
class oci.opsi.models.SqlBucket(**kwargs)

Bases: object

Sql bucket type object.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new SqlBucket object with values from keyword arguments.


bucket_id [Required] Gets the bucket_id of this SqlBucket.
cpu_time_in_sec Gets the cpu_time_in_sec of this SqlBucket.
database_type Gets the database_type of this SqlBucket.
executions_count Gets the executions_count of this SqlBucket.
io_time_in_sec Gets the io_time_in_sec of this SqlBucket.
other_wait_time_in_sec Gets the other_wait_time_in_sec of this SqlBucket.
plan_hash [Required] Gets the plan_hash of this SqlBucket.
sql_identifier [Required] Gets the sql_identifier of this SqlBucket.
time_collected [Required] Gets the time_collected of this SqlBucket.
total_time_in_sec Gets the total_time_in_sec of this SqlBucket.
version Gets the version of this SqlBucket.

Initializes a new SqlBucket object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • version (float) – The value to assign to the version property of this SqlBucket.
  • database_type (str) – The value to assign to the database_type property of this SqlBucket.
  • time_collected (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_collected property of this SqlBucket.
  • sql_identifier (str) – The value to assign to the sql_identifier property of this SqlBucket.
  • plan_hash (int) – The value to assign to the plan_hash property of this SqlBucket.
  • bucket_id (str) – The value to assign to the bucket_id property of this SqlBucket.
  • executions_count (int) – The value to assign to the executions_count property of this SqlBucket.
  • cpu_time_in_sec (float) – The value to assign to the cpu_time_in_sec property of this SqlBucket.
  • io_time_in_sec (float) – The value to assign to the io_time_in_sec property of this SqlBucket.
  • other_wait_time_in_sec (float) – The value to assign to the other_wait_time_in_sec property of this SqlBucket.
  • total_time_in_sec (float) – The value to assign to the total_time_in_sec property of this SqlBucket.

[Required] Gets the bucket_id of this SqlBucket. SQL Bucket ID, examples <= 3 secs, 3-10 secs, 10-60 secs, 1-5 min, > 5 min Example: “<= 3 secs”

Returns:The bucket_id of this SqlBucket.
Return type:str

Gets the cpu_time_in_sec of this SqlBucket. Total CPU time Example: 1046

Returns:The cpu_time_in_sec of this SqlBucket.
Return type:float

Gets the database_type of this SqlBucket. Ops Insights internal representation of the database type.

Returns:The database_type of this SqlBucket.
Return type:str

Gets the executions_count of this SqlBucket. Total number of executions Example: 60

Returns:The executions_count of this SqlBucket.
Return type:int

Gets the io_time_in_sec of this SqlBucket. Total IO time Example: 5810

Returns:The io_time_in_sec of this SqlBucket.
Return type:float

Gets the other_wait_time_in_sec of this SqlBucket. Total other wait time Example: 24061

Returns:The other_wait_time_in_sec of this SqlBucket.
Return type:float

[Required] Gets the plan_hash of this SqlBucket. Plan hash value for the SQL Execution Plan

Returns:The plan_hash of this SqlBucket.
Return type:int

[Required] Gets the sql_identifier of this SqlBucket. Unique SQL_ID for a SQL Statement.

Returns:The sql_identifier of this SqlBucket.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the time_collected of this SqlBucket. Collection timestamp Example: “2020-03-31T00:00:00.000Z”

Returns:The time_collected of this SqlBucket.
Return type:datetime

Gets the total_time_in_sec of this SqlBucket. Total time Example: 30917

Returns:The total_time_in_sec of this SqlBucket.
Return type:float

Gets the version of this SqlBucket. Version Example: 1

Returns:The version of this SqlBucket.
Return type:float