Data Source: oci_core_cpe_device_shapes

This data source provides the list of Cpe Device Shapes in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Core service.

Lists the CPE device types that the Networking service provides CPE configuration content for (example: Cisco ASA). The content helps a network engineer configure the actual CPE device represented by a Cpe object.

If you want to generate CPE configuration content for one of the returned CPE device types, ensure that the Cpe object’s cpeDeviceShapeId attribute is set to the CPE device type’s OCID (returned by this operation).

For information about generating CPE configuration content, see these operations:

Example Usage

data "oci_core_cpe_device_shapes" "test_cpe_device_shapes" {

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

CpeDeviceShape Reference

The following attributes are exported: