
class oci.load_balancer.LoadBalancerClient(config, **kwargs)

API for the Load Balancing service. Use this API to manage load balancers, backend sets, and related items. For more information, see [Overview of Load Balancing](/iaas/Content/Balance/Concepts/balanceoverview.htm).


__init__(config, **kwargs) Creates a new service client
change_load_balancer_compartment(…) Moves a load balancer into a different compartment within the same tenancy.
create_backend(create_backend_details, …) Adds a backend server to a backend set.
create_backend_set(…) Adds a backend set to a load balancer.
create_certificate(…) Creates an asynchronous request to add an SSL certificate bundle.
create_hostname(create_hostname_details, …) Adds a hostname resource to the specified load balancer.
create_listener(create_listener_details, …) Adds a listener to a load balancer.
create_load_balancer(…) Creates a new load balancer in the specified compartment.
create_path_route_set(…) Adds a path route set to a load balancer.
create_routing_policy(…) Adds a routing policy to a load balancer.
create_rule_set(load_balancer_id, …) Creates a new rule set associated with the specified load balancer.
create_ssl_cipher_suite(…) Creates a custom SSL cipher suite.
delete_backend(load_balancer_id, …) Removes a backend server from a given load balancer and backend set.
delete_backend_set(load_balancer_id, …) Deletes the specified backend set.
delete_certificate(load_balancer_id, …) Deletes an SSL certificate bundle from a load balancer.
delete_hostname(load_balancer_id, name, **kwargs) Deletes a hostname resource from the specified load balancer.
delete_listener(load_balancer_id, …) Deletes a listener from a load balancer.
delete_load_balancer(load_balancer_id, **kwargs) Stops a load balancer and removes it from service.
delete_path_route_set(load_balancer_id, …) Deletes a path route set from the specified load balancer.
delete_routing_policy(load_balancer_id, …) Deletes a routing policy from the specified load balancer.
delete_rule_set(load_balancer_id, …) Deletes a rule set from the specified load balancer.
delete_ssl_cipher_suite(load_balancer_id, …) Deletes an SSL cipher suite from a load balancer.
get_backend(load_balancer_id, …) Gets the specified backend server’s configuration information.
get_backend_health(load_balancer_id, …) Gets the current health status of the specified backend server.
get_backend_set(load_balancer_id, …) Gets the specified backend set’s configuration information.
get_backend_set_health(load_balancer_id, …) Gets the health status for the specified backend set.
get_health_checker(load_balancer_id, …) Gets the health check policy information for a given load balancer and backend set.
get_hostname(load_balancer_id, name, **kwargs) Gets the specified hostname resource’s configuration information.
get_load_balancer(load_balancer_id, **kwargs) Gets the specified load balancer’s configuration information.
get_load_balancer_health(load_balancer_id, …) Gets the health status for the specified load balancer.
get_path_route_set(load_balancer_id, …) Gets the specified path route set’s configuration information.
get_routing_policy(load_balancer_id, …) Gets the specified routing policy.
get_rule_set(load_balancer_id, …) Gets the specified set of rules.
get_ssl_cipher_suite(load_balancer_id, name, …) Gets the specified SSL cipher suite’s configuration information.
get_work_request(work_request_id, **kwargs) Gets the details of a work request.
list_backend_sets(load_balancer_id, **kwargs) Lists all backend sets associated with a given load balancer.
list_backends(load_balancer_id, …) Lists the backend servers for a given load balancer and backend set.
list_certificates(load_balancer_id, **kwargs) Lists all SSL certificates bundles associated with a given load balancer.
list_hostnames(load_balancer_id, **kwargs) Lists all hostname resources associated with the specified load balancer.
list_listener_rules(load_balancer_id, …) Lists all of the rules from all of the rule sets associated with the specified listener.
list_load_balancer_healths(compartment_id, …) Lists the summary health statuses for all load balancers in the specified compartment.
list_load_balancers(compartment_id, **kwargs) Lists all load balancers in the specified compartment.
list_path_route_sets(load_balancer_id, **kwargs) Lists all path route sets associated with the specified load balancer.
list_policies(compartment_id, **kwargs) Lists the available load balancer policies.
list_protocols(compartment_id, **kwargs) Lists all supported traffic protocols.
list_routing_policies(load_balancer_id, **kwargs) Lists all routing policies associated with the specified load balancer.
list_rule_sets(load_balancer_id, **kwargs) Lists all rule sets associated with the specified load balancer.
list_shapes(compartment_id, **kwargs) Lists the valid load balancer shapes.
list_ssl_cipher_suites(load_balancer_id, …) Lists all SSL cipher suites associated with the specified load balancer.
list_work_requests(load_balancer_id, **kwargs) Lists the work requests for a given load balancer.
update_backend(update_backend_details, …) Updates the configuration of a backend server within the specified backend set.
update_backend_set(…) Updates a backend set.
update_health_checker(health_checker, …) Updates the health check policy for a given load balancer and backend set.
update_hostname(update_hostname_details, …) Overwrites an existing hostname resource on the specified load balancer.
update_listener(update_listener_details, …) Updates a listener for a given load balancer.
update_load_balancer(…) Updates a load balancer’s configuration.
update_load_balancer_shape(load_balancer_id, …) Update the shape of a load balancer.
update_network_security_groups(…) Updates the network security groups associated with the specified load balancer.
update_path_route_set(…) Overwrites an existing path route set on the specified load balancer.
update_routing_policy(…) Overwrites an existing routing policy on the specified load balancer.
update_rule_set(load_balancer_id, …) Overwrites an existing set of rules on the specified load balancer.
update_ssl_cipher_suite(…) Updates an existing SSL cipher suite for the specified load balancer.
__init__(config, **kwargs)

Creates a new service client

  • config (dict) – Configuration keys and values as per SDK and Tool Configuration. The from_file() method can be used to load configuration from a file. Alternatively, a dict can be passed. You can validate_config the dict using validate_config()
  • service_endpoint (str) – (optional) The endpoint of the service to call using this client. For example https://iaas.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com. If this keyword argument is not provided then it will be derived using the region in the config parameter. You should only provide this keyword argument if you have an explicit need to specify a service endpoint.
  • timeout (float or tuple(float, float)) – (optional) The connection and read timeouts for the client. The default values are connection timeout 10 seconds and read timeout 60 seconds. This keyword argument can be provided as a single float, in which case the value provided is used for both the read and connection timeouts, or as a tuple of two floats. If a tuple is provided then the first value is used as the connection timeout and the second value as the read timeout.
  • signer (AbstractBaseSigner) –

    (optional) The signer to use when signing requests made by the service client. The default is to use a Signer based on the values provided in the config parameter.

    One use case for this parameter is for Instance Principals authentication by passing an instance of InstancePrincipalsSecurityTokenSigner as the value for this keyword argument

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to all calls made by this service client (i.e. at the client level). There is no retry strategy applied by default. Retry strategies can also be applied at the operation level by passing a retry_strategy keyword argument as part of calling the operation. Any value provided at the operation level will override whatever is specified at the client level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. A convenience DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY is also available. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

  • circuit_breaker_strategy (obj) – (optional) A circuit breaker strategy to apply to all calls made by this service client (i.e. at the client level). This client uses DEFAULT_CIRCUIT_BREAKER_STRATEGY as default if no circuit breaker strategy is provided. The specifics of circuit breaker strategy are described here.
  • circuit_breaker_callback (function) – (optional) Callback function to receive any exceptions triggerred by the circuit breaker.
  • client_level_realm_specific_endpoint_template_enabled (bool) – (optional) A boolean flag to indicate whether or not this client should be created with realm specific endpoint template enabled or disable. By default, this will be set as None.
  • allow_control_chars – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this client should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the client will not allow control characters to be in the response object.
change_load_balancer_compartment(load_balancer_id, change_load_balancer_compartment_details, **kwargs)

Moves a load balancer into a different compartment within the same tenancy. For information about moving resources between compartments, see Moving Resources to a Different Compartment.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer to move.

  • change_load_balancer_compartment_details (oci.load_balancer.models.ChangeLoadBalancerCompartmentDetails) – (required) The configuration details for moving a load balancer to a different compartment.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use change_load_balancer_compartment API.

create_backend(create_backend_details, load_balancer_id, backend_set_name, **kwargs)

Adds a backend server to a backend set.

  • create_backend_details (oci.load_balancer.models.CreateBackendDetails) – (required) The details to add a backend server to a backend set.
  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the backend set and servers.

  • backend_set_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the backend set to add the backend server to.

    Example: example_backend_set

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_backend API.

create_backend_set(create_backend_set_details, load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Adds a backend set to a load balancer.

  • create_backend_set_details (oci.load_balancer.models.CreateBackendSetDetails) – (required) The details for adding a backend set.
  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer on which to add a backend set.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_backend_set API.

create_certificate(create_certificate_details, load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Creates an asynchronous request to add an SSL certificate bundle.

  • create_certificate_details (oci.load_balancer.models.CreateCertificateDetails) – (required) The details of the certificate bundle to add.
  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer on which to add the certificate bundle.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_certificate API.

create_hostname(create_hostname_details, load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Adds a hostname resource to the specified load balancer. For more information, see Managing Request Routing.

  • create_hostname_details (oci.load_balancer.models.CreateHostnameDetails) – (required) The details of the hostname resource to add to the specified load balancer.
  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer to add the hostname to.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_hostname API.

create_listener(create_listener_details, load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Adds a listener to a load balancer.

  • create_listener_details (oci.load_balancer.models.CreateListenerDetails) – (required) Details to add a listener.
  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer on which to add a listener.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_listener API.

create_load_balancer(create_load_balancer_details, **kwargs)

Creates a new load balancer in the specified compartment. For general information about load balancers, see Overview of the Load Balancing Service.

For the purposes of access control, you must provide the OCID of the compartment where you want the load balancer to reside. Notice that the load balancer doesn’t have to be in the same compartment as the VCN or backend set. If you’re not sure which compartment to use, put the load balancer in the same compartment as the VCN. For information about access control and compartments, see Overview of the IAM Service.

You must specify a display name for the load balancer. It does not have to be unique, and you can change it.

For information about Availability Domains, see Regions and Availability Domains. To get a list of Availability Domains, use the ListAvailabilityDomains operation in the Identity and Access Management Service API.

All Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources, including load balancers, get an Oracle-assigned, unique ID called an Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID). When you create a resource, you can find its OCID in the response. You can also retrieve a resource’s OCID by using a List API operation on that resource type, or by viewing the resource in the Console. Fore more information, see Resource Identifiers.

After you send your request, the new object’s state will temporarily be PROVISIONING. Before using the object, first make sure its state has changed to RUNNING.

When you create a load balancer, the system assigns an IP address. To get the IP address, use the get_load_balancer() operation.

  • create_load_balancer_details (oci.load_balancer.models.CreateLoadBalancerDetails) – (required) The configuration details for creating a load balancer.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_load_balancer API.

create_path_route_set(create_path_route_set_details, load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Adds a path route set to a load balancer. For more information, see Managing Request Routing.

  • create_path_route_set_details (oci.load_balancer.models.CreatePathRouteSetDetails) – (required) The details of the path route set to add.
  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer to add the path route set to.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_path_route_set API.

create_routing_policy(create_routing_policy_details, load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Adds a routing policy to a load balancer. For more information, see Managing Request Routing.

  • create_routing_policy_details (oci.load_balancer.models.CreateRoutingPolicyDetails) – (required) The details of the routing policy rules to add.
  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer to add the routing policy rule list to.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_routing_policy API.

create_rule_set(load_balancer_id, create_rule_set_details, **kwargs)

Creates a new rule set associated with the specified load balancer. For more information, see Managing Rule Sets.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the specified load balancer.

  • create_rule_set_details (oci.load_balancer.models.CreateRuleSetDetails) – (required) The configuration details for the rule set to create.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_rule_set API.

create_ssl_cipher_suite(create_ssl_cipher_suite_details, load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Creates a custom SSL cipher suite.

  • create_ssl_cipher_suite_details (oci.load_balancer.models.CreateSSLCipherSuiteDetails) – (required) The details of the SSL cipher suite to add.
  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the associated load balancer.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_ssl_cipher_suite API.

delete_backend(load_balancer_id, backend_set_name, backend_name, **kwargs)

Removes a backend server from a given load balancer and backend set.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the backend set and server.

  • backend_set_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the backend set associated with the backend server.

    Example: example_backend_set

  • backend_name (str) –

    (required) The IP address and port of the backend server to remove.


  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_backend API.

delete_backend_set(load_balancer_id, backend_set_name, **kwargs)

Deletes the specified backend set. Note that deleting a backend set removes its backend servers from the load balancer.

Before you can delete a backend set, you must remove it from any active listeners.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the backend set.

  • backend_set_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the backend set to delete.

    Example: example_backend_set

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_backend_set API.

delete_certificate(load_balancer_id, certificate_name, **kwargs)

Deletes an SSL certificate bundle from a load balancer.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the certificate bundle to be deleted.

  • certificate_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the certificate bundle to delete.

    Example: example_certificate_bundle

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_certificate API.

delete_hostname(load_balancer_id, name, **kwargs)

Deletes a hostname resource from the specified load balancer.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the hostname to delete.

  • name (str) –

    (required) The name of the hostname resource to delete.

    Example: example_hostname_001

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_hostname API.

delete_listener(load_balancer_id, listener_name, **kwargs)

Deletes a listener from a load balancer.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the listener to delete.

  • listener_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the listener to delete.

    Example: example_listener

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_listener API.

delete_load_balancer(load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Stops a load balancer and removes it from service.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer to delete.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_load_balancer API.

delete_path_route_set(load_balancer_id, path_route_set_name, **kwargs)

Deletes a path route set from the specified load balancer.

To delete a path route rule from a path route set, use the update_path_route_set() operation.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the path route set to delete.

  • path_route_set_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the path route set to delete.

    Example: example_path_route_set

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_path_route_set API.

delete_routing_policy(load_balancer_id, routing_policy_name, **kwargs)

Deletes a routing policy from the specified load balancer.

To delete a routing rule from a routing policy, use the update_routing_policy() operation.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the routing policy to delete.

  • routing_policy_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the routing policy to delete.

    Example: example_routing_policy

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_routing_policy API.

delete_rule_set(load_balancer_id, rule_set_name, **kwargs)

Deletes a rule set from the specified load balancer.

To delete a rule from a rule set, use the update_rule_set() operation.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the specified load balancer.

  • rule_set_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the rule set to delete.

    Example: example_rule_set

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_rule_set API.

delete_ssl_cipher_suite(load_balancer_id, name, **kwargs)

Deletes an SSL cipher suite from a load balancer.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the associated load balancer.

  • name (str) –

    (required) The name of the SSL cipher suite to delete.

    example: example_cipher_suite

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_ssl_cipher_suite API.

get_backend(load_balancer_id, backend_set_name, backend_name, **kwargs)

Gets the specified backend server’s configuration information.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the backend set and server.

  • backend_set_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the backend set that includes the backend server.

    Example: example_backend_set

  • backend_name (str) –

    (required) The IP address and port of the backend server to retrieve.


  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Backend

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_backend API.

get_backend_health(load_balancer_id, backend_set_name, backend_name, **kwargs)

Gets the current health status of the specified backend server.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the backend server health status to be retrieved.

  • backend_set_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the backend set associated with the backend server to retrieve the health status for.

    Example: example_backend_set

  • backend_name (str) –

    (required) The IP address and port of the backend server to retrieve the health status for.


  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type BackendHealth

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_backend_health API.

get_backend_set(load_balancer_id, backend_set_name, **kwargs)

Gets the specified backend set’s configuration information.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the specified load balancer.

  • backend_set_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the backend set to retrieve.

    Example: example_backend_set

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type BackendSet

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_backend_set API.

get_backend_set_health(load_balancer_id, backend_set_name, **kwargs)

Gets the health status for the specified backend set.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the backend set health status to be retrieved.

  • backend_set_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the backend set to retrieve the health status for.

    Example: example_backend_set

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type BackendSetHealth

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_backend_set_health API.

get_health_checker(load_balancer_id, backend_set_name, **kwargs)

Gets the health check policy information for a given load balancer and backend set.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the health check policy to be retrieved.

  • backend_set_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the backend set associated with the health check policy to be retrieved.

    Example: example_backend_set

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type HealthChecker

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_health_checker API.

get_hostname(load_balancer_id, name, **kwargs)

Gets the specified hostname resource’s configuration information.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the specified load balancer.

  • name (str) –

    (required) The name of the hostname resource to retrieve.

    Example: example_hostname_001

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Hostname

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_hostname API.

get_load_balancer(load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Gets the specified load balancer’s configuration information.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer to retrieve.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type LoadBalancer

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_load_balancer API.

get_load_balancer_health(load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Gets the health status for the specified load balancer.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer to return health status for.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type LoadBalancerHealth

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_load_balancer_health API.

get_path_route_set(load_balancer_id, path_route_set_name, **kwargs)

Gets the specified path route set’s configuration information.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the specified load balancer.

  • path_route_set_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the path route set to retrieve.

    Example: example_path_route_set

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type PathRouteSet

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_path_route_set API.

get_routing_policy(load_balancer_id, routing_policy_name, **kwargs)

Gets the specified routing policy.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the specified load balancer.

  • routing_policy_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the routing policy to retrieve.

    Example: example_routing_policy

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type RoutingPolicy

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_routing_policy API.

get_rule_set(load_balancer_id, rule_set_name, **kwargs)

Gets the specified set of rules.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the specified load balancer.

  • rule_set_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the rule set to retrieve.

    Example: example_rule_set

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type RuleSet

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_rule_set API.

get_ssl_cipher_suite(load_balancer_id, name, **kwargs)

Gets the specified SSL cipher suite’s configuration information.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the associated load balancer.

  • name (str) –

    (required) The name of the SSL cipher suite to retrieve.

    example: example_cipher_suite

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type SSLCipherSuite

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_ssl_cipher_suite API.

get_work_request(work_request_id, **kwargs)

Gets the details of a work request.

  • work_request_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the work request to retrieve.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type WorkRequest

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_work_request API.

list_backend_sets(load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Lists all backend sets associated with a given load balancer.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the backend sets to retrieve.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type list of BackendSet

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_backend_sets API.

list_backends(load_balancer_id, backend_set_name, **kwargs)

Lists the backend servers for a given load balancer and backend set.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the backend set and servers.

  • backend_set_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the backend set associated with the backend servers.

    Example: example_backend_set

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type list of Backend

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_backends API.

list_certificates(load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Lists all SSL certificates bundles associated with a given load balancer.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the certificate bundles to be listed.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type list of Certificate

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_certificates API.

list_hostnames(load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Lists all hostname resources associated with the specified load balancer.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the hostnames to retrieve.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type list of Hostname

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_hostnames API.

list_listener_rules(load_balancer_id, listener_name, **kwargs)

Lists all of the rules from all of the rule sets associated with the specified listener. The response organizes the rules in the following order:

  • Access control rules
  • Allow method rules
  • Request header rules
  • Response header rules
  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the listener.

  • listener_name (str) – (required) The name of the listener the rules are associated with. Example: example_listener
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type list of ListenerRuleSummary

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_listener_rules API.

list_load_balancer_healths(compartment_id, **kwargs)

Lists the summary health statuses for all load balancers in the specified compartment.

  • compartment_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the compartment containing the load balancers to return health status information for.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • limit (int) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated “List” call. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination.

    Example: 50

  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value of the opc-next-page response header from the previous “List” call. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination.

    Example: 3

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type list of LoadBalancerHealthSummary

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_load_balancer_healths API.

list_load_balancers(compartment_id, **kwargs)

Lists all load balancers in the specified compartment.

  • compartment_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the compartment containing the load balancers to list.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • limit (int) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated “List” call. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination.

    Example: 50

  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value of the opc-next-page response header from the previous “List” call. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination.

    Example: 3

  • detail (str) –

    (optional) The level of detail to return for each result. Can be full or simple.

    Example: full

  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort by. You can provide one sort order (sortOrder). Default order for TIMECREATED is descending. Default order for DISPLAYNAME is ascending. The DISPLAYNAME sort order is case sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “TIMECREATED”, “DISPLAYNAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The DISPLAYNAME sort order is case sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • display_name (str) –

    (optional) A filter to return only resources that match the given display name exactly.

    Example: example_load_balancer

  • lifecycle_state (str) –

    (optional) A filter to return only resources that match the given lifecycle state.

    Example: SUCCEEDED

    Allowed values are: “CREATING”, “FAILED”, “ACTIVE”, “DELETING”, “DELETED”

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type list of LoadBalancer

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_load_balancers API.

list_path_route_sets(load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Lists all path route sets associated with the specified load balancer.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the path route sets to retrieve.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type list of PathRouteSet

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_path_route_sets API.

list_policies(compartment_id, **kwargs)

Lists the available load balancer policies.

  • compartment_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the compartment containing the load balancer policies to list.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • limit (int) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated “List” call. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination.

    Example: 50

  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value of the opc-next-page response header from the previous “List” call. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination.

    Example: 3

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type list of LoadBalancerPolicy

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_policies API.

list_protocols(compartment_id, **kwargs)

Lists all supported traffic protocols.

  • compartment_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the compartment containing the load balancer protocols to list.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • limit (int) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated “List” call. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination.

    Example: 50

  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value of the opc-next-page response header from the previous “List” call. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination.

    Example: 3

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type list of LoadBalancerProtocol

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_protocols API.

list_routing_policies(load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Lists all routing policies associated with the specified load balancer.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the routing policies.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • limit (int) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated “List” call. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination.

    Example: 50

  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value of the opc-next-page response header from the previous “List” call. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination.

    Example: 3

  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type list of RoutingPolicy

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_routing_policies API.

list_rule_sets(load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Lists all rule sets associated with the specified load balancer.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the specified load balancer.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type list of RuleSet

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_rule_sets API.

list_shapes(compartment_id, **kwargs)

Lists the valid load balancer shapes.

  • compartment_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the compartment containing the load balancer shapes to list.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • limit (int) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated “List” call. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination.

    Example: 50

  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value of the opc-next-page response header from the previous “List” call. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination.

    Example: 3

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type list of LoadBalancerShape

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_shapes API.

list_ssl_cipher_suites(load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Lists all SSL cipher suites associated with the specified load balancer.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the associated load balancer.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type list of SSLCipherSuite

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_ssl_cipher_suites API.

list_work_requests(load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Lists the work requests for a given load balancer.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the work requests to retrieve.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • limit (int) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated “List” call. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination.

    Example: 50

  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value of the opc-next-page response header from the previous “List” call. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination.

    Example: 3

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type list of WorkRequest

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_work_requests API.

update_backend(update_backend_details, load_balancer_id, backend_set_name, backend_name, **kwargs)

Updates the configuration of a backend server within the specified backend set.

  • update_backend_details (oci.load_balancer.models.UpdateBackendDetails) – (required) Details for updating a backend server.
  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the backend set and server.

  • backend_set_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the backend set associated with the backend server.

    Example: example_backend_set

  • backend_name (str) –

    (required) The IP address and port of the backend server to update.


  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_backend API.

update_backend_set(update_backend_set_details, load_balancer_id, backend_set_name, **kwargs)

Updates a backend set.

  • update_backend_set_details (oci.load_balancer.models.UpdateBackendSetDetails) – (required) The details to update a backend set.
  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the backend set.

  • backend_set_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the backend set to update.

    Example: example_backend_set

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_backend_set API.

update_health_checker(health_checker, load_balancer_id, backend_set_name, **kwargs)

Updates the health check policy for a given load balancer and backend set.

  • health_checker (oci.load_balancer.models.UpdateHealthCheckerDetails) – (required) The health check policy configuration details.
  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the health check policy to be updated.

  • backend_set_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the backend set associated with the health check policy to be retrieved.

    Example: example_backend_set

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_health_checker API.

update_hostname(update_hostname_details, load_balancer_id, name, **kwargs)

Overwrites an existing hostname resource on the specified load balancer. Use this operation to change a virtual hostname.

  • update_hostname_details (oci.load_balancer.models.UpdateHostnameDetails) – (required) The configuration details to update a virtual hostname.
  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the virtual hostname to update.

  • name (str) –

    (required) The name of the hostname resource to update.

    Example: example_hostname_001

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_hostname API.

update_listener(update_listener_details, load_balancer_id, listener_name, **kwargs)

Updates a listener for a given load balancer.

  • update_listener_details (oci.load_balancer.models.UpdateListenerDetails) – (required) Details to update a listener.
  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the listener to update.

  • listener_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the listener to update.

    Example: example_listener

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_listener API.

update_load_balancer(update_load_balancer_details, load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Updates a load balancer’s configuration.

  • update_load_balancer_details (oci.load_balancer.models.UpdateLoadBalancerDetails) – (required) The details for updating a load balancer’s configuration.
  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer to update.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_load_balancer API.

update_load_balancer_shape(load_balancer_id, update_load_balancer_shape_details, **kwargs)

Update the shape of a load balancer. The new shape can be larger or smaller compared to existing shape of the LB. The service will try to perform this operation in the least disruptive way to existing connections, but there is a possibility that they might be lost during the LB resizing process. The new shape becomes effective as soon as the related work request completes successfully, i.e. when reshaping to a larger shape, the LB will start accepting larger bandwidth and when reshaping to a smaller one, the LB will be accepting smaller bandwidth.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer whose shape will be updated.

  • update_load_balancer_shape_details (oci.load_balancer.models.UpdateLoadBalancerShapeDetails) – (required) The details for updating a load balancer’s shape. This contains the new, desired shape.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_load_balancer_shape API.

update_network_security_groups(update_network_security_groups_details, load_balancer_id, **kwargs)

Updates the network security groups associated with the specified load balancer.

  • update_network_security_groups_details (oci.load_balancer.models.UpdateNetworkSecurityGroupsDetails) – (required) The details for updating the NSGs associated with the specified load balancer.
  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer to update the NSGs for.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_network_security_groups API.

update_path_route_set(update_path_route_set_details, load_balancer_id, path_route_set_name, **kwargs)

Overwrites an existing path route set on the specified load balancer. Use this operation to add, delete, or alter path route rules in a path route set.

To add a new path route rule to a path route set, the pathRoutes in the update_path_route_set_details() object must include both the new path route rule to add and the existing path route rules to retain.

  • update_path_route_set_details (oci.load_balancer.models.UpdatePathRouteSetDetails) – (required) The configuration details to update a path route set.
  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the path route set to update.

  • path_route_set_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the path route set to update.

    Example: example_path_route_set

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_path_route_set API.

update_routing_policy(update_routing_policy_details, load_balancer_id, routing_policy_name, **kwargs)

Overwrites an existing routing policy on the specified load balancer. Use this operation to add, delete, or alter routing policy rules in a routing policy.

To add a new routing rule to a routing policy, the body must include both the new routing rule to add and the existing rules to retain.

  • update_routing_policy_details (oci.load_balancer.models.UpdateRoutingPolicyDetails) – (required) The configuration details needed to update a routing policy.
  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the load balancer associated with the routing policy to update.

  • routing_policy_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the routing policy to update.

    Example: example_routing_policy_name

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_routing_policy API.

update_rule_set(load_balancer_id, rule_set_name, update_rule_set_details, **kwargs)

Overwrites an existing set of rules on the specified load balancer. Use this operation to add or alter the rules in a rule set.

To add a new rule to a set, the body must include both the new rule to add and the existing rules to retain.

  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the specified load balancer.

  • rule_set_name (str) –

    (required) The name of the rule set to update.

    Example: example_rule_set

  • update_rule_set_details (oci.load_balancer.models.UpdateRuleSetDetails) – (required) The configuration details to update a set of rules.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_rule_set API.

update_ssl_cipher_suite(update_ssl_cipher_suite_details, load_balancer_id, name, **kwargs)

Updates an existing SSL cipher suite for the specified load balancer.

  • update_ssl_cipher_suite_details (oci.load_balancer.models.UpdateSSLCipherSuiteDetails) – (required) The configuration details to update an SSL cipher suite.
  • load_balancer_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the associated load balancer.

  • name (str) –

    (required) The name of the SSL cipher suite to update.

    example: example_cipher_suite

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (e.g., if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
  • if_match (str) –

    (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the ETag for the load balancer. This value can be obtained from a GET or POST response for any resource of that load balancer.

    For example, the eTag returned by getListener can be specified as the ifMatch for updateRuleSets.

    The resource is updated or deleted only if the ETag you provide matches the resource’s current ETag value.

    Example: example-etag

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_ssl_cipher_suite API.