
class oci.marketplace_publisher.models.ListingRevision(**kwargs)

Bases: object

The model for an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace Publisher listing revision.


LIFECYCLE_STATE_ACTIVE A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a ListingRevision.
LIFECYCLE_STATE_CREATING A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a ListingRevision.
LIFECYCLE_STATE_DELETED A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a ListingRevision.
LIFECYCLE_STATE_DELETING A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a ListingRevision.
LIFECYCLE_STATE_FAILED A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a ListingRevision.
LIFECYCLE_STATE_UPDATING A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a ListingRevision.
PACKAGE_TYPE_CONTAINER_IMAGE A constant which can be used with the package_type property of a ListingRevision.
PACKAGE_TYPE_HELM_CHART A constant which can be used with the package_type property of a ListingRevision.
PRICING_TYPE_BYOL A constant which can be used with the pricing_type property of a ListingRevision.
PRICING_TYPE_FREE A constant which can be used with the pricing_type property of a ListingRevision.
PRICING_TYPE_PAYGO A constant which can be used with the pricing_type property of a ListingRevision.
STATUS_APPROVED A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision.
STATUS_NEW A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision.
STATUS_PENDING_REVIEW A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision.
STATUS_PUBLISHED A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision.
STATUS_PUBLISHED_AS_PRIVATE A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision.
STATUS_PUBLISH_AS_PRIVATE_FAILED A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision.
STATUS_PUBLISH_AS_PRIVATE_IN_PROGRESS A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision.
STATUS_PUBLISH_FAILED A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision.
STATUS_PUBLISH_IN_PROGRESS A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision.
STATUS_REJECTED A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision.
STATUS_REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision.
STATUS_UNPUBLISHED A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision.
STATUS_UNPUBLISH_IN_PROGRESS A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision.
allowed_tenancies Gets the allowed_tenancies of this ListingRevision.
are_internal_tenancy_launch_allowed Gets the are_internal_tenancy_launch_allowed of this ListingRevision.
categories [Required] Gets the categories of this ListingRevision.
compartment_id Gets the compartment_id of this ListingRevision.
content_language Gets the content_language of this ListingRevision.
defined_tags Gets the defined_tags of this ListingRevision.
display_name [Required] Gets the display_name of this ListingRevision.
extended_metadata Gets the extended_metadata of this ListingRevision.
freeform_tags Gets the freeform_tags of this ListingRevision.
headline [Required] Gets the headline of this ListingRevision.
icon Gets the icon of this ListingRevision.
id [Required] Gets the id of this ListingRevision.
keywords Gets the keywords of this ListingRevision.
lifecycle_state [Required] Gets the lifecycle_state of this ListingRevision.
listing_id [Required] Gets the listing_id of this ListingRevision.
long_description Gets the long_description of this ListingRevision.
markets Gets the markets of this ListingRevision.
package_type [Required] Gets the package_type of this ListingRevision.
pricing_type [Required] Gets the pricing_type of this ListingRevision.
revision_number Gets the revision_number of this ListingRevision.
short_description Gets the short_description of this ListingRevision.
status [Required] Gets the status of this ListingRevision.
status_notes Gets the status_notes of this ListingRevision.
support_contacts Gets the support_contacts of this ListingRevision.
support_links Gets the support_links of this ListingRevision.
supportedlanguages Gets the supportedlanguages of this ListingRevision.
system_requirements Gets the system_requirements of this ListingRevision.
system_tags Gets the system_tags of this ListingRevision.
tagline Gets the tagline of this ListingRevision.
time_created [Required] Gets the time_created of this ListingRevision.
time_updated [Required] Gets the time_updated of this ListingRevision.
usage_information Gets the usage_information of this ListingRevision.
version_details Gets the version_details of this ListingRevision.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new ListingRevision object with values from keyword arguments.

A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “ACTIVE”


A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “CREATING”


A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “DELETED”


A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “DELETING”


A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “FAILED”


A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “UPDATING”


A constant which can be used with the package_type property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “CONTAINER_IMAGE”


A constant which can be used with the package_type property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “HELM_CHART”


A constant which can be used with the pricing_type property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “BYOL”


A constant which can be used with the pricing_type property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “FREE”


A constant which can be used with the pricing_type property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “PAYGO”


A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “APPROVED”


A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “NEW”


A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “PENDING_REVIEW”


A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “PUBLISHED”


A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “PUBLISHED_AS_PRIVATE”


A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “PUBLISH_AS_PRIVATE_FAILED”


A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “PUBLISH_AS_PRIVATE_IN_PROGRESS”


A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “PUBLISH_FAILED”


A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “PUBLISH_IN_PROGRESS”


A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “REJECTED”


A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS”


A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “UNPUBLISHED”


A constant which can be used with the status property of a ListingRevision. This constant has a value of “UNPUBLISH_IN_PROGRESS”


Initializes a new ListingRevision object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • id (str) – The value to assign to the id property of this ListingRevision.
  • listing_id (str) – The value to assign to the listing_id property of this ListingRevision.
  • compartment_id (str) – The value to assign to the compartment_id property of this ListingRevision.
  • display_name (str) – The value to assign to the display_name property of this ListingRevision.
  • revision_number (str) – The value to assign to the revision_number property of this ListingRevision.
  • version_details (oci.marketplace_publisher.models.VersionDetails) – The value to assign to the version_details property of this ListingRevision.
  • headline (str) – The value to assign to the headline property of this ListingRevision.
  • tagline (str) – The value to assign to the tagline property of this ListingRevision.
  • keywords (str) – The value to assign to the keywords property of this ListingRevision.
  • short_description (str) – The value to assign to the short_description property of this ListingRevision.
  • usage_information (str) – The value to assign to the usage_information property of this ListingRevision.
  • long_description (str) – The value to assign to the long_description property of this ListingRevision.
  • system_requirements (str) – The value to assign to the system_requirements property of this ListingRevision.
  • time_created (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_created property of this ListingRevision.
  • time_updated (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_updated property of this ListingRevision.
  • categories (list[str]) – The value to assign to the categories property of this ListingRevision.
  • markets (list[str]) – The value to assign to the markets property of this ListingRevision.
  • content_language (oci.marketplace_publisher.models.LanguageItem) – The value to assign to the content_language property of this ListingRevision.
  • supportedlanguages (list[oci.marketplace_publisher.models.LanguageItem]) – The value to assign to the supportedlanguages property of this ListingRevision.
  • support_contacts (list[oci.marketplace_publisher.models.SupportContact]) – The value to assign to the support_contacts property of this ListingRevision.
  • support_links (list[oci.marketplace_publisher.models.NamedLink]) – The value to assign to the support_links property of this ListingRevision.
  • icon (oci.marketplace_publisher.models.ListingRevisionIconAttachment) – The value to assign to the icon property of this ListingRevision.
  • status (str) – The value to assign to the status property of this ListingRevision. Allowed values for this property are: “NEW”, “PENDING_REVIEW”, “REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS”, “REJECTED”, “APPROVED”, “PUBLISH_IN_PROGRESS”, “PUBLISH_FAILED”, “PUBLISHED”, “PUBLISH_AS_PRIVATE_FAILED”, “PUBLISHED_AS_PRIVATE”, “PUBLISH_AS_PRIVATE_IN_PROGRESS”, “UNPUBLISH_IN_PROGRESS”, “UNPUBLISHED”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
  • status_notes (str) – The value to assign to the status_notes property of this ListingRevision.
  • lifecycle_state (str) – The value to assign to the lifecycle_state property of this ListingRevision. Allowed values for this property are: “CREATING”, “UPDATING”, “ACTIVE”, “DELETING”, “DELETED”, “FAILED”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
  • package_type (str) – The value to assign to the package_type property of this ListingRevision. Allowed values for this property are: “CONTAINER_IMAGE”, “HELM_CHART”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
  • pricing_type (str) – The value to assign to the pricing_type property of this ListingRevision. Allowed values for this property are: “FREE”, “BYOL”, “PAYGO”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
  • allowed_tenancies (list[str]) – The value to assign to the allowed_tenancies property of this ListingRevision.
  • are_internal_tenancy_launch_allowed (bool) – The value to assign to the are_internal_tenancy_launch_allowed property of this ListingRevision.
  • extended_metadata (dict(str, str)) – The value to assign to the extended_metadata property of this ListingRevision.
  • freeform_tags (dict(str, str)) – The value to assign to the freeform_tags property of this ListingRevision.
  • defined_tags (dict(str, dict(str, object))) – The value to assign to the defined_tags property of this ListingRevision.
  • system_tags (dict(str, dict(str, object))) – The value to assign to the system_tags property of this ListingRevision.

Gets the allowed_tenancies of this ListingRevision. Allowed tenancies provided when a listing revision is published as private.

Returns:The allowed_tenancies of this ListingRevision.
Return type:list[str]

Gets the are_internal_tenancy_launch_allowed of this ListingRevision. Identifies whether publisher allows internal tenancy launches for the listing revision.

Returns:The are_internal_tenancy_launch_allowed of this ListingRevision.
Return type:bool

[Required] Gets the categories of this ListingRevision. The categories for the listing revsion.

Returns:The categories of this ListingRevision.
Return type:list[str]

Gets the compartment_id of this ListingRevision. The unique identifier for the compartment.

Returns:The compartment_id of this ListingRevision.
Return type:str

Gets the content_language of this ListingRevision.

Returns:The content_language of this ListingRevision.
Return type:oci.marketplace_publisher.models.LanguageItem

Gets the defined_tags of this ListingRevision. Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. Example: {“foo-namespace”: {“bar-key”: “value”}}

Returns:The defined_tags of this ListingRevision.
Return type:dict(str, dict(str, object))

[Required] Gets the display_name of this ListingRevision. The name for the listing revision.

Returns:The display_name of this ListingRevision.
Return type:str

Gets the extended_metadata of this ListingRevision. Additional metadata key/value pairs for the listing revision summary.

Returns:The extended_metadata of this ListingRevision.
Return type:dict(str, str)

Gets the freeform_tags of this ListingRevision. Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only. Example: {“bar-key”: “value”}

Returns:The freeform_tags of this ListingRevision.
Return type:dict(str, str)

[Required] Gets the headline of this ListingRevision. Single line introduction for the listing revision.

Returns:The headline of this ListingRevision.
Return type:str

Gets the icon of this ListingRevision.

Returns:The icon of this ListingRevision.
Return type:oci.marketplace_publisher.models.ListingRevisionIconAttachment

[Required] Gets the id of this ListingRevision. Unique OCID identifier for the listing revision in Marketplace Publisher.

Returns:The id of this ListingRevision.
Return type:str

Gets the keywords of this ListingRevision. Keywords associated with the listing revision.

Returns:The keywords of this ListingRevision.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the lifecycle_state of this ListingRevision. The current state of the listing revision.

Allowed values for this property are: “CREATING”, “UPDATING”, “ACTIVE”, “DELETING”, “DELETED”, “FAILED”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.

Returns:The lifecycle_state of this ListingRevision.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the listing_id of this ListingRevision. The unique identifier for the listing this revision belongs to.

Returns:The listing_id of this ListingRevision.
Return type:str

Gets the long_description of this ListingRevision. A long description for the listing revision.

Returns:The long_description of this ListingRevision.
Return type:str

Gets the markets of this ListingRevision. The markets supported by the listing revision.

Returns:The markets of this ListingRevision.
Return type:list[str]

[Required] Gets the package_type of this ListingRevision. The listing’s package type. Populated from the listing.

Allowed values for this property are: “CONTAINER_IMAGE”, “HELM_CHART”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.

Returns:The package_type of this ListingRevision.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the pricing_type of this ListingRevision. The pricing model for the listing revision.

Allowed values for this property are: “FREE”, “BYOL”, “PAYGO”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.

Returns:The pricing_type of this ListingRevision.
Return type:str

Gets the revision_number of this ListingRevision. The revision number for the listing revision. This is an internal attribute

Returns:The revision_number of this ListingRevision.
Return type:str

Gets the short_description of this ListingRevision. A short description for the listing revision.

Returns:The short_description of this ListingRevision.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the status of this ListingRevision. The current status for the Listing revision.


Returns:The status of this ListingRevision.
Return type:str

Gets the status_notes of this ListingRevision. Status notes for the listing revision.

Returns:The status_notes of this ListingRevision.
Return type:str

Gets the support_contacts of this ListingRevision. Contact information to use to get support from the publisher for the listing revision.

Returns:The support_contacts of this ListingRevision.
Return type:list[oci.marketplace_publisher.models.SupportContact]

Gets the support_links of this ListingRevision. Links to support resources for the listing revision.

Returns:The support_links of this ListingRevision.
Return type:list[oci.marketplace_publisher.models.NamedLink]

Gets the supportedlanguages of this ListingRevision. Languages supported by the publisher for the listing revision.

Returns:The supportedlanguages of this ListingRevision.
Return type:list[oci.marketplace_publisher.models.LanguageItem]

Gets the system_requirements of this ListingRevision. System requirements for the listing revision.

Returns:The system_requirements of this ListingRevision.
Return type:str

Gets the system_tags of this ListingRevision. System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. Example: {“orcl-cloud”: {“free-tier-retained”: “true”}}

Returns:The system_tags of this ListingRevision.
Return type:dict(str, dict(str, object))

Gets the tagline of this ListingRevision. The tagline of the listing revision.

Returns:The tagline of this ListingRevision.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the time_created of this ListingRevision. The time the listing revision was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.

Returns:The time_created of this ListingRevision.
Return type:datetime

[Required] Gets the time_updated of this ListingRevision. The time the listing revision was updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.

Returns:The time_updated of this ListingRevision.
Return type:datetime

Gets the usage_information of this ListingRevision. Usage information for the listing revision.

Returns:The usage_information of this ListingRevision.
Return type:str

Gets the version_details of this ListingRevision.

Returns:The version_details of this ListingRevision.
Return type:oci.marketplace_publisher.models.VersionDetails