Demand Signal

oci.demand_signal.OccDemandSignalClient Use the OCI Control Center Demand Signal API to manage Demand Signals.
oci.demand_signal.OccDemandSignalClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around OccDemandSignalClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.


oci.demand_signal.models.ChangeOccDemandSignalCompartmentDetails The configuration details for the move operation.
oci.demand_signal.models.CreateOccDemandSignalDetails The data to create a OccDemandSignal.
oci.demand_signal.models.OccDemandSignal An OccDemandSignal is a forecast created for different Resource Types.
oci.demand_signal.models.OccDemandSignalCollection Results of a occDemandSignal search.
oci.demand_signal.models.OccDemandSignalData The Data Object For Demand Signal.
oci.demand_signal.models.OccDemandSignalSummary Summary information about a OccDemandSignal.
oci.demand_signal.models.OccDemandSignalValue The Value of Demand Signal for particular month.
oci.demand_signal.models.PatchInsertInstruction An operation that inserts a value into an array, shifting array items as necessary and handling NOT_FOUND exceptions by creating the implied containing structure.
oci.demand_signal.models.PatchInsertMultipleInstruction An operation that inserts multiple consecutive values into an array, shifting array items as necessary and handling NOT_FOUND exceptions by creating the implied containing structure.
oci.demand_signal.models.PatchInstruction A single instruction to be included as part of Patch request content.
oci.demand_signal.models.PatchMergeInstruction An operation that recursively updates items of the selection, or adding the value if the selection is empty.
oci.demand_signal.models.PatchMoveInstruction An operation that “puts” values from elsewhere in the target, functionally equivalent to a single add and then a remove.
oci.demand_signal.models.PatchOccDemandSignalDetails Demand Signal details to patch.
oci.demand_signal.models.PatchProhibitInstruction A precondition operation that requires a selection to be empty, or optionally to be non-empty but include no item with a specified value (useful for asserting that a value does not exist before attempting to create it, avoiding accidental update).
oci.demand_signal.models.PatchRemoveInstruction An operation that deletes items, ignoring NOT_FOUND exceptions.
oci.demand_signal.models.PatchReplaceInstruction An operation that “puts” a value, replacing every item of the selection with it, or creating it if the selection is empty.
oci.demand_signal.models.PatchRequireInstruction A precondition operation that requires a selection to be non-empty, and optionally to include an item with a specified value (useful for asserting that a value exists before attempting to update it, avoiding accidental creation).
oci.demand_signal.models.UpdateOccDemandSignalDetails The data to update a OccDemandSignal.