Data Source: oci_core_images

This data source provides the list of Images in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Core service.

Lists a subset of images available in the specified compartment, including platform images and custom images. The list of platform images includes the three most recently published versions of each major distribution. The list does not support filtering based on image tags.

The list of images returned is ordered to first show the recent platform images, then all of the custom images.

Caution: Platform images are refreshed regularly. When new images are released, older versions are replaced. The image OCIDs remain available, but when the platform image is replaced, the image OCIDs are no longer returned as part of the platform image list.

Example Usage

data "oci_core_images" "test_images" {
	compartment_id = var.compartment_id

	display_name = var.image_display_name
	operating_system = var.image_operating_system
	operating_system_version = var.image_operating_system_version
	shape = var.image_shape
	state = var.image_state
	sort_by = var.image_sort_by
    sort_order = var.image_sort_order

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

Image Reference

The following attributes are exported: