Data Source: oci_onesubscription_subscriptions

This data source provides the list of Subscriptions in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Onesubscription service.

This list API returns all subscriptions for a given plan number or subscription id or buyer email and provides additional parameters to include ratecard and commitment details. This API expects exactly one of the above mentioned parameters as input. If more than one parameters are provided the API will throw a 400 - invalid parameters exception and if no parameters are provided it will throw a 400 - missing parameter exception

Example Usage

data "oci_onesubscription_subscriptions" "test_subscriptions" {
	compartment_id = var.compartment_id

	buyer_email = var.subscription_buyer_email
	is_commit_info_required = var.subscription_is_commit_info_required
	plan_number = var.subscription_plan_number
	subscription_id =

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

Subscription Reference

The following attributes are exported: