
class oci.osub_organization_subscription.models.SubscriptionSummary(**kwargs)

Bases: object

Subscription summary


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new SubscriptionSummary object with values from keyword arguments.


currency Gets the currency of this SubscriptionSummary.
id [Required] Gets the id of this SubscriptionSummary.
service_name Gets the service_name of this SubscriptionSummary.
status Gets the status of this SubscriptionSummary.
time_end Gets the time_end of this SubscriptionSummary.
time_start Gets the time_start of this SubscriptionSummary.
total_value Gets the total_value of this SubscriptionSummary.
type Gets the type of this SubscriptionSummary.

Initializes a new SubscriptionSummary object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • id (str) – The value to assign to the id property of this SubscriptionSummary.
  • service_name (str) – The value to assign to the service_name property of this SubscriptionSummary.
  • type (str) – The value to assign to the type property of this SubscriptionSummary.
  • status (str) – The value to assign to the status property of this SubscriptionSummary.
  • time_start (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_start property of this SubscriptionSummary.
  • time_end (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_end property of this SubscriptionSummary.
  • currency (oci.osub_organization_subscription.models.Currency) – The value to assign to the currency property of this SubscriptionSummary.
  • total_value (str) – The value to assign to the total_value property of this SubscriptionSummary.

Gets the currency of this SubscriptionSummary.

Returns:The currency of this SubscriptionSummary.
Return type:oci.osub_organization_subscription.models.Currency

[Required] Gets the id of this SubscriptionSummary. SPM internal Subscription ID

Returns:The id of this SubscriptionSummary.
Return type:str

Gets the service_name of this SubscriptionSummary. Customer friendly service name provided by PRG

Returns:The service_name of this SubscriptionSummary.
Return type:str

Gets the status of this SubscriptionSummary. Status of the plan

Returns:The status of this SubscriptionSummary.
Return type:str

Gets the time_end of this SubscriptionSummary. Represents the date when the last service of the subscription ends

Returns:The time_end of this SubscriptionSummary.
Return type:datetime

Gets the time_start of this SubscriptionSummary. Represents the date when the first service of the subscription was activated

Returns:The time_start of this SubscriptionSummary.
Return type:datetime

Gets the total_value of this SubscriptionSummary. Total aggregate TCLV of all lines for the subscription including expired, active, and signed

Returns:The total_value of this SubscriptionSummary.
Return type:str

Gets the type of this SubscriptionSummary. Subscription Type i.e. IAAS,SAAS,PAAS

Returns:The type of this SubscriptionSummary.
Return type:str