
oci.usage.ResourcesClient Use the Usage Proxy API to list Oracle Support Rewards, view related detailed usage information, and manage users who redeem rewards.
oci.usage.RewardsClient Use the Usage Proxy API to list Oracle Support Rewards, view related detailed usage information, and manage users who redeem rewards.
oci.usage.UsagelimitsClient Use the Usage Proxy API to list Oracle Support Rewards, view related detailed usage information, and manage users who redeem rewards.
oci.usage.ResourcesClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around ResourcesClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.usage.RewardsClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around RewardsClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.usage.UsagelimitsClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around UsagelimitsClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.


oci.usage.models.CreateRedeemableUserDetails A list of new user to be added to the list of user that can redeem rewards.
oci.usage.models.MonthlyRewardSummary Object describing the monthly rewards summary for the requested subscription ID.
oci.usage.models.ProductCollection A product list.
oci.usage.models.ProductSummary Provides details about product rewards and the usage amount.
oci.usage.models.RedeemableUser The summary of a user that can redeem rewards.
oci.usage.models.RedeemableUserCollection The list of user summary that can redeem rewards.
oci.usage.models.RedeemableUserSummary User summary that can redeem rewards.
oci.usage.models.RedemptionCollection The list of redemption summary for the requested subscription ID and date range.
oci.usage.models.RedemptionSummary The redemption summary for the requested subscription ID and date range.
oci.usage.models.ResourceQuotumCollection The quota details of resources under a tenancy.
oci.usage.models.ResourceQuotumSummary The resource quota balance details.
oci.usage.models.ResourceSummary The details of a resource under a service.
oci.usage.models.ResourcesCollection The resources of a service.
oci.usage.models.RewardCollection The response object for the ListRewards API call.
oci.usage.models.RewardDetails The overall monthly reward summary.
oci.usage.models.SkuProducts The SKU Product Id details for a resource.
oci.usage.models.UsageLimitCollection The list of usage limit summary for the requested tenancy ID and subscription ID.
oci.usage.models.UsageLimitSummary Encapsulates a collection of Hard and Soft Limits for a resource within a subscription.