Data Source: oci_dataflow_invoke_runs

This data source provides the list of Invoke Runs in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Flow service.

Lists all runs of an application in the specified compartment. Only one parameter other than compartmentId may also be included in a query. The query must include compartmentId. If the query does not include compartmentId, or includes compartmentId but two or more other parameters an error is returned.

Example Usage

data "oci_dataflow_invoke_runs" "test_invoke_runs" {
	compartment_id = var.compartment_id

	application_id =
	display_name = var.invoke_run_display_name
	display_name_starts_with = var.invoke_run_display_name_starts_with
	owner_principal_id =
	pool_id =
	state = var.invoke_run_state
	time_created_greater_than = var.invoke_run_time_created_greater_than

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

InvokeRun Reference

The following attributes are exported: