
oci.apigateway.ApiGatewayClient API for the API Gateway service.
oci.apigateway.DeploymentClient API for the API Gateway service.
oci.apigateway.GatewayClient API for the API Gateway service.
oci.apigateway.SubscribersClient API for the API Gateway service.
oci.apigateway.UsagePlansClient API for the API Gateway service.
oci.apigateway.WorkRequestsClient API for the API Gateway service.
oci.apigateway.ApiGatewayClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around ApiGatewayClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.apigateway.DeploymentClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around DeploymentClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.apigateway.GatewayClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around GatewayClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.apigateway.SubscribersClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around SubscribersClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.apigateway.UsagePlansClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around UsagePlansClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.apigateway.WorkRequestsClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around WorkRequestsClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.


oci.apigateway.models.AccessLogPolicy Configures the logging policies for the access logs of an API Deployment.
oci.apigateway.models.AdditionalValidationPolicy Additional JWT validation checks.
oci.apigateway.models.AnonymousRouteAuthorizationPolicy For a type of ANONYMOUS, an authenticated API must have the “isAnonymousAccessAllowed” property set to “true” in the authentication policy.
oci.apigateway.models.AnyOfRouteAuthorizationPolicy If authentication has been performed, validate whether the request scope (if any) applies to this route.
oci.apigateway.models.AnyOfSelectionKey When dynamically routing and dynamically authenticating requests, the route or authentication server associated with a set of selection keys is used if the context variable in an incoming request exactly matches one of the keys in the set.
oci.apigateway.models.Api An API is simple container for an API Specification.
oci.apigateway.models.ApiCollection Collection of API summaries.
oci.apigateway.models.ApiSpecification The logical configuration of the API exposed by a deployment.
oci.apigateway.models.ApiSpecificationLoggingPolicies Policies controlling the pushing of logs to OCI Public Logging.
oci.apigateway.models.ApiSpecificationRequestPolicies Global behavior applied to all requests received by the API.
oci.apigateway.models.ApiSpecificationRoute A single route that forwards requests to a particular backend and may contain some additional policies.
oci.apigateway.models.ApiSpecificationRouteBackend The backend to forward requests to.
oci.apigateway.models.ApiSpecificationRouteRequestPolicies Behavior applied to any requests received by the API on this route.
oci.apigateway.models.ApiSpecificationRouteResponsePolicies Behavior applied to any responses sent by the API for requests on this route.
oci.apigateway.models.ApiSummary A summary of the API.
oci.apigateway.models.ApiValidationDetail Detail of a single error or warning.
oci.apigateway.models.ApiValidationDetails Detail of an error or warning.
oci.apigateway.models.ApiValidationResult The result of single validation.
oci.apigateway.models.ApiValidations The result of validations conducted on the API.
oci.apigateway.models.AuthenticationOnlyRouteAuthorizationPolicy Only authentication is performed for the request and authorization is skipped.
oci.apigateway.models.AuthenticationPolicy Information on how to authenticate incoming requests.
oci.apigateway.models.AuthenticationServerPolicy Policy for the details regarding each authentication server under dynamic authentication.
oci.apigateway.models.BodyValidationRequestPolicy Validate the payload body of the incoming API requests on a specific route.
oci.apigateway.models.CaBundle Reference to the CA bundle that should be used on the gateway
oci.apigateway.models.Certificate A certificate contains information to be installed on a gateway to secure the traffic going through it.
oci.apigateway.models.CertificateCollection Collection of certificate summaries.
oci.apigateway.models.CertificateSummary A summary of the certificate.
oci.apigateway.models.CertificatesCaBundle CA bundle from Certificates Service that should be used on the gateway for TLS validation
oci.apigateway.models.CertificatesCertificateAuthority Certificate Authority from Certificates Service that should be used on the gateway for TLS validation
oci.apigateway.models.ChangeApiCompartmentDetails The new compartment details for the API.
oci.apigateway.models.ChangeCertificateCompartmentDetails The new compartment details for the certificate.
oci.apigateway.models.ChangeDeploymentCompartmentDetails The new compartment details for the deployment.
oci.apigateway.models.ChangeGatewayCompartmentDetails The new compartment details for the gateway.
oci.apigateway.models.ChangeSubscriberCompartmentDetails The new compartment details for the subscriber.
oci.apigateway.models.ChangeUsagePlanCompartmentDetails The new compartment details for the usage plan.
oci.apigateway.models.Client A Client.
oci.apigateway.models.ClientAppDetails Client App Credential details.
oci.apigateway.models.ClientSummary A summary of a client.
oci.apigateway.models.ContentValidation Content validation properties.
oci.apigateway.models.CorsPolicy Enable CORS (Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing) request handling.
oci.apigateway.models.CreateApiDetails Information about the new API.
oci.apigateway.models.CreateCertificateDetails Information about a new certificate.
oci.apigateway.models.CreateDeploymentDetails Information about a new deployment.
oci.apigateway.models.CreateGatewayDetails Information about the new gateway.
oci.apigateway.models.CreateSdkDetails Information about the new SDK.
oci.apigateway.models.CreateSubscriberDetails Information about a new subscriber.
oci.apigateway.models.CreateUsagePlanDetails Information about a new usage plan.
oci.apigateway.models.CustomAuthenticationPolicy Use a function to validate a custom header or query parameter sent with the request authentication.
oci.apigateway.models.CustomClientAppDetails Client App Credentials to be provided again.
oci.apigateway.models.Deployment A deployment deploys an API on a gateway.
oci.apigateway.models.DeploymentCollection Collection of deployment summaries.
oci.apigateway.models.DeploymentSummary A summary of the deployment.
oci.apigateway.models.DiscoveryUriSourceUriDetails Discovery Uri information.
oci.apigateway.models.DynamicAuthenticationPolicy Policy on how to authenticate requests when multiple authentication options are configured for a deployment.
oci.apigateway.models.DynamicRoutingBackend Send the request to the backend dynamically selected based on the incoming request’s context.
oci.apigateway.models.DynamicRoutingTypeRoutingBackend Policy for the details regarding each routing backend under dynamic routing.
oci.apigateway.models.DynamicSelectionKey Base policy for defining how to match the context variable in an incoming request with selection keys when dynamically routing and dynamically authenticating requests.
oci.apigateway.models.Entitlement A usage plan entitlement, comprising of rate limits, quotas and the deployments they are applied to.
oci.apigateway.models.EntitlementSummary A summary of an entitlement included in a usage plan.
oci.apigateway.models.EntitlementTarget An entitlement target, describing which deployment the entitlement should be applied to.
oci.apigateway.models.ExecutionLogPolicy Configures the logging policies for the execution logs of an API Deployment.
oci.apigateway.models.ExternalRespCache Connection details for an external RESP based cache store for Response Caching.
oci.apigateway.models.FilterHeaderPolicy Filter HTTP headers as they pass through the gateway.
oci.apigateway.models.FilterHeaderPolicyItem A header to drop (with BLOCK) or pass through (with ALLOW).
oci.apigateway.models.FilterQueryParameterPolicy Filter parameters from the query string as they pass through the gateway.
oci.apigateway.models.FilterQueryParameterPolicyItem A query parameter to drop (with BLOCK) or pass through (with ALLOW).
oci.apigateway.models.FixedTTLResponseCacheStorePolicy How a response from a backend is cached in the Response Cache.
oci.apigateway.models.Gateway A gateway is a virtual network appliance in a regional subnet.
oci.apigateway.models.GatewayCollection Collection of gateway summaries.
oci.apigateway.models.GatewaySummary A summary of the gateway.
oci.apigateway.models.HTTPBackend Send the request to an HTTP backend.
oci.apigateway.models.HeaderFieldSpecification Header in key/value pair.
oci.apigateway.models.HeaderTransformationPolicy A set of transformations to apply to HTTP headers that pass through the gateway.
oci.apigateway.models.HeaderValidationItem Header validation properties.
oci.apigateway.models.HeaderValidationRequestPolicy Validate the HTTP headers on the incoming API requests on a specific route.
oci.apigateway.models.IpAddress IP address associated with the gateway.
oci.apigateway.models.JsonWebKey A JSON Web Key that represents the public key used for verifying the JWT signature.
oci.apigateway.models.JsonWebTokenClaim An individual JWT claim.
oci.apigateway.models.JwtAuthenticationPolicy Validate a JWT token present in the header or query parameter.
oci.apigateway.models.ModifyResponseValidationFailurePolicy Policy to specify how to modify the response code, body and headers.
oci.apigateway.models.MutualTlsDetails Properties used to configure client mTLS verification when API Consumer makes connection to the gateway.
oci.apigateway.models.NoCache Configures the gateway with no caching.
oci.apigateway.models.NoContentValidation No content validation properties.
oci.apigateway.models.OAuth2LogoutBackend Backend which when called triggers OAuth2 logout.
oci.apigateway.models.OAuth2ResponseValidationFailurePolicy Policy to specify OAuth2 flow configuration.
oci.apigateway.models.OracleFunctionBackend Send the request to an Oracle Functions function.
oci.apigateway.models.PemEncodedPublicKey A PEM-encoded public key used for verifying the JWT signature.
oci.apigateway.models.PublicKeySet A set of Public Keys that will be used to verify the JWT signature.
oci.apigateway.models.QueryParameterTransformationPolicy A set of transformations to apply to query parameters that pass through the gateway.
oci.apigateway.models.QueryParameterValidationItem Query parameter validation properties.
oci.apigateway.models.QueryParameterValidationRequestPolicy Validate the URL query parameters on the incoming API requests on a specific route.
oci.apigateway.models.Quota Quota policy for a usage plan.
oci.apigateway.models.RateLimit Rate-limiting policy for a usage plan.
oci.apigateway.models.RateLimitingPolicy Limit the number of requests that should be handled for the specified window using a specfic key.
oci.apigateway.models.RemoteJsonWebKeySet A set of public keys that is retrieved at run-time from a remote location to verify the JWT signature.
oci.apigateway.models.RenameHeaderPolicy Rename HTTP headers as they pass through the gateway.
oci.apigateway.models.RenameHeaderPolicyItem The value will be a copy of the original value of the source header and will not be affected by any other transformation policies applied to that header.
oci.apigateway.models.RenameQueryParameterPolicy Rename parameters on the query string as they pass through the gateway.
oci.apigateway.models.RenameQueryParameterPolicyItem The value will be a copy of the original value of the source parameter and will not be affected by any other transformation policies applied to that parameter.
oci.apigateway.models.RequestParameterValidation Common parameter validation properties.
oci.apigateway.models.ResponseCacheDetails Base Gateway response cache.
oci.apigateway.models.ResponseCacheLookupPolicy Base policy for Response Cache lookup.
oci.apigateway.models.ResponseCacheRespServer Details of a RESP based cache store server
oci.apigateway.models.ResponseCacheStorePolicy Base policy for how a response from a backend is cached in the Response Cache.
oci.apigateway.models.RouteAuthorizationPolicy If authentication has been performed, validate whether the request scope (if any) applies to this route.
oci.apigateway.models.Sdk Information about the SDK.
oci.apigateway.models.SdkCollection Collection of the existing SDKs.
oci.apigateway.models.SdkLanguageOptionalParameters List of additional applicable parameters for any given target language.
oci.apigateway.models.SdkLanguageOptionalParametersAllowedValue Allowed value object.
oci.apigateway.models.SdkLanguageTypeCollection Collection of available SDK target languages.
oci.apigateway.models.SdkLanguageTypeSummary SDK target language details.
oci.apigateway.models.SdkLanguageTypes SDK target language details.
oci.apigateway.models.SdkSummary A summary of the SDK.
oci.apigateway.models.SelectionSourcePolicy The type of selector to use when dynamically routing and dynamically authenticating requests.
oci.apigateway.models.SetHeaderPolicy Set HTTP headers as they pass through the gateway.
oci.apigateway.models.SetHeaderPolicyItem Set will add a new header if it was not in the original request.
oci.apigateway.models.SetQueryParameterPolicy Set parameters on the query string as they pass through the gateway.
oci.apigateway.models.SetQueryParameterPolicyItem Set will add a new query parameter if it was not in the original request.
oci.apigateway.models.SimpleLookupPolicy Provides ability to vary the cache key using context expressions.
oci.apigateway.models.SingleSelectionSourcePolicy The single context variable in an incoming request to match against specified selection keys when dynamically routing and dynamically authenticating requests.
oci.apigateway.models.SourceUriDetails Auth endpoint details.
oci.apigateway.models.StaticPublicKey A static public key which is used to verify the JWT signature.
oci.apigateway.models.StaticPublicKeySet A set of static public keys that will be used to verify the JWT signature.
oci.apigateway.models.StockResponseBackend Send the request to a mock backend.
oci.apigateway.models.Subscriber A subscriber, which encapsulates a number of clients and usage plans that they are subscribed to.
oci.apigateway.models.SubscriberCollection Collection of subscriber summaries.
oci.apigateway.models.SubscriberSummary A summary of a subscriber.
oci.apigateway.models.TokenAuthenticationPolicy Validate a token present in the header or query parameter.
oci.apigateway.models.TokenAuthenticationRemoteDiscoveryValidationPolicy Instrospect Url based validation retrieved at run-time from a remote location to verify the provided token.
oci.apigateway.models.TokenAuthenticationRemoteJWKSValidationPolicy A set of public keys that is retrieved at run-time from a remote location to verify the JWT signature.
oci.apigateway.models.TokenAuthenticationStaticKeysValidationPolicy A set of static public keys that will be used to verify the JWT signature.
oci.apigateway.models.TokenAuthenticationValidationPolicy Authentication Policies for the Token Authentication types.
oci.apigateway.models.UpdateApiDetails The information to be updated.
oci.apigateway.models.UpdateCertificateDetails The information to be updated.
oci.apigateway.models.UpdateDeploymentDetails The information to be updated.
oci.apigateway.models.UpdateGatewayDetails The information to be updated.
oci.apigateway.models.UpdateSdkDetails The information to be updated.
oci.apigateway.models.UpdateSubscriberDetails The information to be updated.
oci.apigateway.models.UpdateUsagePlanDetails The information to be updated.
oci.apigateway.models.UsagePlan A usage plan controls access of subscribers to deployments, controlling rate limits and quotas for usage.
oci.apigateway.models.UsagePlanCollection Collection of usage plan summaries.
oci.apigateway.models.UsagePlanSummary A summary of the usage plan.
oci.apigateway.models.UsagePlansPolicy Usage plan policies for this deployment
oci.apigateway.models.ValidationBlockClientAppDetails Client App Credentials to be used from validation block.
oci.apigateway.models.ValidationBlockSourceUriDetails Source Uri information to be used from validation block.
oci.apigateway.models.ValidationFailurePolicy Policy for defining behaviour on validation failure.
oci.apigateway.models.ValidationRequestPolicy Top-level validation policy mixin (not directly used).
oci.apigateway.models.WildcardSelectionKey When dynamically routing and dynamically authenticating requests, the route or authentication server associated with a selection key containing a wildcard is used if the context variable in an incoming request matches that key.
oci.apigateway.models.WorkRequest A description of the work request status.
oci.apigateway.models.WorkRequestCollection Collection of work request summaries.
oci.apigateway.models.WorkRequestError An error encountered while executing a work request.
oci.apigateway.models.WorkRequestErrorCollection Collection of work request errors.
oci.apigateway.models.WorkRequestLog A log message from the execution of a work request.
oci.apigateway.models.WorkRequestLogCollection Collection of work request logs.
oci.apigateway.models.WorkRequestResource A resource created or operated on by a work request.
oci.apigateway.models.WorkRequestSummary A summary of the work request.