
oci.ocvp.ClusterClient Use the Oracle Cloud VMware API to create SDDCs and manage ESXi hosts and software.
oci.ocvp.EsxiHostClient Use the Oracle Cloud VMware API to create SDDCs and manage ESXi hosts and software.
oci.ocvp.SddcClient Use the Oracle Cloud VMware API to create SDDCs and manage ESXi hosts and software.
oci.ocvp.WorkRequestClient Use the Oracle Cloud VMware API to create SDDCs and manage ESXi hosts and software.
oci.ocvp.ClusterClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around ClusterClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.ocvp.EsxiHostClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around EsxiHostClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.ocvp.SddcClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around SddcClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.ocvp.WorkRequestClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around WorkRequestClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.


oci.ocvp.models.ChangeSddcCompartmentDetails The configuration details for the move operation.
oci.ocvp.models.Cluster An `Oracle Cloud VMware Solution`__ Cluster contains the resources required for a functional VMware environment.
oci.ocvp.models.ClusterCollection A list of Clusters.
oci.ocvp.models.ClusterSummary A summary of the Cluster.
oci.ocvp.models.CreateClusterDetails Details of the Cluster.
oci.ocvp.models.CreateEsxiHostDetails Details of the ESXi host to add to the Cluster.
oci.ocvp.models.CreateSddcDetails Details of the SDDC.
oci.ocvp.models.DatastoreDetails Datastore details for a getting an Sddc.
oci.ocvp.models.DatastoreInfo Datastore info for creating an Sddc.
oci.ocvp.models.DowngradeHcxDetails The HCX on-premise license keys to be reserved when downgrading from HCX Enterprise to HCX Advanced.
oci.ocvp.models.EsxiHost An ESXi host is a node in a Cluster.
oci.ocvp.models.EsxiHostCollection A list of ESXi hosts.
oci.ocvp.models.EsxiHostSummary A summary of the ESXi host.
oci.ocvp.models.HcxLicenseSummary HCX on-premise license information summary.
oci.ocvp.models.InitialClusterConfiguration Details of the initial Cluster of SDDC.
oci.ocvp.models.InitialConfiguration Details of SDDC initial configuration
oci.ocvp.models.NetworkConfiguration The network configurations used by Cluster, including `OCIDs`__ of the management subnet and VLANs.
oci.ocvp.models.ReplaceHostDetails The details for replacing ESXi host.
oci.ocvp.models.Sddc An `Oracle Cloud VMware Solution`__ software-defined data center (SDDC) contains the resources required for a functional VMware environment.
oci.ocvp.models.SddcCollection A list of SDDCs.
oci.ocvp.models.SddcPassword SDDC vCenter/NSX/HCX password.
oci.ocvp.models.SddcSummary A summary of the SDDC.
oci.ocvp.models.SupportedCommitmentSummary A specific Commitment.
oci.ocvp.models.SupportedCommitmentSummaryCollection A specific Commitment.
oci.ocvp.models.SupportedEsxiSoftwareVersionSummary A specific version of bundled ESXi software supported by the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution.
oci.ocvp.models.SupportedHostShapeCollection A list of compute shapes supported by the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution.
oci.ocvp.models.SupportedHostShapeSummary A specific compute shape supported by the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution.
oci.ocvp.models.SupportedVmwareSoftwareVersionCollection A list of the supported versions of bundled VMware software.
oci.ocvp.models.SupportedVmwareSoftwareVersionSummary A specific version of bundled VMware software supported by the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution.
oci.ocvp.models.UpdateClusterDetails The Cluster information to be updated.
oci.ocvp.models.UpdateEsxiHostDetails The ESXi host information to be updated.
oci.ocvp.models.UpdateSddcDetails The SDDC information to be updated.
oci.ocvp.models.VsphereLicense License for vSphere upgrade.
oci.ocvp.models.VsphereUpgradeObject Binary object needed for vSphere upgrade
oci.ocvp.models.WorkRequest An asynchronous work request.
oci.ocvp.models.WorkRequestCollection A list of work requests.
oci.ocvp.models.WorkRequestError An error encountered while executing an operation that is tracked by a work request.
oci.ocvp.models.WorkRequestErrorCollection A list of work request errors.
oci.ocvp.models.WorkRequestLogEntry A log message from executing an operation that is tracked by a work request.
oci.ocvp.models.WorkRequestLogEntryCollection A list of work request logs.
oci.ocvp.models.WorkRequestResource A resource that is created or operated on by an asynchronous operation that is tracked by a work request.