggingResponse) String() string

type ComplianceReport

ComplianceReport Summary of a compliance report.

type ComplianceReport struct {

    // Compliance Report Identifier
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // The fleet OCID.
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"fleetId"`

    // Last known compliance state of fleet.
    ComplianceState ComplianceStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"complianceState"`

    // Resources assocaited with the Fleet.
    Resources []ComplianceReportResource `mandatory:"false" json:"resources"`

func (ComplianceReport) String

func (m ComplianceReport) String() string

func (ComplianceReport) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ComplianceReport) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ComplianceReportPatchDetail

ComplianceReportPatchDetail Details of the Patch

type ComplianceReportPatchDetail struct {

    // The OCID to identify this analysis results.
    PatchName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"patchName"`

    // Type of patch.
    PatchType *string `mandatory:"true" json:"patchType"`

    // The OCID of the work request to start the analysis.
    PatchDescription *string `mandatory:"false" json:"patchDescription"`

    // Time the patch was applied
    TimeApplied *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeApplied"`

    // Date on which patch was released.
    TimeReleased *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeReleased"`

func (ComplianceReportPatchDetail) String

func (m ComplianceReportPatchDetail) String() string

func (ComplianceReportPatchDetail) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ComplianceReportPatchDetail) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ComplianceReportProduct

ComplianceReportProduct Details of the Product

type ComplianceReportProduct struct {

    // Product Name
    ProductName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"productName"`

    // Managed Targets associated with the Product.
    Targets []ComplianceReportTarget `mandatory:"false" json:"targets"`

func (ComplianceReportProduct) String

func (m ComplianceReportProduct) String() string

func (ComplianceReportProduct) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ComplianceReportProduct) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ComplianceReportResource

ComplianceReportResource Details of the Resource

type ComplianceReportResource struct {

    // The OCID to identify the resource.
    ResourceId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"resourceId"`

    // Display name of the resource.
    ResourceName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"resourceName"`

    // Type of the resource.
    ResourceType *string `mandatory:"true" json:"resourceType"`

    // Last known compliance state of fleet.
    ComplianceState ComplianceStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"complianceState"`

    // TenancyId of the resource.
    TenancyId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"tenancyId"`

    // Tenancy the resource belongs to.
    TenancyName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"tenancyName"`

    // Compartment the resource belongs to.
    Compartment *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartment"`

    // Region the resource belongs to.
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // Products assocaited with the Fleet.Only products belonging to managed targets will be shown.
    Products []ComplianceReportProduct `mandatory:"false" json:"products"`

func (ComplianceReportResource) String

func (m ComplianceReportResource) String() string

func (ComplianceReportResource) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ComplianceReportResource) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ComplianceReportTarget

ComplianceReportTarget Details of the Patch.

type ComplianceReportTarget struct {

    // Target Identifier.
    TargetId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"targetId"`

    // Target Name.
    TargetName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"targetName"`

    // Last known compliance state of target.
    ComplianceState ComplianceStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"complianceState"`

    // Current version.
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

    // Installed Patches for the Target.
    InstalledPatches []ComplianceReportPatchDetail `mandatory:"false" json:"installedPatches"`

    // Recommended Patches for the Target.
    RecommendedPatches []ComplianceReportPatchDetail `mandatory:"false" json:"recommendedPatches"`

func (ComplianceReportTarget) String

func (m ComplianceReportTarget) String() string

func (ComplianceReportTarget) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ComplianceReportTarget) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ComplianceStateEnum

ComplianceStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ComplianceStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ComplianceStateEnum

const (
    ComplianceStateUnknown      ComplianceStateEnum = "UNKNOWN"
    ComplianceStateCompliant    ComplianceStateEnum = "COMPLIANT"
    ComplianceStateNonCompliant ComplianceStateEnum = "NON_COMPLIANT"
    ComplianceStateWarning      ComplianceStateEnum = "WARNING"

func GetComplianceStateEnumValues

func GetComplianceStateEnumValues() []ComplianceStateEnum

GetComplianceStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ComplianceStateEnum

func GetMappingComplianceStateEnum

func GetMappingComplianceStateEnum(val string) (ComplianceStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingComplianceStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ComponentProperties

ComponentProperties The properties of the task.

type ComponentProperties struct {

    // The action to be taken in case of task failure.
    ActionOnFailure ComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"actionOnFailure"`

    // The hosts to execute on.
    RunOn *string `mandatory:"false" json:"runOn"`

    // The condition in which the task is to be executed.
    Condition *string `mandatory:"false" json:"condition"`

func (ComponentProperties) String

func (m ComponentProperties) String() string

func (ComponentProperties) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ComponentProperties) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnum

ComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnum

const (
    ComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureAbort    ComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnum = "ABORT"
    ComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureContinue ComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnum = "CONTINUE"
    ComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureRollback ComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnum = "ROLLBACK"

func GetComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnumValues

func GetComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnumValues() []ComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnum

GetComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnum

func GetMappingComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnum

func GetMappingComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnum(val string) (ComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnum, bool)

GetMappingComponentPropertiesActionOnFailureEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type Condition

Condition Rule condition

type Condition struct {

    // Attribute Group.
    AttrGroup *string `mandatory:"true" json:"attrGroup"`

    // Attribute Key.
    AttrKey *string `mandatory:"true" json:"attrKey"`

    // Attribute Value.
    AttrValue *string `mandatory:"true" json:"attrValue"`

func (Condition) String

func (m Condition) String() string

func (Condition) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Condition) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ConfirmTargetsDetails

ConfirmTargetsDetails Details of the targets that needs to be confirmed for FAMS management

type ConfirmTargetsDetails struct {

    // The targets to confirm.
    Targets []DiscoveredTarget `mandatory:"true" json:"targets"`

func (ConfirmTargetsDetails) String

func (m ConfirmTargetsDetails) String() string

func (ConfirmTargetsDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ConfirmTargetsDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ConfirmTargetsRequest

ConfirmTargetsRequest wrapper for the ConfirmTargets operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ConfirmTargets.go.html to see an example of how to use ConfirmTargetsRequest.

type ConfirmTargetsRequest struct {

    // Details for confirming Targets.
    ConfirmTargetsDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ConfirmTargetsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ConfirmTargetsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ConfirmTargetsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ConfirmTargetsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ConfirmTargetsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ConfirmTargetsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ConfirmTargetsRequest) String

func (request ConfirmTargetsRequest) String() string

func (ConfirmTargetsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ConfirmTargetsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ConfirmTargetsResponse

ConfirmTargetsResponse wrapper for the ConfirmTargets operation

type ConfirmTargetsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous work. You can use this to query its status.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (ConfirmTargetsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ConfirmTargetsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ConfirmTargetsResponse) String

func (response ConfirmTargetsResponse) String() string

type ContentDetails

ContentDetails Content Source Details.

type ContentDetails interface {

type ContentDetailsSourceTypeEnum

ContentDetailsSourceTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ContentDetailsSourceTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ContentDetailsSourceTypeEnum

const (
    ContentDetailsSourceTypeObjectStorageBucket ContentDetailsSourceTypeEnum = "OBJECT_STORAGE_BUCKET"

func GetContentDetailsSourceTypeEnumValues

func GetContentDetailsSourceTypeEnumValues() []ContentDetailsSourceTypeEnum

GetContentDetailsSourceTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ContentDetailsSourceTypeEnum

func GetMappingContentDetailsSourceTypeEnum

func GetMappingContentDetailsSourceTypeEnum(val string) (ContentDetailsSourceTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingContentDetailsSourceTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type CreateFleetCredentialDetails

CreateFleetCredentialDetails The information about new FleetCredential.

type CreateFleetCredentialDetails struct {

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    EntitySpecifics CredentialEntitySpecificDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"entitySpecifics"`

    User CredentialDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"user"`

    Password CredentialDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"password"`

func (CreateFleetCredentialDetails) String

func (m CreateFleetCredentialDetails) String() string

func (*CreateFleetCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *CreateFleetCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (CreateFleetCredentialDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateFleetCredentialDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateFleetCredentialRequest

CreateFleetCredentialRequest wrapper for the CreateFleetCredential operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/CreateFleetCredential.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateFleetCredentialRequest.

type CreateFleetCredentialRequest struct {

    // Details for the new FleetCredential.
    CreateFleetCredentialDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CreateFleetCredentialRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CreateFleetCredentialRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateFleetCredentialRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CreateFleetCredentialRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateFleetCredentialRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CreateFleetCredentialRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CreateFleetCredentialRequest) String

func (request CreateFleetCredentialRequest) String() string

func (CreateFleetCredentialRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CreateFleetCredentialRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateFleetCredentialResponse

CreateFleetCredentialResponse wrapper for the CreateFleetCredential operation

type CreateFleetCredentialResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The FleetCredential instance
    FleetCredential `presentIn:"body"`

    // URL for the created fleetCredential, the fleetCredential id will be generated after this request is sent.
    Location *string `presentIn:"header" name:"location"`

    // Same as location
    ContentLocation *string `presentIn:"header" name:"content-location"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous work. You can use this to query its status.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (CreateFleetCredentialResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CreateFleetCredentialResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CreateFleetCredentialResponse) String

func (response CreateFleetCredentialResponse) String() string

type CreateFleetDetails

CreateFleetDetails The information about new Fleet.

type CreateFleetDetails struct {

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Type of the Fleet
    FleetType FleetFleetTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"fleetType"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    // A user-friendly description. To provide some insight about the resource.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // Products associated with the Fleet
    Products []string `mandatory:"false" json:"products"`

    // Application Type associated with the Fleet.Applicable for Environment fleet types.
    ApplicationType *string `mandatory:"false" json:"applicationType"`

    // Environment Type associated with the Fleet.Applicable for Environment fleet types.
    EnvironmentType *string `mandatory:"false" json:"environmentType"`

    // Group Type associated with Group Fleet.Applicable for Group fleet types.
    GroupType FleetGroupTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"groupType,omitempty"`

    // Type of resource selection in a fleet
    ResourceSelectionType FleetResourceSelectionTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceSelectionType,omitempty"`

    RuleSelectionCriteria *SelectionCriteria `mandatory:"false" json:"ruleSelectionCriteria"`

    NotificationPreferences *NotificationPreferences `mandatory:"false" json:"notificationPreferences"`

    // Resources to be added during fleet creation when Resource selection type is Manual.
    Resources []AssociatedFleetResourceDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"resources"`

    // A value which represents if auto confirming of the targets can be enabled
    IsTargetAutoConfirm *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isTargetAutoConfirm"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (CreateFleetDetails) String

func (m CreateFleetDetails) String() string

func (CreateFleetDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateFleetDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateFleetPropertyDetails

CreateFleetPropertyDetails The information about new FleetProperty.

type CreateFleetPropertyDetails struct {

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Value of the Property
    Value *string `mandatory:"true" json:"value"`

    // Property Id.
    PropertyId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"propertyId"`

func (CreateFleetPropertyDetails) String

func (m CreateFleetPropertyDetails) String() string

func (CreateFleetPropertyDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateFleetPropertyDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateFleetPropertyRequest

CreateFleetPropertyRequest wrapper for the CreateFleetProperty operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/CreateFleetProperty.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateFleetPropertyRequest.

type CreateFleetPropertyRequest struct {

    // Details for the new FleetProperty.
    CreateFleetPropertyDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CreateFleetPropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CreateFleetPropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateFleetPropertyRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CreateFleetPropertyRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateFleetPropertyRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CreateFleetPropertyRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CreateFleetPropertyRequest) String

func (request CreateFleetPropertyRequest) String() string

func (CreateFleetPropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CreateFleetPropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateFleetPropertyResponse

CreateFleetPropertyResponse wrapper for the CreateFleetProperty operation

type CreateFleetPropertyResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The FleetProperty instance
    FleetProperty `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (CreateFleetPropertyResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CreateFleetPropertyResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CreateFleetPropertyResponse) String

func (response CreateFleetPropertyResponse) String() string

type CreateFleetRequest

CreateFleetRequest wrapper for the CreateFleet operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/CreateFleet.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateFleetRequest.

type CreateFleetRequest struct {

    // Details for the new Fleet.
    CreateFleetDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CreateFleetRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CreateFleetRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateFleetRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CreateFleetRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateFleetRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CreateFleetRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CreateFleetRequest) String

func (request CreateFleetRequest) String() string

func (CreateFleetRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CreateFleetRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateFleetResourceDetails

CreateFleetResourceDetails The information about new FleetResource.

type CreateFleetResourceDetails struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    ResourceId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"resourceId"`

    // OCID of the tenancy to which the resource belongs to.
    TenancyId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"tenancyId"`

    // OCID of the compartment to which the resource belongs to.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Associated region
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // Type of the Resource.
    ResourceType *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceType"`

func (CreateFleetResourceDetails) String

func (m CreateFleetResourceDetails) String() string

func (CreateFleetResourceDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateFleetResourceDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateFleetResourceRequest

CreateFleetResourceRequest wrapper for the CreateFleetResource operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/CreateFleetResource.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateFleetResourceRequest.

type CreateFleetResourceRequest struct {

    // Details for the new FleetResource.
    CreateFleetResourceDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CreateFleetResourceRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CreateFleetResourceRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateFleetResourceRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CreateFleetResourceRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateFleetResourceRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CreateFleetResourceRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CreateFleetResourceRequest) String

func (request CreateFleetResourceRequest) String() string

func (CreateFleetResourceRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CreateFleetResourceRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateFleetResourceResponse

CreateFleetResourceResponse wrapper for the CreateFleetResource operation

type CreateFleetResourceResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The FleetResource instance
    FleetResource `presentIn:"body"`

    // URL for the created fleetResource, the fleetResource id will be generated after this request is sent.
    Location *string `presentIn:"header" name:"location"`

    // Same as location
    ContentLocation *string `presentIn:"header" name:"content-location"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous work. You can use this to query its status.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (CreateFleetResourceResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CreateFleetResourceResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CreateFleetResourceResponse) String

func (response CreateFleetResourceResponse) String() string

type CreateFleetResponse

CreateFleetResponse wrapper for the CreateFleet operation

type CreateFleetResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Fleet instance
    Fleet `presentIn:"body"`

    // URL for the created fleet, the fleet id will be generated after this request is sent.
    Location *string `presentIn:"header" name:"location"`

    // Same as location
    ContentLocation *string `presentIn:"header" name:"content-location"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous work. You can use this to query its status.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (CreateFleetResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CreateFleetResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CreateFleetResponse) String

func (response CreateFleetResponse) String() string

type CreateMaintenanceWindowDetails

CreateMaintenanceWindowDetails The information about new MaintenanceWindow.

type CreateMaintenanceWindowDetails struct {

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Duration if schedule type is Custom
    Duration *string `mandatory:"true" json:"duration"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    // A user-friendly description. To provide some insight about the resource.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // Does the maintenenace window cause outage?
    IsOutage *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isOutage"`

    // Type of maintenenace window
    MaintenanceWindowType MaintenanceWindowTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"maintenanceWindowType,omitempty"`

    // Start time of schedule
    TimeScheduleStart *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeScheduleStart"`

    // Is this is a recurring maintenance window
    IsRecurring *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isRecurring"`

    // Recurrence rule specification if recurring
    Recurrences *string `mandatory:"false" json:"recurrences"`

    // Task initiation cutoff
    TaskInitiationCutoff *int `mandatory:"false" json:"taskInitiationCutoff"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (CreateMaintenanceWindowDetails) String

func (m CreateMaintenanceWindowDetails) String() string

func (CreateMaintenanceWindowDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateMaintenanceWindowDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest

CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest wrapper for the CreateMaintenanceWindow operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/CreateMaintenanceWindow.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest.

type CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest struct {

    // Details for the new MaintenanceWindow.
    CreateMaintenanceWindowDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest) String

func (request CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest) String() string

func (CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateMaintenanceWindowResponse

CreateMaintenanceWindowResponse wrapper for the CreateMaintenanceWindow operation

type CreateMaintenanceWindowResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The MaintenanceWindow instance
    MaintenanceWindow `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (CreateMaintenanceWindowResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CreateMaintenanceWindowResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CreateMaintenanceWindowResponse) String

func (response CreateMaintenanceWindowResponse) String() string

type CreateOnboardingDetails

CreateOnboardingDetails The information about enabling onboarding.

type CreateOnboardingDetails struct {

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // A value determining FAMS tag is enabled or not
    IsFamsTagEnabled *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isFamsTagEnabled"`

    // A value determining if cost tracking tag is enabled or not
    IsCostTrackingTagEnabled *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isCostTrackingTagEnabled"`

func (CreateOnboardingDetails) String

func (m CreateOnboardingDetails) String() string

func (CreateOnboardingDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateOnboardingDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateOnboardingRequest

CreateOnboardingRequest wrapper for the CreateOnboarding operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/CreateOnboarding.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateOnboardingRequest.

type CreateOnboardingRequest struct {

    // Details for onboarding FAMS.
    CreateOnboardingDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CreateOnboardingRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CreateOnboardingRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateOnboardingRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CreateOnboardingRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateOnboardingRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CreateOnboardingRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CreateOnboardingRequest) String

func (request CreateOnboardingRequest) String() string

func (CreateOnboardingRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CreateOnboardingRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateOnboardingResponse

CreateOnboardingResponse wrapper for the CreateOnboarding operation

type CreateOnboardingResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Onboarding instance
    Onboarding `presentIn:"body"`

    // URL for the created Onboarding, the Onboarding id will be generated after this request is sent.
    Location *string `presentIn:"header" name:"location"`

    // Same as location
    ContentLocation *string `presentIn:"header" name:"content-location"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous work. You can use this to query its status.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (CreateOnboardingResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CreateOnboardingResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CreateOnboardingResponse) String

func (response CreateOnboardingResponse) String() string

type CreatePropertyDetails

CreatePropertyDetails The information about new Property.

type CreatePropertyDetails struct {

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Text selection of the category
    Selection SelectionEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"selection"`

    // Format of the value
    ValueType ValueTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"valueType"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    // Values of the property (must be a single value if selection = 'single choice')
    Values []string `mandatory:"false" json:"values"`

func (CreatePropertyDetails) String

func (m CreatePropertyDetails) String() string

func (CreatePropertyDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreatePropertyDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreatePropertyRequest

CreatePropertyRequest wrapper for the CreateProperty operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/CreateProperty.go.html to see an example of how to use CreatePropertyRequest.

type CreatePropertyRequest struct {

    // Details for the new Property.
    CreatePropertyDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CreatePropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CreatePropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreatePropertyRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CreatePropertyRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreatePropertyRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CreatePropertyRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CreatePropertyRequest) String

func (request CreatePropertyRequest) String() string

func (CreatePropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CreatePropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreatePropertyResponse

CreatePropertyResponse wrapper for the CreateProperty operation

type CreatePropertyResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Property instance
    Property `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (CreatePropertyResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CreatePropertyResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CreatePropertyResponse) String

func (response CreatePropertyResponse) String() string

type CreateSchedulerDefinitionDetails

CreateSchedulerDefinitionDetails The information about new SchedulerDefinition.

type CreateSchedulerDefinitionDetails struct {

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    Schedule *Schedule `mandatory:"true" json:"schedule"`

    // Action Groups associated with the Schedule.
    ActionGroups []ActionGroup `mandatory:"true" json:"actionGroups"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    // A user-friendly description. To provide some insight about the resource.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // Activity Initiation Cut Off
    ActivityInitiationCutOff *int `mandatory:"false" json:"activityInitiationCutOff"`

    // Runbooks.
    RunBooks []OperationRunbook `mandatory:"false" json:"runBooks"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (CreateSchedulerDefinitionDetails) String

func (m CreateSchedulerDefinitionDetails) String() string

func (CreateSchedulerDefinitionDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateSchedulerDefinitionDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest

CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest wrapper for the CreateSchedulerDefinition operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/CreateSchedulerDefinition.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest.

type CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest struct {

    // Details for the new SchedulerDefinition.
    CreateSchedulerDefinitionDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) String

func (request CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) String() string

func (CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateSchedulerDefinitionResponse

CreateSchedulerDefinitionResponse wrapper for the CreateSchedulerDefinition operation

type CreateSchedulerDefinitionResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The SchedulerDefinition instance
    SchedulerDefinition `presentIn:"body"`

    // URL for the created schedulerDefinition, the schedulerDefinition id will be generated after this request is sent.
    Location *string `presentIn:"header" name:"location"`

    // Same as location
    ContentLocation *string `presentIn:"header" name:"content-location"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous work. You can use this to query its status.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (CreateSchedulerDefinitionResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CreateSchedulerDefinitionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CreateSchedulerDefinitionResponse) String

func (response CreateSchedulerDefinitionResponse) String() string

type CredentialDetails

CredentialDetails Credential Details

type CredentialDetails interface {

type CredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnum

CredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type CredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for CredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnum

const (
    CredentialDetailsCredentialTypePlainText     CredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnum = "PLAIN_TEXT"
    CredentialDetailsCredentialTypeVaultSecret   CredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnum = "VAULT_SECRET"
    CredentialDetailsCredentialTypeKeyEncryption CredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnum = "KEY_ENCRYPTION"

func GetCredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnumValues

func GetCredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnumValues() []CredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnum

GetCredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for CredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnum

func GetMappingCredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnum

func GetMappingCredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnum(val string) (CredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingCredentialDetailsCredentialTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type CredentialEntitySpecificDetails

CredentialEntitySpecificDetails Credential Details

type CredentialEntitySpecificDetails interface {

type CredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnum

CredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type CredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for CredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnum

const (
    CredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelTarget CredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnum = "TARGET"

func GetCredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnumValues

func GetCredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnumValues() []CredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnum

GetCredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for CredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnum

func GetMappingCredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnum

func GetMappingCredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnum(val string) (CredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnum, bool)

GetMappingCredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type DeleteFleetCredentialRequest

DeleteFleetCredentialRequest wrapper for the DeleteFleetCredential operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/DeleteFleetCredential.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteFleetCredentialRequest.

type DeleteFleetCredentialRequest struct {

    // unique FleetCredential identifier
    FleetCredentialId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetCredentialId"`

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DeleteFleetCredentialRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DeleteFleetCredentialRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteFleetCredentialRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DeleteFleetCredentialRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteFleetCredentialRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DeleteFleetCredentialRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DeleteFleetCredentialRequest) String

func (request DeleteFleetCredentialRequest) String() string

func (DeleteFleetCredentialRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DeleteFleetCredentialRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DeleteFleetCredentialResponse

DeleteFleetCredentialResponse wrapper for the DeleteFleetCredential operation

type DeleteFleetCredentialResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous work. You can use this to query its status.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (DeleteFleetCredentialResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DeleteFleetCredentialResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DeleteFleetCredentialResponse) String

func (response DeleteFleetCredentialResponse) String() string

type DeleteFleetPropertyRequest

DeleteFleetPropertyRequest wrapper for the DeleteFleetProperty operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/DeleteFleetProperty.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteFleetPropertyRequest.

type DeleteFleetPropertyRequest struct {

    // unique FleetProperty identifier
    FleetPropertyId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetPropertyId"`

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DeleteFleetPropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DeleteFleetPropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteFleetPropertyRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DeleteFleetPropertyRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteFleetPropertyRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DeleteFleetPropertyRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DeleteFleetPropertyRequest) String

func (request DeleteFleetPropertyRequest) String() string

func (DeleteFleetPropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DeleteFleetPropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DeleteFleetPropertyResponse

DeleteFleetPropertyResponse wrapper for the DeleteFleetProperty operation

type DeleteFleetPropertyResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (DeleteFleetPropertyResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DeleteFleetPropertyResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DeleteFleetPropertyResponse) String

func (response DeleteFleetPropertyResponse) String() string

type DeleteFleetRequest

DeleteFleetRequest wrapper for the DeleteFleet operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/DeleteFleet.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteFleetRequest.

type DeleteFleetRequest struct {

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DeleteFleetRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DeleteFleetRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteFleetRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DeleteFleetRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteFleetRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DeleteFleetRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DeleteFleetRequest) String

func (request DeleteFleetRequest) String() string

func (DeleteFleetRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DeleteFleetRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DeleteFleetResourceRequest

DeleteFleetResourceRequest wrapper for the DeleteFleetResource operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/DeleteFleetResource.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteFleetResourceRequest.

type DeleteFleetResourceRequest struct {

    // unique FleetResource identifier
    FleetResourceId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetResourceId"`

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DeleteFleetResourceRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DeleteFleetResourceRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteFleetResourceRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DeleteFleetResourceRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteFleetResourceRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DeleteFleetResourceRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DeleteFleetResourceRequest) String

func (request DeleteFleetResourceRequest) String() string

func (DeleteFleetResourceRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DeleteFleetResourceRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DeleteFleetResourceResponse

DeleteFleetResourceResponse wrapper for the DeleteFleetResource operation

type DeleteFleetResourceResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous work. You can use this to query its status.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (DeleteFleetResourceResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DeleteFleetResourceResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DeleteFleetResourceResponse) String

func (response DeleteFleetResourceResponse) String() string

type DeleteFleetResponse

DeleteFleetResponse wrapper for the DeleteFleet operation

type DeleteFleetResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous work. You can use this to query its status.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (DeleteFleetResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DeleteFleetResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DeleteFleetResponse) String

func (response DeleteFleetResponse) String() string

type DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest

DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest wrapper for the DeleteMaintenanceWindow operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/DeleteMaintenanceWindow.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest.

type DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest struct {

    // unique MaintenanceWindow identifier
    MaintenanceWindowId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"maintenanceWindowId"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest) String

func (request DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest) String() string

func (DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DeleteMaintenanceWindowResponse

DeleteMaintenanceWindowResponse wrapper for the DeleteMaintenanceWindow operation

type DeleteMaintenanceWindowResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous work. You can use this to query its status.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (DeleteMaintenanceWindowResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DeleteMaintenanceWindowResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DeleteMaintenanceWindowResponse) String

func (response DeleteMaintenanceWindowResponse) String() string

type DeletePropertyRequest

DeletePropertyRequest wrapper for the DeleteProperty operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/DeleteProperty.go.html to see an example of how to use DeletePropertyRequest.

type DeletePropertyRequest struct {

    // unique Property identifier
    PropertyId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"propertyId"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DeletePropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DeletePropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeletePropertyRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DeletePropertyRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeletePropertyRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DeletePropertyRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DeletePropertyRequest) String

func (request DeletePropertyRequest) String() string

func (DeletePropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DeletePropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DeletePropertyResponse

DeletePropertyResponse wrapper for the DeleteProperty operation

type DeletePropertyResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (DeletePropertyResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DeletePropertyResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DeletePropertyResponse) String

func (response DeletePropertyResponse) String() string

type DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest

DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest wrapper for the DeleteSchedulerDefinition operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/DeleteSchedulerDefinition.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest.

type DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest struct {

    // unique SchedulerDefinition identifier
    SchedulerDefinitionId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"schedulerDefinitionId"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest) String

func (request DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest) String() string

func (DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DeleteSchedulerDefinitionResponse

DeleteSchedulerDefinitionResponse wrapper for the DeleteSchedulerDefinition operation

type DeleteSchedulerDefinitionResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (DeleteSchedulerDefinitionResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DeleteSchedulerDefinitionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DeleteSchedulerDefinitionResponse) String

func (response DeleteSchedulerDefinitionResponse) String() string

type DeleteSchedulerJobRequest

DeleteSchedulerJobRequest wrapper for the DeleteSchedulerJob operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/DeleteSchedulerJob.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteSchedulerJobRequest.

type DeleteSchedulerJobRequest struct {

    // unique SchedulerJob identifier
    SchedulerJobId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"schedulerJobId"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DeleteSchedulerJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DeleteSchedulerJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteSchedulerJobRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DeleteSchedulerJobRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteSchedulerJobRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DeleteSchedulerJobRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DeleteSchedulerJobRequest) String

func (request DeleteSchedulerJobRequest) String() string

func (DeleteSchedulerJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DeleteSchedulerJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DeleteSchedulerJobResponse

DeleteSchedulerJobResponse wrapper for the DeleteSchedulerJob operation

type DeleteSchedulerJobResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (DeleteSchedulerJobResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DeleteSchedulerJobResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DeleteSchedulerJobResponse) String

func (response DeleteSchedulerJobResponse) String() string

type Details

Details The details of the task.

type Details struct {

    // The OS for the task
    OsType OsTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"osType"`

    // The scope of the task
    Scope TaskScopeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"scope"`

    ExecutionDetails ExecutionDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"executionDetails"`

    // The platform of the runbook.
    Platform *string `mandatory:"false" json:"platform"`

    Properties *Properties `mandatory:"false" json:"properties"`

func (Details) String

func (m Details) String() string

func (*Details) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *Details) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (Details) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Details) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DiscoveredTarget

DiscoveredTarget A target that is discovered by the Software discovery process.

type DiscoveredTarget struct {

    // OCID of the Target.
    TargetId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"targetId"`

    // Target Name.
    TargetName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"targetName"`

    // Product that the target belongs to.
    Product *string `mandatory:"true" json:"product"`

    // Unique key that identify the resource that target belongs to.
    ResourceId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"resourceId"`

    // Current version of Target
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

func (DiscoveredTarget) String

func (m DiscoveredTarget) String() string

func (DiscoveredTarget) ValidateEnumValue

func (m DiscoveredTarget) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type EntityExecutionDetails

EntityExecutionDetails Activity Resource and execution details including outcome.

type EntityExecutionDetails struct {

    // Resource Identifier associated with the Work Request
    ResourceId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"resourceId"`

    // Status of the Job at Resource Level
    Status JobStatusEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"status"`

    // Resource Display Name
    ResourceDisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceDisplayName"`

    // Description of the Work Request
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The sequence of the Resource
    Sequence *string `mandatory:"false" json:"sequence"`

    // Targets associated.
    Targets []ActivityResourceTarget `mandatory:"false" json:"targets"`

    // The time the task started for the resource. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string
    TimeStarted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeStarted"`

    // The time the task ended for the resource. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string
    TimeEnded *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeEnded"`

func (EntityExecutionDetails) String

func (m EntityExecutionDetails) String() string

func (EntityExecutionDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m EntityExecutionDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Execution

Execution Task Execution associated with the Job.

type Execution struct {

    // Unique Id assocaited with the Task Execution
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // Status of the Task
    Status JobStatusEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"status"`

    // The OCID of taskRecord
    TaskRecordId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"taskRecordId"`

    // Name of the step
    StepName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"stepName"`

    // Unique process reference identifier returned by the execution client
    ProcessReferenceId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"processReferenceId"`

    // The sequence of the task
    Sequence *string `mandatory:"false" json:"sequence"`

    // Subjects which are tied to the task
    Subjects []string `mandatory:"false" json:"subjects"`

    Outcome *Outcome `mandatory:"false" json:"outcome"`

    // Target associated with the execution
    TargetId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"targetId"`

    // The time the task started. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string
    TimeStarted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeStarted"`

    // The time the task ended. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string
    TimeEnded *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeEnded"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (Execution) String

func (m Execution) String() string

func (Execution) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Execution) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ExecutionCollection

ExecutionCollection Results of a

type ExecutionCollection struct {

    // List of Resource Level Executions.
    Items []ExecutionSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (ExecutionCollection) String

func (m ExecutionCollection) String() string

func (ExecutionCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ExecutionCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ExecutionDetails

ExecutionDetails Content Source Details

type ExecutionDetails interface {

type ExecutionSummary

ExecutionSummary Task associated with the Job.

type ExecutionSummary struct {

    // Unique Id assocaited with the Task Execution
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // Status of the Task
    Status JobStatusEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"status"`

    // The OCID of taskRecord
    TaskRecordId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"taskRecordId"`

    // Name of the Step
    StepName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"stepName"`

    // Unique process reference identifier returned by the execution client
    ProcessReferenceId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"processReferenceId"`

    // The sequence of the task
    Sequence *string `mandatory:"false" json:"sequence"`

    // Target associated with the execution
    TargetId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"targetId"`

    // The time the task started. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string
    TimeStarted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeStarted"`

    // The time the task ended. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string
    TimeEnded *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeEnded"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (ExecutionSummary) String

func (m ExecutionSummary) String() string

func (ExecutionSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ExecutionSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ExecutionWorkflowDetails

ExecutionWorkflowDetails Execution Workflow.

type ExecutionWorkflowDetails struct {

    // Execution Workflow for the runbook.
    Workflow []WorkflowGroup `mandatory:"true" json:"workflow"`

func (ExecutionWorkflowDetails) String

func (m ExecutionWorkflowDetails) String() string

func (ExecutionWorkflowDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ExecutionWorkflowDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Fleet

Fleet Description of Fleet.

type Fleet struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // Type of the Fleet.
    FleetType FleetFleetTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"fleetType"`

    // The lifecycle state of the Fleet.
    LifecycleState FleetLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"true" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"true" json:"definedTags"`

    // Associated region
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // A user-friendly description. To provide some insight about the resource.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // Products associated with the Fleet
    Products []string `mandatory:"false" json:"products"`

    // Application Type associated with the Fleet.Applicable for ENVIRONMENT fleet types.
    ApplicationType *string `mandatory:"false" json:"applicationType"`

    // Environment Type associated with the Fleet.Applicable for ENVIRONMENT fleet types.
    EnvironmentType *string `mandatory:"false" json:"environmentType"`

    // Group Type associated with Group Fleet.Applicable for GROUP fleet types.
    GroupType FleetGroupTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"groupType,omitempty"`

    // Type of resource selection in a fleet.
    ResourceSelectionType FleetResourceSelectionTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceSelectionType,omitempty"`

    RuleSelectionCriteria *SelectionCriteria `mandatory:"false" json:"ruleSelectionCriteria"`

    NotificationPreferences *NotificationPreferences `mandatory:"false" json:"notificationPreferences"`

    // Resources to be added during fleet creation when Resource selection type is Manual.
    Resources []AssociatedFleetResourceDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"resources"`

    // Properties to be added during fleet creation.
    Properties []AssociatedFleetPropertyDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"properties"`

    // Credentials to be added during fleet creation.
    Credentials []AssociatedFleetCredentialDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"credentials"`

    // A value which represents if auto confirming of the targets can be enabled
    IsTargetAutoConfirm *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isTargetAutoConfirm"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (Fleet) String

func (m Fleet) String() string

func (Fleet) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Fleet) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type FleetAppsManagementAdminClient

FleetAppsManagementAdminClient a client for FleetAppsManagementAdmin

type FleetAppsManagementAdminClient struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewFleetAppsManagementAdminClientWithConfigurationProvider

func NewFleetAppsManagementAdminClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient, err error)

NewFleetAppsManagementAdminClientWithConfigurationProvider Creates a new default FleetAppsManagementAdmin client with the given configuration provider. the configuration provider will be used for the default signer as well as reading the region

func NewFleetAppsManagementAdminClientWithOboToken

func NewFleetAppsManagementAdminClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient, err error)

NewFleetAppsManagementAdminClientWithOboToken Creates a new default FleetAppsManagementAdmin client with the given configuration provider. The obotoken will be added to default headers and signed; the configuration provider will be used for the signer

as well as reading the region

func (*FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) ConfigurationProvider

func (client *FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider

ConfigurationProvider the ConfigurationProvider used in this client, or null if none set

func (FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) CreateOnboarding

func (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) CreateOnboarding(ctx context.Context, request CreateOnboardingRequest) (response CreateOnboardingResponse, err error)

CreateOnboarding Onboard a tenant to Fleet Application Management Service

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/CreateOnboarding.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateOnboarding API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation CreateOnboarding()

func (FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) CreateProperty

func (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) CreateProperty(ctx context.Context, request CreatePropertyRequest) (response CreatePropertyResponse, err error)

CreateProperty Creates a new Property.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/CreateProperty.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateProperty API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation CreateProperty()

func (FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) DeleteProperty

func (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) DeleteProperty(ctx context.Context, request DeletePropertyRequest) (response DeletePropertyResponse, err error)

DeleteProperty Deletes a Property resource by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/DeleteProperty.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteProperty API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation DeleteProperty()

func (FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) GetProperty

func (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) GetProperty(ctx context.Context, request GetPropertyRequest) (response GetPropertyResponse, err error)

GetProperty Gets a Property by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetProperty.go.html to see an example of how to use GetProperty API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetProperty()

func (FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) ListOnboardingPolicies

func (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) ListOnboardingPolicies(ctx context.Context, request ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest) (response ListOnboardingPoliciesResponse, err error)

ListOnboardingPolicies Returns a list of onboarding policy information for FAMS.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListOnboardingPolicies.go.html to see an example of how to use ListOnboardingPolicies API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListOnboardingPolicies()

func (FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) ListOnboardings

func (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) ListOnboardings(ctx context.Context, request ListOnboardingsRequest) (response ListOnboardingsResponse, err error)

ListOnboardings Returns a list of onboarding information for the Tenancy.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListOnboardings.go.html to see an example of how to use ListOnboardings API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListOnboardings()

func (FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) ListProperties

func (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) ListProperties(ctx context.Context, request ListPropertiesRequest) (response ListPropertiesResponse, err error)

ListProperties Returns a list of Properties for Tenancy.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListProperties.go.html to see an example of how to use ListProperties API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListProperties()

func (*FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) SetRegion

func (client *FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) SetRegion(region string)

SetRegion overrides the region of this client.

func (FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) UpdateProperty

func (client FleetAppsManagementAdminClient) UpdateProperty(ctx context.Context, request UpdatePropertyRequest) (response UpdatePropertyResponse, err error)

UpdateProperty Updates the Property

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/UpdateProperty.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateProperty API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation UpdateProperty()

type FleetAppsManagementClient

FleetAppsManagementClient a client for FleetAppsManagement

type FleetAppsManagementClient struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewFleetAppsManagementClientWithConfigurationProvider

func NewFleetAppsManagementClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client FleetAppsManagementClient, err error)

NewFleetAppsManagementClientWithConfigurationProvider Creates a new default FleetAppsManagement client with the given configuration provider. the configuration provider will be used for the default signer as well as reading the region

func NewFleetAppsManagementClientWithOboToken

func NewFleetAppsManagementClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client FleetAppsManagementClient, err error)

NewFleetAppsManagementClientWithOboToken Creates a new default FleetAppsManagement client with the given configuration provider. The obotoken will be added to default headers and signed; the configuration provider will be used for the signer

as well as reading the region

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) CheckResourceTagging

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) CheckResourceTagging(ctx context.Context, request CheckResourceTaggingRequest) (response CheckResourceTaggingResponse, err error)

CheckResourceTagging Check if FAMS tags can be added for the resources

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/CheckResourceTagging.go.html to see an example of how to use CheckResourceTagging API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation CheckResourceTagging()

func (*FleetAppsManagementClient) ConfigurationProvider

func (client *FleetAppsManagementClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider

ConfigurationProvider the ConfigurationProvider used in this client, or null if none set

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) ConfirmTargets

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ConfirmTargets(ctx context.Context, request ConfirmTargetsRequest) (response ConfirmTargetsResponse, err error)

ConfirmTargets Confirm targets to be managed for a Fleet.Only targets that are confirmed will be managed by FAMS

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ConfirmTargets.go.html to see an example of how to use ConfirmTargets API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ConfirmTargets()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) CreateFleet

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) CreateFleet(ctx context.Context, request CreateFleetRequest) (response CreateFleetResponse, err error)

CreateFleet Creates a new fleet instance that includes fleet resources and properties. For more information, please see the documentation.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/CreateFleet.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateFleet API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation CreateFleet()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) CreateFleetCredential

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) CreateFleetCredential(ctx context.Context, request CreateFleetCredentialRequest) (response CreateFleetCredentialResponse, err error)

CreateFleetCredential Creates a new FleetCredential.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/CreateFleetCredential.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateFleetCredential API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation CreateFleetCredential()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) CreateFleetProperty

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) CreateFleetProperty(ctx context.Context, request CreateFleetPropertyRequest) (response CreateFleetPropertyResponse, err error)

CreateFleetProperty Creates a new FleetProperty.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/CreateFleetProperty.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateFleetProperty API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation CreateFleetProperty()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) CreateFleetResource

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) CreateFleetResource(ctx context.Context, request CreateFleetResourceRequest) (response CreateFleetResourceResponse, err error)

CreateFleetResource Creates a new FleetResource.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/CreateFleetResource.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateFleetResource API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation CreateFleetResource()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) DeleteFleet

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) DeleteFleet(ctx context.Context, request DeleteFleetRequest) (response DeleteFleetResponse, err error)

DeleteFleet Deletes a Fleet resource by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/DeleteFleet.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteFleet API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation DeleteFleet()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) DeleteFleetCredential

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) DeleteFleetCredential(ctx context.Context, request DeleteFleetCredentialRequest) (response DeleteFleetCredentialResponse, err error)

DeleteFleetCredential Deletes a FleetCredential resource by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/DeleteFleetCredential.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteFleetCredential API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation DeleteFleetCredential()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) DeleteFleetProperty

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) DeleteFleetProperty(ctx context.Context, request DeleteFleetPropertyRequest) (response DeleteFleetPropertyResponse, err error)

DeleteFleetProperty Deletes a FleetProperty resource by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/DeleteFleetProperty.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteFleetProperty API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation DeleteFleetProperty()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) DeleteFleetResource

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) DeleteFleetResource(ctx context.Context, request DeleteFleetResourceRequest) (response DeleteFleetResourceResponse, err error)

DeleteFleetResource Deletes a FleetResource resource by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/DeleteFleetResource.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteFleetResource API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation DeleteFleetResource()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) GenerateComplianceReport

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) GenerateComplianceReport(ctx context.Context, request GenerateComplianceReportRequest) (response GenerateComplianceReportResponse, err error)

GenerateComplianceReport Request to generate compliance report for a Fleet

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GenerateComplianceReport.go.html to see an example of how to use GenerateComplianceReport API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GenerateComplianceReport()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) GetComplianceReport

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) GetComplianceReport(ctx context.Context, request GetComplianceReportRequest) (response GetComplianceReportResponse, err error)

GetComplianceReport Retrieve compiane report for a Fleet

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetComplianceReport.go.html to see an example of how to use GetComplianceReport API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetComplianceReport()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) GetFleet

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) GetFleet(ctx context.Context, request GetFleetRequest) (response GetFleetResponse, err error)

GetFleet Gets a Fleet by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetFleet.go.html to see an example of how to use GetFleet API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetFleet()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) GetFleetCredential

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) GetFleetCredential(ctx context.Context, request GetFleetCredentialRequest) (response GetFleetCredentialResponse, err error)

GetFleetCredential Gets a FleetCredential by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetFleetCredential.go.html to see an example of how to use GetFleetCredential API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetFleetCredential()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) GetFleetProperty

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) GetFleetProperty(ctx context.Context, request GetFleetPropertyRequest) (response GetFleetPropertyResponse, err error)

GetFleetProperty Gets a FleetProperty by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetFleetProperty.go.html to see an example of how to use GetFleetProperty API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetFleetProperty()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) GetFleetResource

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) GetFleetResource(ctx context.Context, request GetFleetResourceRequest) (response GetFleetResourceResponse, err error)

GetFleetResource Gets a FleetResource by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetFleetResource.go.html to see an example of how to use GetFleetResource API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetFleetResource()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) GetWorkRequest

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) GetWorkRequest(ctx context.Context, request GetWorkRequestRequest) (response GetWorkRequestResponse, err error)

GetWorkRequest Gets details of the work request with the given ID.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetWorkRequest.go.html to see an example of how to use GetWorkRequest API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetWorkRequest()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) ListAnnouncements

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListAnnouncements(ctx context.Context, request ListAnnouncementsRequest) (response ListAnnouncementsResponse, err error)

ListAnnouncements Return a list of AnnouncementSummary items

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListAnnouncements.go.html to see an example of how to use ListAnnouncements API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListAnnouncements()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) ListFleetCredentials

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListFleetCredentials(ctx context.Context, request ListFleetCredentialsRequest) (response ListFleetCredentialsResponse, err error)

ListFleetCredentials Returns a list of FleetCredentials.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListFleetCredentials.go.html to see an example of how to use ListFleetCredentials API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListFleetCredentials()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) ListFleetProducts

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListFleetProducts(ctx context.Context, request ListFleetProductsRequest) (response ListFleetProductsResponse, err error)

ListFleetProducts Returns a list of FleetProducts.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListFleetProducts.go.html to see an example of how to use ListFleetProducts API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListFleetProducts()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) ListFleetProperties

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListFleetProperties(ctx context.Context, request ListFleetPropertiesRequest) (response ListFleetPropertiesResponse, err error)

ListFleetProperties Returns a list of FleetProperties.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListFleetProperties.go.html to see an example of how to use ListFleetProperties API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListFleetProperties()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) ListFleetResources

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListFleetResources(ctx context.Context, request ListFleetResourcesRequest) (response ListFleetResourcesResponse, err error)

ListFleetResources Returns a list of FleetResources.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListFleetResources.go.html to see an example of how to use ListFleetResources API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListFleetResources()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) ListFleetTargets

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListFleetTargets(ctx context.Context, request ListFleetTargetsRequest) (response ListFleetTargetsResponse, err error)

ListFleetTargets Returns a list of FleetTargets.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListFleetTargets.go.html to see an example of how to use ListFleetTargets API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListFleetTargets()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) ListFleets

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListFleets(ctx context.Context, request ListFleetsRequest) (response ListFleetsResponse, err error)

ListFleets Returns a list of Fleets in the specified Tenancy.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListFleets.go.html to see an example of how to use ListFleets API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListFleets()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) ListInventoryResources

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListInventoryResources(ctx context.Context, request ListInventoryResourcesRequest) (response ListInventoryResourcesResponse, err error)

ListInventoryResources Returns a list of InventoryResources.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListInventoryResources.go.html to see an example of how to use ListInventoryResources API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListInventoryResources()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) ListTargets

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListTargets(ctx context.Context, request ListTargetsRequest) (response ListTargetsResponse, err error)

ListTargets Returns a list of FleetTargets.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListTargets.go.html to see an example of how to use ListTargets API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListTargets()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) ListWorkRequestErrors

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListWorkRequestErrors(ctx context.Context, request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) (response ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse, err error)

ListWorkRequestErrors Returns a (paginated) list of errors for the work request with the given ID.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListWorkRequestErrors.go.html to see an example of how to use ListWorkRequestErrors API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListWorkRequestErrors()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) ListWorkRequestLogs

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListWorkRequestLogs(ctx context.Context, request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) (response ListWorkRequestLogsResponse, err error)

ListWorkRequestLogs Returns a (paginated) list of logs for the work request with the given ID.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListWorkRequestLogs.go.html to see an example of how to use ListWorkRequestLogs API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListWorkRequestLogs()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) ListWorkRequests

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) ListWorkRequests(ctx context.Context, request ListWorkRequestsRequest) (response ListWorkRequestsResponse, err error)

ListWorkRequests Lists the work requests in a compartment.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListWorkRequests.go.html to see an example of how to use ListWorkRequests API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListWorkRequests()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) RequestResourceValidation

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) RequestResourceValidation(ctx context.Context, request RequestResourceValidationRequest) (response RequestResourceValidationResponse, err error)

RequestResourceValidation Request validation for resources with in a fleet

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/RequestResourceValidation.go.html to see an example of how to use RequestResourceValidation API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation RequestResourceValidation()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) RequestTargetDiscovery

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) RequestTargetDiscovery(ctx context.Context, request RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest) (response RequestTargetDiscoveryResponse, err error)

RequestTargetDiscovery Confirm targets to be managed for a Fleet.Only targets that are confirmed will be managed by FAMS

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/RequestTargetDiscovery.go.html to see an example of how to use RequestTargetDiscovery API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation RequestTargetDiscovery()

func (*FleetAppsManagementClient) SetRegion

func (client *FleetAppsManagementClient) SetRegion(region string)

SetRegion overrides the region of this client.

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) UpdateFleet

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) UpdateFleet(ctx context.Context, request UpdateFleetRequest) (response UpdateFleetResponse, err error)

UpdateFleet Updates the Fleet

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/UpdateFleet.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateFleet API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation UpdateFleet()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) UpdateFleetCredential

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) UpdateFleetCredential(ctx context.Context, request UpdateFleetCredentialRequest) (response UpdateFleetCredentialResponse, err error)

UpdateFleetCredential Updates the FleetCredential

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/UpdateFleetCredential.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateFleetCredential API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation UpdateFleetCredential()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) UpdateFleetProperty

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) UpdateFleetProperty(ctx context.Context, request UpdateFleetPropertyRequest) (response UpdateFleetPropertyResponse, err error)

UpdateFleetProperty Updates the FleetProperty

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/UpdateFleetProperty.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateFleetProperty API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation UpdateFleetProperty()

func (FleetAppsManagementClient) UpdateFleetResource

func (client FleetAppsManagementClient) UpdateFleetResource(ctx context.Context, request UpdateFleetResourceRequest) (response UpdateFleetResourceResponse, err error)

UpdateFleetResource Updates the FleetResource

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/UpdateFleetResource.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateFleetResource API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation UpdateFleetResource()

type FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient

FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient a client for FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindow

type FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewFleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClientWithConfigurationProvider

func NewFleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient, err error)

NewFleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClientWithConfigurationProvider Creates a new default FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindow client with the given configuration provider. the configuration provider will be used for the default signer as well as reading the region

func NewFleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClientWithOboToken

func NewFleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient, err error)

NewFleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClientWithOboToken Creates a new default FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindow client with the given configuration provider. The obotoken will be added to default headers and signed; the configuration provider will be used for the signer

as well as reading the region

func (*FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) ConfigurationProvider

func (client *FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider

ConfigurationProvider the ConfigurationProvider used in this client, or null if none set

func (FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) CreateMaintenanceWindow

func (client FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) CreateMaintenanceWindow(ctx context.Context, request CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest) (response CreateMaintenanceWindowResponse, err error)

CreateMaintenanceWindow Creates a new MaintenanceWindow.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/CreateMaintenanceWindow.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateMaintenanceWindow API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation CreateMaintenanceWindow()

func (FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) DeleteMaintenanceWindow

func (client FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) DeleteMaintenanceWindow(ctx context.Context, request DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest) (response DeleteMaintenanceWindowResponse, err error)

DeleteMaintenanceWindow Deletes a MaintenanceWindow resource by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/DeleteMaintenanceWindow.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteMaintenanceWindow API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation DeleteMaintenanceWindow()

func (FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) GetMaintenanceWindow

func (client FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) GetMaintenanceWindow(ctx context.Context, request GetMaintenanceWindowRequest) (response GetMaintenanceWindowResponse, err error)

GetMaintenanceWindow Gets a MaintenanceWindow by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetMaintenanceWindow.go.html to see an example of how to use GetMaintenanceWindow API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetMaintenanceWindow()

func (FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) ListMaintenanceWindows

func (client FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) ListMaintenanceWindows(ctx context.Context, request ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest) (response ListMaintenanceWindowsResponse, err error)

ListMaintenanceWindows Returns a list of MaintenanceWindows in the specified Tenancy.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListMaintenanceWindows.go.html to see an example of how to use ListMaintenanceWindows API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListMaintenanceWindows()

func (*FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) SetRegion

func (client *FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) SetRegion(region string)

SetRegion overrides the region of this client.

func (FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) UpdateMaintenanceWindow

func (client FleetAppsManagementMaintenanceWindowClient) UpdateMaintenanceWindow(ctx context.Context, request UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest) (response UpdateMaintenanceWindowResponse, err error)

UpdateMaintenanceWindow Updates the MaintenanceWindow

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/UpdateMaintenanceWindow.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateMaintenanceWindow API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation UpdateMaintenanceWindow()

type FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient

FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient a client for FleetAppsManagementOperations

type FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewFleetAppsManagementOperationsClientWithConfigurationProvider

func NewFleetAppsManagementOperationsClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient, err error)

NewFleetAppsManagementOperationsClientWithConfigurationProvider Creates a new default FleetAppsManagementOperations client with the given configuration provider. the configuration provider will be used for the default signer as well as reading the region

func NewFleetAppsManagementOperationsClientWithOboToken

func NewFleetAppsManagementOperationsClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient, err error)

NewFleetAppsManagementOperationsClientWithOboToken Creates a new default FleetAppsManagementOperations client with the given configuration provider. The obotoken will be added to default headers and signed; the configuration provider will be used for the signer

as well as reading the region

func (*FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) ConfigurationProvider

func (client *FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider

ConfigurationProvider the ConfigurationProvider used in this client, or null if none set

func (FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) CreateSchedulerDefinition

func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) CreateSchedulerDefinition(ctx context.Context, request CreateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) (response CreateSchedulerDefinitionResponse, err error)

CreateSchedulerDefinition Creates a new SchedulerDefinition.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/CreateSchedulerDefinition.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateSchedulerDefinition API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation CreateSchedulerDefinition()

func (FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) DeleteSchedulerDefinition

func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) DeleteSchedulerDefinition(ctx context.Context, request DeleteSchedulerDefinitionRequest) (response DeleteSchedulerDefinitionResponse, err error)

DeleteSchedulerDefinition Deletes a SchedulerDefinition resource by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/DeleteSchedulerDefinition.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteSchedulerDefinition API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation DeleteSchedulerDefinition()

func (FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) DeleteSchedulerJob

func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) DeleteSchedulerJob(ctx context.Context, request DeleteSchedulerJobRequest) (response DeleteSchedulerJobResponse, err error)

DeleteSchedulerJob Deletes a SchedulerJob resource by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/DeleteSchedulerJob.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteSchedulerJob API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation DeleteSchedulerJob()

func (FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) GetExecution

func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) GetExecution(ctx context.Context, request GetExecutionRequest) (response GetExecutionResponse, err error)

GetExecution Gets a JobActivity by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetExecution.go.html to see an example of how to use GetExecution API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetExecution()

func (FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) GetJobActivity

func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) GetJobActivity(ctx context.Context, request GetJobActivityRequest) (response GetJobActivityResponse, err error)

GetJobActivity Gets a JobActivity by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetJobActivity.go.html to see an example of how to use GetJobActivity API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetJobActivity()

func (FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) GetSchedulerDefinition

func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) GetSchedulerDefinition(ctx context.Context, request GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest) (response GetSchedulerDefinitionResponse, err error)

GetSchedulerDefinition Gets a SchedulerDefinition by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetSchedulerDefinition.go.html to see an example of how to use GetSchedulerDefinition API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetSchedulerDefinition()

func (FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) GetSchedulerJob

func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) GetSchedulerJob(ctx context.Context, request GetSchedulerJobRequest) (response GetSchedulerJobResponse, err error)

GetSchedulerJob Gets a SchedulerJob by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetSchedulerJob.go.html to see an example of how to use GetSchedulerJob API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetSchedulerJob()

func (FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) ListExecutions

func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) ListExecutions(ctx context.Context, request ListExecutionsRequest) (response ListExecutionsResponse, err error)

ListExecutions Returns a list of Task Executions for a Resource.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListExecutions.go.html to see an example of how to use ListExecutions API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListExecutions()

func (FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) ListScheduledFleets

func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) ListScheduledFleets(ctx context.Context, request ListScheduledFleetsRequest) (response ListScheduledFleetsResponse, err error)

ListScheduledFleets Returns a list of ScheduledFleets

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListScheduledFleets.go.html to see an example of how to use ListScheduledFleets API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListScheduledFleets()

func (FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) ListSchedulerDefinitions

func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) ListSchedulerDefinitions(ctx context.Context, request ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest) (response ListSchedulerDefinitionsResponse, err error)

ListSchedulerDefinitions Returns a list of SchedulerDefinitions.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListSchedulerDefinitions.go.html to see an example of how to use ListSchedulerDefinitions API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListSchedulerDefinitions()

func (FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) ListSchedulerJobs

func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) ListSchedulerJobs(ctx context.Context, request ListSchedulerJobsRequest) (response ListSchedulerJobsResponse, err error)

ListSchedulerJobs Returns a list of SchedulerJobs.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListSchedulerJobs.go.html to see an example of how to use ListSchedulerJobs API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListSchedulerJobs()

func (*FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) SetRegion

func (client *FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) SetRegion(region string)

SetRegion overrides the region of this client.

func (FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) UpdateSchedulerDefinition

func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) UpdateSchedulerDefinition(ctx context.Context, request UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) (response UpdateSchedulerDefinitionResponse, err error)

UpdateSchedulerDefinition Updates the SchedulerDefinition

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/UpdateSchedulerDefinition.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateSchedulerDefinition API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation UpdateSchedulerDefinition()

func (FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) UpdateSchedulerJob

func (client FleetAppsManagementOperationsClient) UpdateSchedulerJob(ctx context.Context, request UpdateSchedulerJobRequest) (response UpdateSchedulerJobResponse, err error)

UpdateSchedulerJob Updates the SchedulerJob

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/UpdateSchedulerJob.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateSchedulerJob API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation UpdateSchedulerJob()

type FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient

FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient a client for FleetAppsManagementRunbooks

type FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewFleetAppsManagementRunbooksClientWithConfigurationProvider

func NewFleetAppsManagementRunbooksClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient, err error)

NewFleetAppsManagementRunbooksClientWithConfigurationProvider Creates a new default FleetAppsManagementRunbooks client with the given configuration provider. the configuration provider will be used for the default signer as well as reading the region

func NewFleetAppsManagementRunbooksClientWithOboToken

func NewFleetAppsManagementRunbooksClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient, err error)

NewFleetAppsManagementRunbooksClientWithOboToken Creates a new default FleetAppsManagementRunbooks client with the given configuration provider. The obotoken will be added to default headers and signed; the configuration provider will be used for the signer

as well as reading the region

func (*FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient) ConfigurationProvider

func (client *FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider

ConfigurationProvider the ConfigurationProvider used in this client, or null if none set

func (FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient) GetRunbook

func (client FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient) GetRunbook(ctx context.Context, request GetRunbookRequest) (response GetRunbookResponse, err error)

GetRunbook Gets a Runbook by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetRunbook.go.html to see an example of how to use GetRunbook API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetRunbook()

func (FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient) GetTaskRecord

func (client FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient) GetTaskRecord(ctx context.Context, request GetTaskRecordRequest) (response GetTaskRecordResponse, err error)

GetTaskRecord Gets a TaskRecord by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetTaskRecord.go.html to see an example of how to use GetTaskRecord API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetTaskRecord()

func (FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient) ListRunbooks

func (client FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient) ListRunbooks(ctx context.Context, request ListRunbooksRequest) (response ListRunbooksResponse, err error)

ListRunbooks Returns a list of Runbooks.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListRunbooks.go.html to see an example of how to use ListRunbooks API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListRunbooks()

func (FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient) ListTaskRecords

func (client FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient) ListTaskRecords(ctx context.Context, request ListTaskRecordsRequest) (response ListTaskRecordsResponse, err error)

ListTaskRecords Returns a list of TaskRecords.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListTaskRecords.go.html to see an example of how to use ListTaskRecords API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListTaskRecords()

func (*FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient) SetRegion

func (client *FleetAppsManagementRunbooksClient) SetRegion(region string)

SetRegion overrides the region of this client.

type FleetCollection

FleetCollection Results of a fleet search. Contains both FleetSummary items and other information, such as metadata.

type FleetCollection struct {

    // List of fleets.
    Items []FleetSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (FleetCollection) String

func (m FleetCollection) String() string

func (FleetCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m FleetCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type FleetCredential

FleetCredential Description of FleetCredential.

type FleetCredential struct {

    // The unique id of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    EntitySpecifics CredentialEntitySpecificDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"entitySpecifics"`

    // The current state of the FleetCredential.
    LifecycleState FleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    User CredentialDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"user"`

    Password CredentialDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"password"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (FleetCredential) String

func (m FleetCredential) String() string

func (*FleetCredential) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *FleetCredential) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (FleetCredential) ValidateEnumValue

func (m FleetCredential) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type FleetCredentialCollection

FleetCredentialCollection Results of a fleetCredential search. Contains boh FleetCredentialSummary items and other information, such as metadata.

type FleetCredentialCollection struct {

    // List of fleetCredentials.
    Items []FleetCredentialSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (FleetCredentialCollection) String

func (m FleetCredentialCollection) String() string

func (FleetCredentialCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m FleetCredentialCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type FleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum

FleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type FleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for FleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    FleetCredentialLifecycleStateActive  FleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    FleetCredentialLifecycleStateDeleted FleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"
    FleetCredentialLifecycleStateFailed  FleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"

func GetFleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetFleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnumValues() []FleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum

GetFleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for FleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingFleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingFleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (FleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingFleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type FleetCredentialSummary

FleetCredentialSummary Summary of the FleetCredential.

type FleetCredentialSummary struct {

    // The unique id of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    EntitySpecifics CredentialEntitySpecificDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"entitySpecifics"`

    // The current state of the FleetCredential.
    LifecycleState FleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    User CredentialDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"user"`

    Password CredentialDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"password"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (FleetCredentialSummary) String

func (m FleetCredentialSummary) String() string

func (*FleetCredentialSummary) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *FleetCredentialSummary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (FleetCredentialSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m FleetCredentialSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type FleetFleetTypeEnum

FleetFleetTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type FleetFleetTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for FleetFleetTypeEnum

const (
    FleetFleetTypeProduct     FleetFleetTypeEnum = "PRODUCT"
    FleetFleetTypeEnvironment FleetFleetTypeEnum = "ENVIRONMENT"
    FleetFleetTypeGeneric     FleetFleetTypeEnum = "GENERIC"
    FleetFleetTypeGroup       FleetFleetTypeEnum = "GROUP"

func GetFleetFleetTypeEnumValues

func GetFleetFleetTypeEnumValues() []FleetFleetTypeEnum

GetFleetFleetTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for FleetFleetTypeEnum

func GetMappingFleetFleetTypeEnum

func GetMappingFleetFleetTypeEnum(val string) (FleetFleetTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingFleetFleetTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type FleetGroupTypeEnum

FleetGroupTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type FleetGroupTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for FleetGroupTypeEnum

const (
    FleetGroupTypeEnvironment FleetGroupTypeEnum = "ENVIRONMENT"
    FleetGroupTypeProduct     FleetGroupTypeEnum = "PRODUCT"

func GetFleetGroupTypeEnumValues

func GetFleetGroupTypeEnumValues() []FleetGroupTypeEnum

GetFleetGroupTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for FleetGroupTypeEnum

func GetMappingFleetGroupTypeEnum

func GetMappingFleetGroupTypeEnum(val string) (FleetGroupTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingFleetGroupTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type FleetLifecycleStateEnum

FleetLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type FleetLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for FleetLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    FleetLifecycleStateActive         FleetLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    FleetLifecycleStateInactive       FleetLifecycleStateEnum = "INACTIVE"
    FleetLifecycleStateCreating       FleetLifecycleStateEnum = "CREATING"
    FleetLifecycleStateDeleted        FleetLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"
    FleetLifecycleStateDeleting       FleetLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETING"
    FleetLifecycleStateFailed         FleetLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"
    FleetLifecycleStateUpdating       FleetLifecycleStateEnum = "UPDATING"
    FleetLifecycleStateNeedsAttention FleetLifecycleStateEnum = "NEEDS_ATTENTION"

func GetFleetLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetFleetLifecycleStateEnumValues() []FleetLifecycleStateEnum

GetFleetLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for FleetLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingFleetLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingFleetLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (FleetLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingFleetLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type FleetProductCollection

FleetProductCollection Results of a fleetProduct search. Contains boh FleetProductSummary items and other information, such as metadata.

type FleetProductCollection struct {

    // List of fleetProducts.
    Items []FleetProductSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (FleetProductCollection) String

func (m FleetProductCollection) String() string

func (FleetProductCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m FleetProductCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type FleetProductSummary

FleetProductSummary Summary of the FleetProduct.

type FleetProductSummary struct {

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    Resource *TargetResource `mandatory:"true" json:"resource"`

    // Root Compartment Id.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Count of targets associated with the Product
    TargetCount *int `mandatory:"false" json:"targetCount"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (FleetProductSummary) String

func (m FleetProductSummary) String() string

func (FleetProductSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m FleetProductSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type FleetProperty

FleetProperty Property associated with a Fleet.

type FleetProperty struct {

    // The unique id of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // Text selection of the category
    SelectionType SelectionEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"selectionType"`

    // Format of the value
    ValueType ValueTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"valueType"`

    // The current state of the FleetProperty.
    LifecycleState FleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // Value of the Property
    Value *string `mandatory:"false" json:"value"`

    // Property Id Ocid.
    PropertyId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"propertyId"`

    // Values of the category (must be a single value if selection = 'single choice')
    AllowedValues []string `mandatory:"false" json:"allowedValues"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (FleetProperty) String

func (m FleetProperty) String() string

func (FleetProperty) ValidateEnumValue

func (m FleetProperty) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type FleetPropertyCollection

FleetPropertyCollection Results of a fleetProperty search. Contains boh FleetPropertySummary items and other information, such as metadata.

type FleetPropertyCollection struct {

    // List of fleetPropertys.
    Items []FleetPropertySummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (FleetPropertyCollection) String

func (m FleetPropertyCollection) String() string

func (FleetPropertyCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m FleetPropertyCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type FleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum

FleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type FleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for FleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    FleetPropertyLifecycleStateActive  FleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    FleetPropertyLifecycleStateDeleted FleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"
    FleetPropertyLifecycleStateFailed  FleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"

func GetFleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetFleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnumValues() []FleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum

GetFleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for FleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingFleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingFleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (FleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingFleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type FleetPropertySummary

FleetPropertySummary Summary of the FleetProperty.

type FleetPropertySummary struct {

    // The unique id of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Property Id.
    PropertyId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"propertyId"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // Type of the FleetProperty.
    ValueType ValueTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"valueType"`

    // The current state of the FleetProperty.
    LifecycleState FleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // Value of the Property
    Value *string `mandatory:"false" json:"value"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (FleetPropertySummary) String

func (m FleetPropertySummary) String() string

func (FleetPropertySummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m FleetPropertySummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type FleetResource

FleetResource Resource added to a Fleet.

type FleetResource struct {

    // The unique id of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // OCID of the tenancy to which the resource belongs to.
    TenancyId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"tenancyId"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // OCID of the compartment to which the resource belongs to.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The OCID of the resource.
    ResourceId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"resourceId"`

    // Type of the Resource.
    ResourceType *string `mandatory:"true" json:"resourceType"`

    // The current state of the FleetResource.
    LifecycleState FleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // Associated region
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // Resource Compartment
    Compartment *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartment"`

    // Compliance State of the Resource
    ComplianceState ComplianceStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"complianceState,omitempty"`

    // Resource Tenancy Name
    TenancyName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"tenancyName"`

    // Count of products within the resource.
    ProductCount *int `mandatory:"false" json:"productCount"`

    // Count of targets  within the resource.
    TargetCount *int `mandatory:"false" json:"targetCount"`

    // Product associated with the resource when resource type is fleet.Will only be returned for PRODUCT fleets that are part of a GROUP Fleet
    Product *string `mandatory:"false" json:"product"`

    // Application Type associated with the resource when resource type is fleet.Will only be returned for ENVIRONMENT fleets that are part of a GROUP Fleet.
    ApplicationType *string `mandatory:"false" json:"applicationType"`

    // Environment Type associated with the Fleet when resource type is fleet.Will only be returned for ENVIRONMENT fleets that are part of a GROUP Fleet.
    EnvironmentType *string `mandatory:"false" json:"environmentType"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (FleetResource) String

func (m FleetResource) String() string

func (FleetResource) ValidateEnumValue

func (m FleetResource) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type FleetResourceCollection

FleetResourceCollection Results of a fleetResource search. Contains boh FleetResourceSummary items and other information, such as metadata.

type FleetResourceCollection struct {

    // List of fleetResources.
    Items []FleetResourceSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (FleetResourceCollection) String

func (m FleetResourceCollection) String() string

func (FleetResourceCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m FleetResourceCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type FleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum

FleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type FleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for FleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    FleetResourceLifecycleStateActive         FleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    FleetResourceLifecycleStateDeleted        FleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"
    FleetResourceLifecycleStateFailed         FleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"
    FleetResourceLifecycleStateNeedsAttention FleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum = "NEEDS_ATTENTION"

func GetFleetResourceLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetFleetResourceLifecycleStateEnumValues() []FleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum

GetFleetResourceLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for FleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingFleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingFleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (FleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingFleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type FleetResourceSelectionTypeEnum

FleetResourceSelectionTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type FleetResourceSelectionTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for FleetResourceSelectionTypeEnum

const (
    FleetResourceSelectionTypeDynamic FleetResourceSelectionTypeEnum = "DYNAMIC"
    FleetResourceSelectionTypeManual  FleetResourceSelectionTypeEnum = "MANUAL"

func GetFleetResourceSelectionTypeEnumValues

func GetFleetResourceSelectionTypeEnumValues() []FleetResourceSelectionTypeEnum

GetFleetResourceSelectionTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for FleetResourceSelectionTypeEnum

func GetMappingFleetResourceSelectionTypeEnum

func GetMappingFleetResourceSelectionTypeEnum(val string) (FleetResourceSelectionTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingFleetResourceSelectionTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type FleetResourceSummary

FleetResourceSummary Summary of the FleetResource.

type FleetResourceSummary struct {

    // The unique id of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // OCID of the tenancy to which the resource belongs to.
    TenancyId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"tenancyId"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // OCID of the compartment to which the resource belongs to.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The OCID of the resource.
    ResourceId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"resourceId"`

    // Type of the Resource.
    ResourceType *string `mandatory:"true" json:"resourceType"`

    // The current state of the FleetResource.
    LifecycleState FleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // Associated region
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // Compliance State of the Resource
    ComplianceState ComplianceStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"complianceState,omitempty"`

    // Resource Tenancy Name
    TenancyName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"tenancyName"`

    // Resource Compartment
    Compartment *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartment"`

    // Count of products within the resource.
    ProductCount *int `mandatory:"false" json:"productCount"`

    // Count of targets  within the resource.
    TargetCount *int `mandatory:"false" json:"targetCount"`

    // Product associated with the resource when resource type is fleet.Will only be returned for PRODUCT fleets that are part of a GROUP Fleet
    Product *string `mandatory:"false" json:"product"`

    // Application Type associated with the resource when resource type is fleet.Will only be returned for ENVIRONMENT fleets that are part of a GROUP Fleet.
    ApplicationType *string `mandatory:"false" json:"applicationType"`

    // Environment Type associated with the Fleet when resource type is fleet.Will only be returned for ENVIRONMENT fleets that are part of a GROUP Fleet.
    EnvironmentType *string `mandatory:"false" json:"environmentType"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (FleetResourceSummary) String

func (m FleetResourceSummary) String() string

func (FleetResourceSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m FleetResourceSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type FleetSummary

FleetSummary Summary of the Fleet.

type FleetSummary struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // Type of the Fleet.
    FleetType FleetFleetTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"fleetType"`

    // The current state of the Fleet.
    LifecycleState FleetLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // Associated region
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // Environment Type associated with the Fleet.Applicable for ENVIRONMENT fleet types.
    EnvironmentType *string `mandatory:"false" json:"environmentType"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (FleetSummary) String

func (m FleetSummary) String() string

func (FleetSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m FleetSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type FleetTarget

FleetTarget Description of FleetTarget.

type FleetTarget struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeCreated"`

    // Current version of Target
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

    // Product to which the target belongs to.
    Product *string `mandatory:"false" json:"product"`

    Resource *TargetResource `mandatory:"false" json:"resource"`

    // Last known compliance state of Target.
    ComplianceState ComplianceStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"complianceState,omitempty"`

    // The current state of the FleetTarget.
    LifecycleState FleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleState,omitempty"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (FleetTarget) String

func (m FleetTarget) String() string

func (FleetTarget) ValidateEnumValue

func (m FleetTarget) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type FleetTargetCollection

FleetTargetCollection Results of a fleetTarget search. Contains both FleetTargetSummary items and other information, such as metadata.

type FleetTargetCollection struct {

    // List of fleetTargets.
    Items []FleetTargetSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (FleetTargetCollection) String

func (m FleetTargetCollection) String() string

func (FleetTargetCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m FleetTargetCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type FleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum

FleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type FleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for FleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    FleetTargetLifecycleStateActive  FleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    FleetTargetLifecycleStateDeleted FleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"
    FleetTargetLifecycleStateFailed  FleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"

func GetFleetTargetLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetFleetTargetLifecycleStateEnumValues() []FleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum

GetFleetTargetLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for FleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingFleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingFleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (FleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingFleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type FleetTargetSummary

FleetTargetSummary Summary of the FleetTarget.

type FleetTargetSummary struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Current version of Target
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

    // Product to which the target belongs to.
    Product *string `mandatory:"false" json:"product"`

    Resource *TargetResource `mandatory:"false" json:"resource"`

    // Last known compliance state of Target.
    ComplianceState ComplianceStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"complianceState,omitempty"`

    // The current state of the FleetTarget.
    LifecycleState FleetTargetLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleState,omitempty"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (FleetTargetSummary) String

func (m FleetTargetSummary) String() string

func (FleetTargetSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m FleetTargetSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GenerateComplianceReportDetails

GenerateComplianceReportDetails Request to generate compliance report fort the fleet

type GenerateComplianceReportDetails struct {

    // Are compliance details required at target level also
    AreDetailsRequired *string `mandatory:"false" json:"areDetailsRequired"`

func (GenerateComplianceReportDetails) String

func (m GenerateComplianceReportDetails) String() string

func (GenerateComplianceReportDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m GenerateComplianceReportDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GenerateComplianceReportRequest

GenerateComplianceReportRequest wrapper for the GenerateComplianceReport operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GenerateComplianceReport.go.html to see an example of how to use GenerateComplianceReportRequest.

type GenerateComplianceReportRequest struct {

    // Details for generating Compliance Report fort the Fleet.
    GenerateComplianceReportDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GenerateComplianceReportRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GenerateComplianceReportRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GenerateComplianceReportRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GenerateComplianceReportRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GenerateComplianceReportRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GenerateComplianceReportRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GenerateComplianceReportRequest) String

func (request GenerateComplianceReportRequest) String() string

func (GenerateComplianceReportRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GenerateComplianceReportRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GenerateComplianceReportResponse

GenerateComplianceReportResponse wrapper for the GenerateComplianceReport operation

type GenerateComplianceReportResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous work. You can use this to query its status.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GenerateComplianceReportResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GenerateComplianceReportResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GenerateComplianceReportResponse) String

func (response GenerateComplianceReportResponse) String() string

type GetComplianceReportRequest

GetComplianceReportRequest wrapper for the GetComplianceReport operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetComplianceReport.go.html to see an example of how to use GetComplianceReportRequest.

type GetComplianceReportRequest struct {

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // compliance report identifier
    ComplianceReportId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"complianceReportId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetComplianceReportRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetComplianceReportRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetComplianceReportRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetComplianceReportRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetComplianceReportRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetComplianceReportRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetComplianceReportRequest) String

func (request GetComplianceReportRequest) String() string

func (GetComplianceReportRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetComplianceReportRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetComplianceReportResponse

GetComplianceReportResponse wrapper for the GetComplianceReport operation

type GetComplianceReportResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The ComplianceReport instance
    ComplianceReport `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetComplianceReportResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetComplianceReportResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetComplianceReportResponse) String

func (response GetComplianceReportResponse) String() string

type GetExecutionRequest

GetExecutionRequest wrapper for the GetExecution operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetExecution.go.html to see an example of how to use GetExecutionRequest.

type GetExecutionRequest struct {

    // unique SchedulerJob identifier
    SchedulerJobId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"schedulerJobId"`

    // unique jobActivity identifier
    JobActivityId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"jobActivityId"`

    // unique Resource identifier
    ResourceId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"resourceId"`

    // Execution Id
    ExecutionId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"executionId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetExecutionRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetExecutionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetExecutionRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetExecutionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetExecutionRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetExecutionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetExecutionRequest) String

func (request GetExecutionRequest) String() string

func (GetExecutionRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetExecutionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetExecutionResponse

GetExecutionResponse wrapper for the GetExecution operation

type GetExecutionResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Execution instance
    Execution `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetExecutionResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetExecutionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetExecutionResponse) String

func (response GetExecutionResponse) String() string

type GetFleetCredentialRequest

GetFleetCredentialRequest wrapper for the GetFleetCredential operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetFleetCredential.go.html to see an example of how to use GetFleetCredentialRequest.

type GetFleetCredentialRequest struct {

    // unique FleetCredential identifier
    FleetCredentialId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetCredentialId"`

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetFleetCredentialRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetFleetCredentialRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetFleetCredentialRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetFleetCredentialRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetFleetCredentialRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetFleetCredentialRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetFleetCredentialRequest) String

func (request GetFleetCredentialRequest) String() string

func (GetFleetCredentialRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetFleetCredentialRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetFleetCredentialResponse

GetFleetCredentialResponse wrapper for the GetFleetCredential operation

type GetFleetCredentialResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The FleetCredential instance
    FleetCredential `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetFleetCredentialResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetFleetCredentialResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetFleetCredentialResponse) String

func (response GetFleetCredentialResponse) String() string

type GetFleetPropertyRequest

GetFleetPropertyRequest wrapper for the GetFleetProperty operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetFleetProperty.go.html to see an example of how to use GetFleetPropertyRequest.

type GetFleetPropertyRequest struct {

    // unique FleetProperty identifier
    FleetPropertyId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetPropertyId"`

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetFleetPropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetFleetPropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetFleetPropertyRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetFleetPropertyRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetFleetPropertyRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetFleetPropertyRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetFleetPropertyRequest) String

func (request GetFleetPropertyRequest) String() string

func (GetFleetPropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetFleetPropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetFleetPropertyResponse

GetFleetPropertyResponse wrapper for the GetFleetProperty operation

type GetFleetPropertyResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The FleetProperty instance
    FleetProperty `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetFleetPropertyResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetFleetPropertyResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetFleetPropertyResponse) String

func (response GetFleetPropertyResponse) String() string

type GetFleetRequest

GetFleetRequest wrapper for the GetFleet operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetFleet.go.html to see an example of how to use GetFleetRequest.

type GetFleetRequest struct {

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetFleetRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetFleetRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetFleetRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetFleetRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetFleetRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetFleetRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetFleetRequest) String

func (request GetFleetRequest) String() string

func (GetFleetRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetFleetRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetFleetResourceRequest

GetFleetResourceRequest wrapper for the GetFleetResource operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetFleetResource.go.html to see an example of how to use GetFleetResourceRequest.

type GetFleetResourceRequest struct {

    // unique FleetResource identifier
    FleetResourceId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetResourceId"`

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetFleetResourceRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetFleetResourceRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetFleetResourceRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetFleetResourceRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetFleetResourceRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetFleetResourceRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetFleetResourceRequest) String

func (request GetFleetResourceRequest) String() string

func (GetFleetResourceRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetFleetResourceRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetFleetResourceResponse

GetFleetResourceResponse wrapper for the GetFleetResource operation

type GetFleetResourceResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The FleetResource instance
    FleetResource `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetFleetResourceResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetFleetResourceResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetFleetResourceResponse) String

func (response GetFleetResourceResponse) String() string

type GetFleetResponse

GetFleetResponse wrapper for the GetFleet operation

type GetFleetResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Fleet instance
    Fleet `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetFleetResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetFleetResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetFleetResponse) String

func (response GetFleetResponse) String() string

type GetJobActivityRequest

GetJobActivityRequest wrapper for the GetJobActivity operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetJobActivity.go.html to see an example of how to use GetJobActivityRequest.

type GetJobActivityRequest struct {

    // unique SchedulerJob identifier
    SchedulerJobId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"schedulerJobId"`

    // unique jobActivity identifier
    JobActivityId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"jobActivityId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetJobActivityRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetJobActivityRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetJobActivityRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetJobActivityRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetJobActivityRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetJobActivityRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetJobActivityRequest) String

func (request GetJobActivityRequest) String() string

func (GetJobActivityRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetJobActivityRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetJobActivityResponse

GetJobActivityResponse wrapper for the GetJobActivity operation

type GetJobActivityResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The JobActivity instance
    JobActivity `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetJobActivityResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetJobActivityResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetJobActivityResponse) String

func (response GetJobActivityResponse) String() string

type GetMaintenanceWindowRequest

GetMaintenanceWindowRequest wrapper for the GetMaintenanceWindow operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetMaintenanceWindow.go.html to see an example of how to use GetMaintenanceWindowRequest.

type GetMaintenanceWindowRequest struct {

    // unique MaintenanceWindow identifier
    MaintenanceWindowId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"maintenanceWindowId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetMaintenanceWindowRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetMaintenanceWindowRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetMaintenanceWindowRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetMaintenanceWindowRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetMaintenanceWindowRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetMaintenanceWindowRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetMaintenanceWindowRequest) String

func (request GetMaintenanceWindowRequest) String() string

func (GetMaintenanceWindowRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetMaintenanceWindowRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetMaintenanceWindowResponse

GetMaintenanceWindowResponse wrapper for the GetMaintenanceWindow operation

type GetMaintenanceWindowResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The MaintenanceWindow instance
    MaintenanceWindow `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetMaintenanceWindowResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetMaintenanceWindowResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetMaintenanceWindowResponse) String

func (response GetMaintenanceWindowResponse) String() string

type GetPropertyRequest

GetPropertyRequest wrapper for the GetProperty operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetProperty.go.html to see an example of how to use GetPropertyRequest.

type GetPropertyRequest struct {

    // unique Property identifier
    PropertyId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"propertyId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetPropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetPropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetPropertyRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetPropertyRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetPropertyRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetPropertyRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetPropertyRequest) String

func (request GetPropertyRequest) String() string

func (GetPropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetPropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetPropertyResponse

GetPropertyResponse wrapper for the GetProperty operation

type GetPropertyResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Property instance
    Property `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetPropertyResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetPropertyResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetPropertyResponse) String

func (response GetPropertyResponse) String() string

type GetRunbookRequest

GetRunbookRequest wrapper for the GetRunbook operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetRunbook.go.html to see an example of how to use GetRunbookRequest.

type GetRunbookRequest struct {

    // Unique Runbook identifier
    RunbookId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"runbookId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetRunbookRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetRunbookRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetRunbookRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetRunbookRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetRunbookRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetRunbookRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetRunbookRequest) String

func (request GetRunbookRequest) String() string

func (GetRunbookRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetRunbookRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetRunbookResponse

GetRunbookResponse wrapper for the GetRunbook operation

type GetRunbookResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Runbook instance
    Runbook `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetRunbookResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetRunbookResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetRunbookResponse) String

func (response GetRunbookResponse) String() string

type GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest

GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest wrapper for the GetSchedulerDefinition operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetSchedulerDefinition.go.html to see an example of how to use GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest.

type GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest struct {

    // unique SchedulerDefinition identifier
    SchedulerDefinitionId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"schedulerDefinitionId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest) String

func (request GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest) String() string

func (GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetSchedulerDefinitionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetSchedulerDefinitionResponse

GetSchedulerDefinitionResponse wrapper for the GetSchedulerDefinition operation

type GetSchedulerDefinitionResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The SchedulerDefinition instance
    SchedulerDefinition `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetSchedulerDefinitionResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetSchedulerDefinitionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetSchedulerDefinitionResponse) String

func (response GetSchedulerDefinitionResponse) String() string

type GetSchedulerJobRequest

GetSchedulerJobRequest wrapper for the GetSchedulerJob operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetSchedulerJob.go.html to see an example of how to use GetSchedulerJobRequest.

type GetSchedulerJobRequest struct {

    // unique SchedulerJob identifier
    SchedulerJobId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"schedulerJobId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetSchedulerJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetSchedulerJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetSchedulerJobRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetSchedulerJobRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetSchedulerJobRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetSchedulerJobRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetSchedulerJobRequest) String

func (request GetSchedulerJobRequest) String() string

func (GetSchedulerJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetSchedulerJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetSchedulerJobResponse

GetSchedulerJobResponse wrapper for the GetSchedulerJob operation

type GetSchedulerJobResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The SchedulerJob instance
    SchedulerJob `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetSchedulerJobResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetSchedulerJobResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetSchedulerJobResponse) String

func (response GetSchedulerJobResponse) String() string

type GetTaskRecordRequest

GetTaskRecordRequest wrapper for the GetTaskRecord operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetTaskRecord.go.html to see an example of how to use GetTaskRecordRequest.

type GetTaskRecordRequest struct {

    // unique TaskDetail identifier
    TaskRecordId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"taskRecordId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetTaskRecordRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetTaskRecordRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetTaskRecordRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetTaskRecordRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetTaskRecordRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetTaskRecordRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetTaskRecordRequest) String

func (request GetTaskRecordRequest) String() string

func (GetTaskRecordRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetTaskRecordRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetTaskRecordResponse

GetTaskRecordResponse wrapper for the GetTaskRecord operation

type GetTaskRecordResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The TaskRecord instance
    TaskRecord `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetTaskRecordResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetTaskRecordResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetTaskRecordResponse) String

func (response GetTaskRecordResponse) String() string

type GetWorkRequestRequest

GetWorkRequestRequest wrapper for the GetWorkRequest operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/GetWorkRequest.go.html to see an example of how to use GetWorkRequestRequest.

type GetWorkRequestRequest struct {

    // The ID of the asynchronous request.
    WorkRequestId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"workRequestId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetWorkRequestRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetWorkRequestRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetWorkRequestRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetWorkRequestRequest) String

func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) String() string

func (GetWorkRequestRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetWorkRequestResponse

GetWorkRequestResponse wrapper for the GetWorkRequest operation

type GetWorkRequestResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The WorkRequest instance
    WorkRequest `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // A decimal number representing the number of seconds the client should wait before polling this endpoint again.
    RetryAfter *int `presentIn:"header" name:"retry-after"`

func (GetWorkRequestResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetWorkRequestResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetWorkRequestResponse) String

func (response GetWorkRequestResponse) String() string

type Group

Group The group of the runbook

type Group struct {

    // The type of the group
    Type GroupTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"type"`

    // The name of the group
    Name *string `mandatory:"true" json:"name"`

    Properties *ComponentProperties `mandatory:"false" json:"properties"`

func (Group) String

func (m Group) String() string

func (Group) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Group) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GroupTypeEnum

GroupTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type GroupTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for GroupTypeEnum

const (
    GroupTypeParallelTaskGroup     GroupTypeEnum = "PARALLEL_TASK_GROUP"
    GroupTypeParallelResourceGroup GroupTypeEnum = "PARALLEL_RESOURCE_GROUP"
    GroupTypeRollingResourceGroup  GroupTypeEnum = "ROLLING_RESOURCE_GROUP"

func GetGroupTypeEnumValues

func GetGroupTypeEnumValues() []GroupTypeEnum

GetGroupTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for GroupTypeEnum

func GetMappingGroupTypeEnum

func GetMappingGroupTypeEnum(val string) (GroupTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingGroupTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type InputArgument

InputArgument The details of the Input argument.

type InputArgument interface {

    // The name of the argument
    GetName() *string

    // The description of the argument.
    GetDescription() *string

type InputArgumentTypeEnum

InputArgumentTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type InputArgumentTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for InputArgumentTypeEnum

const (
    InputArgumentTypeString         InputArgumentTypeEnum = "STRING"
    InputArgumentTypeOutputVariable InputArgumentTypeEnum = "OUTPUT_VARIABLE"

func GetInputArgumentTypeEnumValues

func GetInputArgumentTypeEnumValues() []InputArgumentTypeEnum

GetInputArgumentTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for InputArgumentTypeEnum

func GetMappingInputArgumentTypeEnum

func GetMappingInputArgumentTypeEnum(val string) (InputArgumentTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingInputArgumentTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type InputParameter

InputParameter Input Parameters for the Task

type InputParameter struct {

    // stepName for which the input parameters are provided
    StepName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"stepName"`

    // Arguments for the Task
    Arguments []TaskArgument `mandatory:"false" json:"arguments"`

func (InputParameter) String

func (m InputParameter) String() string

func (InputParameter) ValidateEnumValue

func (m InputParameter) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type InventoryResourceCollection

InventoryResourceCollection Results of a inventoryResource search. Contains both InventoryResourceSummary items and other information, such as metadata.

type InventoryResourceCollection struct {

    // List of InventoryResources.
    Items []InventoryResourceSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (InventoryResourceCollection) String

func (m InventoryResourceCollection) String() string

func (InventoryResourceCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m InventoryResourceCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type InventoryResourceSummary

InventoryResourceSummary InventoryResource Search Summary.

type InventoryResourceSummary struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // OCID of the compartment to which the resource belongs to.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // Type of the Resource.
    Type *string `mandatory:"true" json:"type"`

    // The current state of the Resource.
    LifecycleState *string `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"true" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"true" json:"definedTags"`

    // Compartment Id of the resource
    ResourceCompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceCompartmentId"`

    // Availability Domain of the resource
    AvailabilityDomain *string `mandatory:"false" json:"availabilityDomain"`

    // Region the resource belongs to
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (InventoryResourceSummary) String

func (m InventoryResourceSummary) String() string

func (InventoryResourceSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m InventoryResourceSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type JobActivity

JobActivity Description of JobActivity.

type JobActivity struct {

    // Unique activity id at action group level
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // Status of the Job at Action Group Level
    Status JobStatusEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"status"`

    // The time the the Scheduler Job started. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string
    TimeStarted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeStarted"`

    // The time the Scheduler Job ended. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string
    TimeEnded *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeEnded"`

    // ID of the runbook
    RunbookId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"runbookId"`

    // Name of the runbook
    RunbookName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"runbookName"`

    // Resources execution details and outcomes associated with the Task.
    ResourceLevelExecutions []EntityExecutionDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceLevelExecutions"`

func (JobActivity) String

func (m JobActivity) String() string

func (JobActivity) ValidateEnumValue

func (m JobActivity) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type JobStatusEnum

JobStatusEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type JobStatusEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for JobStatusEnum

const (
    JobStatusAccepted      JobStatusEnum = "ACCEPTED"
    JobStatusWaiting       JobStatusEnum = "WAITING"
    JobStatusInProgress    JobStatusEnum = "IN_PROGRESS"
    JobStatusFailed        JobStatusEnum = "FAILED"
    JobStatusSucceeded     JobStatusEnum = "SUCCEEDED"
    JobStatusCanceled      JobStatusEnum = "CANCELED"
    JobStatusSkipped       JobStatusEnum = "SKIPPED"
    JobStatusIgnored       JobStatusEnum = "IGNORED"
    JobStatusNotApplicable JobStatusEnum = "NOT_APPLICABLE"
    JobStatusAborted       JobStatusEnum = "ABORTED"
    JobStatusTimedOut      JobStatusEnum = "TIMED_OUT"

func GetJobStatusEnumValues

func GetJobStatusEnumValues() []JobStatusEnum

GetJobStatusEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for JobStatusEnum

func GetMappingJobStatusEnum

func GetMappingJobStatusEnum(val string) (JobStatusEnum, bool)

GetMappingJobStatusEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type KeyEncryptionCredentialDetails

KeyEncryptionCredentialDetails Details for Credentials using key encryption.

type KeyEncryptionCredentialDetails struct {

    // The value corresponding to the credential
    Value *string `mandatory:"true" json:"value"`

    // OCID for the Vault Key that will be used to encrypt/decrypt the value given.
    KeyId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"keyId"`

    // OCID for the Vault that will be used to fetch key to encrypt/decrypt the value given.
    VaultId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"vaultId"`

    // The Vault Key version.
    KeyVersion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"keyVersion"`

func (KeyEncryptionCredentialDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m KeyEncryptionCredentialDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (KeyEncryptionCredentialDetails) String

func (m KeyEncryptionCredentialDetails) String() string

func (KeyEncryptionCredentialDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m KeyEncryptionCredentialDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum

LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum

const (
    LifeCycleActionGroupTypeProduct     LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum = "PRODUCT"
    LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnvironment LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum = "ENVIRONMENT"

func GetLifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnumValues

func GetLifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnumValues() []LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum

GetLifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum

func GetMappingLifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum

func GetMappingLifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum(val string) (LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingLifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListAnnouncementsRequest

ListAnnouncementsRequest wrapper for the ListAnnouncements operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListAnnouncements.go.html to see an example of how to use ListAnnouncementsRequest.

type ListAnnouncementsRequest struct {

    // Filter the list with summary contains the given value.
    SummaryContains *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"summaryContains"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort AnnouncementSummary by.  Only one sort order may be provided.
    // If no value is specified _timeReleased_ is default.
    SortBy ListAnnouncementsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListAnnouncementsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListAnnouncementsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListAnnouncementsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListAnnouncementsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListAnnouncementsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListAnnouncementsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListAnnouncementsRequest) String

func (request ListAnnouncementsRequest) String() string

func (ListAnnouncementsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListAnnouncementsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListAnnouncementsResponse

ListAnnouncementsResponse wrapper for the ListAnnouncements operation

type ListAnnouncementsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of AnnouncementCollection instances
    AnnouncementCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListAnnouncementsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListAnnouncementsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListAnnouncementsResponse) String

func (response ListAnnouncementsResponse) String() string

type ListAnnouncementsSortByEnum

ListAnnouncementsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListAnnouncementsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListAnnouncementsSortByEnum

const (
    ListAnnouncementsSortByTimereleased ListAnnouncementsSortByEnum = "timeReleased"
    ListAnnouncementsSortBySummary      ListAnnouncementsSortByEnum = "summary"

func GetListAnnouncementsSortByEnumValues

func GetListAnnouncementsSortByEnumValues() []ListAnnouncementsSortByEnum

GetListAnnouncementsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListAnnouncementsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListAnnouncementsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListAnnouncementsSortByEnum(val string) (ListAnnouncementsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListAnnouncementsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnum

ListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListAnnouncementsSortOrderAsc  ListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListAnnouncementsSortOrderDesc ListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnum

GetListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListAnnouncementsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListExecutionsRequest

ListExecutionsRequest wrapper for the ListExecutions operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListExecutions.go.html to see an example of how to use ListExecutionsRequest.

type ListExecutionsRequest struct {

    // unique SchedulerJob identifier
    SchedulerJobId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"schedulerJobId"`

    // unique jobActivity identifier
    JobActivityId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"jobActivityId"`

    // unique Resource identifier
    ResourceId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"resourceId"`

    // Task Id
    ResourceTaskId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"resourceTaskId"`

    // Unique step name
    StepName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"stepName"`

    // Unique target name
    TargetName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"targetName"`

    // Task Order Sequence
    Sequence *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sequence"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListExecutionsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeStarted is descending.
    SortBy ListExecutionsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListExecutionsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListExecutionsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListExecutionsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListExecutionsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListExecutionsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListExecutionsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListExecutionsRequest) String

func (request ListExecutionsRequest) String() string

func (ListExecutionsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListExecutionsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListExecutionsResponse

ListExecutionsResponse wrapper for the ListExecutions operation

type ListExecutionsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of ExecutionCollection instances
    ExecutionCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListExecutionsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListExecutionsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListExecutionsResponse) String

func (response ListExecutionsResponse) String() string

type ListExecutionsSortByEnum

ListExecutionsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListExecutionsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListExecutionsSortByEnum

const (
    ListExecutionsSortByTimestarted ListExecutionsSortByEnum = "timeStarted"

func GetListExecutionsSortByEnumValues

func GetListExecutionsSortByEnumValues() []ListExecutionsSortByEnum

GetListExecutionsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListExecutionsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListExecutionsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListExecutionsSortByEnum(val string) (ListExecutionsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListExecutionsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListExecutionsSortOrderEnum

ListExecutionsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListExecutionsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListExecutionsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListExecutionsSortOrderAsc  ListExecutionsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListExecutionsSortOrderDesc ListExecutionsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListExecutionsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListExecutionsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListExecutionsSortOrderEnum

GetListExecutionsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListExecutionsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListExecutionsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListExecutionsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListExecutionsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListExecutionsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListFleetCredentialsRequest

ListFleetCredentialsRequest wrapper for the ListFleetCredentials operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListFleetCredentials.go.html to see an example of how to use ListFleetCredentialsRequest.

type ListFleetCredentialsRequest struct {

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // A filter to return only resources their lifecycleState matches the given lifecycleState.
    LifecycleState FleetCredentialLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // Credential Level.
    CredentialLevel CredentialEntitySpecificDetailsCredentialLevelEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"credentialLevel" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // unique FleetCredential identifier
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"id"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated is descending. Default order for displayName is ascending.
    SortBy ListFleetCredentialsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListFleetCredentialsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListFleetCredentialsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListFleetCredentialsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListFleetCredentialsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListFleetCredentialsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListFleetCredentialsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListFleetCredentialsRequest) String

func (request ListFleetCredentialsRequest) String() string

func (ListFleetCredentialsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListFleetCredentialsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListFleetCredentialsResponse

ListFleetCredentialsResponse wrapper for the ListFleetCredentials operation

type ListFleetCredentialsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of FleetCredentialCollection instances
    FleetCredentialCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListFleetCredentialsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListFleetCredentialsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListFleetCredentialsResponse) String

func (response ListFleetCredentialsResponse) String() string

type ListFleetCredentialsSortByEnum

ListFleetCredentialsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListFleetCredentialsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListFleetCredentialsSortByEnum

const (
    ListFleetCredentialsSortByTimecreated ListFleetCredentialsSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListFleetCredentialsSortByDisplayname ListFleetCredentialsSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListFleetCredentialsSortByEnumValues

func GetListFleetCredentialsSortByEnumValues() []ListFleetCredentialsSortByEnum

GetListFleetCredentialsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListFleetCredentialsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListFleetCredentialsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListFleetCredentialsSortByEnum(val string) (ListFleetCredentialsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListFleetCredentialsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnum

ListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListFleetCredentialsSortOrderAsc  ListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListFleetCredentialsSortOrderDesc ListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnum

GetListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListFleetCredentialsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListFleetProductsRequest

ListFleetProductsRequest wrapper for the ListFleetProducts operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListFleetProducts.go.html to see an example of how to use ListFleetProductsRequest.

type ListFleetProductsRequest struct {

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // Resource Identifier
    ResourceId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"resourceId"`

    // Resource Display Name
    ResourceDisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"resourceDisplayName"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListFleetProductsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for displayName and resourceDisplayName is ascending.
    SortBy ListFleetProductsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListFleetProductsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListFleetProductsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListFleetProductsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListFleetProductsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListFleetProductsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListFleetProductsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListFleetProductsRequest) String

func (request ListFleetProductsRequest) String() string

func (ListFleetProductsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListFleetProductsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListFleetProductsResponse

ListFleetProductsResponse wrapper for the ListFleetProducts operation

type ListFleetProductsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of FleetProductCollection instances
    FleetProductCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListFleetProductsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListFleetProductsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListFleetProductsResponse) String

func (response ListFleetProductsResponse) String() string

type ListFleetProductsSortByEnum

ListFleetProductsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListFleetProductsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListFleetProductsSortByEnum

const (
    ListFleetProductsSortByDisplayname         ListFleetProductsSortByEnum = "displayName"
    ListFleetProductsSortByResourcedisplayname ListFleetProductsSortByEnum = "resourceDisplayName"

func GetListFleetProductsSortByEnumValues

func GetListFleetProductsSortByEnumValues() []ListFleetProductsSortByEnum

GetListFleetProductsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListFleetProductsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListFleetProductsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListFleetProductsSortByEnum(val string) (ListFleetProductsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListFleetProductsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListFleetProductsSortOrderEnum

ListFleetProductsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListFleetProductsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListFleetProductsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListFleetProductsSortOrderAsc  ListFleetProductsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListFleetProductsSortOrderDesc ListFleetProductsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListFleetProductsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListFleetProductsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListFleetProductsSortOrderEnum

GetListFleetProductsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListFleetProductsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListFleetProductsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListFleetProductsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListFleetProductsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListFleetProductsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListFleetPropertiesRequest

ListFleetPropertiesRequest wrapper for the ListFleetProperties operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListFleetProperties.go.html to see an example of how to use ListFleetPropertiesRequest.

type ListFleetPropertiesRequest struct {

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // A filter to return only resources their lifecycleState matches the given lifecycleState.
    LifecycleState FleetPropertyLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // unique FleetProperty identifier
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"id"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated is descending. Default order for displayName is ascending.
    SortBy ListFleetPropertiesSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListFleetPropertiesRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListFleetPropertiesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListFleetPropertiesRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListFleetPropertiesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListFleetPropertiesRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListFleetPropertiesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListFleetPropertiesRequest) String

func (request ListFleetPropertiesRequest) String() string

func (ListFleetPropertiesRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListFleetPropertiesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListFleetPropertiesResponse

ListFleetPropertiesResponse wrapper for the ListFleetProperties operation

type ListFleetPropertiesResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of FleetPropertyCollection instances
    FleetPropertyCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListFleetPropertiesResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListFleetPropertiesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListFleetPropertiesResponse) String

func (response ListFleetPropertiesResponse) String() string

type ListFleetPropertiesSortByEnum

ListFleetPropertiesSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListFleetPropertiesSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListFleetPropertiesSortByEnum

const (
    ListFleetPropertiesSortByTimecreated ListFleetPropertiesSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListFleetPropertiesSortByDisplayname ListFleetPropertiesSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListFleetPropertiesSortByEnumValues

func GetListFleetPropertiesSortByEnumValues() []ListFleetPropertiesSortByEnum

GetListFleetPropertiesSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListFleetPropertiesSortByEnum

func GetMappingListFleetPropertiesSortByEnum

func GetMappingListFleetPropertiesSortByEnum(val string) (ListFleetPropertiesSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListFleetPropertiesSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnum

ListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListFleetPropertiesSortOrderAsc  ListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListFleetPropertiesSortOrderDesc ListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnumValues() []ListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnum

GetListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListFleetPropertiesSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListFleetResourcesRequest

ListFleetResourcesRequest wrapper for the ListFleetResources operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListFleetResources.go.html to see an example of how to use ListFleetResourcesRequest.

type ListFleetResourcesRequest struct {

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // Resource Tenancy Id
    TenancyId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"tenancyId"`

    // A filter to return only resources their lifecycleState matches the given lifecycleState.
    LifecycleState FleetResourceLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // unique FleetResource identifier
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"id"`

    // A filter to return resources that match the Type
    FleetResourceType *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"fleetResourceType"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated is descending. Default order for displayName is ascending.
    SortBy ListFleetResourcesSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListFleetResourcesRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListFleetResourcesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListFleetResourcesRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListFleetResourcesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListFleetResourcesRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListFleetResourcesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListFleetResourcesRequest) String

func (request ListFleetResourcesRequest) String() string

func (ListFleetResourcesRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListFleetResourcesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListFleetResourcesResponse

ListFleetResourcesResponse wrapper for the ListFleetResources operation

type ListFleetResourcesResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of FleetResourceCollection instances
    FleetResourceCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListFleetResourcesResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListFleetResourcesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListFleetResourcesResponse) String

func (response ListFleetResourcesResponse) String() string

type ListFleetResourcesSortByEnum

ListFleetResourcesSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListFleetResourcesSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListFleetResourcesSortByEnum

const (
    ListFleetResourcesSortByTimecreated ListFleetResourcesSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListFleetResourcesSortByDisplayname ListFleetResourcesSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListFleetResourcesSortByEnumValues

func GetListFleetResourcesSortByEnumValues() []ListFleetResourcesSortByEnum

GetListFleetResourcesSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListFleetResourcesSortByEnum

func GetMappingListFleetResourcesSortByEnum

func GetMappingListFleetResourcesSortByEnum(val string) (ListFleetResourcesSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListFleetResourcesSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnum

ListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListFleetResourcesSortOrderAsc  ListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListFleetResourcesSortOrderDesc ListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnumValues() []ListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnum

GetListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListFleetResourcesSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListFleetTargetsRequest

ListFleetTargetsRequest wrapper for the ListFleetTargets operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListFleetTargets.go.html to see an example of how to use ListFleetTargetsRequest.

type ListFleetTargetsRequest struct {

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // Product Name
    Product *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"product"`

    // Resource Identifier
    ResourceId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"resourceId"`

    // Resource Display Name
    ResourceDisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"resourceDisplayName"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for displayName,product and resourceDisplayName is ascending.
    SortBy ListFleetTargetsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListFleetTargetsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListFleetTargetsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListFleetTargetsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListFleetTargetsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListFleetTargetsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListFleetTargetsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListFleetTargetsRequest) String

func (request ListFleetTargetsRequest) String() string

func (ListFleetTargetsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListFleetTargetsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListFleetTargetsResponse

ListFleetTargetsResponse wrapper for the ListFleetTargets operation

type ListFleetTargetsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of FleetTargetCollection instances
    FleetTargetCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListFleetTargetsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListFleetTargetsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListFleetTargetsResponse) String

func (response ListFleetTargetsResponse) String() string

type ListFleetTargetsSortByEnum

ListFleetTargetsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListFleetTargetsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListFleetTargetsSortByEnum

const (
    ListFleetTargetsSortByDisplayname         ListFleetTargetsSortByEnum = "displayName"
    ListFleetTargetsSortByProduct             ListFleetTargetsSortByEnum = "product"
    ListFleetTargetsSortByResourcedisplayname ListFleetTargetsSortByEnum = "resourceDisplayName"

func GetListFleetTargetsSortByEnumValues

func GetListFleetTargetsSortByEnumValues() []ListFleetTargetsSortByEnum

GetListFleetTargetsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListFleetTargetsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListFleetTargetsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListFleetTargetsSortByEnum(val string) (ListFleetTargetsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListFleetTargetsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnum

ListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListFleetTargetsSortOrderAsc  ListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListFleetTargetsSortOrderDesc ListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnum

GetListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListFleetTargetsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListFleetsRequest

ListFleetsRequest wrapper for the ListFleets operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListFleets.go.html to see an example of how to use ListFleetsRequest.

type ListFleetsRequest struct {

    // A filter to return only resources their lifecycleState matches the given lifecycleState.
    LifecycleState FleetLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // A filter to return only resources their fleetType matches the given fleetType.
    FleetType FleetFleetTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"fleetType" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the Application Type given.
    ApplicationType *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"applicationType"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the Product Type given.
    Product *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"product"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the Environment Type given.
    EnvironmentType *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"environmentType"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // unique Fleet identifier
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"id"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListFleetsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated is descending. Default order for displayName is ascending.
    SortBy ListFleetsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListFleetsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListFleetsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListFleetsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListFleetsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListFleetsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListFleetsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListFleetsRequest) String

func (request ListFleetsRequest) String() string

func (ListFleetsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListFleetsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListFleetsResponse

ListFleetsResponse wrapper for the ListFleets operation

type ListFleetsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of FleetCollection instances
    FleetCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

    // A  number representing the the total number of results available.
    OpcTotalItems *int `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-total-items"`

func (ListFleetsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListFleetsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListFleetsResponse) String

func (response ListFleetsResponse) String() string

type ListFleetsSortByEnum

ListFleetsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListFleetsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListFleetsSortByEnum

const (
    ListFleetsSortByTimecreated ListFleetsSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListFleetsSortByDisplayname ListFleetsSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListFleetsSortByEnumValues

func GetListFleetsSortByEnumValues() []ListFleetsSortByEnum

GetListFleetsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListFleetsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListFleetsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListFleetsSortByEnum(val string) (ListFleetsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListFleetsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListFleetsSortOrderEnum

ListFleetsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListFleetsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListFleetsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListFleetsSortOrderAsc  ListFleetsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListFleetsSortOrderDesc ListFleetsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListFleetsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListFleetsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListFleetsSortOrderEnum

GetListFleetsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListFleetsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListFleetsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListFleetsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListFleetsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListFleetsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListInventoryResourcesRequest

ListInventoryResourcesRequest wrapper for the ListInventoryResources operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListInventoryResources.go.html to see an example of how to use ListInventoryResourcesRequest.

type ListInventoryResourcesRequest struct {

    // The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // Resource Compartment ID
    ResourceCompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"resourceCompartmentId"`

    // A filter to return only resources their lifecycleState matches the given lifecycleState.
    LifecycleState *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // Resource Region
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"resourceRegion"`

    // A list of tag filters to apply.  Only resources with a defined tag matching the value will be returned.
    // Each item in the list has the format "{namespace}.{tagName}={value}".  All inputs are case-insensitive.
    // Multiple values for the same key (i.e. same namespace and tag name) are interpreted as "OR".
    // Values for different keys (i.e. different namespaces, different tag names, or both) are interpreted as "AND".
    DefinedTagEquals []string `contributesTo:"query" name:"definedTagEquals" collectionFormat:"multi"`

    // A list of tag filters to apply.  Only resources with a freeform tag matching the value will be returned.
    // The key for each tag is "{tagName}.{value}".  All inputs are case-insensitive.
    // Multiple values for the same tag name are interpreted as "OR".  Values for different tag names are interpreted as "AND".
    FreeformTagEquals []string `contributesTo:"query" name:"freeformTagEquals" collectionFormat:"multi"`

    // A list of inventory properties filters to apply.
    // The key for each inventory property and value for each resource type is "{resourceType}.{inventoryProperty}={value}".
    InventoryProperties []string `contributesTo:"query" name:"inventoryProperties" collectionFormat:"multi"`

    // Fetch resources matching matching ANY or ALL criteria passed as params in "tags" and "inventoryProperties"
    MatchingCriteria *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"matchingCriteria"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated is descending. Default order for displayName is ascending.
    SortBy ListInventoryResourcesSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListInventoryResourcesRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListInventoryResourcesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListInventoryResourcesRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListInventoryResourcesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListInventoryResourcesRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListInventoryResourcesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListInventoryResourcesRequest) String

func (request ListInventoryResourcesRequest) String() string

func (ListInventoryResourcesRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListInventoryResourcesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListInventoryResourcesResponse

ListInventoryResourcesResponse wrapper for the ListInventoryResources operation

type ListInventoryResourcesResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of InventoryResourceCollection instances
    InventoryResourceCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListInventoryResourcesResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListInventoryResourcesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListInventoryResourcesResponse) String

func (response ListInventoryResourcesResponse) String() string

type ListInventoryResourcesSortByEnum

ListInventoryResourcesSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListInventoryResourcesSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListInventoryResourcesSortByEnum

const (
    ListInventoryResourcesSortByTimecreated ListInventoryResourcesSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListInventoryResourcesSortByDisplayname ListInventoryResourcesSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListInventoryResourcesSortByEnumValues

func GetListInventoryResourcesSortByEnumValues() []ListInventoryResourcesSortByEnum

GetListInventoryResourcesSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListInventoryResourcesSortByEnum

func GetMappingListInventoryResourcesSortByEnum

func GetMappingListInventoryResourcesSortByEnum(val string) (ListInventoryResourcesSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListInventoryResourcesSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnum

ListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListInventoryResourcesSortOrderAsc  ListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListInventoryResourcesSortOrderDesc ListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnumValues() []ListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnum

GetListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListInventoryResourcesSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest

ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest wrapper for the ListMaintenanceWindows operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListMaintenanceWindows.go.html to see an example of how to use ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest.

type ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest struct {

    // The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // A filter to return only resources their lifecycleState matches the given lifecycleState.
    LifecycleState MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // unique MaintenanceWindow identifier
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"id"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated is descending. Default order for displayName is ascending.
    SortBy ListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest) String

func (request ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest) String() string

func (ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListMaintenanceWindowsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListMaintenanceWindowsResponse

ListMaintenanceWindowsResponse wrapper for the ListMaintenanceWindows operation

type ListMaintenanceWindowsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of MaintenanceWindowCollection instances
    MaintenanceWindowCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

    // A  number representing the the total number of results available.
    OpcTotalItems *int `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-total-items"`

func (ListMaintenanceWindowsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListMaintenanceWindowsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListMaintenanceWindowsResponse) String

func (response ListMaintenanceWindowsResponse) String() string

type ListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnum

ListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnum

const (
    ListMaintenanceWindowsSortByTimecreated ListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListMaintenanceWindowsSortByDisplayname ListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnumValues

func GetListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnumValues() []ListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnum

GetListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnum(val string) (ListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListMaintenanceWindowsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnum

ListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderAsc  ListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderDesc ListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnum

GetListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListMaintenanceWindowsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest

ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest wrapper for the ListOnboardingPolicies operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListOnboardingPolicies.go.html to see an example of how to use ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest.

type ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest struct {

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated is descending.
    SortBy ListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest) String

func (request ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest) String() string

func (ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListOnboardingPoliciesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListOnboardingPoliciesResponse

ListOnboardingPoliciesResponse wrapper for the ListOnboardingPolicies operation

type ListOnboardingPoliciesResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of OnboardingPolicyCollection instances
    OnboardingPolicyCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListOnboardingPoliciesResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListOnboardingPoliciesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListOnboardingPoliciesResponse) String

func (response ListOnboardingPoliciesResponse) String() string

type ListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnum

ListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnum

const (
    ListOnboardingPoliciesSortByTimecreated ListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnum = "timeCreated"

func GetListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnumValues

func GetListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnumValues() []ListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnum

GetListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnum

func GetMappingListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnum

func GetMappingListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnum(val string) (ListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListOnboardingPoliciesSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnum

ListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderAsc  ListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderDesc ListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnumValues() []ListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnum

GetListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListOnboardingPoliciesSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListOnboardingsRequest

ListOnboardingsRequest wrapper for the ListOnboardings operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListOnboardings.go.html to see an example of how to use ListOnboardingsRequest.

type ListOnboardingsRequest struct {

    // The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // A filter to return only resources their lifecycleState matches the given lifecycleState.
    LifecycleState OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // unique onboarding identifier
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"id"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListOnboardingsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated is descending. Default order for displayName is ascending.
    SortBy ListOnboardingsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListOnboardingsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListOnboardingsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListOnboardingsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListOnboardingsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListOnboardingsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListOnboardingsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListOnboardingsRequest) String

func (request ListOnboardingsRequest) String() string

func (ListOnboardingsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListOnboardingsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListOnboardingsResponse

ListOnboardingsResponse wrapper for the ListOnboardings operation

type ListOnboardingsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of OnboardingCollection instances
    OnboardingCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListOnboardingsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListOnboardingsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListOnboardingsResponse) String

func (response ListOnboardingsResponse) String() string

type ListOnboardingsSortByEnum

ListOnboardingsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListOnboardingsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListOnboardingsSortByEnum

const (
    ListOnboardingsSortByTimecreated ListOnboardingsSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListOnboardingsSortByDisplayname ListOnboardingsSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListOnboardingsSortByEnumValues

func GetListOnboardingsSortByEnumValues() []ListOnboardingsSortByEnum

GetListOnboardingsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListOnboardingsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListOnboardingsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListOnboardingsSortByEnum(val string) (ListOnboardingsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListOnboardingsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListOnboardingsSortOrderEnum

ListOnboardingsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListOnboardingsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListOnboardingsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListOnboardingsSortOrderAsc  ListOnboardingsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListOnboardingsSortOrderDesc ListOnboardingsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListOnboardingsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListOnboardingsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListOnboardingsSortOrderEnum

GetListOnboardingsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListOnboardingsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListOnboardingsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListOnboardingsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListOnboardingsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListOnboardingsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListPropertiesRequest

ListPropertiesRequest wrapper for the ListProperties operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListProperties.go.html to see an example of how to use ListPropertiesRequest.

type ListPropertiesRequest struct {

    // The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // A filter to return only resources their lifecycleState matches the given lifecycleState.
    LifecycleState PropertyLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // unique Property identifier
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"id"`

    // A filter to return only resources their scope matches the given lifecycleState.
    Scope ListPropertiesScopeEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"scope" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListPropertiesSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated is descending. Default order for displayName is ascending.
    SortBy ListPropertiesSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListPropertiesRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListPropertiesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListPropertiesRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListPropertiesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListPropertiesRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListPropertiesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListPropertiesRequest) String

func (request ListPropertiesRequest) String() string

func (ListPropertiesRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListPropertiesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListPropertiesResponse

ListPropertiesResponse wrapper for the ListProperties operation

type ListPropertiesResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of PropertyCollection instances
    PropertyCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListPropertiesResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListPropertiesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListPropertiesResponse) String

func (response ListPropertiesResponse) String() string

type ListPropertiesScopeEnum

ListPropertiesScopeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListPropertiesScopeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListPropertiesScopeEnum

const (
    ListPropertiesScopeTaxonomy       ListPropertiesScopeEnum = "TAXONOMY"
    ListPropertiesScopePlatformConfig ListPropertiesScopeEnum = "PLATFORM_CONFIG"

func GetListPropertiesScopeEnumValues

func GetListPropertiesScopeEnumValues() []ListPropertiesScopeEnum

GetListPropertiesScopeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListPropertiesScopeEnum

func GetMappingListPropertiesScopeEnum

func GetMappingListPropertiesScopeEnum(val string) (ListPropertiesScopeEnum, bool)

GetMappingListPropertiesScopeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListPropertiesSortByEnum

ListPropertiesSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListPropertiesSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListPropertiesSortByEnum

const (
    ListPropertiesSortByTimecreated ListPropertiesSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListPropertiesSortByDisplayname ListPropertiesSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListPropertiesSortByEnumValues

func GetListPropertiesSortByEnumValues() []ListPropertiesSortByEnum

GetListPropertiesSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListPropertiesSortByEnum

func GetMappingListPropertiesSortByEnum

func GetMappingListPropertiesSortByEnum(val string) (ListPropertiesSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListPropertiesSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListPropertiesSortOrderEnum

ListPropertiesSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListPropertiesSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListPropertiesSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListPropertiesSortOrderAsc  ListPropertiesSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListPropertiesSortOrderDesc ListPropertiesSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListPropertiesSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListPropertiesSortOrderEnumValues() []ListPropertiesSortOrderEnum

GetListPropertiesSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListPropertiesSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListPropertiesSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListPropertiesSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListPropertiesSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListPropertiesSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListRunbooksRequest

ListRunbooksRequest wrapper for the ListRunbooks operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListRunbooks.go.html to see an example of how to use ListRunbooksRequest.

type ListRunbooksRequest struct {

    // The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // A filter to return only resources their lifecycleState matches the given lifecycleState.
    LifecycleState RunbookLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // unique Runbook identifier
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"id"`

    // The ID of the runbook type.
    Type RunbookTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"type" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The runbook relevance of product or full-stack.
    RunbookRelevance RunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"runbookRelevance" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The ID of the runbook platform.
    Platform *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"platform"`

    // The runbook lifecycle.
    Operation *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"operation"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListRunbooksSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated is descending. Default order for displayName is ascending.
    SortBy ListRunbooksSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListRunbooksRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListRunbooksRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListRunbooksRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListRunbooksRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListRunbooksRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListRunbooksRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListRunbooksRequest) String

func (request ListRunbooksRequest) String() string

func (ListRunbooksRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListRunbooksRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListRunbooksResponse

ListRunbooksResponse wrapper for the ListRunbooks operation

type ListRunbooksResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of RunbookCollection instances
    RunbookCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListRunbooksResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListRunbooksResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListRunbooksResponse) String

func (response ListRunbooksResponse) String() string

type ListRunbooksSortByEnum

ListRunbooksSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListRunbooksSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListRunbooksSortByEnum

const (
    ListRunbooksSortByTimecreated ListRunbooksSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListRunbooksSortByDisplayname ListRunbooksSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListRunbooksSortByEnumValues

func GetListRunbooksSortByEnumValues() []ListRunbooksSortByEnum

GetListRunbooksSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListRunbooksSortByEnum

func GetMappingListRunbooksSortByEnum

func GetMappingListRunbooksSortByEnum(val string) (ListRunbooksSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListRunbooksSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListRunbooksSortOrderEnum

ListRunbooksSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListRunbooksSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListRunbooksSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListRunbooksSortOrderAsc  ListRunbooksSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListRunbooksSortOrderDesc ListRunbooksSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListRunbooksSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListRunbooksSortOrderEnumValues() []ListRunbooksSortOrderEnum

GetListRunbooksSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListRunbooksSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListRunbooksSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListRunbooksSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListRunbooksSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListRunbooksSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListScheduledFleetsRequest

ListScheduledFleetsRequest wrapper for the ListScheduledFleets operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListScheduledFleets.go.html to see an example of how to use ListScheduledFleetsRequest.

type ListScheduledFleetsRequest struct {

    // unique SchedulerDefinition identifier
    SchedulerDefinitionId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"schedulerDefinitionId"`

    // The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for displayName is ascending.
    SortBy ListScheduledFleetsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListScheduledFleetsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListScheduledFleetsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListScheduledFleetsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListScheduledFleetsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListScheduledFleetsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListScheduledFleetsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListScheduledFleetsRequest) String

func (request ListScheduledFleetsRequest) String() string

func (ListScheduledFleetsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListScheduledFleetsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListScheduledFleetsResponse

ListScheduledFleetsResponse wrapper for the ListScheduledFleets operation

type ListScheduledFleetsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of ScheduledFleetCollection instances
    ScheduledFleetCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListScheduledFleetsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListScheduledFleetsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListScheduledFleetsResponse) String

func (response ListScheduledFleetsResponse) String() string

type ListScheduledFleetsSortByEnum

ListScheduledFleetsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListScheduledFleetsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListScheduledFleetsSortByEnum

const (
    ListScheduledFleetsSortByDisplayname ListScheduledFleetsSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListScheduledFleetsSortByEnumValues

func GetListScheduledFleetsSortByEnumValues() []ListScheduledFleetsSortByEnum

GetListScheduledFleetsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListScheduledFleetsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListScheduledFleetsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListScheduledFleetsSortByEnum(val string) (ListScheduledFleetsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListScheduledFleetsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnum

ListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListScheduledFleetsSortOrderAsc  ListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListScheduledFleetsSortOrderDesc ListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnum

GetListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListScheduledFleetsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest

ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest wrapper for the ListSchedulerDefinitions operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListSchedulerDefinitions.go.html to see an example of how to use ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest.

type ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest struct {

    // The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // A filter to return only resources their lifecycleState matches the given lifecycleState.
    LifecycleState SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // A filter to return only Scheduler Definitions whose assocaited product matches the given product
    Product *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"product"`

    // unique SchedulerDefinition identifier
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"id"`

    // unique MaintenanceWindow identifier
    MaintenanceWindowId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"maintenanceWindowId"`

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"fleetId"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated and timeOfNextRun is descending. Default order for displayName is ascending.
    SortBy ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest) String

func (request ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest) String() string

func (ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListSchedulerDefinitionsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListSchedulerDefinitionsResponse

ListSchedulerDefinitionsResponse wrapper for the ListSchedulerDefinitions operation

type ListSchedulerDefinitionsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of SchedulerDefinitionCollection instances
    SchedulerDefinitionCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

    // A  number representing the the total number of results available.
    OpcTotalItems *int `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-total-items"`

func (ListSchedulerDefinitionsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListSchedulerDefinitionsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListSchedulerDefinitionsResponse) String

func (response ListSchedulerDefinitionsResponse) String() string

type ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnum

ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnum

const (
    ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByTimecreated   ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByDisplayname   ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnum = "displayName"
    ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByTimeofnextrun ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnum = "timeOfNextRun"

func GetListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnumValues

func GetListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnumValues() []ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnum

GetListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnum(val string) (ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListSchedulerDefinitionsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnum

ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderAsc  ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderDesc ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnum

GetListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListSchedulerDefinitionsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListSchedulerJobsRequest

ListSchedulerJobsRequest wrapper for the ListSchedulerJobs operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListSchedulerJobs.go.html to see an example of how to use ListSchedulerJobsRequest.

type ListSchedulerJobsRequest struct {

    // The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // A filter to return only resources their lifecycleState matches the given lifecycleState.
    LifecycleState SchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"fleetId"`

    // Scheduled Time
    TimeScheduledGreaterThanOrEqualTo *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"timeScheduledGreaterThanOrEqualTo"`

    // Scheduled Time
    TimeScheduledLessThan *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"timeScheduledLessThan"`

    // Fetch next remediation Job
    IsRemediationJobNeeded *bool `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"isRemediationJobNeeded"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // unique SchedulerJob identifier
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"id"`

    // SchedulerJob Definition identifier
    DefintionId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"defintionId"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated and timeScheduled is descending. Default order for displayName is ascending.
    SortBy ListSchedulerJobsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListSchedulerJobsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListSchedulerJobsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListSchedulerJobsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListSchedulerJobsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListSchedulerJobsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListSchedulerJobsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListSchedulerJobsRequest) String

func (request ListSchedulerJobsRequest) String() string

func (ListSchedulerJobsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListSchedulerJobsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListSchedulerJobsResponse

ListSchedulerJobsResponse wrapper for the ListSchedulerJobs operation

type ListSchedulerJobsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of SchedulerJobCollection instances
    SchedulerJobCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListSchedulerJobsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListSchedulerJobsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListSchedulerJobsResponse) String

func (response ListSchedulerJobsResponse) String() string

type ListSchedulerJobsSortByEnum

ListSchedulerJobsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListSchedulerJobsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListSchedulerJobsSortByEnum

const (
    ListSchedulerJobsSortByTimecreated   ListSchedulerJobsSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListSchedulerJobsSortByTimescheduled ListSchedulerJobsSortByEnum = "timeScheduled"
    ListSchedulerJobsSortByDisplayname   ListSchedulerJobsSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListSchedulerJobsSortByEnumValues

func GetListSchedulerJobsSortByEnumValues() []ListSchedulerJobsSortByEnum

GetListSchedulerJobsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListSchedulerJobsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListSchedulerJobsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListSchedulerJobsSortByEnum(val string) (ListSchedulerJobsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListSchedulerJobsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnum

ListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListSchedulerJobsSortOrderAsc  ListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListSchedulerJobsSortOrderDesc ListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnum

GetListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListSchedulerJobsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListTargetsRequest

ListTargetsRequest wrapper for the ListTargets operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListTargets.go.html to see an example of how to use ListTargetsRequest.

type ListTargetsRequest struct {

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListTargetsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated is descending. Default order for displayName is ascending.
    SortBy ListTargetsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListTargetsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListTargetsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListTargetsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListTargetsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListTargetsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListTargetsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListTargetsRequest) String

func (request ListTargetsRequest) String() string

func (ListTargetsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListTargetsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListTargetsResponse

ListTargetsResponse wrapper for the ListTargets operation

type ListTargetsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of FleetTargetCollection instances
    FleetTargetCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListTargetsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListTargetsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListTargetsResponse) String

func (response ListTargetsResponse) String() string

type ListTargetsSortByEnum

ListTargetsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListTargetsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListTargetsSortByEnum

const (
    ListTargetsSortByTimecreated ListTargetsSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListTargetsSortByDisplayname ListTargetsSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListTargetsSortByEnumValues

func GetListTargetsSortByEnumValues() []ListTargetsSortByEnum

GetListTargetsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListTargetsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListTargetsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListTargetsSortByEnum(val string) (ListTargetsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListTargetsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListTargetsSortOrderEnum

ListTargetsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListTargetsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListTargetsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListTargetsSortOrderAsc  ListTargetsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListTargetsSortOrderDesc ListTargetsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListTargetsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListTargetsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListTargetsSortOrderEnum

GetListTargetsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListTargetsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListTargetsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListTargetsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListTargetsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListTargetsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListTaskRecordsRequest

ListTaskRecordsRequest wrapper for the ListTaskRecords operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListTaskRecords.go.html to see an example of how to use ListTaskRecordsRequest.

type ListTaskRecordsRequest struct {

    // The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // The platform for the Task.
    Platform *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"platform"`

    // The type of the Task.
    Type TaskRecordTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"type" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // unique TaskDetail identifier
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"id"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The current state of the Task.
    LifecycleState TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated is descending. Default order for displayName is ascending.
    SortBy ListTaskRecordsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListTaskRecordsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListTaskRecordsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListTaskRecordsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListTaskRecordsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListTaskRecordsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListTaskRecordsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListTaskRecordsRequest) String

func (request ListTaskRecordsRequest) String() string

func (ListTaskRecordsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListTaskRecordsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListTaskRecordsResponse

ListTaskRecordsResponse wrapper for the ListTaskRecords operation

type ListTaskRecordsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of TaskRecordCollection instances
    TaskRecordCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListTaskRecordsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListTaskRecordsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListTaskRecordsResponse) String

func (response ListTaskRecordsResponse) String() string

type ListTaskRecordsSortByEnum

ListTaskRecordsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListTaskRecordsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListTaskRecordsSortByEnum

const (
    ListTaskRecordsSortByTimecreated ListTaskRecordsSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListTaskRecordsSortByDisplayname ListTaskRecordsSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListTaskRecordsSortByEnumValues

func GetListTaskRecordsSortByEnumValues() []ListTaskRecordsSortByEnum

GetListTaskRecordsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListTaskRecordsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListTaskRecordsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListTaskRecordsSortByEnum(val string) (ListTaskRecordsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListTaskRecordsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnum

ListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListTaskRecordsSortOrderAsc  ListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListTaskRecordsSortOrderDesc ListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnum

GetListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListTaskRecordsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest

ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest wrapper for the ListWorkRequestErrors operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListWorkRequestErrors.go.html to see an example of how to use ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest.

type ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest struct {

    // The ID of the asynchronous request.
    WorkRequestId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"workRequestId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timestamp is descending.
    SortBy ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) String

func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) String() string

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse

ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse wrapper for the ListWorkRequestErrors operation

type ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of WorkRequestErrorCollection instances
    WorkRequestErrorCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse) String

func (response ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse) String() string

type ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum

ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum

const (
    ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByTimestamp ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum = "timestamp"

func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnumValues

func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum

GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum

ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderAsc  ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderDesc ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum

GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListWorkRequestLogsRequest

ListWorkRequestLogsRequest wrapper for the ListWorkRequestLogs operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListWorkRequestLogs.go.html to see an example of how to use ListWorkRequestLogsRequest.

type ListWorkRequestLogsRequest struct {

    // The ID of the asynchronous request.
    WorkRequestId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"workRequestId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timestamp is descending.
    SortBy ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) String

func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) String() string

func (ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListWorkRequestLogsResponse

ListWorkRequestLogsResponse wrapper for the ListWorkRequestLogs operation

type ListWorkRequestLogsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of WorkRequestLogEntryCollection instances
    WorkRequestLogEntryCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (ListWorkRequestLogsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListWorkRequestLogsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListWorkRequestLogsResponse) String

func (response ListWorkRequestLogsResponse) String() string

type ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum

ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum

const (
    ListWorkRequestLogsSortByTimestamp ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum = "timestamp"

func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnumValues

func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum

GetListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum

ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderAsc  ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderDesc ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum

GetListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListWorkRequestsRequest

ListWorkRequestsRequest wrapper for the ListWorkRequests operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/ListWorkRequests.go.html to see an example of how to use ListWorkRequestsRequest.

type ListWorkRequestsRequest struct {

    // The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // The ID of the asynchronous work request.
    WorkRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"workRequestId"`

    // A filter to return only resources their lifecycleState matches the given OperationStatus.
    Status ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"status" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Resource Identifier
    ResourceId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"resourceId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // A token representing the position at which to start retrieving results. This must come from the `opc-next-page` header field of a previous response.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    SortOrder ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeAccepted is descending.
    SortBy ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListWorkRequestsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListWorkRequestsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListWorkRequestsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListWorkRequestsRequest) String

func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) String() string

func (ListWorkRequestsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListWorkRequestsResponse

ListWorkRequestsResponse wrapper for the ListWorkRequests operation

type ListWorkRequestsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of WorkRequestSummaryCollection instances
    WorkRequestSummaryCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListWorkRequestsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListWorkRequestsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListWorkRequestsResponse) String

func (response ListWorkRequestsResponse) String() string

type ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum

ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum

const (
    ListWorkRequestsSortByTimeaccepted ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum = "timeAccepted"

func GetListWorkRequestsSortByEnumValues

func GetListWorkRequestsSortByEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum

GetListWorkRequestsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestsSortByEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListWorkRequestsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum

ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListWorkRequestsSortOrderAsc  ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListWorkRequestsSortOrderDesc ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum

GetListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum

ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum

const (
    ListWorkRequestsStatusAccepted       ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum = "ACCEPTED"
    ListWorkRequestsStatusInProgress     ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum = "IN_PROGRESS"
    ListWorkRequestsStatusWaiting        ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum = "WAITING"
    ListWorkRequestsStatusNeedsAttention ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum = "NEEDS_ATTENTION"
    ListWorkRequestsStatusFailed         ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum = "FAILED"
    ListWorkRequestsStatusSucceeded      ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum = "SUCCEEDED"
    ListWorkRequestsStatusCanceling      ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum = "CANCELING"
    ListWorkRequestsStatusCanceled       ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum = "CANCELED"

func GetListWorkRequestsStatusEnumValues

func GetListWorkRequestsStatusEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum

GetListWorkRequestsStatusEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestsStatusEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestsStatusEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestsStatusEnum, bool)

GetMappingListWorkRequestsStatusEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type MaintenanceWindow

MaintenanceWindow Details of Maintenance Window.

type MaintenanceWindow struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // Does the maintenenace window cause outage?
    IsOutage *bool `mandatory:"true" json:"isOutage"`

    // Duration if schedule type is Custom
    Duration *string `mandatory:"true" json:"duration"`

    // Is this is a recurring maintenance window
    IsRecurring *bool `mandatory:"true" json:"isRecurring"`

    // Task initiation cutoff
    TaskInitiationCutoff *int `mandatory:"true" json:"taskInitiationCutoff"`

    // The current state of the MaintenanceWindow.
    LifecycleState MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"true" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"true" json:"definedTags"`

    // Associated region
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // A user-friendly description. To provide some insight about the resource.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // Type of the MaintenanceWindow.
    MaintenanceWindowType MaintenanceWindowTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"maintenanceWindowType,omitempty"`

    // Start time of schedule
    TimeScheduleStart *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeScheduleStart"`

    // Recurrence rule specification if recurring
    Recurrences *string `mandatory:"false" json:"recurrences"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (MaintenanceWindow) String

func (m MaintenanceWindow) String() string

func (MaintenanceWindow) ValidateEnumValue

func (m MaintenanceWindow) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type MaintenanceWindowCollection

MaintenanceWindowCollection Results of a maintenanceWindow search. Contains boh MaintenanceWindowSummary items and other information, such as metadata.

type MaintenanceWindowCollection struct {

    // List of maintenanceWindows.
    Items []MaintenanceWindowSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (MaintenanceWindowCollection) String

func (m MaintenanceWindowCollection) String() string

func (MaintenanceWindowCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m MaintenanceWindowCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum

MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateActive         MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateDeleted        MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"
    MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateFailed         MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"
    MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateDeleting       MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETING"
    MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateUpdating       MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum = "UPDATING"
    MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateNeedsAttention MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum = "NEEDS_ATTENTION"

func GetMaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetMaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnumValues() []MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum

GetMaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingMaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingMaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingMaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type MaintenanceWindowSummary

MaintenanceWindowSummary Summary of the MaintenanceWindow.

type MaintenanceWindowSummary struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // Does the maintenenace window cause outage?
    IsOutage *bool `mandatory:"true" json:"isOutage"`

    // Duration if schedule type is Custom
    Duration *string `mandatory:"true" json:"duration"`

    // Is this is a recurring maintenance window
    IsRecurring *bool `mandatory:"true" json:"isRecurring"`

    // Task initiation cutoff
    TaskInitiationCutoff *int `mandatory:"true" json:"taskInitiationCutoff"`

    // The current state of the MaintenanceWindow.
    LifecycleState MaintenanceWindowLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"true" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"true" json:"definedTags"`

    // Associated region
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // A user-friendly description. To provide some insight about the resource.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // Type of the MaintenanceWindow.
    MaintenanceWindowType MaintenanceWindowTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"maintenanceWindowType,omitempty"`

    // Start time of schedule
    TimeScheduleStart *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeScheduleStart"`

    // Recurrence rule specification if recurring
    Recurrences *string `mandatory:"false" json:"recurrences"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (MaintenanceWindowSummary) String

func (m MaintenanceWindowSummary) String() string

func (MaintenanceWindowSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m MaintenanceWindowSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type MaintenanceWindowTypeEnum

MaintenanceWindowTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type MaintenanceWindowTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for MaintenanceWindowTypeEnum

const (
    MaintenanceWindowTypeOpenEnded MaintenanceWindowTypeEnum = "OPEN_ENDED"

func GetMaintenanceWindowTypeEnumValues

func GetMaintenanceWindowTypeEnumValues() []MaintenanceWindowTypeEnum

GetMaintenanceWindowTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for MaintenanceWindowTypeEnum

func GetMappingMaintenanceWindowTypeEnum

func GetMappingMaintenanceWindowTypeEnum(val string) (MaintenanceWindowTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingMaintenanceWindowTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type NotificationPreferences

NotificationPreferences Conditions when met to send notifications on the fleet activities

type NotificationPreferences struct {

    // Topic Id where the notifications will be directed
    TopicId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"topicId"`

    // Copartment Id of the topic where the notifications will be directed
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    Preferences *Preferences `mandatory:"false" json:"preferences"`

func (NotificationPreferences) String

func (m NotificationPreferences) String() string

func (NotificationPreferences) ValidateEnumValue

func (m NotificationPreferences) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ObjectStorageBucketContentDetails

ObjectStorageBucketContentDetails Details about Object Storage Bucket source. Restricted to the region this is called

type ObjectStorageBucketContentDetails struct {

    // Namespace.
    NamespaceName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"namespaceName"`

    // Bucket Name.
    BucketName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"bucketName"`

    // Object Name.
    ObjectName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"objectName"`

    // SHA256 checksum of the artifact.
    Checksum *string `mandatory:"true" json:"checksum"`

func (ObjectStorageBucketContentDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m ObjectStorageBucketContentDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (ObjectStorageBucketContentDetails) String

func (m ObjectStorageBucketContentDetails) String() string

func (ObjectStorageBucketContentDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ObjectStorageBucketContentDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Onboarding

Onboarding FleetAppManagementService onboarding resource.

type Onboarding struct {

    // The unique id of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The current state of the Onboarding.
    LifecycleState OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // Associated region
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // A value determining FAMS tag is enabled or not
    IsFamsTagEnabled *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isFamsTagEnabled"`

    // Version of FAMS the tenant is onboarded to.
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

    // A value determining if cost tracking tag is enabled or not
    IsCostTrackingTagEnabled *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isCostTrackingTagEnabled"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (Onboarding) String

func (m Onboarding) String() string

func (Onboarding) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Onboarding) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type OnboardingCollection

OnboardingCollection List of FleetAppManagementService Onboardings.

type OnboardingCollection struct {

    // List of FleetAppManagementService Onboardings.
    Items []OnboardingSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (OnboardingCollection) String

func (m OnboardingCollection) String() string

func (OnboardingCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m OnboardingCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum

OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    OnboardingLifecycleStateActive         OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    OnboardingLifecycleStateInactive       OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum = "INACTIVE"
    OnboardingLifecycleStateCreating       OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum = "CREATING"
    OnboardingLifecycleStateDeleted        OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"
    OnboardingLifecycleStateDeleting       OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETING"
    OnboardingLifecycleStateFailed         OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"
    OnboardingLifecycleStateUpdating       OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum = "UPDATING"
    OnboardingLifecycleStateNeedsAttention OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum = "NEEDS_ATTENTION"

func GetMappingOnboardingLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingOnboardingLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingOnboardingLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetOnboardingLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetOnboardingLifecycleStateEnumValues() []OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum

GetOnboardingLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum

type OnboardingPolicyCollection

OnboardingPolicyCollection List of FleetAppManagementService Onboard policies.

type OnboardingPolicyCollection struct {

    // List of FleetAppManagementService Onboard policies.
    Items []OnboardingPolicySummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (OnboardingPolicyCollection) String

func (m OnboardingPolicyCollection) String() string

func (OnboardingPolicyCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m OnboardingPolicyCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type OnboardingPolicySummary

OnboardingPolicySummary Summary of the FleetAppManagementService Onboard Policy.

type OnboardingPolicySummary struct {

    // The unique id of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // Policy statements.
    Statements []string `mandatory:"false" json:"statements"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (OnboardingPolicySummary) String

func (m OnboardingPolicySummary) String() string

func (OnboardingPolicySummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m OnboardingPolicySummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type OnboardingSummary

OnboardingSummary Summary of the FleetAppManagementService Onboarding.

type OnboardingSummary struct {

    // The unique id of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The current state of the Onboarding.
    LifecycleState OnboardingLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // Associated region
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // A value determining FAMS tag is enabled or not
    IsFamsTagEnabled *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isFamsTagEnabled"`

    // Version of FAMS the tenant is onboarded to.
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

    // A value determining if cost tracking tag is enabled or not
    IsCostTrackingTagEnabled *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isCostTrackingTagEnabled"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (OnboardingSummary) String

func (m OnboardingSummary) String() string

func (OnboardingSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m OnboardingSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type OperationRunbook

OperationRunbook Runbook

type OperationRunbook struct {

    // The ID of the Runbook
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // Input Parameters for the Task
    InputParameters []InputParameter `mandatory:"false" json:"inputParameters"`

func (OperationRunbook) String

func (m OperationRunbook) String() string

func (OperationRunbook) ValidateEnumValue

func (m OperationRunbook) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type OperationStatusEnum

OperationStatusEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type OperationStatusEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for OperationStatusEnum

const (
    OperationStatusAccepted       OperationStatusEnum = "ACCEPTED"
    OperationStatusInProgress     OperationStatusEnum = "IN_PROGRESS"
    OperationStatusWaiting        OperationStatusEnum = "WAITING"
    OperationStatusNeedsAttention OperationStatusEnum = "NEEDS_ATTENTION"
    OperationStatusFailed         OperationStatusEnum = "FAILED"
    OperationStatusSucceeded      OperationStatusEnum = "SUCCEEDED"
    OperationStatusCanceling      OperationStatusEnum = "CANCELING"
    OperationStatusCanceled       OperationStatusEnum = "CANCELED"

func GetMappingOperationStatusEnum

func GetMappingOperationStatusEnum(val string) (OperationStatusEnum, bool)

GetMappingOperationStatusEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetOperationStatusEnumValues

func GetOperationStatusEnumValues() []OperationStatusEnum

GetOperationStatusEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for OperationStatusEnum

type OperationTypeEnum

OperationTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type OperationTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for OperationTypeEnum

const (
    OperationTypeCreateFleet             OperationTypeEnum = "CREATE_FLEET"
    OperationTypeUpdateFleet             OperationTypeEnum = "UPDATE_FLEET"
    OperationTypeDeleteFleet             OperationTypeEnum = "DELETE_FLEET"
    OperationTypeConfirmTarget           OperationTypeEnum = "CONFIRM_TARGET"
    OperationTypeGenerateCompliance      OperationTypeEnum = "GENERATE_COMPLIANCE"
    OperationTypeRequestTargetDiscovery  OperationTypeEnum = "REQUEST_TARGET_DISCOVERY"
    OperationTypeValidateResource        OperationTypeEnum = "VALIDATE_RESOURCE"
    OperationTypeCreateCredential        OperationTypeEnum = "CREATE_CREDENTIAL"
    OperationTypeUpdateCredential        OperationTypeEnum = "UPDATE_CREDENTIAL"
    OperationTypeDeleteCredential        OperationTypeEnum = "DELETE_CREDENTIAL"
    OperationTypeCreateSchedule          OperationTypeEnum = "CREATE_SCHEDULE"
    OperationTypeUpdateSchedule          OperationTypeEnum = "UPDATE_SCHEDULE"
    OperationTypeUpdateMaintenanceWindow OperationTypeEnum = "UPDATE_MAINTENANCE_WINDOW"
    OperationTypeDeleteMaintenanceWindow OperationTypeEnum = "DELETE_MAINTENANCE_WINDOW"
    OperationTypeCreateFleetResource     OperationTypeEnum = "CREATE_FLEET_RESOURCE"
    OperationTypeUpdateFleetResource     OperationTypeEnum = "UPDATE_FLEET_RESOURCE"
    OperationTypeDeleteFleetResource     OperationTypeEnum = "DELETE_FLEET_RESOURCE"
    OperationTypeCreateFamsOnboarding    OperationTypeEnum = "CREATE_FAMS_ONBOARDING"

func GetMappingOperationTypeEnum

func GetMappingOperationTypeEnum(val string) (OperationTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingOperationTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetOperationTypeEnumValues

func GetOperationTypeEnumValues() []OperationTypeEnum

GetOperationTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for OperationTypeEnum

type OsTypeEnum

OsTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type OsTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for OsTypeEnum

const (
    OsTypeWindows OsTypeEnum = "WINDOWS"
    OsTypeLinux   OsTypeEnum = "LINUX"
    OsTypeGeneric OsTypeEnum = "GENERIC"

func GetMappingOsTypeEnum

func GetMappingOsTypeEnum(val string) (OsTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingOsTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetOsTypeEnumValues

func GetOsTypeEnumValues() []OsTypeEnum

GetOsTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for OsTypeEnum

type Outcome

Outcome Execution Outcome

type Outcome struct {

    // A shortened version of Execution Output
    Output *string `mandatory:"true" json:"output"`

    // Errors if any associated with the execution
    Error *string `mandatory:"false" json:"error"`

    // Exit Code
    ExitCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"exitCode"`

func (Outcome) String

func (m Outcome) String() string

func (Outcome) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Outcome) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type OutputVariableDetails

OutputVariableDetails The details of the output variable that will be used for mapping.

type OutputVariableDetails struct {

    // The name of the task step the output variable belongs to.
    StepName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"stepName"`

    // The name of the output variable whose value that has to be mapped.
    OutputVariableName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"outputVariableName"`

func (OutputVariableDetails) String

func (m OutputVariableDetails) String() string

func (OutputVariableDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m OutputVariableDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type OutputVariableInputArgument

OutputVariableInputArgument The details of the output variable that will be used as Input argument.

type OutputVariableInputArgument struct {

    // The name of the argument
    Name *string `mandatory:"true" json:"name"`

    // The description of the argument.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

func (OutputVariableInputArgument) GetDescription

func (m OutputVariableInputArgument) GetDescription() *string

GetDescription returns Description

func (OutputVariableInputArgument) GetName

func (m OutputVariableInputArgument) GetName() *string

GetName returns Name

func (OutputVariableInputArgument) MarshalJSON

func (m OutputVariableInputArgument) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (OutputVariableInputArgument) String

func (m OutputVariableInputArgument) String() string

func (OutputVariableInputArgument) ValidateEnumValue

func (m OutputVariableInputArgument) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type OutputVariableMapping

OutputVariableMapping The details of the output variable that will be used as Input argument.

type OutputVariableMapping struct {

    // The name of the input variable
    Name *string `mandatory:"true" json:"name"`

    OutputVariableDetails *OutputVariableDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"outputVariableDetails"`

func (OutputVariableMapping) String

func (m OutputVariableMapping) String() string

func (OutputVariableMapping) ValidateEnumValue

func (m OutputVariableMapping) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PlainTextCredentialDetails

PlainTextCredentialDetails Details for plain text credentials.

type PlainTextCredentialDetails struct {

    // The value corresponding to the credential
    Value *string `mandatory:"true" json:"value"`

func (PlainTextCredentialDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m PlainTextCredentialDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (PlainTextCredentialDetails) String

func (m PlainTextCredentialDetails) String() string

func (PlainTextCredentialDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PlainTextCredentialDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Preferences

Preferences Preferences to send notifications on the fleet activities

type Preferences struct {

    // Enables notification on upcoming schedule.
    OnUpcomingSchedule *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"onUpcomingSchedule"`

    // Enables or disables notification on Job Failures.'
    OnJobFailure *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"onJobFailure"`

    // Enables or disables notification on Environment Fleet Topology Modification.
    OnTopologyModification *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"onTopologyModification"`

func (Preferences) String

func (m Preferences) String() string

func (Preferences) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Preferences) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Properties

Properties The properties of the task.

type Properties struct {

    // The number of retries allowed.
    NumRetries *int `mandatory:"true" json:"numRetries"`

    // The timeout in seconds for the task.
    TimeoutInSeconds *int `mandatory:"true" json:"timeoutInSeconds"`

func (Properties) String

func (m Properties) String() string

func (Properties) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Properties) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Property

Property Taxonomy metadata aka Property .

type Property struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // Associated region
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"true" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // The current state of the Property.
    LifecycleState PropertyLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // Text selection of the category
    Selection SelectionEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"selection,omitempty"`

    // Format of the value
    ValueType ValueTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"valueType,omitempty"`

    // Values of the property (must be a single value if selection = 'single choice')
    Values []string `mandatory:"false" json:"values"`

    // The scope of the property
    Scope ScopeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"scope,omitempty"`

    // The type of the property.
    Type PropertyTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"type,omitempty"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (Property) String

func (m Property) String() string

func (Property) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Property) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PropertyCollection

PropertyCollection Results of a property search. Contains boh PropertySummary items and other information, such as metadata.

type PropertyCollection struct {

    // List of propertys.
    Items []PropertySummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (PropertyCollection) String

func (m PropertyCollection) String() string

func (PropertyCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PropertyCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PropertyLifecycleStateEnum

PropertyLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type PropertyLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for PropertyLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    PropertyLifecycleStateActive  PropertyLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    PropertyLifecycleStateDeleted PropertyLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"
    PropertyLifecycleStateFailed  PropertyLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"

func GetMappingPropertyLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingPropertyLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (PropertyLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingPropertyLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetPropertyLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetPropertyLifecycleStateEnumValues() []PropertyLifecycleStateEnum

GetPropertyLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for PropertyLifecycleStateEnum

type PropertySummary

PropertySummary Summary of the Property.

type PropertySummary struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // Associated region
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"true" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // The current state of the Property.
    LifecycleState PropertyLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // Text selection of the category
    Selection SelectionEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"selection,omitempty"`

    // Format of the value
    ValueType ValueTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"valueType,omitempty"`

    // Values of the property (must be a single value if selection = 'single choice')
    Values []string `mandatory:"false" json:"values"`

    // The scope of the property
    Scope ScopeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"scope,omitempty"`

    // The type of the property.
    Type PropertyTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"type,omitempty"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (PropertySummary) String

func (m PropertySummary) String() string

func (PropertySummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PropertySummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PropertyTypeEnum

PropertyTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type PropertyTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for PropertyTypeEnum

const (
    PropertyTypeUserDefined   PropertyTypeEnum = "USER_DEFINED"
    PropertyTypeOracleDefined PropertyTypeEnum = "ORACLE_DEFINED"
    PropertyTypeSystemDefined PropertyTypeEnum = "SYSTEM_DEFINED"

func GetMappingPropertyTypeEnum

func GetMappingPropertyTypeEnum(val string) (PropertyTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingPropertyTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetPropertyTypeEnumValues

func GetPropertyTypeEnumValues() []PropertyTypeEnum

GetPropertyTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for PropertyTypeEnum

type RequestResourceValidationDetails

RequestResourceValidationDetails Request to initiate resource validation

type RequestResourceValidationDetails struct {

    // A boolean flag which decides if all resources within the fleet should be part of vaidation.
    IsApplicableToAllResources *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isApplicableToAllResources"`

    // Resource OCIDS that need to be included for validation.
    ResourceIds []string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceIds"`

func (RequestResourceValidationDetails) String

func (m RequestResourceValidationDetails) String() string

func (RequestResourceValidationDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m RequestResourceValidationDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type RequestResourceValidationRequest

RequestResourceValidationRequest wrapper for the RequestResourceValidation operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/RequestResourceValidation.go.html to see an example of how to use RequestResourceValidationRequest.

type RequestResourceValidationRequest struct {

    // Details for requesting resource validation
    RequestResourceValidationDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (RequestResourceValidationRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request RequestResourceValidationRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (RequestResourceValidationRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request RequestResourceValidationRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (RequestResourceValidationRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request RequestResourceValidationRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (RequestResourceValidationRequest) String

func (request RequestResourceValidationRequest) String() string

func (RequestResourceValidationRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request RequestResourceValidationRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type RequestResourceValidationResponse

RequestResourceValidationResponse wrapper for the RequestResourceValidation operation

type RequestResourceValidationResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous work. You can use this to query its status.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (RequestResourceValidationResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response RequestResourceValidationResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (RequestResourceValidationResponse) String

func (response RequestResourceValidationResponse) String() string

type RequestTargetDiscoveryDetails

RequestTargetDiscoveryDetails Request to initiate target discovery

type RequestTargetDiscoveryDetails struct {

    // A boolean flag which decides if all resources within the fleet should be part of discovery.
    IsApplicableToAllResources *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isApplicableToAllResources"`

    // Resource OCIDS that need to be included for discovery.
    ResourceIds []string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceIds"`

func (RequestTargetDiscoveryDetails) String

func (m RequestTargetDiscoveryDetails) String() string

func (RequestTargetDiscoveryDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m RequestTargetDiscoveryDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest

RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest wrapper for the RequestTargetDiscovery operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/RequestTargetDiscovery.go.html to see an example of how to use RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest.

type RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest struct {

    // Details for requesting target discovery
    RequestTargetDiscoveryDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest) String

func (request RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest) String() string

func (RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request RequestTargetDiscoveryRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type RequestTargetDiscoveryResponse

RequestTargetDiscoveryResponse wrapper for the RequestTargetDiscovery operation

type RequestTargetDiscoveryResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous work. You can use this to query its status.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (RequestTargetDiscoveryResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response RequestTargetDiscoveryResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (RequestTargetDiscoveryResponse) String

func (response RequestTargetDiscoveryResponse) String() string

type ResourceTagCheckDetails

ResourceTagCheckDetails Request to check resource tagging

type ResourceTagCheckDetails struct {

    // Tag enablement Information for resources.
    TagEnablementInfo []ResourceTagEnablementInfo `mandatory:"true" json:"tagEnablementInfo"`

func (ResourceTagCheckDetails) String

func (m ResourceTagCheckDetails) String() string

func (ResourceTagCheckDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ResourceTagCheckDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ResourceTagEnablementInfo

ResourceTagEnablementInfo Resource tag enablement Information

type ResourceTagEnablementInfo struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    ResourceId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"resourceId"`

    // A value which represents if resource can be tagged with Fleet name
    IsTaggingPossible *bool `mandatory:"true" json:"isTaggingPossible"`

func (ResourceTagEnablementInfo) String

func (m ResourceTagEnablementInfo) String() string

func (ResourceTagEnablementInfo) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ResourceTagEnablementInfo) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Rule

Rule Rule Selection Criteria

type Rule struct {

    // Please provide the root compartmentId (TenancyId).
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Resource Compartment Id.Provide the compartmentId the resource belongs to.
    ResourceCompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"resourceCompartmentId"`

    // Rule Conditions
    Conditions []Condition `mandatory:"true" json:"conditions"`

    // Rule to be be applied on.
    Basis *string `mandatory:"false" json:"basis"`

func (Rule) String

func (m Rule) String() string

func (Rule) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Rule) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Runbook

Runbook Runbook definition.

type Runbook struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The type of the runbook.
    Type RunbookTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"type"`

    // Type of runbook structure.
    RunbookRelevance RunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"runbookRelevance"`

    // The lifecycle operation performed by the task.
    Operation *string `mandatory:"true" json:"operation"`

    // The OS type for the runbook.
    OsType OsTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"osType"`

    // The platform of the runbook.
    Platform *string `mandatory:"true" json:"platform"`

    // Is the runbook default?
    IsDefault *bool `mandatory:"true" json:"isDefault"`

    // The current state of the Runbook.
    LifecycleState RunbookLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // OCID of the compartment to which the resource belongs to.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // A user-friendly description. To provide some insight about the resource.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // Estimated time to successfully complete the runbook execution
    EstimatedTime *string `mandatory:"false" json:"estimatedTime"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    Associations *Associations `mandatory:"false" json:"associations"`

    // Associated region
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (Runbook) String

func (m Runbook) String() string

func (Runbook) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Runbook) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type RunbookCollection

RunbookCollection Results of a runbook search. Contains boh RunbookSummary items and other information, such as metadata.

type RunbookCollection struct {

    // List of runbooks.
    Items []RunbookSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (RunbookCollection) String

func (m RunbookCollection) String() string

func (RunbookCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m RunbookCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type RunbookLifecycleStateEnum

RunbookLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type RunbookLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for RunbookLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    RunbookLifecycleStateActive  RunbookLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    RunbookLifecycleStateDeleted RunbookLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"
    RunbookLifecycleStateFailed  RunbookLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"

func GetMappingRunbookLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingRunbookLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (RunbookLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingRunbookLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetRunbookLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetRunbookLifecycleStateEnumValues() []RunbookLifecycleStateEnum

GetRunbookLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for RunbookLifecycleStateEnum

type RunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum

RunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type RunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for RunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum

const (
    RunbookRunbookRelevanceProductGroup RunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum = "PRODUCT_GROUP"
    RunbookRunbookRelevanceProduct      RunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum = "PRODUCT"

func GetMappingRunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum

func GetMappingRunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum(val string) (RunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum, bool)

GetMappingRunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetRunbookRunbookRelevanceEnumValues

func GetRunbookRunbookRelevanceEnumValues() []RunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum

GetRunbookRunbookRelevanceEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for RunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum

type RunbookSummary

RunbookSummary Summary of the Runbook.

type RunbookSummary struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The type of the runbook.
    Type RunbookTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"type"`

    // Type of runbook structure.
    RunbookRelevance RunbookRunbookRelevanceEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"runbookRelevance"`

    // The lifecycle operation performed by the task.
    Operation *string `mandatory:"true" json:"operation"`

    // The OS type for the runbook.
    OsType OsTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"osType"`

    // The platform of the runbook.
    Platform *string `mandatory:"true" json:"platform"`

    // Is the runbook default?
    IsDefault *bool `mandatory:"true" json:"isDefault"`

    // The current state of the Runbook.
    LifecycleState RunbookLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // OCID of the compartment to which the resource belongs to.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // A user-friendly description. To provide some insight about the resource.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // Estimated time to successfully complete the runbook execution
    EstimatedTime *string `mandatory:"false" json:"estimatedTime"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // Associated region
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (RunbookSummary) String

func (m RunbookSummary) String() string

func (RunbookSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m RunbookSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type RunbookTypeEnum

RunbookTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type RunbookTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for RunbookTypeEnum

const (
    RunbookTypeUserDefined   RunbookTypeEnum = "USER_DEFINED"
    RunbookTypeOracleDefined RunbookTypeEnum = "ORACLE_DEFINED"
    RunbookTypeSystemDefined RunbookTypeEnum = "SYSTEM_DEFINED"

func GetMappingRunbookTypeEnum

func GetMappingRunbookTypeEnum(val string) (RunbookTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingRunbookTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetRunbookTypeEnumValues

func GetRunbookTypeEnumValues() []RunbookTypeEnum

GetRunbookTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for RunbookTypeEnum

type Schedule

Schedule Schedule Information.

type Schedule struct {

    // Schedule Type
    Type ScheduleTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"type"`

    // Start Date for the schedule. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string
    ExecutionStartdate *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"executionStartdate"`

    // Provide MaintenanceWindowId if Schedule Type is Maintenance Window
    MaintenanceWindowId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"maintenanceWindowId"`

    // Recurrence rule specification if Schedule Type is Custom and Recurring
    Recurrences *string `mandatory:"false" json:"recurrences"`

    // Duration if schedule type is Custom
    Duration *string `mandatory:"false" json:"duration"`

func (Schedule) String

func (m Schedule) String() string

func (Schedule) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Schedule) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ScheduleTypeEnum

ScheduleTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ScheduleTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ScheduleTypeEnum

const (
    ScheduleTypeCustom            ScheduleTypeEnum = "CUSTOM"
    ScheduleTypeMaintenanceWindow ScheduleTypeEnum = "MAINTENANCE_WINDOW"

func GetMappingScheduleTypeEnum

func GetMappingScheduleTypeEnum(val string) (ScheduleTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingScheduleTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetScheduleTypeEnumValues

func GetScheduleTypeEnumValues() []ScheduleTypeEnum

GetScheduleTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ScheduleTypeEnum

type ScheduledFleetCollection

ScheduledFleetCollection Results of a Scheduled ActionGroup search.

type ScheduledFleetCollection struct {

    // List of ScheduledFleets.
    Items []ScheduledFleetSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (ScheduledFleetCollection) String

func (m ScheduledFleetCollection) String() string

func (ScheduledFleetCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ScheduledFleetCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ScheduledFleetSummary

ScheduledFleetSummary Summary of Fleet part of the Schedule.

type ScheduledFleetSummary struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // OCID of the tenancy to which the resource belongs to.
    TenancyId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"tenancyId"`

    // Count of Resources affected by the Schedule
    CountOfAffectedResources *int `mandatory:"false" json:"countOfAffectedResources"`

    // Count of Targets affected by the Schedule
    CountOfAffectedTargets *int `mandatory:"false" json:"countOfAffectedTargets"`

    // All ActionGroup Types part of the schedule.
    ActionGroupTypes []LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"actionGroupTypes,omitempty"`

    // All application types part of the schedule.
    ApplicationTypes []string `mandatory:"false" json:"applicationTypes"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (ScheduledFleetSummary) String

func (m ScheduledFleetSummary) String() string

func (ScheduledFleetSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ScheduledFleetSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SchedulerDefinition

SchedulerDefinition Definition of a Schedule.

type SchedulerDefinition struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The current state of the SchedulerDefinition.
    LifecycleState SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // A user-friendly description. To provide some insight about the resource.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // Associated region
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // Scheduled date for the next run of the Job.
    TimeOfNextRun *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeOfNextRun"`

    // Activity Initiation Cut Off
    ActivityInitiationCutOff *int `mandatory:"false" json:"activityInitiationCutOff"`

    Schedule *Schedule `mandatory:"false" json:"schedule"`

    // Count of Action Groups affected by the Schedule.
    CountOfAffectedActionGroups *int `mandatory:"false" json:"countOfAffectedActionGroups"`

    // Count of Resources affected by the Schedule
    CountOfAffectedResources *int `mandatory:"false" json:"countOfAffectedResources"`

    // Count of Targets affected by the Schedule
    CountOfAffectedTargets *int `mandatory:"false" json:"countOfAffectedTargets"`

    // All ActionGroup Types part of the schedule.
    ActionGroupTypes []LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"actionGroupTypes,omitempty"`

    // All application types part of the schedule for ENVIRONMENT ActionGroup Type.
    ApplicationTypes []string `mandatory:"false" json:"applicationTypes"`

    // All products part of the schedule for PRODUCT ActionGroup Type.
    Products []string `mandatory:"false" json:"products"`

    // All LifeCycle Operations part of the schedule
    LifecycleOperations []string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleOperations"`

    // Action Groups associated with the Schedule.
    ActionGroups []ActionGroup `mandatory:"false" json:"actionGroups"`

    // Runbooks.
    RunBooks []OperationRunbook `mandatory:"false" json:"runBooks"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (SchedulerDefinition) String

func (m SchedulerDefinition) String() string

func (SchedulerDefinition) ValidateEnumValue

func (m SchedulerDefinition) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SchedulerDefinitionCollection

SchedulerDefinitionCollection Results of a schedulerDefinition search. Contains boh SchedulerDefinitionSummary items and other information, such as metadata.

type SchedulerDefinitionCollection struct {

    // List of schedulerDefinitions.
    Items []SchedulerDefinitionSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (SchedulerDefinitionCollection) String

func (m SchedulerDefinitionCollection) String() string

func (SchedulerDefinitionCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m SchedulerDefinitionCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum

SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateCreating SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum = "CREATING"
    SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateUpdating SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum = "UPDATING"
    SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateActive   SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateDeleting SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETING"
    SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateDeleted  SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"
    SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateFailed   SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"
    SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateInactive SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum = "INACTIVE"

func GetMappingSchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingSchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingSchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetSchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetSchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnumValues() []SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum

GetSchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum

type SchedulerDefinitionSummary

SchedulerDefinitionSummary Summary of the SchedulerDefinition.

type SchedulerDefinitionSummary struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // A user-friendly description. To provide some insight about the resource.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // Associated region
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // Scheduled date for the next run of the Job.
    TimeOfNextRun *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeOfNextRun"`

    Schedule *Schedule `mandatory:"false" json:"schedule"`

    // Count of Action Groups affected by the Schedule.
    CountOfAffectedActionGroups *int `mandatory:"false" json:"countOfAffectedActionGroups"`

    // Count of Resources affected by the Schedule
    CountOfAffectedResources *int `mandatory:"false" json:"countOfAffectedResources"`

    // Count of Targets affected by the Schedule
    CountOfAffectedTargets *int `mandatory:"false" json:"countOfAffectedTargets"`

    // All ActionGroup Types part of the schedule.
    ActionGroupTypes []LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"actionGroupTypes,omitempty"`

    // All application types part of the schedule for ENVIRONMENT ActionGroup Type.
    ApplicationTypes []string `mandatory:"false" json:"applicationTypes"`

    // All products part of the schedule for PRODUCT ActionGroup Type.
    Products []string `mandatory:"false" json:"products"`

    // All LifeCycle Operations part of the schedule
    LifecycleOperations []string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleOperations"`

    // The current state of the SchedulerDefinition.
    LifecycleState SchedulerDefinitionLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleState,omitempty"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (SchedulerDefinitionSummary) String

func (m SchedulerDefinitionSummary) String() string

func (SchedulerDefinitionSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m SchedulerDefinitionSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SchedulerJob

SchedulerJob A SchedulerJob resource.

type SchedulerJob struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The current state of the SchedulerJob.
    LifecycleState SchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"true" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"true" json:"definedTags"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // Scheduled date for the Job.
    TimeScheduled *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeScheduled"`

    // Actual Start time for the Job
    TimeStarted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeStarted"`

    // Actual End time for the Job
    TimeEnded *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeEnded"`

    // Count of ActionGroups affected by the Schedule.
    CountOfAffectedActionGroups *int `mandatory:"false" json:"countOfAffectedActionGroups"`

    // Count of Resources affected by the Schedule
    CountOfAffectedResources *int `mandatory:"false" json:"countOfAffectedResources"`

    // Count of Targets affected by the Schedule
    CountOfAffectedTargets *int `mandatory:"false" json:"countOfAffectedTargets"`

    // All ActionGroup Types part of the schedule.
    ActionGroupTypes []LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"actionGroupTypes,omitempty"`

    // All application types part of the schedule for ENVIRONMENT ActionGroup Type.
    ApplicationTypes []string `mandatory:"false" json:"applicationTypes"`

    // All products part of the schedule for PRODUCT AcionGroup Type.
    Products []string `mandatory:"false" json:"products"`

    // All LifeCycle Operations part of the schedule
    LifecycleOperations []string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleOperations"`

    // Action Groups associated with the Schedule.
    ActionGroups []ActionGroupDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"actionGroups"`

    AssociatedScheduleDefinition *AssociatedSchedulerDefinition `mandatory:"false" json:"associatedScheduleDefinition"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (SchedulerJob) String

func (m SchedulerJob) String() string

func (SchedulerJob) ValidateEnumValue

func (m SchedulerJob) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SchedulerJobCollection

SchedulerJobCollection Results of a schedulerJob search. Contains boh SchedulerJobSummary items and other information, such as metadata.

type SchedulerJobCollection struct {

    // List of schedulerJobs.
    Items []SchedulerJobSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (SchedulerJobCollection) String

func (m SchedulerJobCollection) String() string

func (SchedulerJobCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m SchedulerJobCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum

SchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type SchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for SchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    SchedulerJobLifecycleStateActive  SchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    SchedulerJobLifecycleStateDeleted SchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"
    SchedulerJobLifecycleStateFailed  SchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"

func GetMappingSchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingSchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (SchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingSchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetSchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetSchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnumValues() []SchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum

GetSchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for SchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum

type SchedulerJobSummary

SchedulerJobSummary Summary of the SchedulerJob.

type SchedulerJobSummary struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // Tenancy OCID
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The current state of the SchedulerJob.
    LifecycleState SchedulerJobLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"true" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"true" json:"definedTags"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // Scheduled date for the Job.Provide only the date
    TimeScheduled *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeScheduled"`

    // Count of ActionGroups affected by the Schedule.
    CountOfAffectedActionGroups *int `mandatory:"false" json:"countOfAffectedActionGroups"`

    // Count of Resources affected by the Schedule
    CountOfAffectedResources *int `mandatory:"false" json:"countOfAffectedResources"`

    // Count of Targets affected by the Schedule
    CountOfAffectedTargets *int `mandatory:"false" json:"countOfAffectedTargets"`

    // All ActionGroup Types part of the schedule.
    ActionGroupTypes []LifeCycleActionGroupTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"actionGroupTypes,omitempty"`

    // All application types part of the schedule for ENVIRONMENT ActionGroup Type.
    ApplicationTypes []string `mandatory:"false" json:"applicationTypes"`

    // All products part of the schedule for PRODUCT ActionGroup Type.
    Products []string `mandatory:"false" json:"products"`

    // All LifeCycle Operations part of the schedule
    LifecycleOperations []string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleOperations"`

    // Action Groups associated with the Schedule.
    ActionGroups []ActionGroupDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"actionGroups"`

    AssociatedScheduleDefinition *AssociatedSchedulerDefinition `mandatory:"false" json:"associatedScheduleDefinition"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (SchedulerJobSummary) String

func (m SchedulerJobSummary) String() string

func (SchedulerJobSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m SchedulerJobSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ScopeEnum

ScopeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ScopeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ScopeEnum

const (
    ScopeTaxonomy       ScopeEnum = "TAXONOMY"
    ScopePlatformConfig ScopeEnum = "PLATFORM_CONFIG"

func GetMappingScopeEnum

func GetMappingScopeEnum(val string) (ScopeEnum, bool)

GetMappingScopeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetScopeEnumValues

func GetScopeEnumValues() []ScopeEnum

GetScopeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ScopeEnum

type ScriptBasedExecutionDetails

ScriptBasedExecutionDetails Details for script based execution

type ScriptBasedExecutionDetails struct {
    Variables *TaskVariable `mandatory:"false" json:"variables"`

    Content ContentDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"content"`

    // Optional Command to execute the content.
    Command *string `mandatory:"false" json:"command"`

func (ScriptBasedExecutionDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m ScriptBasedExecutionDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (ScriptBasedExecutionDetails) String

func (m ScriptBasedExecutionDetails) String() string

func (*ScriptBasedExecutionDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *ScriptBasedExecutionDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (ScriptBasedExecutionDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ScriptBasedExecutionDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SelectionCriteria

SelectionCriteria Rule Selection Criteria

type SelectionCriteria struct {

    // Rule selection match condition.
    MatchCondition SelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"matchCondition"`

    // Rules.
    Rules []Rule `mandatory:"true" json:"rules"`

func (SelectionCriteria) String

func (m SelectionCriteria) String() string

func (SelectionCriteria) ValidateEnumValue

func (m SelectionCriteria) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnum

SelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type SelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for SelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnum

const (
    SelectionCriteriaMatchConditionMatchAll SelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnum = "MATCH_ALL"
    SelectionCriteriaMatchConditionAny      SelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnum = "ANY"

func GetMappingSelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnum

func GetMappingSelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnum(val string) (SelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnum, bool)

GetMappingSelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetSelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnumValues

func GetSelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnumValues() []SelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnum

GetSelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for SelectionCriteriaMatchConditionEnum

type SelectionEnum

SelectionEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type SelectionEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for SelectionEnum

const (
    SelectionSingleChoice SelectionEnum = "SINGLE_CHOICE"
    SelectionMultiChoice  SelectionEnum = "MULTI_CHOICE"
    SelectionDefaultText  SelectionEnum = "DEFAULT_TEXT"

func GetMappingSelectionEnum

func GetMappingSelectionEnum(val string) (SelectionEnum, bool)

GetMappingSelectionEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetSelectionEnumValues

func GetSelectionEnumValues() []SelectionEnum

GetSelectionEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for SelectionEnum

type SortOrderEnum

SortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type SortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for SortOrderEnum

const (
    SortOrderAsc  SortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    SortOrderDesc SortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetMappingSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingSortOrderEnum(val string) (SortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetSortOrderEnumValues

func GetSortOrderEnumValues() []SortOrderEnum

GetSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for SortOrderEnum

type StringInputArgument

StringInputArgument The details of the String Input argument.

type StringInputArgument struct {

    // The name of the argument
    Name *string `mandatory:"true" json:"name"`

    // The description of the argument.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

func (StringInputArgument) GetDescription

func (m StringInputArgument) GetDescription() *string

GetDescription returns Description

func (StringInputArgument) GetName

func (m StringInputArgument) GetName() *string

GetName returns Name

func (StringInputArgument) MarshalJSON

func (m StringInputArgument) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (StringInputArgument) String

func (m StringInputArgument) String() string

func (StringInputArgument) ValidateEnumValue

func (m StringInputArgument) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type TargetCredentialEntitySpecificDetails

TargetCredentialEntitySpecificDetails Fleet Credential Specific Details.

type TargetCredentialEntitySpecificDetails struct {

    // OCID of the resource associated with the target for which credential is created
    ResourceId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"resourceId"`

    // Target associated with the Credential
    Target *string `mandatory:"true" json:"target"`

func (TargetCredentialEntitySpecificDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m TargetCredentialEntitySpecificDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (TargetCredentialEntitySpecificDetails) String

func (m TargetCredentialEntitySpecificDetails) String() string

func (TargetCredentialEntitySpecificDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TargetCredentialEntitySpecificDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type TargetResource

TargetResource Resource Information for the Target

type TargetResource struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    ResourceId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceId"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    ResourceDisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceDisplayName"`

func (TargetResource) String

func (m TargetResource) String() string

func (TargetResource) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TargetResource) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Task

Task The details of the task

type Task struct {

    // The name of the task step.
    StepName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"stepName"`

    // The association type of the task
    AssociationType TaskAssociationTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"associationType"`

    TaskRecordDetails AssociatedTaskDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"taskRecordDetails"`

    StepProperties *ComponentProperties `mandatory:"false" json:"stepProperties"`

    // Mapping output variables of previous tasks to the input variables of the current task.
    OutputVariableMappings []OutputVariableMapping `mandatory:"false" json:"outputVariableMappings"`

func (Task) String

func (m Task) String() string

func (*Task) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *Task) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (Task) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Task) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type TaskArgument

TaskArgument A variable that holds a value

type TaskArgument struct {

    // Name of the output variable
    Name *string `mandatory:"true" json:"name"`

    // The task output
    Value *string `mandatory:"false" json:"value"`

func (TaskArgument) String

func (m TaskArgument) String() string

func (TaskArgument) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TaskArgument) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type TaskAssociationTypeEnum

TaskAssociationTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type TaskAssociationTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for TaskAssociationTypeEnum

const (
    TaskAssociationTypeTask TaskAssociationTypeEnum = "TASK"

func GetMappingTaskAssociationTypeEnum

func GetMappingTaskAssociationTypeEnum(val string) (TaskAssociationTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingTaskAssociationTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetTaskAssociationTypeEnumValues

func GetTaskAssociationTypeEnumValues() []TaskAssociationTypeEnum

GetTaskAssociationTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for TaskAssociationTypeEnum

type TaskExecutionTypeEnum

TaskExecutionTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type TaskExecutionTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for TaskExecutionTypeEnum

const (
    TaskExecutionTypeScript TaskExecutionTypeEnum = "SCRIPT"
    TaskExecutionTypeApi    TaskExecutionTypeEnum = "API"

func GetMappingTaskExecutionTypeEnum

func GetMappingTaskExecutionTypeEnum(val string) (TaskExecutionTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingTaskExecutionTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetTaskExecutionTypeEnumValues

func GetTaskExecutionTypeEnumValues() []TaskExecutionTypeEnum

GetTaskExecutionTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for TaskExecutionTypeEnum

type TaskRecord

TaskRecord Description of TaskRecord.

type TaskRecord struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // Task type.
    Type TaskRecordTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"type"`

    // The current state of the TaskRecord.
    LifecycleState TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeUpdated"`

    Details *Details `mandatory:"true" json:"details"`

    // OCID of the compartment to which the resource belongs to.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // A user-friendly description. To provide some insight about the resource.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // The version of the task
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

    // Associated region
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (TaskRecord) String

func (m TaskRecord) String() string

func (TaskRecord) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TaskRecord) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type TaskRecordCollection

TaskRecordCollection Results of a taskRecord search. Contains boh TaskRecordSummary items and other information, such as metadata.

type TaskRecordCollection struct {

    // List of taskRecords.
    Items []TaskRecordSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (TaskRecordCollection) String

func (m TaskRecordCollection) String() string

func (TaskRecordCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TaskRecordCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum

TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    TaskRecordLifecycleStateActive   TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    TaskRecordLifecycleStateInactive TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum = "INACTIVE"
    TaskRecordLifecycleStateDeleted  TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"
    TaskRecordLifecycleStateDeleting TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETING"
    TaskRecordLifecycleStateFailed   TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"
    TaskRecordLifecycleStateUpdating TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum = "UPDATING"

func GetMappingTaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingTaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingTaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetTaskRecordLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetTaskRecordLifecycleStateEnumValues() []TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum

GetTaskRecordLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum

type TaskRecordSummary

TaskRecordSummary Summary of the TaskRecord.

type TaskRecordSummary struct {

    // The OCID of the resource.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // Task type.
    Type TaskRecordTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"type"`

    // The current state of the TaskRecord.
    LifecycleState TaskRecordLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // The time this resource was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The time this resource was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeUpdated"`

    Details *Details `mandatory:"true" json:"details"`

    // OCID of the compartment to which the resource belongs to.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // A user-friendly description. To provide some insight about the resource.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // The version of the task
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

    // Associated region
    ResourceRegion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"resourceRegion"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (TaskRecordSummary) String

func (m TaskRecordSummary) String() string

func (TaskRecordSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TaskRecordSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type TaskRecordTypeEnum

TaskRecordTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type TaskRecordTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for TaskRecordTypeEnum

const (
    TaskRecordTypeUserDefined   TaskRecordTypeEnum = "USER_DEFINED"
    TaskRecordTypeOracleDefined TaskRecordTypeEnum = "ORACLE_DEFINED"
    TaskRecordTypeSystemDefined TaskRecordTypeEnum = "SYSTEM_DEFINED"

func GetMappingTaskRecordTypeEnum

func GetMappingTaskRecordTypeEnum(val string) (TaskRecordTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingTaskRecordTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetTaskRecordTypeEnumValues

func GetTaskRecordTypeEnumValues() []TaskRecordTypeEnum

GetTaskRecordTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for TaskRecordTypeEnum

type TaskScopeEnum

TaskScopeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type TaskScopeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for TaskScopeEnum

const (
    TaskScopeLocal  TaskScopeEnum = "LOCAL"
    TaskScopeShared TaskScopeEnum = "SHARED"

func GetMappingTaskScopeEnum

func GetMappingTaskScopeEnum(val string) (TaskScopeEnum, bool)

GetMappingTaskScopeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetTaskScopeEnumValues

func GetTaskScopeEnumValues() []TaskScopeEnum

GetTaskScopeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for TaskScopeEnum

type TaskVariable

TaskVariable The variable of the task.Atleast one of dynamicArguments or output needs to be provided.

type TaskVariable struct {

    // The input variables for the task.
    InputVariables []InputArgument `mandatory:"false" json:"inputVariables"`

    // The list of output variables.
    OutputVariables []string `mandatory:"false" json:"outputVariables"`

func (TaskVariable) String

func (m TaskVariable) String() string

func (*TaskVariable) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *TaskVariable) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (TaskVariable) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TaskVariable) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateFleetCredentialDetails

UpdateFleetCredentialDetails The information to be updated.

type UpdateFleetCredentialDetails struct {

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    EntitySpecifics CredentialEntitySpecificDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"entitySpecifics"`

    User CredentialDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"user"`

    Password CredentialDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"password"`

func (UpdateFleetCredentialDetails) String

func (m UpdateFleetCredentialDetails) String() string

func (*UpdateFleetCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *UpdateFleetCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (UpdateFleetCredentialDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateFleetCredentialDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateFleetCredentialRequest

UpdateFleetCredentialRequest wrapper for the UpdateFleetCredential operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/UpdateFleetCredential.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateFleetCredentialRequest.

type UpdateFleetCredentialRequest struct {

    // unique FleetCredential identifier
    FleetCredentialId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetCredentialId"`

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // The information to be updated.
    UpdateFleetCredentialDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (UpdateFleetCredentialRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request UpdateFleetCredentialRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateFleetCredentialRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request UpdateFleetCredentialRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateFleetCredentialRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request UpdateFleetCredentialRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (UpdateFleetCredentialRequest) String

func (request UpdateFleetCredentialRequest) String() string

func (UpdateFleetCredentialRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request UpdateFleetCredentialRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateFleetCredentialResponse

UpdateFleetCredentialResponse wrapper for the UpdateFleetCredential operation

type UpdateFleetCredentialResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous work. You can use this to query its status.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (UpdateFleetCredentialResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response UpdateFleetCredentialResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (UpdateFleetCredentialResponse) String

func (response UpdateFleetCredentialResponse) String() string

type UpdateFleetDetails

UpdateFleetDetails The information to be updated.

type UpdateFleetDetails struct {

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    // A user-friendly description. To provide some insight about the resource.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    NotificationPreferences *NotificationPreferences `mandatory:"false" json:"notificationPreferences"`

    RuleSelectionCriteria *SelectionCriteria `mandatory:"false" json:"ruleSelectionCriteria"`

    // A value which represents if auto confirming of the targets can be enabled
    IsTargetAutoConfirm *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isTargetAutoConfirm"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (UpdateFleetDetails) String

func (m UpdateFleetDetails) String() string

func (UpdateFleetDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateFleetDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateFleetPropertyDetails

UpdateFleetPropertyDetails The information to be updated.

type UpdateFleetPropertyDetails struct {

    // Value of the Property
    Value *string `mandatory:"false" json:"value"`

func (UpdateFleetPropertyDetails) String

func (m UpdateFleetPropertyDetails) String() string

func (UpdateFleetPropertyDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateFleetPropertyDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateFleetPropertyRequest

UpdateFleetPropertyRequest wrapper for the UpdateFleetProperty operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/UpdateFleetProperty.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateFleetPropertyRequest.

type UpdateFleetPropertyRequest struct {

    // unique FleetProperty identifier
    FleetPropertyId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetPropertyId"`

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // The information to be updated.
    UpdateFleetPropertyDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (UpdateFleetPropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request UpdateFleetPropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateFleetPropertyRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request UpdateFleetPropertyRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateFleetPropertyRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request UpdateFleetPropertyRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (UpdateFleetPropertyRequest) String

func (request UpdateFleetPropertyRequest) String() string

func (UpdateFleetPropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request UpdateFleetPropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateFleetPropertyResponse

UpdateFleetPropertyResponse wrapper for the UpdateFleetProperty operation

type UpdateFleetPropertyResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The FleetProperty instance
    FleetProperty `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (UpdateFleetPropertyResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response UpdateFleetPropertyResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (UpdateFleetPropertyResponse) String

func (response UpdateFleetPropertyResponse) String() string

type UpdateFleetRequest

UpdateFleetRequest wrapper for the UpdateFleet operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/UpdateFleet.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateFleetRequest.

type UpdateFleetRequest struct {

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // The information to be updated.
    UpdateFleetDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (UpdateFleetRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request UpdateFleetRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateFleetRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request UpdateFleetRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateFleetRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request UpdateFleetRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (UpdateFleetRequest) String

func (request UpdateFleetRequest) String() string

func (UpdateFleetRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request UpdateFleetRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateFleetResourceDetails

UpdateFleetResourceDetails The information to be updated.

type UpdateFleetResourceDetails struct {

    // OCID of the tenancy to which the resource belongs to.
    TenancyId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"tenancyId"`

    // OCID of the compartment to which the resource belongs to.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

func (UpdateFleetResourceDetails) String

func (m UpdateFleetResourceDetails) String() string

func (UpdateFleetResourceDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateFleetResourceDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateFleetResourceRequest

UpdateFleetResourceRequest wrapper for the UpdateFleetResource operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/UpdateFleetResource.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateFleetResourceRequest.

type UpdateFleetResourceRequest struct {

    // unique FleetResource identifier
    FleetResourceId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetResourceId"`

    // unique Fleet identifier
    FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"`

    // The information to be updated.
    UpdateFleetResourceDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (UpdateFleetResourceRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request UpdateFleetResourceRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateFleetResourceRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request UpdateFleetResourceRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateFleetResourceRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request UpdateFleetResourceRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (UpdateFleetResourceRequest) String

func (request UpdateFleetResourceRequest) String() string

func (UpdateFleetResourceRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request UpdateFleetResourceRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateFleetResourceResponse

UpdateFleetResourceResponse wrapper for the UpdateFleetResource operation

type UpdateFleetResourceResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous work. You can use this to query its status.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (UpdateFleetResourceResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response UpdateFleetResourceResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (UpdateFleetResourceResponse) String

func (response UpdateFleetResourceResponse) String() string

type UpdateFleetResponse

UpdateFleetResponse wrapper for the UpdateFleet operation

type UpdateFleetResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Fleet instance
    Fleet `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (UpdateFleetResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response UpdateFleetResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (UpdateFleetResponse) String

func (response UpdateFleetResponse) String() string

type UpdateMaintenanceWindowDetails

UpdateMaintenanceWindowDetails Maintenance Window information to be updated.

type UpdateMaintenanceWindowDetails struct {

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    // A user-friendly description. To provide some insight about the resource.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // MaintenanceWindow Identifier
    MaintenanceWindowType MaintenanceWindowTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"maintenanceWindowType,omitempty"`

    // Does the maintenenace window cause outage?
    IsOutage *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isOutage"`

    // Start time of schedule
    TimeScheduleStart *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeScheduleStart"`

    // Duration if schedule type is Custom
    Duration *string `mandatory:"false" json:"duration"`

    // Is this is a recurring maintenance window
    IsRecurring *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isRecurring"`

    // Recurrence rule specification if recurring
    Recurrences *string `mandatory:"false" json:"recurrences"`

    // Task initiation cutoff
    TaskInitiationCutoff *int `mandatory:"false" json:"taskInitiationCutoff"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowDetails) String

func (m UpdateMaintenanceWindowDetails) String() string

func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateMaintenanceWindowDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest

UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest wrapper for the UpdateMaintenanceWindow operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/UpdateMaintenanceWindow.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest.

type UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest struct {

    // unique MaintenanceWindow identifier
    MaintenanceWindowId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"maintenanceWindowId"`

    // The information to be updated.
    UpdateMaintenanceWindowDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest) String

func (request UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest) String() string

func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateMaintenanceWindowResponse

UpdateMaintenanceWindowResponse wrapper for the UpdateMaintenanceWindow operation

type UpdateMaintenanceWindowResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous work. You can use this to query its status.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response UpdateMaintenanceWindowResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (UpdateMaintenanceWindowResponse) String

func (response UpdateMaintenanceWindowResponse) String() string

type UpdatePropertyDetails

UpdatePropertyDetails The information to be updated.

type UpdatePropertyDetails struct {

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    // Text selection of the category
    Selection SelectionEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"selection,omitempty"`

    // Format of the value
    ValueType ValueTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"valueType,omitempty"`

    // Values of the property (must be a single value if selection = 'single choice')
    Values []string `mandatory:"false" json:"values"`

func (UpdatePropertyDetails) String

func (m UpdatePropertyDetails) String() string

func (UpdatePropertyDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdatePropertyDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdatePropertyRequest

UpdatePropertyRequest wrapper for the UpdateProperty operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/UpdateProperty.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdatePropertyRequest.

type UpdatePropertyRequest struct {

    // unique Property identifier
    PropertyId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"propertyId"`

    // The information to be updated.
    UpdatePropertyDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (UpdatePropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request UpdatePropertyRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdatePropertyRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request UpdatePropertyRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdatePropertyRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request UpdatePropertyRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (UpdatePropertyRequest) String

func (request UpdatePropertyRequest) String() string

func (UpdatePropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request UpdatePropertyRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdatePropertyResponse

UpdatePropertyResponse wrapper for the UpdateProperty operation

type UpdatePropertyResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Property instance
    Property `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (UpdatePropertyResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response UpdatePropertyResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (UpdatePropertyResponse) String

func (response UpdatePropertyResponse) String() string

type UpdateSchedulerDefinitionDetails

UpdateSchedulerDefinitionDetails The information to be updated.

type UpdateSchedulerDefinitionDetails struct {

    // A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `My new resource`
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    // A user-friendly description. To provide some insight about the resource.
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // Activity Initiation Cut Off
    ActivityInitiationCutOff *int `mandatory:"false" json:"activityInitiationCutOff"`

    Schedule *Schedule `mandatory:"false" json:"schedule"`

    // Action Groups associated with the Schedule.
    ActionGroups []ActionGroup `mandatory:"false" json:"actionGroups"`

    // Runbooks.
    RunBooks []OperationRunbook `mandatory:"false" json:"runBooks"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (UpdateSchedulerDefinitionDetails) String

func (m UpdateSchedulerDefinitionDetails) String() string

func (UpdateSchedulerDefinitionDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateSchedulerDefinitionDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest

UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest wrapper for the UpdateSchedulerDefinition operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/UpdateSchedulerDefinition.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest.

type UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest struct {

    // unique SchedulerDefinition identifier
    SchedulerDefinitionId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"schedulerDefinitionId"`

    // The information to be updated.
    UpdateSchedulerDefinitionDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) String

func (request UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) String() string

func (UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request UpdateSchedulerDefinitionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateSchedulerDefinitionResponse

UpdateSchedulerDefinitionResponse wrapper for the UpdateSchedulerDefinition operation

type UpdateSchedulerDefinitionResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous work. You can use this to query its status.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (UpdateSchedulerDefinitionResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response UpdateSchedulerDefinitionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (UpdateSchedulerDefinitionResponse) String

func (response UpdateSchedulerDefinitionResponse) String() string

type UpdateSchedulerJobDetails

UpdateSchedulerJobDetails The information to be updated.

type UpdateSchedulerJobDetails struct {

    // Scheduled date for the Job.Provide only the date
    TimeScheduled *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeScheduled"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (UpdateSchedulerJobDetails) String

func (m UpdateSchedulerJobDetails) String() string

func (UpdateSchedulerJobDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateSchedulerJobDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateSchedulerJobRequest

UpdateSchedulerJobRequest wrapper for the UpdateSchedulerJob operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/fleetappsmanagement/UpdateSchedulerJob.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateSchedulerJobRequest.

type UpdateSchedulerJobRequest struct {

    // unique SchedulerJob identifier
    SchedulerJobId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"schedulerJobId"`

    // The information to be updated.
    UpdateSchedulerJobDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (UpdateSchedulerJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request UpdateSchedulerJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateSchedulerJobRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request UpdateSchedulerJobRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateSchedulerJobRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request UpdateSchedulerJobRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (UpdateSchedulerJobRequest) String

func (request UpdateSchedulerJobRequest) String() string

func (UpdateSchedulerJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request UpdateSchedulerJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateSchedulerJobResponse

UpdateSchedulerJobResponse wrapper for the UpdateSchedulerJob operation

type UpdateSchedulerJobResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The SchedulerJob instance
    SchedulerJob `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (UpdateSchedulerJobResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response UpdateSchedulerJobResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (UpdateSchedulerJobResponse) String

func (response UpdateSchedulerJobResponse) String() string

type ValueTypeEnum

ValueTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ValueTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ValueTypeEnum

const (
    ValueTypeString  ValueTypeEnum = "STRING"
    ValueTypeNumeric ValueTypeEnum = "NUMERIC"

func GetMappingValueTypeEnum

func GetMappingValueTypeEnum(val string) (ValueTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingValueTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetValueTypeEnumValues

func GetValueTypeEnumValues() []ValueTypeEnum

GetValueTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ValueTypeEnum

type VaultSecretCredentialDetails

VaultSecretCredentialDetails Secret details.

type VaultSecretCredentialDetails struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the secret.
    SecretId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"secretId"`

    // The secret version.
    SecretVersion *string `mandatory:"false" json:"secretVersion"`

func (VaultSecretCredentialDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m VaultSecretCredentialDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (VaultSecretCredentialDetails) String

func (m VaultSecretCredentialDetails) String() string

func (VaultSecretCredentialDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m VaultSecretCredentialDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequest

WorkRequest A description of workrequest status

type WorkRequest struct {

    // Type of the work request
    OperationType OperationTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"operationType"`

    // Status of current work request.
    Status OperationStatusEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"status"`

    // The id of the work request.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // The OCID of the compartment that contains the work request. Work requests should be scoped to
    // the same compartment as the resource the work request affects. If the work request affects multiple resources,
    // and those resources are not in the same compartment, it is up to the service team to pick the primary
    // resource whose compartment should be used
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The resources affected by this work request.
    Resources []WorkRequestResource `mandatory:"true" json:"resources"`

    // Percentage of the request completed.
    PercentComplete *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"percentComplete"`

    // The date and time the request was created, as described in
    // RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339), section 14.29.
    TimeAccepted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeAccepted"`

    // The date and time the request was started, as described in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339),
    // section 14.29.
    TimeStarted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeStarted"`

    // The date and time the object was finished, as described in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339).
    TimeFinished *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeFinished"`

    // The date and time the object was updated, as described in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339).
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

func (WorkRequest) String

func (m WorkRequest) String() string

func (WorkRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestError

WorkRequestError An error encountered while executing a work request.

type WorkRequestError struct {

    // A machine-usable code for the error that occured. Error codes are listed on
    // (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/API/References/apierrors.htm)
    Code *string `mandatory:"true" json:"code"`

    // A human readable description of the issue encountered.
    Message *string `mandatory:"true" json:"message"`

    // The time the error occured. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    Timestamp *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timestamp"`

func (WorkRequestError) String

func (m WorkRequestError) String() string

func (WorkRequestError) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestError) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestErrorCollection

WorkRequestErrorCollection Results of a workRequestError search. Contains both WorkRequestError items and other information, such as metadata.

type WorkRequestErrorCollection struct {

    // List of workRequestError objects.
    Items []WorkRequestError `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (WorkRequestErrorCollection) String

func (m WorkRequestErrorCollection) String() string

func (WorkRequestErrorCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestErrorCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestLogEntry

WorkRequestLogEntry A log message from the execution of a work request.

type WorkRequestLogEntry struct {

    // Human-readable log message.
    Message *string `mandatory:"true" json:"message"`

    // The time the log message was written. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string
    Timestamp *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timestamp"`

func (WorkRequestLogEntry) String

func (m WorkRequestLogEntry) String() string

func (WorkRequestLogEntry) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestLogEntry) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestLogEntryCollection

WorkRequestLogEntryCollection Results of a workRequestLog search. Contains both workRequestLog items and other information, such as metadata.

type WorkRequestLogEntryCollection struct {

    // List of workRequestLogEntries.
    Items []WorkRequestLogEntry `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (WorkRequestLogEntryCollection) String

func (m WorkRequestLogEntryCollection) String() string

func (WorkRequestLogEntryCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestLogEntryCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestResource

WorkRequestResource A resource created or operated on by a work request.

type WorkRequestResource struct {

    // The resource type the work request affects.
    EntityType *string `mandatory:"true" json:"entityType"`

    // The way in which this resource is affected by the work tracked in the work request.
    // A resource being created, updated, or deleted will remain in the IN_PROGRESS state until
    // work is complete for that resource at which point it will transition to CREATED, UPDATED,
    // or DELETED, respectively.
    ActionType ActionTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"actionType"`

    // The identifier of the resource the work request affects.
    Identifier *string `mandatory:"true" json:"identifier"`

    // The URI path that the user can do a GET on to access the resource metadata
    EntityUri *string `mandatory:"false" json:"entityUri"`

    // Additional information that helps to explain the resource.
    Metadata map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"metadata"`

func (WorkRequestResource) String

func (m WorkRequestResource) String() string

func (WorkRequestResource) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestResource) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnum

WorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type WorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for WorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnum

const (
    WorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyIsDryRun WorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnum = "IS_DRY_RUN"

func GetMappingWorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnum

func GetMappingWorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnum(val string) (WorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnum, bool)

GetMappingWorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetWorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnumValues

func GetWorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnumValues() []WorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnum

GetWorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for WorkRequestResourceMetadataKeyEnum

type WorkRequestSummary

WorkRequestSummary A summary of the status of a work request.

type WorkRequestSummary struct {

    // Type of the work request
    OperationType OperationTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"operationType"`

    // Status of current work request.
    Status OperationStatusEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"status"`

    // The id of the work request.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // The OCID of the compartment that contains the work request. Work requests should be scoped to
    // the same compartment as the resource the work request affects. If the work request affects multiple resources,
    // and those resources are not in the same compartment, it is up to the service team to pick the primary
    // resource whose compartment should be used
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The resources affected by this work request.
    Resources []WorkRequestResource `mandatory:"true" json:"resources"`

    // Percentage of the request completed.
    PercentComplete *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"percentComplete"`

    // The date and time the request was created, as described in
    // RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339), section 14.29.
    TimeAccepted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeAccepted"`

    // The date and time the request was started, as described in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339),
    // section 14.29.
    TimeStarted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeStarted"`

    // The date and time the object was finished, as described in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339).
    TimeFinished *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeFinished"`

    // The date and time the object was updated, as described in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339).
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

func (WorkRequestSummary) String

func (m WorkRequestSummary) String() string

func (WorkRequestSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestSummaryCollection

WorkRequestSummaryCollection Results of a workRequest search. Contains both WorkRequest items and other information, such as metadata.

type WorkRequestSummaryCollection struct {

    // List of workRequestSummary objects.
    Items []WorkRequestSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (WorkRequestSummaryCollection) String

func (m WorkRequestSummaryCollection) String() string

func (WorkRequestSummaryCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestSummaryCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkflowComponent

WorkflowComponent Workflow Component Details.

type WorkflowComponent interface {

type WorkflowComponentTypeEnum

WorkflowComponentTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type WorkflowComponentTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for WorkflowComponentTypeEnum

const (
    WorkflowComponentTypeTask              WorkflowComponentTypeEnum = "TASK"
    WorkflowComponentTypeParallelTaskGroup WorkflowComponentTypeEnum = "PARALLEL_TASK_GROUP"

func GetMappingWorkflowComponentTypeEnum

func GetMappingWorkflowComponentTypeEnum(val string) (WorkflowComponentTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingWorkflowComponentTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetWorkflowComponentTypeEnumValues

func GetWorkflowComponentTypeEnumValues() []WorkflowComponentTypeEnum

GetWorkflowComponentTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for WorkflowComponentTypeEnum

type WorkflowGroup

WorkflowGroup Workflow Group Layout.

type WorkflowGroup struct {

    // Provide the name of the group.
    GroupName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"groupName"`

    // Workflow Group  Details.
    Type WorkflowGroupTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"type"`

    // Steps within the Group.
    Steps []WorkflowComponent `mandatory:"true" json:"steps"`

func (WorkflowGroup) String

func (m WorkflowGroup) String() string

func (*WorkflowGroup) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *WorkflowGroup) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (WorkflowGroup) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkflowGroup) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkflowGroupComponent

WorkflowGroupComponent Workflow Group Component Details.

type WorkflowGroupComponent struct {

    // Provide the name of the group.
    GroupName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"groupName"`

    // Tasks within the Group.
    // Provide the stepName for all tasks that are applicable
    Steps []string `mandatory:"false" json:"steps"`

func (WorkflowGroupComponent) MarshalJSON

func (m WorkflowGroupComponent) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (WorkflowGroupComponent) String

func (m WorkflowGroupComponent) String() string

func (WorkflowGroupComponent) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkflowGroupComponent) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkflowGroupTypeEnum

WorkflowGroupTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type WorkflowGroupTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for WorkflowGroupTypeEnum

const (
    WorkflowGroupTypeParallelResourceGroup WorkflowGroupTypeEnum = "PARALLEL_RESOURCE_GROUP"
    WorkflowGroupTypeRollingResourceGroup  WorkflowGroupTypeEnum = "ROLLING_RESOURCE_GROUP"

func GetMappingWorkflowGroupTypeEnum

func GetMappingWorkflowGroupTypeEnum(val string) (WorkflowGroupTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingWorkflowGroupTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetWorkflowGroupTypeEnumValues

func GetWorkflowGroupTypeEnumValues() []WorkflowGroupTypeEnum

GetWorkflowGroupTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for WorkflowGroupTypeEnum

type WorkflowTaskComponent

WorkflowTaskComponent Workflow Task Component Details.

type WorkflowTaskComponent struct {

    // Provide StepName for the Task.
    StepName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"stepName"`

func (WorkflowTaskComponent) MarshalJSON

func (m WorkflowTaskComponent) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (WorkflowTaskComponent) String

func (m WorkflowTaskComponent) String() string

func (WorkflowTaskComponent) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkflowTaskComponent) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly