Package | Description |
---|---| |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.banner(UploadData banner) |
static Listing.Builder |
Create a new builder.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.categories(List<String> categories)
Categories that the listing belongs to.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.compatibleArchitectures(List<Listing.CompatibleArchitectures> compatibleArchitectures)
The list of compatible architectures supported by the listing
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.copy(Listing model) |
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.defaultPackageVersion(String defaultPackageVersion)
The default package version.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.documentationLinks(List<DocumentationLink> documentationLinks)
Links to additional documentation provided by the publisher specifically for the listing.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.icon(UploadData icon) |
Listing.Builder | id)
The unique identifier for the listing in Marketplace.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.isFeatured(Boolean isFeatured)
Indicates whether the listing is included in Featured Listings.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.keywords(String keywords)
Keywords associated with the listing.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.languages(List<Item> languages)
Languages supported by the listing.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.licenseModelDescription(String licenseModelDescription)
A description of the publisher’s licensing model for the listing.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.links(List<Link> links)
Links to reference material.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.listingType(ListingType listingType)
The publisher category to which the listing belongs.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.longDescription(String longDescription)
A long description of the listing.
Listing.Builder | name)
The name of the listing.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.packageType(PackageTypeEnum packageType)
The listing’s package type.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.publisher(Publisher publisher) |
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.regions(List<Region> regions)
The regions where you can deploy the listing.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.releaseNotes(String releaseNotes)
Release notes for the listing.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.screenshots(List<Screenshot> screenshots)
Screenshots of the listing.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.shortDescription(String shortDescription)
A short description of the listing.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.supportContacts(List<SupportContact> supportContacts)
Contact information to use to get support from the publisher for the listing.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.supportedOperatingSystems(List<OperatingSystem> supportedOperatingSystems)
List of operating systems supported by the listing.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.supportLinks(List<NamedLink> supportLinks)
Links to support resources for the listing.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.systemRequirements(String systemRequirements)
System requirements for the listing.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.tagline(String tagline)
The tagline of the listing.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.timeReleased(Date timeReleased)
The release date of the listing.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.toBuilder() |
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.usageInformation(String usageInformation)
Usage information for the listing.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.version(String version)
The version of the listing.
Listing.Builder |
Listing.Builder.videos(List<NamedLink> videos)
Videos of the listing.
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