
class oci.mysql.models.DataStorage(**kwargs)

Bases: object

Data Storage information.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new DataStorage object with values from keyword arguments.


allocated_storage_size_in_gbs Gets the allocated_storage_size_in_gbs of this DataStorage.
data_storage_size_in_gbs Gets the data_storage_size_in_gbs of this DataStorage.
data_storage_size_limit_in_gbs Gets the data_storage_size_limit_in_gbs of this DataStorage.
is_auto_expand_storage_enabled Gets the is_auto_expand_storage_enabled of this DataStorage.
max_storage_size_in_gbs Gets the max_storage_size_in_gbs of this DataStorage.

Initializes a new DataStorage object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • allocated_storage_size_in_gbs (int) – The value to assign to the allocated_storage_size_in_gbs property of this DataStorage.
  • data_storage_size_in_gbs (int) – The value to assign to the data_storage_size_in_gbs property of this DataStorage.
  • data_storage_size_limit_in_gbs (int) – The value to assign to the data_storage_size_limit_in_gbs property of this DataStorage.
  • is_auto_expand_storage_enabled (bool) – The value to assign to the is_auto_expand_storage_enabled property of this DataStorage.
  • max_storage_size_in_gbs (int) – The value to assign to the max_storage_size_in_gbs property of this DataStorage.

Gets the allocated_storage_size_in_gbs of this DataStorage. The actual allocated storage size for the DB System. This may be higher than dataStorageSizeInGBs if an automatic storage expansion has occurred.

Returns:The allocated_storage_size_in_gbs of this DataStorage.
Return type:int

Gets the data_storage_size_in_gbs of this DataStorage. User specified size of the data volume. May be less than current allocatedStorageSizeInGBs.

Returns:The data_storage_size_in_gbs of this DataStorage.
Return type:int

Gets the data_storage_size_limit_in_gbs of this DataStorage. The absolute limit the DB System’s storage size may ever expand to, either manually or automatically. This limit is based based on the initial dataStorageSizeInGBs when the DB System was first created. Both dataStorageSizeInGBs and maxDataStorageSizeInGBs can not exceed this value.

DB Systems with an initial storage size of 400 GB or less can be expanded up to 32 TB. DB Systems with an initial storage size between 401-800 GB can be expanded up to 64 TB. DB Systems with an initial storage size between 801-1200 GB can be expanded up to 96 TB. DB Systems with an initial storage size of 1201 GB or more can be expanded up to 128 TB.

Returns:The data_storage_size_limit_in_gbs of this DataStorage.
Return type:int

Gets the is_auto_expand_storage_enabled of this DataStorage. Enable/disable automatic storage expansion. When set to true, the DB System will automatically add storage incrementally up to the value specified in maxStorageSizeInGBs.

Returns:The is_auto_expand_storage_enabled of this DataStorage.
Return type:bool

Gets the max_storage_size_in_gbs of this DataStorage. Maximum storage size this DB System can expand to. When isAutoExpandStorageEnabled is set to true, the DB System will add storage incrementally up to this value.

DB Systems with an initial storage size of 400 GB or less can be expanded up to 32 TB. DB Systems with an initial storage size between 401-800 GB can be expanded up to 64 TB. DB Systems with an initial storage size between 801-1200 GB can be expanded up to 96 TB. DB Systems with an initial storage size of 1201 GB or more can be expanded up to 128 TB.

It is not possible to decrease data storage size. You cannot set the maximum data storage size to less than either current DB System dataStorageSizeInGBs or allocatedStorageSizeInGBs.

Returns:The max_storage_size_in_gbs of this DataStorage.
Return type:int