
oci.marketplace.AccountClient Use the Marketplace API to manage applications in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace.
oci.marketplace.MarketplaceClient Use the Marketplace API to manage applications in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace.
oci.marketplace.AccountClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around AccountClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.marketplace.MarketplaceClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around MarketplaceClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.


oci.marketplace.models.AcceptedAgreement The model for an accepted terms of use agreement.
oci.marketplace.models.AcceptedAgreementSummary The model for a summary of an accepted agreement.
oci.marketplace.models.Agreement The model for an end user license agreement.
oci.marketplace.models.AgreementSummary The model for a summary of an end user license agreement.
oci.marketplace.models.CategorySummary The model for a summary of product categories for listings.
oci.marketplace.models.ChangePublicationCompartmentDetails The model for the parameters needed move a publication from one compartment to another.
oci.marketplace.models.ContainerListingPackage A listing package for container.
oci.marketplace.models.CreateAcceptedAgreementDetails The model for the parameters needed to accept a terms of use agreement.
oci.marketplace.models.CreateImagePublicationPackage An object for creating an image publication package.
oci.marketplace.models.CreatePublicationDetails The model for the parameters needed to create a publication.
oci.marketplace.models.CreatePublicationPackage A base object for creating a publication package.
oci.marketplace.models.DocumentationLink A link to a documentation resource on the internet.
oci.marketplace.models.ErrorEntity The model for the error entity.
oci.marketplace.models.Eula A base object for all types of end user license agreements.
oci.marketplace.models.ExportPackageDetails The model for the parameters needed to export a listing.
oci.marketplace.models.FreeTextSearchDetails A request containing arbitrary text that must be present in the Marketplace Applications.
oci.marketplace.models.ImageListingPackage A package for image listings.
oci.marketplace.models.ImagePublicationPackage A publication package for image publications.
oci.marketplace.models.InternationalMarketPrice The model for international market pricing.
oci.marketplace.models.Item The model for an item within an array of filter values.
oci.marketplace.models.KubernetesListingPackage A listing package for kubernetes.
oci.marketplace.models.LaunchEligibility Tenant eligibility and other information for launching a PIC image
oci.marketplace.models.Link The model for links.
oci.marketplace.models.Listing The model for an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace listing.
oci.marketplace.models.ListingPackage A base object for all types of listing packages.
oci.marketplace.models.ListingPackageSummary The model for a summary of a package.
oci.marketplace.models.ListingSummary The model for a summary of an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace listing.
oci.marketplace.models.NamedLink A link to a resource on the internet.
oci.marketplace.models.OperatingSystem The operating system used by the listing.
oci.marketplace.models.OrchestrationListingPackage A listing package for orchestration.
oci.marketplace.models.OrchestrationPublicationPackage A publication package for stack publications.
oci.marketplace.models.OrchestrationVariable The model of a variable for an orchestration resource.
oci.marketplace.models.PricingModel The model for pricing.
oci.marketplace.models.Publication The model for an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace publication.
oci.marketplace.models.PublicationPackage A base object for all types of publication packages.
oci.marketplace.models.PublicationPackageSummary The model for a summary of a publication package.
oci.marketplace.models.PublicationSummary The model for a summary of an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure publication.
oci.marketplace.models.Publisher The model for a publisher.
oci.marketplace.models.PublisherSummary Summary details about the publisher of the listing.
oci.marketplace.models.Region The model for regions supported by a listing and package.
oci.marketplace.models.ReportCollection A collection of reports that match the parameters of the request.
oci.marketplace.models.ReportSummary The model of a single report.
oci.marketplace.models.ReportTypeCollection A collection of report types.
oci.marketplace.models.ReportTypeSummary The model of the description of a report.
oci.marketplace.models.Screenshot The model for a listing’s screenshot.
oci.marketplace.models.SearchListingsDetails A base request type that contains common criteria for Marketplace Search Listings details.
oci.marketplace.models.StructuredSearchDetails A request that uses Search’s structured query language to specify filter conditions to apply to search listings.
oci.marketplace.models.SupportContact Contact information to use to get support.
oci.marketplace.models.TaxSummary Tax implication that current tenant may be eligible while using specific listing
oci.marketplace.models.TextBasedEula An end user license agreement that is provided as text.
oci.marketplace.models.ThirdPartyPaidListingEligibility Tenant eligibility for using third party paid listings
oci.marketplace.models.UpdateAcceptedAgreementDetails The model for the parameters needed to update an accepted terms of use agreement.
oci.marketplace.models.UpdatePublicationDetails The model for the parameters needed to update a publication.
oci.marketplace.models.UploadData The model for upload data for images and icons.
oci.marketplace.models.WorkRequest A description of workrequest
oci.marketplace.models.WorkRequestCollection Results of a workRequest search.
oci.marketplace.models.WorkRequestError Details about errors encountered while executing a work request.
oci.marketplace.models.WorkRequestErrorCollection A list of work request errors that match filter criteria, if any.
oci.marketplace.models.WorkRequestLogEntry Details about the log entity.
oci.marketplace.models.WorkRequestLogEntryCollection A list of work request logs that match filter criteria, if any.
oci.marketplace.models.WorkRequestResource Details about the resource entity.
oci.marketplace.models.WorkRequestSummary A summary of the status of a work request.