
class oci.sch.models.DimensionDetails(**kwargs)

Bases: object

A dimension name and value.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new DimensionDetails object with values from keyword arguments.


dimension_value [Required] Gets the dimension_value of this DimensionDetails.
name [Required] Gets the name of this DimensionDetails.

Initializes a new DimensionDetails object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • name (str) – The value to assign to the name property of this DimensionDetails.
  • dimension_value (oci.sch.models.DimensionValueDetails) – The value to assign to the dimension_value property of this DimensionDetails.

[Required] Gets the dimension_value of this DimensionDetails.

Returns:The dimension_value of this DimensionDetails.
Return type:oci.sch.models.DimensionValueDetails

[Required] Gets the name of this DimensionDetails. Dimension key. A valid dimension key includes only printable ASCII, excluding periods (.) and spaces. Custom dimension keys are acceptable. Avoid entering confidential information. Due to use by Connector Hub, the following dimension names are reserved: connectorId, connectorName, connectorSourceType. For information on valid dimension keys and values, see metric_data_details(). Example: type

Returns:The name of this DimensionDetails.
Return type:str