.. raw:: html Pagination ~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you call a list operation (for example :py:func:`~oci.core.compute_client.ComputeClient.list_instances`) will retrieve a page of results. In order to retrieve more data, you have to continue to make calls to the list operation, passing in the value of the most recent response's ``next_page`` attribute as a parameter to the next list operation call. As a convenience over manually writing pagination code, you can make use of the functions in the :py:mod:`~oci.pagination` module to: * Eagerly load all possible results from a list call * Eagerly load all results from a list call up to a given limit * Lazily load results (either all results, or up to a given limit) from a list call via a generator. These generators can yield either values/models or the raw response from calling the list operation The :py:mod:`~oci.pagination` module uses retry with the default retry configuration. For more information, check out the :doc:`Retries ` documentation. For an example on how to use these functions, please check `GitHub `_. More details about the API is `here `_.