
oci.oda.ManagementClient API to create and maintain Oracle Digital Assistant service instances.
oci.oda.OdaClient API to create and maintain Oracle Digital Assistant service instances.
oci.oda.OdapackageClient API to create and maintain Oracle Digital Assistant service instances.
oci.oda.ManagementClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around ManagementClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.oda.OdaClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around OdaClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.oda.OdapackageClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around OdapackageClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.


oci.oda.models.AndroidChannel The configuration for an Android channel.
oci.oda.models.AppEventChannel The configuration for an Application Event channel.
oci.oda.models.ApplicationChannel The configuration for an Application channel.
oci.oda.models.AuthenticationProvider Settings for the Authentication Provider.
oci.oda.models.AuthenticationProviderCollection A collection of Authentication Provider summaries.
oci.oda.models.AuthenticationProviderSummary Summary of the Authentication Provider.
oci.oda.models.Bot Metadata for a Bot resource.
oci.oda.models.BulkCreateSkillEntitiesDetails A collection of skill entities to create.
oci.oda.models.ChangeOdaInstanceCompartmentDetails Properties required to move a Digital Assistant instance from one compartment to another.
oci.oda.models.ChangeOdaPrivateEndpointCompartmentDetails Properties required to move an ODA Private Endpoint from one compartment to another.
oci.oda.models.Channel Properties of a Channel.
oci.oda.models.ChannelCollection A collection of Channel summaries.
oci.oda.models.ChannelSummary Summary of the Channel.
oci.oda.models.CloneDigitalAssistantDetails Properties that are required to create a new Digital Assistant by cloning an existing Digital Assistant.
oci.oda.models.CloneSkillDetails Properties that are required to create a new Skill by cloning an existing Skill.
oci.oda.models.CompositeEntity Metadata for a composite entity.
oci.oda.models.ConfigureDigitalAssistantParametersDetails Properties for configuring the Digital Assistant Parameters in a Digital Assistant instance.
oci.oda.models.CortanaChannel The configuration for a Cortana channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateAndroidChannelDetails Properties required to create an Android channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateAndroidChannelResult The configuration for an Android channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateAppEventChannelDetails Properties required to create an Application Event channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateAppEventChannelResult The configuration for an Application Event channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateApplicationChannelDetails Properties required to create an Application channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateApplicationChannelResult The configuration for an Application channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateAuthenticationProviderDetails Properties required to create a new Authentication Provider.
oci.oda.models.CreateChannelDetails Properties that are required to create a Channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateChannelResult Properties of a Channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateCortanaChannelDetails Properties required to create a Cortana channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateCortanaChannelResult The configuration for a Cortana channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateDigitalAssistantDetails Properties that are required to create a Digital Assistant.
oci.oda.models.CreateDigitalAssistantVersionDetails Properties that are required to create a new version of an existing Digital Assistant.
oci.oda.models.CreateFacebookChannelDetails Properties required to create a Facebook channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateFacebookChannelResult The configuration for a Facebook channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateImportedPackageDetails Payload for creating an imported package
oci.oda.models.CreateIosChannelDetails Properties required to create an iOS channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateIosChannelResult The configuration for an iOS channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateMSTeamsChannelDetails Properties required to create an MS Teams channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateMSTeamsChannelResult The configuration for an MS Teams channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateNewDigitalAssistantDetails Properties that are required to create a Digital Assistant from scratch.
oci.oda.models.CreateNewSkillDetails Properties that are required to create a Skill from scratch.
oci.oda.models.CreateOSSChannelDetails Properties required to create an Oracle Streaming Service (OSS) channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateOSSChannelResult The configuration for an Oracle Streaming Service (OSS) channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateOdaInstanceAttachmentDetails Properties required to create an ODA instance attachment.
oci.oda.models.CreateOdaInstanceDetails Properties that are required to create a Digital Assistant instance.
oci.oda.models.CreateOdaPrivateEndpointAttachmentDetails Properties that are required to create an ODA private endpoint attachment.
oci.oda.models.CreateOdaPrivateEndpointDetails Properties that can be specified to create an ODA private endpoint.
oci.oda.models.CreateOdaPrivateEndpointScanProxyDetails Properties that are required to create an ODA Private Endpoint Scan Proxy.
oci.oda.models.CreateOsvcChannelDetails Properties required to create an OSVC channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateOsvcChannelResult The configuration for an OSVC channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateServiceCloudChannelDetails Properties required to create an Service Cloud channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateServiceCloudChannelResult The configuration for a Service Cloud agent channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateSkillCompositeEntityDetails Properties that are required to create a skill composite entity.
oci.oda.models.CreateSkillDetails Properties that are required to create a Skill.
oci.oda.models.CreateSkillEntityDetails Properties that are required to create a skill entity.
oci.oda.models.CreateSkillParameterDetails Properties that are required to create a Skill Parameter.
oci.oda.models.CreateSkillValueListEntityDetails Properties that are required to create a value list entity.
oci.oda.models.CreateSkillVersionDetails Properties that are required to create a new version of an existing Skill.
oci.oda.models.CreateSlackChannelDetails Properties required to create a Slack channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateSlackChannelResult The configuration for a Slack channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateTestChannelResult The configuration for the Test channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateTranslatorDetails Properties that are required to create a Translator.
oci.oda.models.CreateTwilioChannelDetails Properties required to create a Twilio channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateTwilioChannelResult The configuration for a Twilio channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateWebChannelDetails Properties required to create a Web channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateWebChannelResult The configuration for a Web channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateWebhookChannelDetails Properties required to create a Webhook channel.
oci.oda.models.CreateWebhookChannelResult The configuration for a Webhook channel.
oci.oda.models.DefaultParameterValues Default values for parameters required to import a package
oci.oda.models.DigitalAssistant Digital Assistant metadata.
oci.oda.models.DigitalAssistantCollection A collection of Digital Assistant summaries.
oci.oda.models.DigitalAssistantParameter Metadata for a Digital Assistant Parameter.
oci.oda.models.DigitalAssistantParameterCollection A collection of Digital Assistant Parameter summaries.
oci.oda.models.DigitalAssistantParameterSummary Metadata for a Digital Assistant Parameter property.
oci.oda.models.DigitalAssistantParameterValue Properties for configuring a Parameter in a Digital Assistant instance.
oci.oda.models.DigitalAssistantSummary Summary of a Digital Assistant.
oci.oda.models.Entity Metadata for an entity.
oci.oda.models.EntityAction Action of an entity
oci.oda.models.EntityActionArgument Argument of an entity action
oci.oda.models.EntityActionArgumentNaturalLanguageMapping Natural language mapping of an entity action argument.
oci.oda.models.EntityActionNaturalLanguageMapping Natural language mapping of an entity action.
oci.oda.models.EntityAttribute Attribute of an entity
oci.oda.models.EntityAttributeNaturalLanguageMapping Natural language mapping of an entity attribute
oci.oda.models.EntityNaturalLanguageMapping Natural language mapping of an entity attribute.
oci.oda.models.ErrorBody Error Information.
oci.oda.models.ExportBotDetails Properties to export a Bot to Object Storage.
oci.oda.models.ExportDigitalAssistantDetails Properties that specify where in Object Storage to export the Digital Assistant to.
oci.oda.models.ExportSkillDetails Properties that specify where in Object Storage to export the Skill to.
oci.oda.models.ExtendDigitalAssistantDetails Properties that are required to create a new Digital Assistant by extending an existing Digital Assistant.
oci.oda.models.ExtendSkillDetails Properties that are required to create a new Skill by extending an existing Skill.
oci.oda.models.FacebookChannel The configuration for a Facebook channel.
oci.oda.models.ImportBotDetails Properties to import a Bot resource from Object Storage.
oci.oda.models.ImportContract The contract guiding the import experience for the consumer and behavior of the resource providers for all resource types in a package.
oci.oda.models.ImportedPackage An imported/instantiated package within an instance.
oci.oda.models.ImportedPackageSummary A summary of an imported/instantiated package within an instance.
oci.oda.models.IosChannel The configuration for an iOS channel.
oci.oda.models.LanguageMapping A natural language mapping.
oci.oda.models.MSTeamsChannel The configuration for an MS Teams channel.
oci.oda.models.MetadataProperty Property to describe and object.
oci.oda.models.NameMapping A language name mapping.
oci.oda.models.OSSChannel The configuration for an Oracle Streaming Service (OSS) channel.
oci.oda.models.OdaInstance Description of OdaServiceInstance object.
oci.oda.models.OdaInstanceAttachment Description of an ODA instance attachment.
oci.oda.models.OdaInstanceAttachmentCollection Results of a Oda instance attachment search.
oci.oda.models.OdaInstanceAttachmentOwner Details about an attachment owner
oci.oda.models.OdaInstanceAttachmentSummary Description of an ODA instance attachment.
oci.oda.models.OdaInstanceOwner Details about an ODA instance owner
oci.oda.models.OdaInstanceSummary Summary of the Digital Assistant instance.
oci.oda.models.OdaPrivateEndpoint A private endpoint allows Digital Assistant Instance to access resources in a customer’s virtual cloud network (VCN).
oci.oda.models.OdaPrivateEndpointAttachment ODA Private Endpoint Attachment is used to attach ODA Private Endpoint to ODA (Digital Assistant) Instance.
oci.oda.models.OdaPrivateEndpointAttachmentCollection A collection of ODA Private Endpoint Attachment summaries.
oci.oda.models.OdaPrivateEndpointAttachmentSummary Summary of the ODA private endpoint attachment.
oci.oda.models.OdaPrivateEndpointCollection A collection of ODA Private Endpoint summaries.
oci.oda.models.OdaPrivateEndpointScanProxy Details pertaining to a scan proxy instance created for a scan listener FQDN/IPs
oci.oda.models.OdaPrivateEndpointScanProxyCollection A collection of ODA Private Endpoint Scan Proxy summaries.
oci.oda.models.OdaPrivateEndpointScanProxySummary Details pertaining to a scan proxy instance created for a scan listener FQDN/IPs
oci.oda.models.OdaPrivateEndpointSummary Summary of the ODA private endpoint.
oci.oda.models.OsvcChannel The configuration for an OSVC channel.
oci.oda.models.Package Details of Package object.
oci.oda.models.PackageSummary Summary of Package object.
oci.oda.models.Parameter Metadata for a Parameter.
oci.oda.models.ParameterDefinition A parameter to a resource.
oci.oda.models.ResourceTypeDefaultParameterValues Default values needed to import a resource type for a package.
oci.oda.models.ResourceTypeImportContract The contract guiding the import experience for the consumer and behavior of the resource provider for a single resourceType.
oci.oda.models.ResourceTypeMetadata Describes resources of a given type within a package.
oci.oda.models.RestrictedOperation Summary of a restricted operation for a Digital Assistant instance.
oci.oda.models.ScanListenerInfo Customer’s Real Application Cluster (RAC)’s SCAN listener FQDN, port or list IPs and their ports.
oci.oda.models.ServiceCloudChannel The configuration for a Service Cloud agent channel.
oci.oda.models.Skill Skill metadata.
oci.oda.models.SkillCollection A collection of Skill summaries.
oci.oda.models.SkillParameter Metadata for a Skill Parameter.
oci.oda.models.SkillParameterCollection A collection of Skill Parameter summaries.
oci.oda.models.SkillParameterSummary Metadata for a Skill Parameter property.
oci.oda.models.SkillSummary Summary of a Skill.
oci.oda.models.SlackChannel The configuration for a Slack channel.
oci.oda.models.StaticEntityValue Value in a static entity.
oci.oda.models.StaticEntityValueNaturalLanguageMapping Natural language mapping of a static entity value.
oci.oda.models.StorageLocation Properties that point to a specific object in Object Storage.
oci.oda.models.TestChannel The configuration for the Test channel.
oci.oda.models.TrainSkillDetails Parameters for training the skill.
oci.oda.models.TrainSkillParameter Train skill parameter.
oci.oda.models.TrainSkillQueryEntityParameter Query entity parameter for training the skill.
oci.oda.models.Translator The properties for a Translator.
oci.oda.models.TranslatorCollection A collection of Translator summaries.
oci.oda.models.TranslatorSummary Summary of the Translator.
oci.oda.models.TwilioChannel The configuration for a Twilio channel.
oci.oda.models.UpdateAndroidChannelDetails Properties to update an Android channel.
oci.oda.models.UpdateAppEventChannelDetails Properties to update an Application Event channel.
oci.oda.models.UpdateApplicationChannelDetails Properties to update an Application channel.
oci.oda.models.UpdateAuthenticationProviderDetails Properties to update an Authentication Provider.
oci.oda.models.UpdateChannelDetails Properties to update a Channel.
oci.oda.models.UpdateCortanaChannelDetails Properties to update a Cortana channel.
oci.oda.models.UpdateDigitalAssistantDetails Properties to update a Digital Assistant.
oci.oda.models.UpdateDigitalAssistantParameterDetails Properties to update a Digital Assistant Parameter.
oci.oda.models.UpdateFacebookChannelDetails Properties to update a Facebook channel.
oci.oda.models.UpdateImportedPackageDetails Payload for updating an imported package
oci.oda.models.UpdateIosChannelDetails Properties to update an iOS channel.
oci.oda.models.UpdateMSTeamsChannelDetails Properties to update an MS Teams channel.
oci.oda.models.UpdateOSSChannelDetails Properties to update an Oracle Streaming Service (OSS) channel.
oci.oda.models.UpdateOdaInstanceAttachmentDetails ODA attachment details to be updated.
oci.oda.models.UpdateOdaInstanceDetails The Digital Assistant instance information to be updated.
oci.oda.models.UpdateOdaPrivateEndpointDetails The ODA Private Endpoint information to be updated.
oci.oda.models.UpdateOsvcChannelDetails Properties required to update an OSVC channel.
oci.oda.models.UpdateServiceCloudChannelDetails Properties to update a Service Cloud agent channel.
oci.oda.models.UpdateSkillDetails Properties to update a Skill.
oci.oda.models.UpdateSkillParameterDetails Properties to update a Skill Parameter.
oci.oda.models.UpdateSlackChannelDetails Properties to update a Slack channel.
oci.oda.models.UpdateTranslatorDetails Properties to update a Translator.
oci.oda.models.UpdateTwilioChannelDetails Properties to update a Twilio channel.
oci.oda.models.UpdateWebChannelDetails Properties to update a Web channel.
oci.oda.models.UpdateWebhookChannelDetails Properties to update a Webhook channel.
oci.oda.models.ValueListEntity Metadata for a value list entity.
oci.oda.models.WebChannel The configuration for a Web channel.
oci.oda.models.WebhookChannel The configuration for a Webhook channel.
oci.oda.models.WorkRequest The description of work request, including its status.
oci.oda.models.WorkRequestError Description of the unexpected error that prevented completion of the request.
oci.oda.models.WorkRequestLogEntry A log message from the execution of a work request.
oci.oda.models.WorkRequestResource A resource created or operated on by a work request.
oci.oda.models.WorkRequestSummary A description of the work request’s status.